mangadap.par.analysisplan module

Classes to handle MaNGA DAP analysis plans.

Copyright (c) 2015, SDSS-IV/MaNGA Pipeline Group
Licensed under BSD 3-clause license - see LICENSE.rst
Class usage examples:
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Revision history:
11 May 2016: Original implementation by K. Westfall (KBW)
03 Jun 2016: (KBW) Any key with value ‘None’ is converted to NoneType
class mangadap.par.analysisplan.AnalysisPlan(drpqa_key=None, drpqa_clobber=False, bin_key=None, bin_clobber=False, continuum_key=None, continuum_clobber=False, elmom_key=None, elmom_clobber=False, elfit_key=None, elfit_clobber=False, spindex_key=None, spindex_clobber=False)[source]

Bases: mangadap.par.parset.ParSet

Generic class to handle MaNGA DAP analysis plans.

Check that the plan makes sense:
  • To bin, must first assess the DRP data
  • To do anythin else, must bin.
  • Emission-line moments and profile fits should subtract the best-fitting stellar continuum to account for the stellar-absorption below the lines, but it’s not explicitly necessary for the code to run.
  • The spectral indices should subtract the best-fitting emission-line model and use the best-fitting stellar continuum to determine the velocity dispersion corrections, but neither is explicitly necessary for the code to run.
class mangadap.par.analysisplan.AnalysisPlanSet(planlist)[source]

Bases: mangadap.par.parset.ParDatabase

Container class for a set of analysis plans.

classmethod from_par_file(f)[source]

Instantiate the plan set from a par file