Source code for mangadap.drpfits

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Defines a class used to interface with files produced in the 3D phase of
the MaNGA Data Reduction Pipeline (DRP).

    Copyright (c) 2016, SDSS-IV/MaNGA Pipeline Group
        Licensed under BSD 3-clause license - see LICENSE.rst

*Source location*:

*Class usage examples*:

    This class provides a basic interface with DRP LOG* files.  It provides a number of 

*Revision history*:
    | **20 Nov 2014**: Original implementation by K. Westfall (KBW)
    | **12 Feb 2014**: (KBW) Added :func:`DRPFits.directory_path`
    | **20 Feb 2015**: (KBW) Add covariance calculation to :class:`DRPFits`
    | **19 Mar 2015**: (KBW) Added redux_path to :class:`DRPFits`.
        Re-arranged arguments in :func:`drpfits_list`, made drpver
        optional, and added redux_path
    | **22 May 2015**: (KBW) Sphinx documentation.  Changed DRPFits.w to
    | **26 May 2015**: (KBW) Added checksum=True when opening the DRP
    | **04 Jun 2015**: (KBW) Moved parse_drp_file_name to
    | **15 Jun 2015**: (KBW) Moved functions that return default values
        (like :func:`DRPFits._default_pixelscale`) to
    | **05 Aug 2015**: (KBW) Changed mode testing to be more robust.
        Added directory_path keyword to :func:`drpfits_list`.  Changed
        how directory path is set; previously required drpver and
        redux_path defaults, even if directory_path was provided
        directly.  **May need to add checks to other code to make sure
        drpver and redux_path are not None when directory_path has been
        directly defined.**
    | **28 Aug 2015**: (KBW) Added usage of
    | **15 Feb 2016**: (KBW) Added :func:`DRPFits.__getitem__`
    | **17 Feb 2016**: (KBW) Converted drpfile class name to DRPFits
    | **23 Mar 2016**: (KBW) Added functionality that abstracts the
        difference between the RSS and CUBE file formats at the user
        level.  CUBE files are now restructured to matched the
        *intended* orientation provided by the DRP; i.e., [x,y,lambda].
        RSS files are left the same, which is [fiber, lambda].
        Documentation.  Testing, particularly of x,y order.
    | **10 Nov 2016**: (KBW) Included 'DISP' in spectral arrays.
    | **30 Nov 2016**: (KBW) Include
        :func:`DRPFits.spectral_resolution`, which returns spectral
        resolution cube or vector independent of MPL
    | **01 Dec 2016**: (KBW) Added
    | **06 Dec 2016**: (KBW) Removed wavelength_mask function, now uses
        :class:`mangadap.util.pixelmask.SpectralPixelMask`.  Moved the
        main functionality of :func:`DRPFits.copy_to_array` and
        :func:`DRPFits.copy_to_masked_array` to
        :class:`mangadap.util.fitsutil.DAPFitsUtil`, what's left are
        wrapper functions for the more general functions in
    | **17 Feb 2017**: (KBW) Return nominal inverse variance in
        :func:`DRPFits.regrid_wavelength_plane` if requested.
    | **17 May 2017**: (KBW) Include a response function in
        :func:`DRPFits.flux_stats` and
    | **21 Aug 2017**: (KBW) In spectral resolution function, select
        pre- vs. post-pixelized Gaussian respresentation.

.. todo::

    - Calculation in :func:`DRPFits._cube_dimensions` will only be
      correct if the WCS coordinates have no rotation.
    - Further optimize calculation of transfer matrix
    - Make DRP file class flexible to linear or log-linear wavelength
      sampling?  Incorporate into MODE?
    - Reconstructed broad-band images and PSFs are *not* restructured in
      the CUBE files!  This is why the are transposed in
    - Image reconstruction has transpose sense wrt DRP output!
    - Add logging

    - Need to be clear about which functions use the RSS spectra to
      create CUBE related data, like the covariance matrix and
      instrumental dispersion calculations.

    - Computing the approximate covariance cube is currently not
      possible with only the CUBE on disk.  There's a logic problem that
      needs to be fixed.

.. _astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS:
.. _numpy.meshgrid:
.. _scipy.sparse.csr_matrix:
.. _shapely:


from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import sys
if sys.version > '3':
    long = int

import time
import os.path
import numpy
import warnings
import shutil

from scipy import sparse
from scipy import interpolate
from import fits
from astropy.wcs import WCS

    from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
    from shapely.geometry import Point
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn('Could not import shapely!', ImportWarning)

from .util.fitsutil import DAPFitsUtil
from .util.bitmask import BitMask
from .util.constants import DAPConstants
from .util.parser import arginp_to_list
from .util.covariance import Covariance
from .util.pixelmask import SpectralPixelMask
from .util.filter import interpolate_masked_vector
from .util.sampling import spectral_coordinate_step
from .config.defaults import sdss_maskbits_file, default_drp_version
from .config.defaults import default_redux_path, default_drp_directory_path
from .config.defaults import default_cube_pixelscale, default_cube_width_buffer
from .config.defaults import default_cube_recenter, default_regrid_rlim
from .config.defaults import default_regrid_sigma
from .config.defaults import default_manga_fits_root

from matplotlib import pyplot
#from memory_profiler import profile

[docs]def drpfits_list(platelist, ifudesignlist, modelist, combinatorics=False, drpver=None, redux_path=None, directory_path=None): """ Provided a list of plates, ifudesigns, and modes, return a list of DRP files to be analyzed by the DAP. If the number of elements in each list is the same, the matching is assumed to be finished unless combinatorics is True. If the number of elements is not the same, or cominatorics is True, the matched list is all the combinations of the provided elements. Args: platelist (str or list): List of plates to use. ifudesignlist (str or list): List of IFU designs to use. modelist (str or list): List of DRP output modes ('CUBE' or 'RSS') combinatorics (bool): (**Optional**) Based on the input *platelist* and *ifudesignlist*, create a list with all possible combinations. drpver (str): (**Optional**) The DRP version, which **must** be a single string value used for all DRP files. redux_path (str): (**Optional**) The path to the top level directory containing the DRP output files; this is the same as the *redux_path* in the :class:`DRPFits` class. directory_path (str): (**Optional**) The exact path to the DRP file. Default is defined by :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_drp_directory_path`. Returns: list: A list of DRP file objects Raises: Exception: Raised if *drpver* or *redux_path* are not strings. ValueError: Raised if the *platelist*, *ifudesignlist*, or *modelist* are None. """ if drpver is not None and not isinstance(drpver, str): raise Exception('drpver must be a string') if redux_path is not None and not isinstance(redux_path, str): raise Exception('redux_path must be a string') if directory_path is not None and isinstance(directory_path, str): raise Exception('directory_path must be a string') if platelist is None or ifudesignlist is None or modelist is None: raise ValueError('Must provide platelist, ifudesignlist, and modelist!') platelist_ = arginp_to_list(platelist, evaluate=True) # print(platelist) # print(platelist_) ifudesignlist_ = arginp_to_list(ifudesignlist, evaluate=True) # print(ifudesignlist) # print(ifudesignlist_) modelist_ = arginp_to_list(modelist) n_plates = len(platelist_) n_designs = len(ifudesignlist_) n_modes = len(modelist_) # print(n_plates) # print(n_designs) # print(n_modes) # Perform the combinatorics if n_plates != n_designs or n_plates != n_modes or combinatorics: # Force elements in platelist, ifudesignlist, and modelist # to be unique before performing combinatorics platelist_ = list(set(platelist_)) ifudesignlist_ = list(set(ifudesignlist_)) modelist_ = list(set(modelist_)) n_plates = len(platelist_) n_designs = len(ifudesignlist_) n_modes = len(modelist_) # Each element of plate list is repeated n_designs*n_modes times for i in range(0,n_plates): for j in range (1,n_designs*n_modes): platelist_.insert(i*n_designs*n_modes, platelist_[i*n_designs*n_modes]) # First repeat each element of ifudesign list n_modes times for i in range(0,n_designs): for j in range (1,n_modes): ifudesignlist_.insert(i*n_modes, ifudesignlist_[i*n_modes]) # Then repeat the entire list n_plates times ifudesignlist__ = ifudesignlist_[:] for i in range(1,n_plates): ifudesignlist_ += ifudesignlist__ # Mode list iterated most quickly, so repeat the full list # n_plates*n_designs times modelist__ = modelist_[:] for i in range(1,n_plates*n_designs): modelist_ += modelist__ nn = n_plates*n_designs*n_modes else: nn = n_plates # Set the directory path based on the provided main path return [DRPFits(platelist_[i], ifudesignlist_[i], modelist_[i], drpver=drpver, redux_path=redux_path, directory_path=directory_path, read=False, checksum=False) \ for i in range(0,nn)]
[docs]class DRPFitsBitMask(BitMask): r""" Structure with the DRP mask bits. """ def __init__(self, sdss_maskbits=None, mode='CUBE'): DRPFits.check_mode(mode) sdss_maskbits = sdss_maskbits_file() BitMask.__init__(self, par_file=sdss_maskbits, par_grp='MANGA_DRP3PIXMASK' \ if mode == 'CUBE' else 'MANGA_DRP2PIXMASK')
[docs]class DRPQuality3DBitMask(BitMask): r""" Structure with the definition of the DRP3QUAL mask bits. """ def __init__(self, sdss_maskbits=None): sdss_maskbits = sdss_maskbits_file() BitMask.__init__(self, par_file=sdss_maskbits, par_grp='MANGA_DRP3QUAL')
[docs]class DRPFits: r""" A general purpose class used to interface with a MaNGA DRP file. Args: plate (int): Plate number ifudesign (int): IFU design mode (str): 3D mode of the DRP file; must be either 'RSS' or 'CUBE' drpver (str): (**Optional**) DRP version, which is used to define the default DRP redux path. Default is defined by :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_drp_version` redux_path (str): (**Optional**) The path to the top level directory containing the DRP output files for a given DRP version. Default is defined by :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_redux_path`. directory_path (str): (**Optional**) The exact path to the DRP file. Default is defined by :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_drp_directory_path`. read (bool) : (**Optional**) Read the DRP file upon instantiation of the object. checksum (bool): (**Optional**) Check for file corruption. Raises: ValueError: Raised if *mode* is not 'RSS' or 'CUBE'. Attributes: plate, ifudesign (int): Plate and IFU designation mode (str): 3D mode of the DRP file, see above drpver (str): DRP version, which is used to define the default DRP redux path, see above. redux_path (str): The path to the top level directory containing the DRP output files for a given DRP version, see above. directory_path (str): The exact path to the DRP file, see above. pixelscale (float): Pixel scale used during the CUBE reconstruction. recenter (bool): If False, the coordinates in the XPOS and YPOS extensions of the DRP file are assumed to be centered at 0,0. If True, the XPOS and YPOS can have any center, and the center of the CUBE is set to be approximately the center of the range in XPOS,YPOS. width_buffer (float): The number of pixels to add to the width of the cube in addition to the range needed to cover XPOS and YPOS. xs, ys (float): The starting on-sky coordinate of the reconstructed image defined by the bottom corner of the first pixel, not its center! nx, ny (int): The size (number of pixel in x and y) of the reconstructed image. regrid_T (`scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_): Transfer matrix :math:`{\mathbf T}` such that: .. math:: {\mathbf T} \times {\mathbf F} = {\mathbf I} where :math:`{\mathbf F}` is the vector of fluxes in a single wavelength channel for all the fiber measurements in the field of view and :math:`{\mathbf I}` is the pre-formatted reconstructed image of that wavelength channel. Saved such that repeat calls to create T for a given wavelength channel do not result in repeat calculations. regrid_channel (int): Wavelength channel for which :attr:`regrid_T` has been calculated. regrid_rlim (float): The limiting radius of the Gaussian interpolation kernel used during image construction in arcseconds. regrid_sigma (float): The sigma of the Gaussian interpolation kernel used during image construction in arcseconds. sigma_rho (float): The sigma, :math:`\sigma_\rho`, of the Gaussian function used to approximate the trend of the correlation coefficient :math:`\rho` with pixel separation as stored in :attr:`cov_rho`. That is: .. math:: \rho_{ij} = \exp\left(\frac{-d^2_{ij}}{2 \sigma^2_\rho}\right) where :math:`d_{ij}` is the distance between pixels :math:`i` and :math:`j`. cov_rho (`scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_): The matrix :math:`{\mathbf R}` containing the correlation coefficents, :math:`\rho`, between elements of the covariance matrix, :math:`{\mathbf C}`, as approximated using the parameterization of :math:`\rho` with pixel separation. This matrix will be *independent of wavelength*. In general, .. math:: {\mathbf C} = \left[ \begin{array}{rrrr} ... & ... & ... & ... \\ ... & \sigma^2_i & \rho_{ij}\sigma_i\sigma_j & ... \\ ... & \rho_{ji}\sigma_j\sigma_i & \sigma^2_j & ... \\ ... & ... & ... & ... \end{array} \right] such that .. math:: {\mathbf R} = \left[ \begin{array}{rrrr} ... & ... & ... & ... \\ ... & 1.0 & \rho_{ij} & ... \\ ... & \rho_{ji} & 1.0 & ... \\ ... & ... & ... & ... \end{array} \right]. bitmask(:class:`DRPFitsBitMask`): Object used to interpret the DRP bit mask values in the `MASK` extension. hdu (``_): HDUList read from the DRP file ext (list): List of fits extensions in the file checksum (bool): Flag to check for file corruption when opening the HDU. wcs (`astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS`_): WCS object based on WCS keywords in the header of the FLUX extension. shape (tuple) : Shape of the main data arrays spatial_shape (tuple) : Shape of the spatial axes only. For RSS files, this is a single element with the number of fibers; for CUBE files, this has the x and y dimensions of the data cube. *These are transposed w.r.t. the read-in DRP file!* nspec (int) : Number of spectra in the DRP file; this is just: :: self.nspec = spatial_index (numpy.ndarray) : Array with tuples used to select spectra at specific locations within the data array. This is mainly useful in ``CUBE`` mode, where this provides the indices in the spatial coordinates. The order is :math:`(x,y)`; i.e. this is *different* that what you get if you read the DRP CUBE fits file directly using ``_. In ``RSS`` mode, this is just the index of the spectrum in the 2D array. See: :func:`select`. spectral_arrays (list) : List of viable keywords for the data arrays in the DRP file. For CUBE files, these are 'FLUX', 'IVAR', and 'MASK'; for RSS files, this also includes 'DISP', 'XPOS', and 'YPOS'. dispaxis (int) : Index of the axis with the spectral channels. The internal data structure always has :attr:`dispaxis` as the *last* axis in the array. So :attr:`dispaxis` is 2 for CUBE files and 1 for RSS files. This means that the internal data array restructures the input fits data for the CUBE files. nwave (int): The number of wavelength channels; this is just: :: self.nwave = self.shape[self.dispaxis] """ # @profile def __init__(self, plate, ifudesign, mode, drpver=None, redux_path=None, directory_path=None, read=False, checksum=False): # Set the attributes, forcing a known type self.plate = long(plate) self.ifudesign = long(ifudesign) self.check_mode(mode) self.mode = mode # Setup the directory path. if directory_path is None: self.drpver = default_drp_version() if drpver is None else str(drpver) self.redux_path = default_redux_path(drpver=self.drpver) \ if redux_path is None else str(redux_path) self.directory_path = default_drp_directory_path(self.plate, drpver=self.drpver, redux_path=self.redux_path) else: # THE DRP VERSION WILL NOT BE SPECIFIED! self.drpver = None self.redux_path = None self.directory_path = str(directory_path) # Initialize the image dimensions and their parameters self.pixelscale = None self.recenter = None self.width_buffer = None self.xs = None self.nx = None self.ys = None self.ny = None # Provide internal variables to keep the currently available # regridding transfer matrix for computing a plane of the data # cube, the index of the wavelength channel defining that plane, # and the properties used to create the matrix. self.regrid_T = None self.regrid_channel = None self.regrid_rlim = None self.regrid_sigma = None # Provide internal variables to keep the rho matrix self.sigma_rho = None self.cov_rho = None # Try to define the BitMask object try: self.bitmask = DRPFitsBitMask(mode=self.mode) except: warnings.warn('Unable to define bit mask for DRP file. Can only distinguish between' 'masked (values greater than 0) and unmasked (values of 0).') self.bitmask = None # Setup the variables for the internal data structure self.hdu = None # Do not automatically read the data self.ext = None # Extensions self.sres_ext = None # Spectral resolution extensions self.checksum = checksum # Check the file for corruption self.wcs = None # WCS structure self.shape = None # Shape of the data array self.spatial_shape = None # Shape of the spatial axes self.nspec = None # Total number of spectra (good or bad) self.spatial_index = None # Abstracted spatial indexing self.spectral_arrays = None # Arrays with spectral data self.dispaxis = 2 if self.mode == 'CUBE' else 1 self.nwave = None # Read the file, if requested if read: self.open_hdu(checksum=self.checksum)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, input_file, plate=0, ifudesign=0, read=False): """ Function to read a DRP-like data cube. .. warning:: Work in progress. Currently does not work. """ if not os.path.isdir('./mimic_manga'): os.makedirs('./mimic_manga') dest = './mimic_manga/manga-{0}-{1}-LOGCUBE.fits.gz'.format(plate, ifudesign) if os.path.islink(dest): print('removing') os.remove(dest) os.symlink(input_file, dest) return cls(plate, ifudesign, 'CUBE', directory_path='./mimic_manga', read=read)
# def __del__(self): # """ # Deconstruct the DRPFits object by ensuring that the fits file is # properly closed. # """ # if self.hdu is None: # return # self.hdu.close() # self.hdu = None # self.wcs = None # self.shape = None # self.spatial_shape = None # self.nspec = None # self.spatial_index = None def __getitem__(self, key): """Access elements of the hdu.""" self.open_hdu(checksum=self.checksum) return self.hdu[key]
[docs] def _cube_dimensions_undefined(self): """Return True if any of the cube dimensions are None.""" if self.xs is None: return True if self.nx is None: return True if self.ys is None: return True if self.ny is None: return True return False
[docs] def _cube_dimensions_correct(self, pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer): """ Check that the saved parameters that define the cube dimensions are the same as the desired values. Args: pixelscale (float): Desired pixel scale in arcsec recenter (bool): Flag to recenter the coordinate system width_buffer (int): Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction Returns: bool: True if the saved and desired values are the same. """ if self.pixelscale != pixelscale: return False if self.recenter != recenter: return False if self.width_buffer != width_buffer: return False return True
[docs] def _regrid_transfer_undefined(self): """Return True if :attr:`regrid_T` is None.""" if self.regrid_T is None: return True return False
[docs] def _regrid_kernel_correct(self, pixelscale, rlim, sigma): """ Check that the saved parameters used to define the image reconstruction kernel are the same as the desired values. Args: pixelscale (float): Desired pixel scale in arcsec rlim (float): The limiting radius of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. sigma (float): The sigma of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. Returns: bool: True if the saved and desired values are the same. """ if self.pixelscale != pixelscale: return False if self.regrid_rlim != rlim: return False if self.regrid_sigma != sigma: return False return True
[docs] def _regrid_transfer_correct(self, channel, pixelscale, rlim, sigma): r""" Check that the saved parameters used to construct the transfer matrix, :math:`{\mathbf T}`, are the same as the desired values. Args: channel (int): Index of the wavelength channel to reconstruct pixelscale (float): Desired pixel scale in arcsec rlim (float): The limiting radius of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. sigma (float): The sigma of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. Returns: bool: True if the saved and desired values are the same. """ if self.regrid_channel != channel: return False return self._regrid_kernel_correct(pixelscale, rlim, sigma)
[docs] def _regrid_defaults(self, pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma): """ Check that the saved regridding parameters are the same as the defaults. See :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_cube_pixelscale`, :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_cube_recenter`, :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_cube_width_buffer`, :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_regrid_rlim`, and :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_regrid_sigma`. Args: pixelscale (float): Desired pixel scale in arcsec recenter (bool): Flag to recenter the coordinate system width_buffer (int): Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction rlim (float): The limiting radius of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. sigma (float): The sigma of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. Returns: bool: True if the saved and default values are the same. """ if pixelscale != default_cube_pixelscale(): return False if recenter != default_cube_recenter(): return False if width_buffer != default_cube_width_buffer(): return False if rlim != default_regrid_rlim(): return False if sigma != default_regrid_sigma(): return False return True
[docs] def _init_regrid_pars(self, pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma): """ Return the regridding parameters. If provided on input, the same value is returned. Otherwise, the returned values are the defaults. See the defaults defined in :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_cube_pixelscale`, :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_cube_recenter`, :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_cube_width_buffer`, :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_regrid_rlim`, and :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_regrid_sigma`. Args: pixelscale (float): Desired pixel scale in arcsec recenter (bool): Flag to recenter the coordinate system width_buffer (int): Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction rlim (float): The limiting radius of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. sigma (float): The sigma of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. Returns: float, bool, int, float, float: The validated regridding parameters in the same order as listed by the function arguments. """ pixelscale = default_cube_pixelscale() if pixelscale is None else pixelscale recenter = default_cube_recenter() if recenter is None else recenter width_buffer = default_cube_width_buffer() if width_buffer is None else width_buffer rlim = default_regrid_rlim() if rlim is None else rlim sigma = default_regrid_sigma() if sigma is None else sigma return pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma
[docs] def _variance_correlation_undefined(self): """Return True if :attr:`cov_rho` is None.""" if self.cov_rho is None: return True return False
[docs] def _variance_correlation_correct(self, sigma_rho, pixelscale, rlim, sigma): r""" Check that the saved parameters used to construct the correlation coefficient matrix, :math:`{\mathbf R}`, are the same as the desired values. Args: sigma_rho (float): The sigma of the Gaussian function used to approximate the trend of the correlation coefficient with pixel separation. pixelscale (float): Desired pixel scale in arcsec rlim (float): The limiting radius of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. sigma (float): The sigma of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. Returns: bool: True if the saved and desired values are the same. """ if self.sigma_rho != sigma_rho: return False return self._regrid_kernel_correct(pixelscale, rlim, sigma)
[docs] def _cube_dimensions(self, pixelscale=None, recenter=None, width_buffer=None, redo=False): """ Determine the on-sky dimensions of the reconstructed image for all wavelength channels and save them in :attr:`xs`, :attr:`ys`, :attr:`nx`, and :attr:`ny`. For CUBE files, these dimensions are drawn directly from the WCS keywords in the header of the FLUX extension of the DRP fits file. In this case, **any entered parameters are ignored and the class attributes are set to the default values used by the DRP**. .. warning:: The calculation for the CUBE files is only valid if the WCS coordinate system has no rotation. For RSS files, the dimensions are determined using the data in the 'XPOS' and 'YPOS' extensions and the same algorithm used by the DRP; however, it is possible to provide different parameters that will alter the dimensions. See: :attr:`pixelscale`, :attr:`recenter`, :attr:`width_buffer`. Args: pixelscale (float): (**Optional**) Desired pixel scale in arcsec recenter (bool): (**Optional**) Flag to recenter the coordinate system width_buffer (int): (**Optional**) Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction redo (bool): (**Optional**) Force the recalculation of the cube dimensions if they are already defined. """ # Make sure that the fits file is ready for reading self.open_hdu(checksum=self.checksum) # This will only be correct if the WCS coordinates have no rotation if self.mode == 'CUBE': self.pixelscale = default_cube_pixelscale() self.recenter = default_cube_recenter() self.width_buffer = default_cube_width_buffer() header = self.hdu['FLUX'].header # RA of first pixel edge self.xs = header['CRVAL1'] - header['CD1_1']*(header['CRPIX1']-1.5) # Offset of first pixel edge self.xs = (self.xs - header['OBJRA'])*numpy.cos(numpy.radians(header['OBJDEC']))*3600. self.nx = header['NAXIS1'] # DEC of first pixel edge self.ys = header['CRVAL2'] - header['CD2_2']*(header['CRPIX2']-1.5) # Offset of first pixel edge self.ys = (self.ys - header['OBJDEC']) * 3600. self.ny = header['NAXIS2'] return # Set the default values for the input if pixelscale is None: pixelscale = default_cube_pixelscale() if recenter is None: recenter = default_cube_recenter() if width_buffer is None: width_buffer = default_cube_width_buffer() # Check if the cube_dimensions already exist and were determined # using the correct parameters if not redo and not self._cube_dimensions_undefined() \ and self._cube_dimensions_correct(pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer): return # Save the parameters used to create the dimensions self.pixelscale = pixelscale self.recenter = recenter self.width_buffer = width_buffer # Get the size in each dimension minx = numpy.amin(self.hdu['XPOS'].data) maxx = numpy.amax(self.hdu['XPOS'].data) Dx = numpy.floor(maxx-minx) miny = numpy.amin(self.hdu['YPOS'].data) maxy = numpy.amax(self.hdu['YPOS'].data) Dy = numpy.floor(maxy-miny) # Force the size to be even and the same in both dimensions Dx = Dx if Dx > Dy else Dy self.nx = int(numpy.floor(Dx/self.pixelscale)+width_buffer) if self.nx % 2 != 0: self.nx += 1 self.ny = self.nx # print('CUBE size: {0} {1}\n'.format(self.nx, self.ny)) # Set the starting coordinate self.xs = -self.nx*self.pixelscale/2. self.ys = -self.ny*self.pixelscale/2. # Offset to the center, if requested if recenter: self.xs = self.xs + (minx+maxx)/2.0 self.ys = self.ys + (miny+maxy)/2.0
# print(self.xs, self.nx, self.ys, self.ny)
[docs] def _set_variance_correlation(self, sigma_rho, pixelscale=None, recenter=None, width_buffer=None, rlim=None, sigma=None, redo=False): """ Produce :attr:`cov_rho` based on the provided *sigma_rho*. By default, the details of the cube dimensions should be the same as the DRP used to produce the 'CUBE' files from the 'RSS' spectra; however, these can be changed. The resulting :attr:`cov_rho` is independent of wavelength and can be used in combination with the inverse-variance produced by the DRP to yield a wavelength-dependent covariance matrix that is close to the formal calculation. See: :attr:`cov_rho`, attr:`sigma_rho`, :attr:`pixelscale`, :attr:`recenter`, :attr:`width_buffer`, :attr:`rlim`, :attr:`sigma`. .. warning:: *sigma* is not actually used by this function. .. todo:: Test the relation between *sigma*, *rlim*, and *sigma_rho*. It may be that sigma_rho should/can be determined by sigma. Args: sigma_rho (float): The sigma of the Gaussian function used to approximate the trend of the correlation coefficient with pixel separation. pixelscale (float): (**Optional**) Desired pixel scale in arcsec recenter (bool): (**Optional**) Flag to recenter the coordinate system width_buffer (int): (**Optional**) Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction rlim (float): (**Optional**) The limiting radius of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. sigma (float): (**Optional**) The sigma of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. redo (bool): (**Optional**) Force the recalculation of the cube dimensions if they are already defined. """ # Set the default values for the input pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma = \ self._init_regrid_pars(pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma) # Check if the variance correlation coefficients already exist # and were determined using the correct parameters if not redo and not self._cube_dimensions_undefined() \ and self._cube_dimensions_correct(pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer) \ and not self._variance_correlation_undefined() \ and self._variance_correlation_correct(sigma_rho, pixelscale, rlim, sigma): return self.cov_rho # Get the cube dimensions; may not necessarily match DRP calculation self._cube_dimensions(pixelscale=pixelscale, recenter=recenter, width_buffer=width_buffer) # Get the full covariance grid nim = self.nx*self.ny ii, jj = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.arange(0,nim), numpy.arange(0,nim), indexing='ij') # Convert covariance pixel to two image pixels for the upper # triangle (including the diagonal): i_i = numpy.zeros( (nim,nim), dtype=numpy.float64) i_i[jj>=ii] = ii[jj >= ii]//self.ny i_j = numpy.zeros( (nim,nim), dtype=numpy.float64) i_j[jj>=ii] = ii[jj >= ii]-i_i[jj >= ii]*self.ny j_i = numpy.zeros( (nim,nim), dtype=numpy.float64) j_i[jj>=ii] = jj[jj >= ii]//self.ny j_j = numpy.zeros( (nim,nim), dtype=numpy.float64) j_j[jj>=ii] = jj[jj >= ii]-j_i[jj >= ii]*self.ny #Get the distances dij = numpy.zeros( (nim,nim), dtype=numpy.float64) dij[jj>=ii] = numpy.sqrt( numpy.square(j_i[jj>=ii]-i_i[jj>=ii]) + numpy.square(j_j[jj>=ii]-i_j[jj>=ii]) ) dij[dij > 2*rlim/pixelscale] = 0.0 #Set rho_ij rho_ij = numpy.zeros( (nim,nim), dtype=numpy.float64) rho_ij[dij > 0] = numpy.exp(-0.5*numpy.square(dij[dij > 0]/sigma_rho)) rho_ij[ii==jj] = 1.0 # Set the sparse rho matrix and save the parameters used to # generate it self.cov_rho = sparse.csr_matrix(rho_ij) self.sigma_rho = sigma_rho self.regrid_rlim = rlim self.regrid_sigma = sigma
[docs] def _fix_header(self): """ Use of 'degrees' in early versions of the DRP did not adhere to the fits standard causing the `astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS`_ to fail when initialized; see, e.g., :func:`world_mesh`. This changes the units to be 'deg' instead. .. note:: This function is *obsolete* as of v1_5_1 of the DRP and is not actively called in this implementation; see source for :func:`world_mesh`. """ self.open_hdu(checksum=self.checksum) self.hdu['FLUX'].header['CUNIT1'] = 'deg' self.hdu['FLUX'].header['CUNIT2'] = 'deg'
[docs] def _set_spectral_arrays(self): """ Set the list of extensions with spectral data """ self.spectral_arrays = [ 'FLUX', 'IVAR', 'MASK' ] if self.mode == 'RSS' or (self.mode == 'CUBE' and 'DISP' in self.ext): self.spectral_arrays += [ 'DISP' ] if self.mode == 'RSS' or (self.mode == 'CUBE' and 'PREDISP' in self.ext): self.spectral_arrays += [ 'PREDISP' ] if self.mode == 'RSS': self.spectral_arrays += [ 'XPOS', 'YPOS' ]
[docs] def _generate_spatial_index(self): """ Generate the tuples with the list of original indices in the input DRP file; see :attr:`spatial_index`. """ self.spatial_index = numpy.empty(self.nspec, dtype=object) if len(self.spatial_shape) == 1: self.spatial_index[:] = [ (a,) for a in numpy.arange(self.nspec) ] return i = numpy.arange(self.nspec)//self.spatial_shape[1] j = numpy.arange(self.nspec) - i*self.spatial_shape[1] # Set the coordinates to tuples in the ORIGINAL DRP fits file # (i.e., the DRP provides [lambda, y, x] whereas this class # transposes this order) self.spatial_index[:] = [ (ii,jj) for ii, jj in zip(i,j) ]
[docs] def _spectral_resolution_extension(self, ext=None, pre=False): """ Determine the spectral resolution channel to use. """ _ext = ext if ext is None: _ext = 'PREDISP' if pre else 'DISP' if _ext not in self.sres_ext: _ext = 'PRESPECRES' if pre else 'SPECRES' return None if _ext not in self.sres_ext else _ext
[docs] @staticmethod def mode_options(): """ Return the allowed modes. Returns: list: List of the allowed DRP fits file modes. """ return [ 'CUBE', 'RSS' ]
[docs] @staticmethod def check_mode(mode): """ Check that the mode is valid. Args: mode (str): Mode value to check. Valid modes are `CUBE` and `RSS`. """ options = DRPFits.mode_options() if mode not in options: raise ValueError('Unknown mode {0}. Must be in: {1}'.format(mode, options))
[docs] @staticmethod def sampling_options(): """ Return the allowed wavelength sampling modes. Returns: list: List of the allowed DRP fits wavelength sampling modes. """ return [ 'LIN', 'LOG' ]
[docs] @staticmethod def default_paths(plate, ifudesign, mode, drpver=None, redux_path=None, directory_path=None, output_file=None): """ Return the primary directory and file name with the DRP fits LOG-binned file. plate (int): Plate number of the observation. ifudesign (int): IFU design number of the observation. mode (str): 3D mode of the DRP file; must be either 'RSS' or 'CUBE' drpver (str): (**Optional**) DRP version. Default set by :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_drp_version`. redux_path (str): (**Optional**) The path to the top level directory containing the DRP output files for a given DRP version. Default is defined by :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_redux_path`. directory_path (str): (**Optional**) The exact path to the DAP reduction assessments file. Default set by :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_dap_common_path`. output_file (str): (**Optional**) The name of the file with the DRP data. Default set by :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_manga_fits_root`. Returns: str: Two strings with the path to and name of the DRP data file. """ _directory_path = default_drp_directory_path(plate, drpver=drpver, redux_path=redux_path) \ if directory_path is None else directory_path _output_file = '{0}.fits.gz'.format(default_manga_fits_root(plate, ifudesign, 'LOG{0}'.format(mode))) \ if output_file is None else output_file return _directory_path, _output_file
[docs] def file_name(self): """Return the name of the DRP file""" root = default_manga_fits_root(self.plate, self.ifudesign, 'LOG{0}'.format(self.mode)) return '{0}.fits.gz'.format(root)
[docs] def file_path(self): """Return the full path to the DRP file""" return os.path.join(self.directory_path, self.file_name())
[docs] def finding_chart_path(self): """ Return the full path to the PNG finding chart for the targetted object. .. todo:: - Move this to the defaults file? """ return os.path.join(self.directory_path, 'images', str(self.ifudesign)+'.png')
[docs] def open_hdu(self, checksum=False): """ Read the fits file. For security purposes, the fits file is *always* opened as read only. If :attr:`hdu` is not None, this function assumes the data has already been read and returns to the calling process. Args: checksum (bool): (**Optional**) Check for file corruption. Raises: FileNotFoundError: Raised if the DRP file does not exist. """ if self.hdu is not None: return inp = self.file_path() if not os.path.exists(inp): raise FileNotFoundError('Cannot open file: {0}'.format(inp)) # Open the fits file, but do NOT allow the file to be # overwritten. # TODO: This takes a while because it's restructuring ALL of the # image arrays. Can I expedite this somehow? self.hdu =, permissions='readonly', checksum=checksum) self.ext = [ for h in self.hdu ] self.sres_ext = [ for h in self.hdu if in [ 'PREDISP', 'DISP', 'PRESPECRES', 'SPECRES' ] ] self._set_spectral_arrays() # # Reformat and initialize properties of the data # if self.mode == 'CUBE': # DAPFitsUtil.restructure_cube(self.hdu, ext=self.spectral_arrays) # elif self.mode == 'RSS': # DAPFitsUtil.restructure_rss(self.hdu, ext=self.spectral_arrays) # If RSS data, transpose the hdus so that the spectra are # organized along rows. if self.mode == 'RSS': self.hdu = DAPFitsUtil.transpose_image_data(self.hdu) self.shape = self.hdu['FLUX'].data.shape self.spatial_shape = DAPFitsUtil.get_spatial_shape(self.shape, self.dispaxis) self.nspec = self.nwave = self.shape[self.dispaxis] self._generate_spatial_index()
[docs] def info(self): """Print the HDU info page.""" self.open_hdu(checksum=self.checksum) warnings.warn('Shapes returned in \'Dimensions\' may be wrong!') return
[docs] @staticmethod def do_not_fit_flags(): """Return the maskbit names that should not be fit.""" return ['DONOTUSE', 'FORESTAR']
[docs] @staticmethod def do_not_stack_flags(): """Return the maskbit names that should not be stacked.""" return ['DONOTUSE', 'FORESTAR']
[docs] def select(self, t, ext='FLUX', order='xy'): r""" Select a specific vector from the fits data arrays. The spatial position within the original file accessed by index ``i`` is given by :attr:`spatial_index`. For CUBE files this is a tuple with the relevant pixel indices from the original DRP file. This function is setup such that, e.g.:: from mangadap.drpfits import DRPFits from import fits import numpy drpf = DRPFits(7495, 1901, 'CUBE', read=True) hdu = # should be no difference flux_direct = hdu['FLUX'].data[:,15,16] flux_class = (15,16), order='yx' ) assert not numpy.any( numpy.absolute(flux_direct - flux_class) > 0 ), \ 'Selection error!' # Or to use more natural x y order flux_class = (16,15) ) assert not numpy.any( numpy.absolute(flux_direct - flux_class) > 0 ), \ 'Selection error!' # Or select the spectrum based on its index for i,t in enumerate(drpf.spatial_index): if t == (15,16): break flux_class = assert not numpy.any( numpy.absolute(flux_direct - flux_class) > 0 ), \ 'Selection error!' # Or use index and the provided spatial_index tuple i = 550 t = drpf.spatial_index[i] flux_direct = hdu['FLUX'].data[:,t[0],t[1]] flux_class = assert not numpy.any( numpy.absolute(flux_direct - flux_class) > 0 ), \ 'Selection error!' flux_class = assert not numpy.any( numpy.absolute(flux_direct - flux_class) > 0 ), \ 'Selection error!' Args: t (tuple or int) : If an integer, this is the flattened index of the spectrum to return. If a tuple, this is the position *within the original DRP file* for the non-spectral axes. See the examples above. ext (str) : (**Optional**) Name of the extension from which to draw the data. Must be allowed for the current :attr:`mode`; see :attr:`spectral_arrays`. Default is ``'FLUX'``. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Vector with the data values as a function of wavelength. Raises: KeyError : Raised if the selected extension cannot be used. ValueError : Raised if the input selection object is not an int or a tuple. .. todo:: Add select_near function that uses on-sky coordinates. """ if ext not in self.spectral_arrays: raise KeyError('Cannot access {0} extension.'.format(ext)) if isinstance(t, tuple): n = (self.shape[self.dispaxis-1],1) if self.mode == 'CUBE' else \ (self.shape[self.dispaxis-1],) _t =[::-1],n) if order == 'yx' else,n) elif isinstance(t, int): _t = t else: raise ValueError('Input must be int or tuple.') return self.hdu[ext].data.reshape(-1,self.nwave)[_t,:]
# def wavelength_mask(self, waverange=None, toarray=False): # r""" # Return a mask boolean array with flags for pixels that fall # within the selected wavelength range. If no wavelength range is # provided, the function just returns a fully False array with the # correct shape. # # .. todo:: # # This method is used by other similar objects; see, e.g., # :class:`mangadap.proc.spatiallybinnedspectra.SpatiallyBinnedSpectra`. # # These and other such methods should be pulled out into a # base class that these common classes are derived from. E.g. # :class:`DAPFitsUtil`? # # Args: # waverange (array-like) : (**Optional**) A two-element array # with the minimum and maximum wavelength to include. # toarray (bool) : (**Optional**) Return an array with same # shape as the flux array. Default is to provide only the # single vector. # # Returns: # numpy.ndarray: Boolean mask array. # # Raises: # ValueError: Raised if the input wavelength range does not # have two elements. # """ # outshape = self.shape if toarray else (self.nwave,) # if waverange is None: # return numpy.full(outshape, False, dtype=numpy.bool) # if len(waverange) != 2: # raise ValueError('Input wavelength range must have 2 and only 2 elements!') # # if self.dispaxis is None: # self.dispaxis = len(outshape)-1 # _waverange = waverange if waverange[0] < waverange[1] else [waverange[1], waverange[0]] # selected = (self.hdu['WAVE'].data < _waverange[0]) | (self.hdu['WAVE'].data > _waverange[1]) # return numpy.array([selected]*self.nspec).reshape(outshape) if toarray else selected
[docs] def copy_to_array(self, ext='FLUX', waverange=None): """ Wrapper for :func:`mangadap.util.fitsutil.DAPFitsUtil.copy_to_array` specific for :class:`DRPFits`. """ return DAPFitsUtil.copy_to_array(self.hdu, ext=ext, allowed_ext=self.spectral_arrays, waverange=waverange)
[docs] def copy_to_masked_array(self, ext='FLUX', flag=None, waverange=None): """ Wrapper for :func:`mangadap.util.fitsutil.DAPFitsUtil.copy_to_masked_array` specific for :class:`DRPFits`. """ return DAPFitsUtil.copy_to_masked_array(self.hdu, ext=ext, mask_ext='MASK', flag=flag, bitmask=self.bitmask, allowed_ext=self.spectral_arrays, waverange=waverange)
[docs] def spectral_resolution(self, ext=None, toarray=False, fill=False, pre=False, median=False): """ Return the spectral resolution at each spatial and spectral position. Select the extension 'DISP' or 'SPECRES'. To get the pre-pixelized versions, set pre=True. If you set the extension to 'PREDISP' and pre=True, it will try to find the extension 'PREPREDISP' and fault. Args: ext (:obj:`str`, optional): Specify the extension with the spectral estimate to use. Should be in [ None, 'DISP', 'SPECRES']. The default is None, which means it will return, in order of precedence, the data in 'DISP', 'SPECRES', or a None value if neither are present. toarray (:obj:`bool`, optiional): Return the spectral resolution as a 2D array: Nspec x Nwave, even if the DRP file is a CUBE object, similar to :func:`DRPFits.copy_to_array`. Default is to return an object with the same shape as the flux array. fill (:obj:`bool`, optional): Fill masked values by interpolation. Default is to leave masked pixels in returned array. pre (:obj:`bool`, optional): Read the pre-pixelized version of the spectral resolution, instead of the post-pixelized version. This prepends 'PRE' to the extension name. median (:obj:`bool`, optional): Return a single vector with the median spectral resolution instead of a per spectrum array. When using the `SPECRES` extension, this just returns the vector provided by the DRP file; when using the `DISP` extension, this performs a masked median across the array and then interpolates any wavelengths that were masked in all vectors. Returns: ``_ : Even if interpolated such that there should be not masked values, the function returns a masked array. Array contains the spectral resolution (:math:`R = \lambda/\Delta\lambda`) pulled from the DRP file. """ # Make sure the fits file has been opened self.open_hdu(checksum=self.checksum) # Determine which spectral resolution element to use _ext = self._spectral_resolution_extension(ext=ext, pre=pre) # If no valid extension, raise an exception if ext is None and _ext is None: raise ValueError('No valid spectral resolution extension.') if ext is not None and _ext is None: raise ValueError('No extension: {0}'.format(ext)) # # Check the selected base extension exists # if ext in ['DISP','SPECRES'] and ext not in self.ext: # raise ValueError('No extension: {0}'.format(ext)) # # # Set the base extension # _ext = ('DISP' if 'DISP' in self.ext else 'SPECRES') if ext is None else ext # # Add the 'PRE' qualifier if requested and check that it exists # if pre: # if 'PRE'+_ext not in self.ext: # raise ValueError('No {0} extension in DRP file.'.format('PRE'+_ext)) # _ext = 'PRE'+_ext # Build the spectral resolution vectors sres = None if 'DISP' in _ext: disp = # Mask any non-positive value disp[numpy.invert(disp > 0)] = # Convert from sigma in angstroms to spectral resolution # (based on FWHM) sres = * disp / self.hdu['WAVE'].data[None,:], -1) elif 'SPECRES' in _ext: sres =[_ext].data if median else numpy.array([self.hdu[_ext].data] * sres[numpy.invert(sres > 0)] = else: raise ValueError('Extension {0} invalid.'.format(_ext)) # Interpolate over any masked values if fill: outshape = sres.shape sres = numpy.apply_along_axis(interpolate_masked_vector, 1, sres.reshape(1,-1) if sres.ndim == 1 else sres.reshape(outshape[0], -1)) ).reshape(outshape) if median and sres.ndim > 1 and sres.shape[0] > 1: # Determine the median over all spectra if requested and # necessary sres =, axis=0) elif not toarray: # Convert back to datacube format if array format not # requested sres = sres.reshape(*self.spatial_shape,self.nwave) return sres
[docs] def spectral_resolution_header(self, ext=None, pre=False): """ Return a fits header for the spectral resolution array. Copies the basic header from the relevant extension in the DRP file. Args: ext (str): (**Optional**) Specify the extension with the spectral estimate to use. Should be in [ None, 'DISP', 'SPECRES']. The default is None, which means it will return, in order of precedence, the header for 'DISP', 'SPECRES', or an empty header if neither are present. pre (bool): (**Optional**) Read the pre-pixelized version of the spectral resolution, instead of the post-pixelized version. This prepends 'PRE' to the extension name. """ self.open_hdu(checksum=self.checksum) if ext in ['DISP','SPECRES'] and ext not in self.ext: raise ValueError('No extension: {0}'.format(ext)) # Set the extension _ext = ('DISP' if 'DISP' in self.ext else 'SPECRES') if ext is None else ext if pre: if 'PRE'+_ext not in self.ext: raise ValueError('No {0} extension in DRP file.'.format('PRE'+_ext)) _ext = 'PRE'+_ext return self.hdu[_ext].header.copy()
# if ext in ['DISP','SPECRES'] and ext not in self.ext: # raise ValueError('No extension: {0}'.format(ext)) # # if ext == 'DISP' or (ext is None and 'DISP' in self.ext): # return self.hdu['DISP'].header.copy() # elif ext == 'SPECRES' or (ext is None and 'SPECRES' in self.ext): # return self.hdu['SPECRES'].header.copy() # return fits.Header()
[docs] def object_data(self): """ Return the MaNGA ID ('MANGAID'), object right ascension ('OBJRA'), and object declination ('OBJDEC') taken from the DRP file *primary* header. The HDUList is opened if hasn't been already. Returns: str, float, float: MaNGA ID and object RA and DEC. """ self.open_hdu(checksum=self.checksum) return (self.hdu[0].header['MANGAID'],) + self.object_coo()
[docs] def object_coo(self): """ Return the object right ascension ('OBJRA') and declination ('OBJDEC') taken from the DRP file *primary* header. The HDUList is opened if hasn't been already. Returns: float: Object RA and DEC in degrees. """ self.open_hdu(checksum=self.checksum) return self.hdu[0].header['OBJRA'], self.hdu[0].header['OBJDEC']
[docs] def created_today(self): """ Return True if the file was created today based on its time stamp. .. warning:: Intended for use at the survey-level for a daily run of the DAP. Likely not to be used though. """ # Get the current time current_time = time.localtime() # Last time the DRP file was created (or modified?) created_time = time.gmtime(os.path.getctime(self.file_path())) return (current_time.tm_year == created_time.tm_year and current_time.tm_mon == created_time.tm_mon and current_time.tm_mday == created_time.tm_mday)
[docs] def pix_mesh(self, pixelscale=None, recenter=None, width_buffer=None, extent=False): r""" Uses `numpy.meshgrid`_ to create and return the I and J *pixel* coordinates for an nx*ny mesh. For CUBE files, these dimensions are drawn directly from the WCS keywords in the header of the FLUX extension of the DRP fits file. In this case, **any entered parameters are ignored and the class attributes are set to the default values used by the DRP**. .. warning:: The calculation for the CUBE files is only valid if the WCS coordinate system has no rotation. For RSS files, the dimensions are determined using the data in the 'XPOS' and 'YPOS' extensions and the same algorithm used by the DRP; however, it is possible to provide different parameters that will alter the dimensions. If *extent* is True, the returned mesh is of the pixel *edges*. That is, for a grid of size :math:`N`, there are :math:`N` pixel centers that run from 1 to :math:`N`; however, there are :math:`N+1` pixel edges that run from from :math:`0.5` to :math:`N+0.5`. See: :attr:`pixelscale`, :attr:`recenter`, :attr:`width_buffer`. Args: pixelscale (float): (**Optional**) Desired pixel scale in arcsec recenter (bool): (**Optional**) Flag to recenter the coordinate system width_buffer (int): (**Optional**) Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction extent (bool): (**Optional**) Return a grid of the pixel *edges* instead of the coordinates of the pixel centers. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Two arrays with the pixel indices; `numpy.meshgrid`_ is run using:: indexing='ij' """ self._cube_dimensions(pixelscale=pixelscale, recenter=recenter, width_buffer=width_buffer) if extent: return numpy.meshgrid(numpy.arange(0.0,self.nx+1)+0.5, \ numpy.arange(0.0,self.ny+1)+0.5, indexing='ij') return numpy.meshgrid(numpy.arange(0.0,self.nx)+1, numpy.arange(0.0,self.ny)+1, \ indexing='ij')
[docs] def pix_mesh_range(self, pixelscale=None, recenter=None, width_buffer=None): r""" Return the range in x and y of the reconstructed image pixels, including the size of the pixel. Coordinate :math:`(1,1)` is the center of the first pixel, so its bottom corner is at :math:`(0.5,0.5)`. For CUBE files, these dimensions are drawn directly from the WCS keywords in the header of the FLUX extension of the DRP fits file. In this case, **any entered parameters are ignored and the class attributes are set to the default values used by the DRP**. .. warning:: The calculation for the CUBE files is only valid if the WCS coordinate system has no rotation. For RSS files, the dimensions are determined using the data in the 'XPOS' and 'YPOS' extensions and the same algorithm used by the DRP; however, it is possible to provide different parameters that will alter the dimensions. See: :attr:`pixelscale`, :attr:`recenter`, :attr:`width_buffer`. Args: pixelscale (float): (**Optional**) Desired pixel scale in arcsec recenter (bool): (**Optional**) Flag to recenter the coordinate system width_buffer (int): (**Optional**) Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction Returns: numpy.ndarray: Two arrays with, respectively, the lower and upper x range and the lower and upper y range. """ self._cube_dimensions(pixelscale=pixelscale, recenter=recenter, width_buffer=width_buffer) return numpy.array([0.5, self.nx+0.5]), numpy.array([0.5, self.ny+0.5])
[docs] def world_mesh(self, skyright=True): r""" Return the world X and Y coordinate for the :attr:`nx` by :attr:`ny` mesh of the reconstructed image. The pixel coordinates are first determined using :func:`pix_mesh` and then converted to the world coordinate system. For 'CUBE' files, this is done using the WCS information in the header of the 'FLUX' extension. See :attr:`wcs`. .. note:: Prior to v1_5_1 of the DRP, this function required a correction to the DRP header because of its use of 'degrees', which does not adhere to the fits standard causing the `astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS`_ to fail when initialized. This call is not longer made. .. todo:: - Make check of DRP version 'VERSDRP' to determine if header fix is necessary. For an 'RSS' file, the returned mesh is based on the offset in arcseconds as determined by the dimensions of the reconstructed image. The *skyright* option will force the mesh to have a *decreasing* x coordinate as a function of increasing index. I.e.; the front edge of the first pixel is set to:: x0 = self.xs+self.nx*self.pixelscale if skyright else self.xs and the offset per pixel is set to:: dx = -self.pixelscale if skyright else self.pixelscale Recall that :attr:`xs` and :attr:`ys` are defined at the bottom-left edge of the first image pixel. Args: skyright (bool): If True, return the mesh with x coordinates *decreasing* as a function of increase index. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Two arrays with the world x and y coordinates. """ if self.mode == 'RSS': # x and y are at the center of the pixel x, y = self.pix_mesh() # x0 is the front edge of the first pixel if not skyright an # the back edge of the last pixel if skyright x0 = self.xs+self.nx*self.pixelscale if skyright else self.xs dx = -self.pixelscale if skyright else self.pixelscale return (x-0.5)*dx+x0, (y-0.5)*self.pixelscale+self.ys if self.wcs is None: # TODO: Allow this to fix the header if MPL requires it? # self._fix_header() # print(self.hdu['FLUX'].header) self.wcs = WCS(header=self.hdu['FLUX'].header,fix=False,naxis=(1,2)) x,y = self.pix_mesh() xy = numpy.array([x.reshape(self.nx*self.ny),y.reshape(self.nx*self.ny)]).transpose() XY = self.wcs.all_pix2world(xy, 1) return XY[:,0].reshape(self.nx, self.ny), XY[:,1].reshape(self.nx, self.ny)
# print(self.wcs) # print(xy[0:self.nx,0]) # print(xy[0:self.nx,1]) # print(XY[0:self.nx,0]) # print(XY[0:self.nx,1])
[docs] def world_mesh_range(self, skyright=True): """ Return the range in the world X and Y coordinates including the size of the pixel. For 'RSS' files, converts the result of :func:`pix_mesh_range` to world coordinates using the same calculation as in :func:`world_mesh`. For 'CUBE' files, converts the result of :func:`pix_mesh` with *extent=True* to world coordinates using the same calculation as in :func:`world_mesh`. The returned arrays give the range in X and Y respectively. .. warning:: May not be accurate if the reconstructed image has an on-sky rotation. Args: skyright (bool): Return the range in X such that the order is [max(X), min(X)] if True; otherwise, values are returned as [min(X), max(X)]. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Two arrays with, respectively, the range in X and Y. .. note:: Prior to v1_5_1 of the DRP, this function required a correction to the DRP header because of its use of 'degrees', which does not adhere to the fits standard causing the `astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS`_ to fail when initialized. This call is not longer made. .. todo:: - Make check of DRP version 'VERSDRP' to determine if header fix is necessary. """ if self.mode == 'RSS': # x and y are at the edges of the pixel x, y = self.pix_mesh_range() # print(x, y) # x0 is the front edge of the first pixel if not skyright an # the back edge of the last pixel if skyright x0 = self.xs+self.nx*self.pixelscale if skyright else self.xs dx = -self.pixelscale if skyright else self.pixelscale # print(x0, dx) # print((x-0.5)*dx+x0, (y-0.5)*self.pixelscale+self.ys) return (x-0.5)*dx+x0, (y-0.5)*self.pixelscale+self.ys if self.wcs is None: # self._fix_header() self.wcs = WCS(header=self.hdu['FLUX'].header,fix=False,naxis=(1,2)) x,y = self.pix_mesh(extent=True) ncoo = (self.nx+1)*(self.ny+1) xy = numpy.array([x.reshape(ncoo),y.reshape(ncoo)]).transpose() XY = self.wcs.all_pix2world(xy, 1) if skyright: return [numpy.amax(XY[:,0]),numpy.amin(XY[:,0])], \ [numpy.amin(XY[:,1]),numpy.amax(XY[:,1])] return [numpy.amin(XY[:,0]),numpy.amax(XY[:,0])], [numpy.amin(XY[:,1]),numpy.amax(XY[:,1])]
# def gri_composite(self): # """ # Return the world coordinates (see :func:`world_mesh`) and flux # in the reconstructed gri image data (in nanomaggies). The shape # of the Z array is (NX,NY,3), with the g, r, and i image data in # Z[:,:,0], Z[:,:,1], and Z[:,:,2], respectively. # # .. warning:: # The reconstructed imaging data are not provided as part of # the 'RSS' files; three 'None's are returned for 'RSS' files. # # Returns: # numpy.ndarray: Three arrays with, respectively, the world X, # world Y, and Z. # """ # # if self.mode == 'RSS': # return None, None, None # # X, Y = self.world_mesh() # #X,Y = self.pix_mesh() # # Z = numpy.transpose(numpy.array([ self.hdu['GIMG'].data.T, self.hdu['RIMG'].data.T, \ # self.hdu['IIMG'].data.T ] ), axes=(1,2,0)) # # return X, Y, Z
[docs] def regrid_transfer_matrix(self, channel, pixelscale=None, recenter=None, width_buffer=None, rlim=None, sigma=None, quiet=False, rej_flag='3DREJECT'): r""" Calculate the transfer matrix used to produce a reconstructed image of the fiber data at the specified wavelength channel. See: :attr:`regrid_T`. For 'RSS' files, this is done directly using the available on-sky x and y coordinates of each fiber as a function of wavelength taken from the 'XPOS' and 'YPOS' extensions. For 'CUBE' files, the function will attempt to use the 'RSS' counterpart of the file to produce transfer matrix. In this case, the input parameters *must* be the defaults. The default behavior is to use the same parameters as used by the DRP. For the defaults, see :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_cube_pixelscale`, :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_cube_recenter`, :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_cube_width_buffer`, :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_regrid_rlim`, and :func:`mangadap.config.defaults.default_regrid_sigma`. However, the code allows the parameters to be freely chosen by the user. See: :attr:`pixelscale`, :attr:`recenter`, :attr:`width_buffer`, :attr:`regrid_rlim`, :attr:`regrid_sigma`, :attr:`regrid_T`. .. todo:: - Give more detail on the pixels at which the radius is calculated. - The details of this calculation need to be checked against what is done by the DRP: - Are the positions in XPOS sky-right in the sense that positive XPOS is toward positive RA or not? - Does the DRP rebin the data using a kernel that defines the coordinate of a pixel at the pixel center or at the pixel edge? .. warning:: The internal data structure of the RSS data is not different from simply reading the fits file using ``_. This means you can use this function and apply the result to a separate read of the RSS file (not that you would ever want to do that). But after doing that, the output will be transposed wrt the CUBE file spatial orientation! See :func:`regrid_wavelength_plane`. Args: channel (int): Index of the spectral channel for which to calculate the transfer matrix. pixelscale (float): (**Optional**) Desired pixel scale in arcsec recenter (bool): (**Optional**) Flag to recenter the coordinate system width_buffer (int): (**Optional**) Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction rlim (float): (**Optional**) The limiting radius of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. sigma (float): (**Optional**) The sigma of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. quiet (bool): (**Optional**) Suppress terminal output Returns: `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_ : Transfer matrix :math:`{\mathbf T}` Raises: ValueError: Raised for 'CUBE' files if the input parameters are not the defaults. """ # Set the default values for the input pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma = \ self._init_regrid_pars(pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma) # Check if the calculation is necessary if not self._regrid_transfer_undefined() \ and self._cube_dimensions_correct(pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer) \ and self._regrid_transfer_correct(channel, pixelscale, rlim, sigma): return self.regrid_T # Allow for calculation for CUBE files under certain conditions if self.mode == 'CUBE': # Do not perform the calculation if the parameters are not # the default used by the DRP to create the CUBE file. if not self._regrid_defaults(pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma): raise ValueError('Must use default pixel scale, rlim, and sigma to get transfer ' + 'matrix for DRP-produced CUBE files.') warnings.warn('Attempting to use RSS counter-part for calculation.') # Get the RSS counterpart drpf = DRPFits(self.plate, self.ifudesign, 'RSS', drpver=self.drpver, \ redux_path=self.redux_path, directory_path=self.directory_path) # Get the transfer matrix self.regrid_T = drpf.regrid_transfer_matrix(channel) self.regrid_channel = drpf.regrid_channel # Save the parameters (should be the defaults) self.pixelscale = drpf.pixelscale self.regrid_rlim = drpf.regrid_rlim self.regrid_sigma = drpf.regrid_sigma # Also need to make sure dimensions are set self._cube_dimensions() return self.regrid_T # Get the cube dimensions; may not necessarily match DRP calculation self._cube_dimensions(pixelscale=pixelscale, recenter=recenter, width_buffer=width_buffer) # Dimensions of the sparse matrix are nim = self.nx*self.ny # The number of image pixels # by the number of fiber spectra (self.nspec) # Get the list of non-zero pixel values in the transfer matrix i = numpy.arange(self.nx) j = numpy.arange(self.ny) ii,jj = numpy.meshgrid(i, j, indexing='ij') # Mesh of i,j pixel indices sp = numpy.empty((self.nx,self.ny), dtype=numpy.float64) # Holds spectrum index ij = (ii*self.ny+jj) # Holds image pixel index r2 = numpy.empty((self.nx,self.ny), dtype=numpy.float64) # Holds radii tot = numpy.zeros((self.nx,self.ny), dtype=numpy.float64) # Holds the sum of the weights s2 = numpy.square(sigma/pixelscale) # sigma^2 of Gaussian rl2 = numpy.square(rlim/pixelscale) # radius^2 of Gaussian limit non_zero_spc = numpy.empty(0, dtype=numpy.int64) # Holds triplet spectrum index non_zero_pix = numpy.empty(0, dtype=numpy.int64) # Holds triplet image index non_zero_wgt = numpy.empty(0, dtype=numpy.float64) # Holds triplet weight # Do not include any pixels with zero inverse variance or pixels # that have been flagged with the provided mask bits mask = numpy.invert(self.hdu['IVAR'].data[:,channel] > 0.0) if rej_flag is not None: _rej_flag = rej_flag if isinstance(rej_flag, list) or rej_flag != 'any' else None # print('rejected pixels') # print(numpy.sum(self.bitmask.flagged(self.hdu['MASK'].data[:,channel], # flag=_rej_flag))) mask |= self.bitmask.flagged(self.hdu['MASK'].data[:,channel], flag=_rej_flag) # print(self.xs, self.nx, self.ys, self.ny) # TODO: Can optimize this further for k in range(self.nspec): if mask[k]: continue # Fill spectrum index sp.fill(k) # NOTE: Calculating full matrix is actually faster than # determining submatrix for calculation # Calcuate the distance # ---- WITH RESPECT TO THE EDGE OF THE FIRST PIXEL ---- # - matches DRP, but why?!?! r2 = numpy.square( (self.hdu['XPOS'].data[k,channel]-self.xs)/pixelscale - ii) \ + numpy.square((self.hdu['YPOS'].data[k,channel]-self.ys)/pixelscale - jj) # ---- WITH RESPECT TO THE CENTER OF THE FIRST PIXEL ---- # r2 = numpy.square( (self.hdu['XPOS'].data[k,channel]-self.xs)/pixelscale-0.5 - ii) \ # + numpy.square((self.hdu['YPOS'].data[k,channel]-self.ys)/pixelscale-0.5 - jj) # Append new indices and weights within rlim # TODO: Can this be done quicker if I'm not appending things? non_zero_spc = numpy.append(non_zero_spc, sp[r2 < rl2]) non_zero_pix = numpy.append(non_zero_pix, ij[r2 < rl2]) wgt = numpy.exp(-r2[r2 < rl2]/s2/2.0) tot[r2<rl2] += wgt non_zero_wgt = numpy.append(non_zero_wgt, wgt) if not quiet: print('Transfer Matrix {:2.1%}'.format((k+1)/self.nspec), end="\r") if not quiet: print('Transfer Matrix Done ') # Save the regridding input self.regrid_rlim = rlim self.regrid_sigma = sigma self.regrid_channel = channel self.pixelscale = pixelscale # Normalize the result and scale by the pixel size to ensure the # output cube is in units of calibrated flux density per pixel scale = pixelscale*pixelscale/numpy.pi non_zero_wgt *= scale/tot[numpy.unravel_index(non_zero_pix.astype(int), (self.nx,self.ny))] # Set the transfer matrix to a sparse object self.regrid_T = sparse.coo_matrix( (non_zero_wgt, (non_zero_pix, non_zero_spc)), \ shape=(nim,self.nspec) ).tocsr() # Return the transfer matrix return self.regrid_T
[docs] def regrid_wavelength_plane(self, channel, pixelscale=None, recenter=None, width_buffer=None, rlim=None, sigma=None, quiet=False, return_ivar=False, return_covar=False): r""" Return the reconstructed image for the specified wavelength channel. For 'CUBE' files, the input parameters *must* be the same as the defaults. If they are, the function simply returns the selected 2D array from the 'FLUX' extension. For 'RSS' files, the transfer matrix is first calculated using :func:`regrid_transfer_matrix` and then used to calculate: .. math:: {\mathbf T} \times {\mathbf F} = {\mathbf I} where :math:`{\mathbf F}` is the vector of fluxes in the selected wavelength channel for all the fiber measurements in the field of view and :math:`{\mathbf I}` is the pre-formatted (flattened) reconstructed image of that wavelength channel. **On output, :math:`{\mathbf I}` is rearranged into a 2D array of size :attr:`nx` by :attr:`ny`.** .. warning:: Because the internal data structure is transposed with respect to the DRP file, the result is transposed on output so that it will match the similar operation done directly on a DRP file. Args: channel (int): Index of the spectral channel for which to calculate the transfer matrix. pixelscale (float): (**Optional**) Desired pixel scale in arcsec recenter (bool): (**Optional**) Flag to recenter the coordinate system width_buffer (int): (**Optional**) Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction rlim (float): (**Optional**) The limiting radius of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. sigma (float): (**Optional**) The sigma of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. quiet (bool): (**Optional**) Suppress terminal output return_ivar (bool): (**Optional**) Return the nominal inverse variance image (i.e. the diagonal of the covariance matrix). Returns: numpy.ndarray: The reconstructed image for the specified wavelength channel. Raises: Exception: Raised for 'CUBE' files when the input parameters are not the same as the defaults. """ # Set the default values for the input pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma = \ self._init_regrid_pars(pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma) # Allow CUBE output under certain conditions if self.mode == 'CUBE': # Do not perform the calculation if the parameters are not # the default used by the DRP to create the CUBE file. if not self._regrid_defaults(pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma): raise ValueError('Must use default pixel scale, rlim, and sigma to get ' + 'wavelength-channel image for DRP-produced CUBE files.') self.open_hdu(checksum=self.checksum) return self.hdu['FLUX'].data[:,:,channel].copy() # Set the transfer matrix (set to self.regrid_T; don't need to # keep the returned matrix) self.regrid_transfer_matrix(channel, pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma, quiet) flux =['FLUX'].data[:,channel]).reshape(self.nx,self.ny) # Return the regridded data with the proper shape (nx by ny) if not return_ivar: return flux covar = self._formal_covariance_matrix(channel, pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma) if return_covar: return flux, covar return flux,, \ -1).filled(0.0).reshape(self.nx,self.ny)
[docs] def _formal_covariance_matrix(self, channel, pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma, csr=False, quiet=False): r""" Return the formal covariance matrix as defined by .. math:: {\mathbf C} = {\mathbf T} \times {\mathbf \Sigma} \times {\mathbf T}^{\rm T}, where :math:`{\mathbf \Sigma}` is the covariance matrix for the 'RSS' spectra for the specified wavelength channel. For 'CUBE' files, the function will attempt to use the 'RSS' counterpart of the file to produce the transfer matrix, :math:`{\mathbf T}`. In this case, the input parameters *must* be the defaults. .. note:: The current DRP does not produce spectral covariance matrices for the 'RSS' spectra. Here, it is assumed that the spectral covariance matrix is zero everywhere except along the diagonal, which contains the inverse of the values in the 'IVAR' extension. The use of this function should **not** be used with the 'CUBE' files for efficiency sake. Args: channel (int): Index of the spectral channel for which to calculate the transfer matrix. pixelscale (float): Desired pixel scale in arcsec recenter (bool): Flag to recenter the coordinate system width_buffer (int): Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction rlim (float): The limiting radius of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. sigma (float): The sigma of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. csr (bool): (**Optional**) Instead of reaturning a :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object, return the covariance matrix as a `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_ object. Primarily used by :func:`covariance_cube` for collating the covariance matrix of each wavelength channel before combining them into a single :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object quiet (bool): (**Optional**) Suppress terminal output Returns: :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` or `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_: The covariance matrix for the designated wavelength channel. The return type depends on *csr*. Raises: ValueError: Raised for 'CUBE' files when the input parameters are not the same as the defaults. """ # Allow CUBE output under certain conditions if self.mode == 'CUBE': # Do not perform the calculation if the parameters are not # the default used by the DRP to create the CUBE file. if not self._regrid_defaults(pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma): raise ValueError('Must use default pixel scale, rlim, and sigma to get ' + 'covariance matrices for DRP-produced CUBE files.') warnings.warn('Attempting to use RSS counter-part for calculation.') drpf = DRPFits(self.plate, self.ifudesign, 'RSS', drpver=self.drpver, \ redux_path=self.redux_path, directory_path=self.directory_path) return drpf.covariance_matrix(channel, pixelscale=pixelscale, recenter=recenter, width_buffer=width_buffer, rlim=rlim, sigma=sigma, csr=csr, quiet=quiet) # Set the transfer matrix (set to self.regrid_T; don't need # to keep the returned matrix) self.regrid_transfer_matrix(channel, pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma, quiet) # Get the variance values, ignoring those that are <= 0 # var = numpy.zeros(self.nspec, dtype=numpy.float64) # indx = numpy.where(self.hdu['IVAR'].data[:,channel] > 0.) # var[indx] = 1.0/self.hdu['IVAR'].data[indx,channel] # TODO: Change to using Covariance.from_matrix_multiplication # Set the covariance matrix of the spectra to be a diagonal # matrix with the provided variances Sigma = sparse.coo_matrix((['IVAR'].data[:,channel], -1.0).filled(0.0), (numpy.arange(0,self.nspec),numpy.arange(0,self.nspec))), \ shape=(self.nspec, self.nspec)).tocsr() # Return the covariance matrix from the spatial rebinning C = sparse.triu( return Covariance(C) if not csr else C
[docs] def _approximate_covariance_matrix(self, channel, pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma, sigma_rho, csr=False, quiet=False): r""" Return an approximate calculation of the covariance matrix assuming .. math:: C_{ij} = \frac{\rho_{ij}}{(V^{-1}_{ii} V^{-1}_{jj})^{1/2}} where :math:`\rho_{ij}` is approximated by a Gaussian with a standard deviation defined by the provided *sigma_rho*. See the description of attributes :attr:`cov_rho` and :attr:`sigma_rho`. For this to work, the variance matrix of the reconstructed image must have been already calculated, meaning that this approach is most appropriately used with the 'CUBE' files. For 'RSS' files, the covariance matrix is determined in this case by calling :func:`covariance_matrix` on the 'CUBE' file, which will raise an exception if the parameters defining the dimensions of the reconstructed image and kernel are not the defaults. In general, this function should **not** be used with 'RSS' files for efficiency sake. Args: channel (int): Index of the spectral channel for which to calculate the transfer matrix. pixelscale (float): Desired pixel scale in arcsec recenter (bool): Flag to recenter the coordinate system width_buffer (int): Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction rlim (float): The limiting radius of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. sigma (float): The sigma of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. sigma_rho (float): The sigma of the Gaussian function used to approximate the trend of the correlation coefficient with pixel separation. csr (bool): (**Optional**) Instead of reaturning a :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object, return the covariance matrix as a `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_ object. Primarily used by :func:`covariance_cube` for collating the covariance matrix of each wavelength channel before combining them into a single :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object quiet (bool): (**Optional**) Suppress terminal output Returns: :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` or `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_: The covariance matrix for the designated wavelength channel. The return type depends on `csr`. Raises: ValueError: Raised for 'CUBE' files when the input parameters are not the same as the defaults. """ # Allow to process RSS if necessary, but warn user if self.mode == 'RSS': warnings.warn('Attempting to use CUBE counter-part for calculation.') drpf = DRPFits(self.plate, self.ifudesign, 'CUBE', drpver=self.drpver, \ redux_path=self.redux_path, directory_path=self.directory_path) return drpf.covariance_matrix(channel, pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma, sigma_rho, csr, quiet) # Get the variance correlation (rho) matrix (returns # existing matrix if available for same parameters) self._set_variance_correlation(sigma_rho, pixelscale=pixelscale, recenter=recenter, width_buffer=width_buffer, rlim=rlim, sigma=sigma) # Get the non-zero elements ci, cj, rho = sparse.find(self.cov_rho) # Get the cube pixels i_i = ci//self.ny i_j = ci-i_i*self.ny j_i = cj//self.ny j_j = cj-j_i*self.ny # Use the available inverse variance cube to approximately # calculate the full covariance matrix cov = numpy.sqrt(self.hdu['IVAR'].data[i_i,i_j,channel] * self.hdu['IVAR'].data[j_i,j_j,channel]) cov[cov>0] = rho[cov>0]/cov[cov>0] C = sparse.coo_matrix((cov[cov>0], (ci[cov>0], cj[cov>0])), shape=(self.nx*self.ny,self.nx*self.ny)).tocsr() return Covariance(C) if not csr else C
[docs] def _interpolated_response_function(self, response_func): if response_func is None: return numpy.ones(self.nwave, dtype=float) interp = interpolate.interp1d(response_func[:,0], response_func[:,1], bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0, assume_sorted=True) return interp(self['WAVE'].data)
[docs] def _covariance_wavelength(self, waverange=None, response_func=None, per_pixel=True, flag=None): """ Determine the wavelength at which to calculate the covariance matrix. Args: waverange (array-like): (**Optional**) Starting and ending wavelength over which to calculate the statistics. Default is to use the full wavelength range. response_func (array-like): (**Optional**) A two-column array with the wavelength and transmission of a broad-band response function to use for the calculation. per_pixel (bool): (**Optional**) When providing a response function, continue to calculate the statistics per pixel, as opposed to per angstrom. Default is to compute the statistics on a per pixel basis. flag (str or list): (**Optional**) (List of) Flag names that are considered when deciding if a pixel should be masked. The names *must* be a valid bit name as defined by :attr:`bitmask` (see :class:`DRPFitsBitMask`). Returns: float: The response-weighted center of the wavelength region used to calculate the S/N, which will be where the covariance matrix is calculated. """ if waverange is None and response_func is None: return (self['WAVE'].data[0]+self['WAVE'].data[-1])/2. wave = self['WAVE'].data flux = self.copy_to_masked_array(waverange=waverange, flag=flag) dw = numpy.ones(self.nwave, dtype=float) if per_pixel else \ spectral_coordinate_step(wave, log=True)*numpy.log(10.)*wave _response_func = self._interpolated_response_function(response_func) response_integral = numpy.sum(numpy.invert( *_response_func[None,:]*dw[None,:], axis=1) return *(self['WAVE'].data* _response_func*dw)[None,:], axis=1), response_integral))
[docs] def covariance_matrix(self, channel, pixelscale=None, recenter=None, width_buffer=None, rlim=None, sigma=None, sigma_rho=None, csr=False, quiet=False): r""" Return the covariance matrix for the specified wavelength channel. For a regrided cube image with :math:`N_x\times N_y` pixels, the covariance matrix has a size that is :math:`(N_x N_y)\times (N_x N_y)`; however, the majority of these pixels will be zero. Therefore, the covariance matrix is stored as a sparse matrix and interfaced with using the :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object class. The value of the covariance matrix at pixel :math:`(i,j)` is the covariance between pixels :math:`(n_{x,0},n_{y,0})` and :math:`(n_{x,1},n_{y,1})` at the specified wavelength channel of the reconstructed CUBE image, where .. math:: n_{x,0} &= \lfloor i / N_y \rfloor \\ n_{y,0} &= i - n_{x,0} N_y \\ n_{x,1} &= \lfloor j / N_y \rfloor \\ n_{y,1} &= j - n_{x,1} N_y and :math:`\lfloor m\rfloor` is the "floor" of :math:`m`. The diagonal of the covariance matrix (:math:`i=j`) should directly provide the inverse of the IVAR values provided by the DRP. .. warning:: THIS IS IMPORTANT. Because the sense of the pixel coordinates, :math:`(n_x,n_y)`, is flipped with respect to a direct read of the DRP fits file using ``_, it is important that you appreciate this ordering in handling the coordinates in the output covariance matrix using the equation above. I.e., if you want to get the covariance between two pixels in the DRP file, make sure you understand which is the :math:`x` pixel and which is the :math:`y` pixel! You can compare the CUBE provide inverse variance matrix and the inverse variance matrix provided along the diagonal of a covariance matrix calculated using this function as follows:: from matplotlib import pyplot from mangadap.drpfits import DRPFits from import fits drpf = DRPFits(7495, 3701, 'CUBE', read=False) hdu = drpf = DRPFits(7495, 3701, 'RSS', read=True) channel = 2000 C = drpf.covariance_matrix(channel) ivar = numpy.diag(C.toarray()).reshape(-1, \ numpy.sqrt(C.shape[0])).T.copy() indx = ivar > 0 ivar[indx] = 1./ivar[indx] ivar[numpy.invert(indx)] = 0. fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(pyplot.figaspect(1))) ax = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.3, 0.35, 0.35]) ax.imshow(ivar, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', cmap='inferno', aspect='auto') ax.set_title('regrid') ax = fig.add_axes([0.5, 0.3, 0.35, 0.35]) cax = fig.add_axes([0.86, 0.3, 0.01, 0.35]) ax.set_title('DRP') cs = ax.imshow(hdu['IVAR'].data[channel,:,:], origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', cmap='inferno') pyplot.colorbar(cs, cax=cax) Differences between the inverse variance values should be small (:math:`\approx 10^{-3}`, which is about 1 part in :math:`10^7`). The covariance matrix can be generated in one of two ways: 1. If *sigma_rho* is None, the returned matrix is the formal covariance matrix defined as .. math:: {\mathbf C} = {\mathbf T} \times {\mathbf \Sigma} \times {\mathbf T}^{\rm T}, where :math:`{\mathbf \Sigma}` is the covariance matrix for the 'RSS' spectra for the specified wavelength channel. For 'CUBE' files, the function will attempt to use the 'RSS' counterpart of the file to produce the transfer matrix, :math:`{\mathbf T}`. In this case, the input parameters *must* be the defaults. .. note:: The current DRP does not produce spectral covariance matrices for the 'RSS' spectra. Here, it is assumed that the spectral covariance matrix is zero everywhere except along the diagonal, which contains the inverse of the values in the 'IVAR' extension. 2. If *sigma_rho* is not None, the returned matrix is an approximation of the covariance matrix determined by *sigma_rho*. See the description of :attr:`cov_rho` and :attr:`sigma_rho`. For this to work, the variance matrix of the reconstructed image must have been already calculated, meaning that this approach is most appropriately used with the 'CUBE' files. For 'RSS' files, the covariance matrix is determined in this case by calling :func:`covariance_matrix` on the 'CUBE' file, which will raise an exception if the parameters defining the dimensions of the reconstructed image and kernel are not the defaults. In general, use of *sigma_rho* should **not** be used with 'RSS' files and the use of the formal calculation should **not** be used with the 'CUBE' files for efficiency. Args: channel (int): Index of the spectral channel for which to calculate the transfer matrix. pixelscale (float): (**Optional**) Desired pixel scale in arcsec recenter (bool): (**Optional**) Flag to recenter the coordinate system width_buffer (int): (**Optional**) Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction rlim (float): (**Optional**) The limiting radius of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. sigma (float): (**Optional**) The sigma of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. sigma_rho (float): (**Optional**) The sigma of the Gaussian function used to approximate the trend of the correlation coefficient with pixel separation. csr (bool): (**Optional**) Instead of reaturning a :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object, return the covariance matrix as a `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_ object. Primarily used by :func:`covariance_cube` for collating the covariance matrix of each wavelength channel before combining them into a single :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object quiet (bool): (**Optional**) Suppress terminal output Returns: :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` or `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_: The covariance matrix for the designated wavelength channel. The return type depends on `csr`. Raises: ValueError: Raised for 'CUBE' files when the input parameters are not the same as the defaults. .. todo:: Need to make sure that the correct masks are being used for the RSS files. Should be 3DREJECT but nothing else? """ # Set the default values for the input pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma = \ self._init_regrid_pars(pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma) return self._formal_covariance_matrix(channel, pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma, csr=csr, quiet=quiet) \ if sigma_rho is None else \ self._approximate_covariance_matrix(channel, pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma, sigma_rho, csr=csr, quiet=quiet)
[docs] def covariance_cube(self, channels=None, pixelscale=None, recenter=None, width_buffer=None, rlim=None, sigma=None, sigma_rho=None, csr=False, quiet=False): """ Return the covariance matrices for all wavelength channels; see :func:`covariance_matrix`. Args: pixelscale (float): (**Optional**) Desired pixel scale in arcsec recenter (bool): (**Optional**) Flag to recenter the coordinate system width_buffer (int): (**Optional**) Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction rlim (float): (**Optional**) The limiting radius of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. sigma (float): (**Optional**) The sigma of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. sigma_rho (float): (**Optional**) The sigma of the Gaussian function used to approximate the trend of the correlation coefficient with pixel separation. csr (bool): (**Optional**) Instead of reaturning a :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object, return a numpy.ndarray of the covariance matrices for each channel, which are `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_ objects. Primarily used by :func:`covariance_cube` for collating the covariance matrix of each wavelength channel before combining them into a single :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object quiet (bool): (**Optional**) Suppress terminal output Returns: :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` or numpy.ndarray: The return type depends on `csr`: if True, the returned object is an ndarray of `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_ types. Raises: Exception: Raised for 'CUBE' files when the input parameters are not the same as the defaults. """ # Set the default values for the input pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma = \ self._init_regrid_pars(pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma) # Allow CUBE output under certain conditions if self.mode == 'CUBE': # Do not perform the calculation if the parameters are not # the default used by the DRP to create the CUBE file. if not self._regrid_defaults(pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma): raise ValueError('Must use default pixel scale, rlim, and sigma to get ' + 'covariance matrices for DRP-produced CUBE files.') warnings.warn('Attempting to use RSS counter-part for calculation.') drpf = DRPFits(self.plate, self.ifudesign, 'RSS', drpver=self.drpver, \ redux_path=self.redux_path, directory_path=self.directory_path) return drpf.covariance_cube(channels=channels, sigma_rho=sigma_rho, csr=csr, quiet=quiet) self.open_hdu(checksum=self.checksum) # The number of wavelength channels _channels = numpy.arange(self.nwave) if channels is None \ else numpy.atleast_1d(channels) nc = len(_channels) CovCube = numpy.empty(nc, dtype=sparse.csr.csr_matrix) # Empty ndarray for i in range(nc): if not quiet: print('Covariance Cube {0}/{1}'.format(i+1,nc), end="\r") CovCube[i] = self.covariance_matrix(_channels[i], pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma, sigma_rho, csr=True, quiet=True) if not quiet: print('Covariance Cube Done ') # Don't provide input indices if the full cube is calculated return Covariance(CovCube, input_indx=_channels) if not csr else CovCube
[docs] def instrumental_dispersion_plane(self, channel, dispersion_factor=None, pixelscale=None, recenter=None, width_buffer=None, rlim=None, sigma=None, pre=False, quiet=False): r""" Return the instrumental dispersion for the reconstructed 'CUBE' wavelength plane. For 'CUBE' files, the input parameters *must* be the same as the defaults. If they are, the function must be able to find and access the 'RSS' file to construct the instrumental dispersion map because the necessary information is not in the 'CUBE' files (before MPL-6). .. todo:: - Need to implement something that will recognize that the 'DISP' extension exists in the MPL-6 and later DRP CUBE files. For 'RSS' files, the transfer matrix, :math:`{\mathbf T}`, is first calculated using :func:`regrid_transfer_matrix`. The transfer matrix is used to construct the 'CUBE' wavelength plane image, :math:`{\mathbf I}`, by computing :math:`{\mathbf T} \times {\mathbf F} = {\mathbf I}`, where :math:`{\mathbf F}` is the vector of the fiber fluxes. Under the assumption that the line-spread-function (LSF) is Gaussian, we determine the instrumental dispersion for the data in the wavelength channel of the reconstructed CUBE by calculating the second moment of the weighted sum of Gaussians of the appropriate dispersion. Assuming all the Gaussians have the normalized form: .. math:: \mathcal{N}(x|\mu=0,\sigma) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma} \exp\left(-\frac{x^2}{2\sigma^2}\right), the combined instrumental dispersion becomes .. math:: \sigma_{\rm inst,j}^2 = \frac{\sum_i T_{ij} \sigma^2_i}{\sum_i T_{ij}}, where :math:`T_{ij}` are the elements of the transfer matrix. In terms of matrix multiplications, this can be written as .. math:: {\mathbf S} = \frac{ {\mathbf T} \times {\mathbf V} }{ {\mathbf T_c} }, where :math:`{\mathbf T_c} = {\mathbf T_c} \times {\mathbf 1}` is the vector with the sum :math:`\sum_j T_{ij}`, :math:`{\mathbf V}` is the instrumental variance for all fibers at the designated wavelength plane, and :math:`{\mathbf S}` is the variance for all the spaxels in the reconstructed wavelength image; the division by :math:`{\mathbf T_c}` is element-wise. The returned matrix is the element-wise square-root of :math:`{\mathbf S}`, rearranged into a 2D array of size :attr:`ny` by :attr:`nx`. .. warning:: Because the internal data structure is transposed with respect to the DRP file, the result is transposed on output so that it will match the pixel coordinates in the reconstructed image pulled directly from a DRP file. See :func:`regrid_wavelength_channel`. Args: channel (int): Index of the spectral channel for which to calculate the transfer matrix. dispersion_factor (float): (**Optional**) Artificially multiply the dispersion measurements by this factor before calculating the reconstructed dispersion. pixelscale (float): (**Optional**) Desired pixel scale in arcsec recenter (bool): (**Optional**) Flag to recenter the coordinate system width_buffer (int): (**Optional**) Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction rlim (float): (**Optional**) The limiting radius of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. sigma (float): (**Optional**) The sigma of the image reconstruction kernel in arcseconds. pre (bool): (**Optional**) Read the pre-pixelized version of the spectral resolution, instead of the post-pixelized version. This prepends 'PRE' to the extension name. quiet (bool): (**Optional**) Suppress terminal output Returns: numpy.ndarray: The reconstructed image for the specified wavelength channel. Raises: ValueError: Raised for 'CUBE' files when the input parameters are not the same as the defaults. """ # Set the default values for the input pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma = \ self._init_regrid_pars(pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma) # Allow CUBE output under certain conditions if self.mode == 'CUBE': # Do not perform the calculation if the parameters are not # the default used by the DRP to create the CUBE file. if not self._regrid_defaults(pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma): raise ValueError('Must use default pixel scale, rlim, and sigma to get ' + 'wavelength-channel image for DRP-produced CUBE files.') drpf = DRPFits(self.plate, self.ifudesign, 'RSS', drpver=self.drpver, \ redux_path=self.redux_path, directory_path=self.directory_path) return drpf.instrumental_dispersion_plane(channel, dispersion_factor=dispersion_factor, quiet=quiet) # Set the transfer matrix (set to self.regrid_T; don't need to # keep the returned matrix) self.regrid_transfer_matrix(channel, pixelscale, recenter, width_buffer, rlim, sigma, quiet) # Get the dispersion factor _df = 1.0 if dispersion_factor is None else dispersion_factor # Return the regridded data with the proper shape (nx by ny) Tc = self.regrid_T.sum(axis=1).flatten() Tc[numpy.invert(Tc>0)] = 1.0 # Control for zeros ext = 'PREDISP' if pre else 'DISP' return numpy.sqrt(*self.hdu[ext].data[:,channel])) / Tc ).reshape(self.nx, self.ny)
[docs] def pointing_offset(self): """ Return the offsets in RA and DEC between the pointing coordinates (IFURA, IFUDEC) and the designated object center coordinates (OBJRA, OBJDEC), drawn from the primary header of the DRP fits file. Returns: float: Sky-right arcsecond offsets in RA and DEC. """ return ( (self.hdu[0].header['IFURA'] - self.hdu[0].header['OBJRA']) \ * numpy.cos(numpy.radians(self.hdu[0].header['OBJDEC'])) * 3600.), \ ((self.hdu[0].header['IFUDEC'] - self.hdu[0].header['OBJDEC']) * 3600.)
[docs] def mean_sky_coordinates(self, waverange=None, response_func=None, per_pixel=True, offset=True, flag=None, fluxwgt=False): r""" Compute the mean sky coordinates for each spectrum. For CUBE files, this just returns the spaxel coordinates in arcseconds relative to the object center, where the object center is :math:`(\alpha_0,\delta_0) = ({\rm OBJRA},{\rm OBJDEC)` as provided in the primary header, and .. math:: x &= (\alpha - \alpha_0) \cos \delta_0 \\ y &= (\delta - \delta_0) The coordinate grid, :math:`(\alpha, \delta)` is based on the WCS coordinates in the header as returned by :func:`world_mesh`. For RSS files, this returns either the unweighted or flux-weighted XPOS and YPOS values. For observations where the pointing center is different from the object center, the returned coordinates are relative to the object center if offset=True (default) and relative to the pointing center if offset=False. .. warning:: Flux-weighting the coordinates can produce spurious results in low-flux regimes. Args: waverange (array-like): (**Optional**) Two-element array with the first and last wavelength to include in the computation. Default is to use the full wavelength range. response_func (array-like): (**Optional**) A two-column array with the wavelength and transmission of a broad-band response function to use for the calculation. per_pixel (bool): (**Optional**) When providing a response function, continue to calculate the statistics per pixel, as opposed to per angstrom. Default is to offset (bool) : Offset the coordinates to the object coordinates. flag (str or list): (**Optional**) (List of) Flag names that are considered when deciding if a pixel should be masked. The names *must* be a valid bit name as defined by :attr:`bitmask` (see :class:`DRPFitsBitMask`). fluxwgt (bool) : (**Optional**) Flag to weight by the flux when determining the mean coordinates for the RSS spectra. Returns: numpy.ndarray : A 1D array with the coordinates of each spectrum. The index of the vector matches the index in :attr:`spatial_index` in case you want to recreate the a map for the CUBE files. """ if self.mode == 'CUBE': x, y = self.world_mesh() x = (x-self.hdu[0].header['OBJRA']) \ * numpy.cos(numpy.radians(self.hdu[0].header['OBJDEC'])) y = (y-self.hdu[0].header['OBJDEC']) return x.ravel()*3600., y.ravel()*3600. # The negative here is because the XPOS extension has negative # offsets going toward increasing RA. xoff, yoff = self.pointing_offset() if offset else 0.0, 0.0 xpos = xoff - self.copy_to_masked_array(ext='XPOS', waverange=waverange, flag=flag) ypos = yoff + self.copy_to_masked_array(ext='YPOS', waverange=waverange, flag=flag) if fluxwgt: flux = self.copy_to_masked_array(ext='FLUX', waverange=waverange, flag=flag) # Set the response function wave = self['WAVE'].data dw = numpy.ones(self.nwave, dtype=float) if per_pixel else \ spectral_coordinate_step(wave, log=True)*numpy.log(10.)*wave _response_func = self._interpolated_response_function(response_func) # Get the normalization and return the flux- or un-weighted coordinates if fluxwgt: norm =*_response_func[None,:]*dw[None,:], axis=1) return*xpos*_response_func[None,:]*dw[None,:],axis=1)/norm, \*ypos*_response_func[None,:]*dw[None,:],axis=1)/norm norm = numpy.sum(numpy.invert(*_response_func[None,:] *dw[None,:], axis=1) return*_response_func[None,:]*dw[None,:],axis=1)/norm, \*_response_func[None,:]*dw[None,:],axis=1)/norm
[docs] def flux_stats(self, waverange=None, response_func=None, per_pixel=True, flag=None, covar=False, correlation=False, covar_wave=None): r""" Compute the mean flux, propagated error in the mean flux, and mean S/N over the specified wavelength range; if the wavelength range is not specified, the quantities are calculated over the full spectral range. If an RSS file, no covariance is calculated. If a CUBE file and covar is True, the code will calculate the covariance matrix at the specified wavelength (see :func:`covariance_matrix`). If covar_wave is not provided, the covariance is calculated at the center wavelength of the provided wavelength range. Args: waverange (array-like): (**Optional**) Starting and ending wavelength over which to calculate the statistics. Default is to use the full wavelength range. response_func (array-like): (**Optional**) A two-column array with the wavelength and transmission of a broad-band response function to use for the calculation. per_pixel (bool): (**Optional**) When providing a response function, continue to calculate the statistics per pixel, as opposed to per angstrom. Default is to compute the statistics on a per pixel basis. flag (str or list): (**Optional**) (List of) Flag names that are considered when deciding if a pixel should be masked. The names *must* be a valid bit name as defined by :attr:`bitmask` (see :class:`DRPFitsBitMask`). covar (bool): (**Optional**) Flag to calculate covariance matrix. correlation (bool): (**Optional**) Flag to convert the covariance matrix to a correlation matrix on ouput. covar_wave (double): (**Optional**) Wavelength to use for the covariance calculation. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Four objects are returned: the mean flux, the propagated variance in the mean flux, the mean S/N, and the covariance/correlation matrix for a single wavelength channel. If the object is an RSS file or no covariance calculation is requested, the last returned object is None. Raises: ValueError: Raised of a provided wavelength range object does not have two elements. """ if waverange is not None and len(waverange) != 2: raise ValueError('Provided wavelength range must be a two-element vector.') if response_func is not None: if len(response_func.shape) != 2: raise ValueError('Response function object must be two dimensional.') if response_func.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError('Response function object must only have two columns.') # Grab the masked arrays wave = self['WAVE'].data flux = self.copy_to_masked_array(waverange=waverange, flag=flag) ivar = self.copy_to_masked_array(ext='IVAR', waverange=waverange, flag=flag) snr = flux* # Set the response function dw = numpy.ones(self.nwave, dtype=float) if per_pixel else \ spectral_coordinate_step(wave, log=True)*numpy.log(10.)*wave _response_func = self._interpolated_response_function(response_func) # print(flux.shape) # n =, axis=1) # print(n) # i = numpy.argsort(n)[-1] # print(i) # # pyplot.plot(self['WAVE'].data, dw) # pyplot.plot(self['WAVE'].data, flux[i,:]) # pyplot.plot(self['WAVE'].data, ivar[i,:]) # pyplot.plot(self['WAVE'].data, snr[i,:]) # pyplot.plot(self['WAVE'].data, _response_func) # # exit() # Get the moments response_integral = numpy.sum(numpy.invert( *(_response_func*dw)[None,:], axis=1) signal =*(_response_func*dw)[None,:], axis=1), response_integral) variance =, -1.) \ * (_response_func*dw)[None,:], axis=1), response_integral) snr =*(_response_func*dw)[None,:], axis=1), response_integral) # pyplot.imshow(response_integral.reshape(self.spatial_shape).T, origin='lower', # interpolation='nearest') # # # pyplot.imshow(signal.reshape(self.spatial_shape).T, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest') # # # pyplot.imshow(variance.reshape(self.spatial_shape).T, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest') # # # pyplot.imshow(snr.reshape(self.spatial_shape).T, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest') # # No computation of spatial covariance needed or requested if self.mode == 'RSS' or not covar: return signal, variance, snr, None # Test if the RSS file exists if self.mode == 'CUBE' and covar: rss = DRPFits(self.plate, self.ifudesign, 'RSS', drpver=self.drpver, redux_path=self.redux_path, directory_path=self.directory_path, read=False) if not os.path.isfile(rss.file_path()): warnings.warn('RSS counterpart not available. Cannot determine covariance matrix!') return signal, variance, snr, None # Only calculate the covariance at the central, or input, wavelength _covar_wave = covar_wave if covar_wave is not None \ else self._covariance_wavelength(waverange=waverange, response_func=response_func, per_pixel=per_pixel, flag=flag) channel = numpy.argsort( numpy.absolute(wave - _covar_wave) )[0] # t = self.bitmask.flagged(self.hdu['MASK'].data[:,:,channel], # flag=['NOCOV', 'LOWCOV', 'DEADFIBER']) # tt = self.bitmask.flagged(self.hdu['MASK'].data[:,:,channel], # flag=['FORESTAR', 'DONOTUSE']) # print(numpy.sum(t)) # print(numpy.sum(tt)) # print(numpy.sum(t & ~tt)) # Return the nominal stats and the covariance matrix C = self.covariance_matrix(channel) if correlation: C.to_correlation() return signal, variance, snr, C
[docs] def binned_on_sky_area(self, bin_indx, x=None, y=None): r""" Compute the on-sky area of a set of binned spectra. For CUBE files, this is just the number of spaxels in the bin times the spaxel area (as given by :attr:`pixelscale`). For RSS files, this will try to calculate the overlapping area of the fibers using the `shapely`_ python package: - The fibers "beams" are all renormalized to have an area of pi arcsec^2 by the DRP, so it's radius 1 arcsec - This function will provide the *total* area, not the integration-weighted effective area. Args: bin_indx (array-like): A vector with size :math:`N_{\rm spec}` the gives which spaxels or fibers were included in each bin. Valid bins have indices of :math:`\geq 0`. x (array-like): (**Optional**) On-sky :math:`x` coordinate. Default is to calculate :math:`x` and :math:`y` using :func:`mean_sky_coordinates` with no arguments. y (array-like): (**Optional**) On-sky :math:`y` coordinate. Default is to calculate :math:`x` and :math:`y` using :func:`mean_sky_coordinates` with no arguments. Returns: numpy.ndarray : The on-sky area of each bin. """ unique_bins, bin_count = numpy.unique(bin_indx, return_counts=True) indx = numpy.invert(unique_bins < 0) nbin = bin_count[indx] if self.mode == 'CUBE': if self.pixelscale is None: self.pixelscale = default_cube_pixelscale() return (nbin*numpy.square(self.pixelscale)).astype(float) try: if x is None or y is None: x, y = self.mean_sky_coordinates() good_bins = unique_bins[indx] area = numpy.empty(nbin.shape, dtype=numpy.float) for i, b in enumerate(good_bins): _x = x[bin_indx == b] _y = y[bin_indx == b] area[i] = cascaded_union([ Point(xx,yy).buffer(1.0,64) \ for xx, yy in zip(_x,_y) ]).area return area except: warnings.warn('Could not use \'shapely\' package to compute overlapping fiber area.' \ 'Return the total fiber area.', ImportWarning) return (nbin*numpy.pi).astype(float)
@property def can_compute_covariance(self): if self.mode == 'RSS': return True # Try to find the RSS file rss = DRPFits(self.plate, self.ifudesign, 'RSS', drpver=self.drpver, redux_path=self.redux_path, directory_path=self.directory_path, read=False) if not os.path.isfile(rss.file_path()): return False return True
# def white_light(self, mask_list=None): # """ # Return the X and Y coordinate grid, and a "white-light" flux density (in # 10^{-17} erg/s/cm^2/angstrom) integrated over the full spectral range, # ignoring masked pixels: # \int f dl # wl = --------- . # \int dl # The pixels to be masked are those that are flagged with any of # the maskbits provided (mask_list). # For RSS files, this takes into account the changing XPOS and # YPOS with wavelength. For CUBE files, this is a more # straight-forward integration of the cube. # ARGUMENTS: # - mask_list: numpy string array with the list of # 'MANGA_DRPPIXFLAG' values to ignore in the integration # If None, ignore any non-zero pixel in the MASK extension. # """ # if mask_list is not None: # print("Cannot yet interpret mask_list. Ignoring.") # self.dlogl = 0.0001 # TODO: Add log sampling to header of RSS files # mask = numpy.zeros(self.hdu['MASK'].data.shape, dtype=numpy.float64) # mask[ self.hdu['MASK'].data.shape > 0. ] = 1.0 # if mode is 'RSS': # X, Y = self.pix_mesh() # X = (X-1)*self.pixelscale+self.xs # X = (Y-1)*self.pixelscale+self.ys # ipos = (self.hdu['XPOS'].data - self.xs)/self.pixelscale # jpos = (self.hdu['YPOS'].data - self.ys)/self.pixelscale # Z = numpy.zeros(X.shape, dtype=numpy.float64) # wgt = numpy.zeros(X.shape, dtype=numpy.float64) # nwave = (self.hdu['FLUX'].header['NAXIS1']) # nspec = (self.hdu['FLUX'].header['NAXIS2']) # for i in range(0,nspec): # for j in range(0,nwave): # tmp = mask[i,j] * dlogl * self.hdu['WAVE'].data[i,j] # Z[ipos[i,j], jpos[i,j]] += tmp * self.hdu['FLUX'].data[i,j] # wgt[ipos[i,j], jpos[i,j]] += tmp # Z[wgt > 0.] /= wgt[wgt > 0.] # return X, Y, Z # else: # X, Y = self.world_mesh() # nwave = (self.hdu['FLUX'].header['NAXIS3']) # Z = self.hdu['FLUX'].data # for i in range(0,nwave): # mask[:,:,i] # ipos = numpy.zeros(self.hdu['FLUX'].data.shape, dtype=numpy.int32) # jpos = numpy.zeros(self.hdu['FLUX'].data.shape, dtype=numpy.int32) # ipos[:,:,0], jpos[:,:,0] = numpy.meshgrid( numpy.arange(0, self.nx), \ # numpy.arange(0,self.ny), indexing='ij') # ipos[:,:,1:-1] = ipos[:,:,0] # # Z = numpy.zeros(X.shape) # # # # x_grid will ensure that the hdu is read # x = self.x_grid() # y = self.y_grid() # X, Y = numpy.meshgrid(x, y)