mangadap.survey.manga_dap module

Provides the main wrapper function for the MaNGA DAP.

Revision history

21 Mar 2016: Original implementation by K. Westfall (KBW): started.
19 Jul 2016: (KBW) Always provide the NSA redshift to the modules!
05 May 2017: (KBW) Clean up documentation; use import to get __version__


Copyright © 2019, SDSS-IV/MaNGA Pipeline Group


Get the metadata required to run the DAP.

The metadata is pulled from the provided DataCube and checked. The only required metadata keyword is z, which sets the initial guess for the bulk redshift of the galaxy. If this key is not available or its value doesn’t meet the criterion below, this function will raise an exception, meaning the DAP will fault before it starts processing the DataCube.

The metadata provided by the DataCube must meet the following critical criteria or the method will fault:

  • Velocity (\(cz\)) has to be greater than -500.

For the remainder of the metadata, if the keyword does not exist, if the value is None, or if the value is outside the accepted range, a default is chosen. The metadata keywords, acceptable ranges, and defaults are provided below.





\(\sigma > 0\)



\(0 \leq \varepsilon < 1\)



\(0 \leq \phi_0 < 360\)



\(R_{\rm eff} > 0\)



Returns a dictionary with the following keywords:

  • z: The bulk redshift of the galaxy, used to calculate \(cz\).

  • vel: The initial guess velocity (\(cz\)) in km/s.

  • vdisp: The initial guess velocity dispersion in km/s.

  • ell: The isophotal ellipticity (\(1-b/a\)) to use when calculating semi-major axis coordinates.

  • pa: The isophotal position angle in deg from N through E, used when calculating semi-major axis coordinates.

  • reff: The effective radius in arcsec (DataCube WCS coordinates are expected to be in deg), used as a normalization of the semi-major axis radius in various output data.

Return type



ValueError – See critical criteria above.

mangadap.survey.manga_dap.manga_dap(cube, plan, dbg=False, log=None, verbose=0, drpver=None, redux_path=None, directory_path=None, dapver=None, analysis_path=None)[source]

Main wrapper function for the MaNGA DAP.

This function is designed to be called once per datacube. The mangadap.par.analysisplan.AnalysisPlanSet instance sets the types of analyses to perform on this observation. Each analysis plan results in a MAPS and model LOGCUBE file.

The procedure is as follows. For each plan in plan:

Verbose levels (still under development):
  1. Nothing but errors.

  2. Basic status updates. E.g., start and end of each block, minor progress within blocks.

  3. Block-level and sub-function updates.

  4. Same as above, with figures.


Status flag (under development; currently always 0).

Return type
