Source code for mangadap.datacube.datacube

Base class for a datacube


.. include license and copyright
.. include:: ../include/copy.rst


.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst

# TODO: Pilfer the pypeit.DataContainer for this.

# TODO: Force the datacube data arrays to be read-only?

import warnings

from IPython import embed

import numpy

from scipy import sparse, interpolate

from import fits
import astropy.constants

from ..util.bitmask import BitMask
from ..util.mapping import permute_wcs_axes
from ..util.covariance import Covariance
from ..util.pixelmask import SpectralPixelMask
from ..util.sampling import angstroms_per_pixel
from ..util.geometry import polygon_area

[docs]class DataCube: r""" Base container class for a rectilinear datacube. Datacubes have three axes: two spatial coordinates and one spectral. The datacubes are expected to be rectilinear; i.e., each spatial position has the same spectral range and each wavelength channel has the same spatial coordinates. On input, the ordering of the three dimensions can be arbitrary; however, the axes are re-ordered for the internal attributes such that wavelengths are ordered along the last axis, with the first two axes being the spatial coordinates. Nominally the spatial coordinates are ordered predominantly coincident with right-ascension (E toward smaller pixels numbers in axis 0) and declination (N toward larger pixel numbers in axis 1); however, rotation of the datacube spatial coordinates can be non-zero with respect to the celestial coordinates, as given by the provided world-coordinate system. The wavelength vector applicable to all spatial positions can either be provided directly or constructed from the provided WCS. Any directly provided ``wave`` vector takes precedence over the WCS. Spatial covariance/correlation can be provided via the ``covar`` keyword argument. If provided as a single array, the provided array is used to define the *correlation* matrix and is assumed to be identical for all wavelength channels. More options are available if the input is provided as a :class:`~mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object. The ordering of the covariance/correlation matrix is expected to provide the correlation between the row-major flattened version of the spatial coordinates. That is, for a datacube with spatial shape :math:`(N_x,N_y)`, the covariance/correlation value at location :math:`i,j` is the correlation between pixels at 2D locations :math:`(i_x,i_y)` and :math:`(j_x,j_y)`, where .. math:: \begin{array}{rcl} i_x & = & \lfloor i/N_y \rfloor, \\ i_y & = & i - i_x N_y, \\ j_x & = & \lfloor j/N_y \rfloor, {\rm and} \\ j_y & = & j - j_x N_y. \end{array} If the values of ``axes`` indicates that the provided flux array should have it's spatial axes transposed (i.e. ``axes[0] > axes[1]``), the provided covariance/correlation data is appropriately restructured to correspond to the wavelength channels in :attr:`flux` (again assuming a flattened row-major memory block); see :func:`~mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance.transpose_raw_shape`. See :ref:`datacube_subclass` for instructions on subclassing this object for non-MaNGA datacubes. Args: flux (`numpy.ndarray`_): Data array with the flux as a function of spatial and spectral position. Shape should be :math:`(N_x, N_y, N_\lambda)`. wave (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): The wavelength vector associated with each spatial position. Shape is :math:`(N_\lambda,)`. If None, ``wcs`` must be provided such that the wavelength vector can be constructed. ivar (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): The inverse variance of the flux array. Shape must be the same as ``flux``. If None, errors are ignored. mask (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Mask array for the flux measurements. Can be a boolean mask (False=unmasked,good; True=masked,bad) or an integer array associated with the provided :class:`mangadap.util.bitmask.BitMask` object (see ``bitmask``). Shape must be the same as ``flux``. bitmask (:class:`mangadap.util.bitmask.BitMask`, optional): Object used to select and toggle masked pixels from :attr:`mask`. If None, any provided ``mask`` must be a boolean array or can be successfully converted to one. sres (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): The spectral resolution, :math:`R = \lambda / \Delta\lambda`. Can be a single vector with shape :math:`(N_\lambda,)`, if the spectral resolution is independent of spatial position, or a 3D datacube with a spatially and spectrally dependent resolution with a shape that matches ``flux``. If None, spectral resolution is ignored. covar (array-like, :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance`, optional): The spatial covariance in one or more wavelength channels. If None, no covariance is assumed. See usage and interpretation in class description. axes (:obj:`list`, optional): The axes with the :math:`x`, :math:`y`, and :math:`\lambda` in the provided flux array. For example, ``[2,1,0]`` means the spectra are organized along the first axis. wcs (`astropy.wcs.WCS`_, optional): World-coordinate system for the 3D datacube. If None, spatial coordinates are set to be centered with a pixelscale in arcsec (see ``pixelscale``). pixelscale (:obj:`int`, :obj:`float`, optional): Spatial extent in arcsec of each spaxel in the datacube, assumed to be square. Superseded by ``wcs``, if the latter is provided. If the ``wcs`` is not provided and the pixelscale is not provided upon instantiation, it is set to unity. log (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag that the datacube spectral pixels are binned logarithmically in wavelength. meta (:obj:`dict`, optional): A free-form dictionary used to hold metadata relevant to the datacube. Metadata required by analysis modules are indicated where relevant. If None, :attr:`meta` is instantiated as an empty dictionary and populated with the bare minimum needed to execute the DAP. NOTE: Currently this is a required argument because an estimate of the redshift is needed to execute the DAP. prihdr (``_, optional): Primary header read from datacube fits file. If None, instantiated as an empty ``_. fluxhdr (``_, optional): Header specifically for the flux extension of the datacube fits file. If None, set to be a copy of the primary header. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the wavelength vector cannot be produced, if the WCS has the wrong dimensionality, or if there are any shape mismatches between the input data arrays. TypeError: Raised if the input metadata are not provided as a dictionary. Attributes: original_axes (`numpy.ndarray`_): Original axis order. shape (:obj:`tuple`): Datacube shape. spatial_shape (:obj:`tuple`): Shape of the datacube spatial axes . nwave (:obj:`int`): Number of wavelength channels. spatial_index (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array of tuples with the spatial indices of each spectrum in the flattened datacube. wcs (`astropy.wcs.WCS`_): Datacube world-coordinate system. Can be None. pixelscale (:obj:`float`): Spatial extent in arcsec of each spaxel in the datacube, assumed to be square. Only used if :attr:`wcs` is None. bitmask (:class:`mangadap.util.bitmask.BitMask`): Object used to select and toggle masked pixels from :attr:`mask`. Can be None. log (:obj:`bool`): Flag that the datacube spectral pixels are binned logarithmically in wavelength. meta (:obj:`dict`): A free-form dictionary used to hold meta data relevant to the datacube. Metadata required by analysis modules are indicated where relevant. If no metadata has been defined, :attr:`meta` is instantiated as an empty dictionary. wave (`numpy.ndarray`_): Wavelength vector applicable to all spatial positions. flux (`numpy.ndarray`_): Datacube flux array. ivar (`numpy.ndarray`_): Datacube flux inverse variance. Can be None. mask (`numpy.ndarray`_): Datacube mask. Can be None. sres (`numpy.ndarray`_): Datacube spectral resolution. Can be None. covar (:class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance`): Datacube spatial covariance. Can be None. prihdr (``_): Primary header for the datacube. If not provided on instantiation, set to an empty ``_. fluxhdr (``_): Header specifically for the flux array. If not provided on instantiation, set to be a copy of :attr:`prihdr`. rss (:class:`mangadap.spectra.rowstackedspectra.RowStackedSpectra`): The source row-stacked spectra used to build the datacube. sigma_rho (:obj:`float`): The :math:`\sigma_{\rho}` of the Gaussian function used to approximate the trend of the correlation coefficient with spaxel separation. Used to construct the approximate correlation matrix (see :func:`approximate_correlation_matrix`). correl_rlim (:obj:`float`): The limiting radius of the image reconstruction (Gaussian) kernel in arcseconds. Used to construct the approximate correlation matrix (see :func:`approximate_correlation_matrix`). approx_correl (:class:`~mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance`): Approximate correlation matrix; see :func:`approximate_correlation_matrix`. """ instrument = None """ The name of the instrument used to collect the data. This is *only* used in construction of the root name for output files. See :func:`~mangadap.datacube.datacube.DataCube.output_root`. """ # TODO: Add reconstructed PSF? def __init__(self, flux, wave=None, ivar=None, mask=None, bitmask=None, sres=None, covar=None, axes=[0,1,2], wcs=None, pixelscale=None, log=True, meta=None, prihdr=None, fluxhdr=None, name=None): # Set an identifier for the datacube = name if wcs is None and wave is None: raise ValueError('Must either provide a single wavelength vector or a WCS that can ' 'be used to construct it.') if wcs is not None and wcs.wcs.naxis != 3: raise ValueError('Provided WCS object must define the coordinate system for each of ' 'the three datacube axes.') self.wcs = None if wcs is None else permute_wcs_axes(wcs, axes) self.pixelscale = self._get_pixelscale() if self.wcs is not None and pixelscale is None \ else (1 if pixelscale is None else float(pixelscale)) self.original_axes = numpy.atleast_1d(axes).copy() # Re-order so that axes are x, y, lambda self.flux = flux.transpose(self.original_axes) self.shape = self.flux.shape self.spatial_shape = self.shape[:-1] self.nwave = self.shape[-1] # TODO: Not sure this is useful self.spatial_index = numpy.array([(i,j) for i,j in zip(*numpy.unravel_index( numpy.arange(self.nspec), self.spatial_shape))]) self.meta = {} if meta is None else meta if not isinstance(self.meta, dict): raise TypeError('Metadata must be provided as a dictionary.') self.populate_metadata() self.wave = None if wave is None else numpy.atleast_1d(wave) if self.wave is None: self.wave = self._get_wavelength_vector() if self.wave.shape != (self.nwave,): raise ValueError('Wavelength vector shape is incorrect ') self.log = log # TODO: Check the above against the wavelength vector and/or # set the value automatically based on the input. self.ivar = None if ivar is not None: self.ivar = ivar.transpose(self.original_axes) if self.ivar.shape != self.shape: raise ValueError('Inverse variance array has incorrect shape.') self.mask = None if mask is not None: self.mask = mask.transpose(self.original_axes) if self.mask.shape != self.shape: raise ValueError('Mask array has incorrect shape.') self.bitmask = None if bitmask is not None: if self.mask is None: warnings.warn('Bitmask provided but no mask data available.') if isinstance(bitmask, BitMask): self.bitmask = bitmask else: warnings.warn('Bitmasks must be BitMask objects; provided bitmask is ignored.') if self.bitmask is None: # Ensure mask is a boolean array self.mask = self.mask.astype(bool) self.redux_bitmask = None self.redux_qual_key = None self.redux_qual_flag = None self.sres = None if sres is not None: self.sres = numpy.tile(sres, self.spatial_shape+(1,)) \ if sres.ndim == 1 else sres.transpose(self.original_axes) if self.sres.shape != self.shape: raise ValueError('Spectral resolution array has incorrect shape.') self.covar = None if covar is not None: spatial_transpose = self.original_axes[0] > self.original_axes[1] raw_shape = self.spatial_shape[::-1] if spatial_transpose else self.spatial_shape self.covar = covar if isinstance(covar, Covariance) \ else Covariance.from_array(covar, raw_shape=raw_shape) if spatial_transpose: self.covar = self.covar.transpose_raw_shape() # Allocate attributes for primary and flux array fits headers self.prihdr = fits.Header() if prihdr is None else prihdr self.fluxhdr = self.prihdr.copy() if fluxhdr is None else fluxhdr # Allow for a RowStackedSpectrum counterpart self.rss = None # For the approximate covariance matrix calculations self.sigma_rho = None self.correl_rlim = None self.approx_correl = None @property def file_path(self): """ Return the full path to the input file. .. warning:: The required attributes for this method are *not* defined by the base class. If the attributes ``directory_path`` or ``file_name`` do not exist or if either of them are None, this returns None. """ try: return self.directory_path / self.file_name except: warnings.warn('File path for input cube not defined!') return None # TODO: Unsure why, but the code below can lead to maximum recursion depth error! # if not hasattr(self, 'directory_path') or not hasattr(self, 'file_path') \ # or self.directory_path is None or self.file_name is None: # return None # return self.directory_path / self.file_name @property def output_root(self): if self.instrument is None and is None: raise ValueError('Output root is undefined. Must provide instrument and/or name.') if self.instrument is not None and is not None: return f'{self.instrument}-{}' if self.instrument is not None: return f'{self.instrument}' return f'{}' @property def can_analyze(self): """ Confirm that the DAP can analyze the datacube. The only requirement is: - the :math:`cz` velocity (``'vel'`` in :attr:`meta`) must be greater than -500 km/s. Returns: :obj:`bool`: Flag whether or not the DAP can analyze the datacube. """ return self.meta['vel'] is not None and self.meta['vel'] > -500
[docs] def populate_metadata(self): r""" Populate and validate the :class:`DataCube` metadata (in :attr:`meta`) to ensure the it can be analyzed by the DAP. The only required metadata keyword is ``z``, which sets the initial guess for the bulk redshift of the galaxy. If this key is not available or its value doesn't meet the criterion below, this function will raise an exception, meaning the DAP will fault before it starts processing the DataCube. The metadata provided must meet the following **critical criteria** or the method will fault: - Velocity (:math:`cz`) must be greater than -500. For the remainder of the metadata, if the keyword does not exist, if the value is None, or if the value is outside the accepted range, a default is chosen. The metadata keywords, acceptable ranges, and defaults are provided below. +-------------+--------------------------------+---------+ | Keyword | Range | Default | +=============+================================+=========+ | ``vdisp`` | :math:`\sigma > 0` | 100 | +-------------+--------------------------------+---------+ | ``ell`` | :math:`0 \leq \varepsilon < 1` | None | +-------------+--------------------------------+---------+ | ``pa`` | :math:`0 \leq \phi_0 < 360` | None | +-------------+--------------------------------+---------+ | ``reff`` | :math:`R_{\rm eff} > 0` | None | +-------------+--------------------------------+---------+ | ``ebv`` | :math:`E(B-V) \geq 0` | None | +-------------+--------------------------------+---------+ | ``drpcrit`` | True or False | False | +-------------+--------------------------------+---------+ All other metadata in :attr:`meta` are ignored. If they do not already exist in :attr:`meta`, this method adds the following keywords: - ``z``: The bulk redshift of the galaxy, used to calculate :math:`cz`. - ``vel``: The initial guess velocity (:math:`cz`) in km/s. - ``vdisp``: The initial guess velocity dispersion in km/s. - ``ell``: The isophotal ellipticity (:math:`1-b/a`) to use when calculating semi-major axis coordinates. - ``pa``: The isophotal position angle in deg from N through E, used when calculating semi-major axis coordinates. - ``reff``: The effective radius in arcsec (DataCube WCS coordinates are expected to be in deg), used as a normalization of the semi-major axis radius in various output data. - ``ebv``: The E(B-V) Galactic reddening along the line-of-sight to the galaxy. - ``drpcrit``: A flag that indicates critical failures in the data reduction (True implies poor data quality). In MaNGA, the DRP will flag datacubes as having CRITICAL failures, but the survey approach was to run the DAP on these datacubes anyway. This flag is then used to propagate the caution in using the data analysis products to the user. """ keys = self.meta.keys() if 'z' not in keys or self.meta['z'] is None: warnings.warn('The bulk redshift has not been defined. The DAP will *not* be able ' 'to analyze this datacube.') self.meta['z'] = None self.meta['vel'] = None if self.meta['z'] is None \ else'km/s').value * self.meta['z'] if 'vdisp' not in keys or self.meta['vdisp'] is None or not self.meta['vdisp'] > 0: warnings.warn('Velocity dispersion not provided or not greater than 0 km/s. ' 'Adopting initial guess of 100 km/s.') self.meta['vdisp'] = 100.0 if 'ell' not in keys or self.meta['ell'] is None or self.meta['ell'] < 0 \ or self.meta['ell'] > 1: warnings.warn('Ellipticity not provided or not in the range 0 <= ell <= 1. ' 'Setting to None.') self.meta['ell'] = None if 'pa' not in keys or self.meta['pa'] is None: warnings.warn('Position angle not provided. Setting to None.') self.meta['pa'] = None # Impose expected range if self.meta['pa'] is not None and (self.meta['pa'] < 0 or self.meta['pa'] >= 360): warnings.warn('Imposing 0-360 range on position angle.') while self.meta['pa'] < 0: self.meta['pa'] += 360 while self.meta['pa'] >= 360: self.meta['pa'] -= 360 if 'reff' not in keys or self.meta['reff'] is None or not self.meta['reff'] > 0: warnings.warn('Effective radius not provided or not greater than 0. Setting to None.') self.meta['reff'] = None if 'ebv' not in keys or self.meta['ebv'] is None or self.meta['ebv'] < 0: warnings.warn('Galactic reddening not provided or not >= 0. Setting to None.') self.meta['ebv'] = None if 'drpcrit' not in keys or not isinstance(self.meta['drpcrit'], bool): warnings.warn('Data reduction quality flag not provided or not a boolean. Setting ' 'quality flag to False (i.e., data reduction is expected to be high ' 'quality).') self.meta['drpcrit'] = False if not self.can_analyze: warnings.warn('The DAP will not be able to analyze this datacube. See ' '"DataCube.can_analyze".')
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, cfgfile, **kwargs): """ Construct a datacube object using a configuration file. The method is undefined for the base class. If called, an exception is raised. Derived classes must override this method to allow for a configuration file to be used to instantiate the relevant :class:`DataCube` subclass. Args: cfgfile (:obj:`str`): Configuration file. See `configparser.ConfigParser`_. **kwargs: Any other keyword arguments that invoke optional instantiation methods. Note that these arguments will *never* be used in a command-line level execution of the DAP. They should only be available for custom scripts. """ raise NotImplementedError('No from_config method is available for {0}.'.format( cls.__name__))
# TODO: write a from_rss classmethod
[docs] def _get_pixelscale(self): """ Measure the pixel scale using the WCS. The method uses the coordinates of 4 adjacent pixels to compute the pixel area. Assuming the pixels are square and that the pixel scale is constant in square arcsec over the full image, the square-root of the area is the pixel scale. The method will fault if :attr:`wcs` is None. Returns: :obj:`float`: The estimated pixel scale. """ # TODO: Instead get the mean over the full image? coo = numpy.array([[1,1,2,2], [1,2,2,1], [1,1,1,1]]).T x, y, _ = self.wcs.all_pix2world(coo, 1).T x = (x - x[0])*numpy.cos(numpy.radians(y[0])) return numpy.sqrt(polygon_area(x, y))*3600
[docs] def _get_wavelength_vector(self): """ Use the `astropy.wcs.WCS`_ attribute (:attr:`wcs`) to generate the datacube wavelength vector. :attr:`wcs` cannot be None and the wavelength coordinate system must be defined along its third axis. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: Vector with wavelengths along the third axis defined by :attr:`wcs`. Raises: ValueError: Raised if :attr:`wcs` or :attr:`nwave` is not defined. """ if self.nwave is None: raise ValueError('Length of the spectral axis (nwave) must be defined.') if self.wcs is None: raise ValueError('World coordinate system required to construct wavelength vector.') coo = numpy.array([numpy.ones(self.nwave), numpy.ones(self.nwave), numpy.arange(self.nwave)+1]).T return self.wcs.all_pix2world(coo, 1)[:,2]*self.wcs.wcs.cunit[2].to('angstrom')
@property def nspec(self): """Number of spectra in the datacube.""" return
[docs] @staticmethod def propagate_flags(): """ Flags that should be propagated from the observed data to the analyzed data. The base class returns ``None``. """ return None
[docs] @staticmethod def do_not_use_flags(): """ Return the maskbit names that should not be used. The base class returns ``None``. """ return None
[docs] @staticmethod def do_not_fit_flags(): """ Return the maskbit names that should not be fit. The base class returns ``None``. """ return None
[docs] @staticmethod def do_not_stack_flags(): """ Return the maskbit names that should not be stacked. The base class returns ``None``. """ return None
[docs] def metakeys(self): """Get a :obj:`list` of the keys in the datacube metadata.""" return list(self.meta.keys())
# TODO: Add a getitem method that returns the datacube flux? @property def can_compute_covariance(self): """ Determine if the object can be used to compute the spatial covariance. If :attr:`covar` is currently not defined, the method tries to load the row-stacked spectra used to build the datacube; see :func:`load_rss`. If that is successful or if :attr:`covar` is already defined, the method returns True. If :attr:`covar` is None and the row-stacked spectra cannot be loaded, the method returns False. Returns: :obj:`bool`: Flag that the object can be used to calculate the spatial covariance. """ if self.covar is None: self.load_rss() if self.covar is None and self.rss is None: return False return True
[docs] def load_rss(self, **kwargs): """ Try to load the source row-stacked spectra for this datacube. This method is undefined in the base class, and simply passes. Derived classes should override this method if it's possible to load the row-stacked spectra. If the load is successful, :attr:`rss` should no longer be None. """ pass
[docs] def copy_to_array(self, attr='flux', waverange=None, nbins=None, select_bins=None, missing_bins=None, unique_bins=None): r""" Return a copy of the selected data array with a flattened spatial axis. The array size is always :math:`N_{\rm spec} \times N_{\rm wavelength}`. The spatial positions within the original datacube for each spectrum are given by tuples in :attr:`spatial_index`. See :func:`copy_to_masked_array` for argument descriptions. .. warning:: Any masking is ignored in this function call. To incorporate the mask use :func:`copy_to_masked_array`. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: A 2D array with a copy of the data from the selected attribute. """ masked_data = self.copy_to_masked_array(attr=attr, use_mask=False, waverange=waverange, nbins=nbins, select_bins=select_bins, missing_bins=missing_bins, unique_bins=unique_bins) # For this approach, the wavelengths masked should be # *identical* for all spectra nwave = numpy.sum(numpy.invert(, axis=1) # No masking should be present except for the wavelength range # meaning that the number of unmasked pixels at all spatial # positions should be the same. if numpy.any(nwave != nwave[0]): raise ValueError('Masking in copy_to_mask should only for the wavelength range.') if numpy.all(nwave == 0): raise ValueError('Full wavelength range has been masked!') # Compression returns a flattened array, so it needs to be # reshaped for the new number of (unmasked) wavelength channels return masked_data.compressed().reshape(-1,nwave[0])
[docs] def copy_to_masked_array(self, attr='flux', use_mask=True, flag=None, waverange=None, nbins=None, select_bins=None, missing_bins=None, unique_bins=None): r""" Return a copy of the selected data array as a masked array with a flattened spatial axis. The array size is always :math:`N_{\rm spec} \times N_{\rm wavelength}`. The spatial positions within the original datacube for each spectrum are given by tuples in :attr:`spatial_index`. This is functionally identical to :func:`copy_to_array`, except the output format is a ``_. The pixels that are considered to be masked can be specified using the `flag` option. Args: attr (:obj:`str`, optional): The attribute for the returned array. Can be 'flux', 'ivar', 'sres', or 'mask'. For 'mask', you're likely better off using :func:`copy_to_array`. Strings are always set to be lower-case, so capitalization shouldn't matter. use_mask (:obj:`bool`, optional): Use the internal mask to mask the data. This is largely here to allow for :func:`copy_to_array` to wrap this function while not applying the internal mask. waverange (array-like, optional): Two-element array with the first and last wavelength to include in the computation. Default is to use the full wavelength range. flag (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`, optional): One or more bitmask flags used to select bad pixels. The names *must* be a valid bit name as defined by :attr:`bitmask` (see :class:`mangadap.util.bitmask.BitMask`). If not provided, *any* non-zero mask bit is omitted. nbins (:obj:`int`, optional): The total number of defined bins. Default is to find the maximum number in the unique_bins list. select_bins (array-like, optional): A boolean array selecting spectra in the flattened cube (with shape :math:`N_{\rm spec} \times N_\lambda`) to return. missing_bins (:obj:`list`, optional): A list of bin numbers that are missing from the output selection and that will be replaced with masked spectra. If specified, must also provide ``unique_bins``. unique_bins (array-like, optional): The indices of the bins that have valid spectra. The length of this array should match the number of selected spectra from ``select_bins``. Returns: ``_: A 2D array with a copy of the data from the selected extension, masked where :attr:`mask` is either True or with the selected bitmask flags. Raises: AttributeError: Raised if ``attr`` is not a valid attribute. ValueError: Raised if the unique bins are not specified, but the missing bins are, or if the number of unique bins does not match the number of spectra in the datacube. """ # Make sure masks and flags make sense if flag is not None and self.bitmask is None: warnings.warn('No bitmask defined. Input flags ignored.') nspec = self.nspec # Create the wavelength mask (will be all true if # waverange=None) mask = SpectralPixelMask(waverange=waverange).boolean(self.wave, nspec=nspec) # Add in any masked data if use_mask: mask |= self.mask.reshape(nspec,-1) if self.bitmask is None \ else self.bitmask.flagged(self.mask.reshape(nspec,-1), flag=flag) # Create the output MaskedArray # TODO: Handle when attr is None a =, attr.lower()).reshape(nspec,-1), mask=mask) # Apply any bin selection if select_bins is not None: a = a[select_bins,:] # No missing bins are specified, so return the array if missing_bins is None or len(missing_bins) == 0: return a # Missing bins have been specified, so the unique_bins also need # to be specified if unique_bins is None: raise ValueError('Must specify the unique bins if missing bins are specified.') if len(unique_bins) != a.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Number of unique bins does not match the number of spectra.') # If the number of bins hasn't been provided, construct it based # on the unique bins specified _nbins = max(unique_bins)+1 if nbins is None else nbins # Create the array with the right shape and mask everything _a =, a.shape[-1]), dtype=a.dtype), mask=numpy.ones((_nbins, a.shape[-1]), dtype=bool)) # Copy the data to the correct bins, which also unmasks these # pixels _a[unique_bins,:] = a # Return the masked array; "missing bins" are fully masked return _a
[docs] def interpolate_to_match(self, func, fill_value=0.0): r""" Interpolate a function to match the datacube wavelength sampling. Args: func (`numpy.ndarray`_): Function to linear interpolate. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm wave}, 2)`, where the first column has the wavelength and the second has the function to interpolate. If None, simply returns a unity vector of the correct length. fill_value (:obj:`float`, optional): The value to use for spectral regions not sampled by the provided function. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: The function interpolated (**not** resampled) to match :attr:`wave`. Any spectral regions not within the wavelength range of the provided function is set to 0. """ if func is None: return numpy.ones(self.nwave, dtype=float) return interpolate.interp1d(func[:,0], func[:,1], bounds_error=False, fill_value=fill_value, assume_sorted=True)(self.wave)
[docs] def mean_sky_coordinates(self, center_coo=None): r""" Compute the mean sky coordinates for each spectrum. If the WCS is available, the coordinates can be returned in RA and declination (degrees). If center coordinates are provided (see ``center_coo``), however, the coordinates are offset set as follows: .. math:: x &= (\alpha - \alpha_0) \cos \delta_0 \\ y &= (\delta - \delta_0), where :math:`(\alpha_0, \delta_0)` are the provided coordinates. If the WCS is not available, the returned coordinates are in arcsec from the center of the image (regardless of the value of ``center_coo``) determined using the pixelscale. At least in this case, the coordinates are assumed to be relative to the pixel center (not, e.g., its edge). Args: center_coo (:obj:`tuple`, optional): A two-tuple with the coordinates in right-ascension and declination for the coordinate-frame origin. If None, no offset is performed. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: Two `numpy.ndarray`_ objects with the RA and declination of each pixel in degrees, or its offset from the center in arcseconds. In both cases the shape of the returned arrays matches the spatial shape of the datacube. """ i, j = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.arange(self.spatial_shape[0]), numpy.arange(self.spatial_shape[1]), indexing='ij') if self.wcs is None: return (i-self.spatial_shape[0]//2+(self.spatial_shape[0]%2)*0.5)*self.pixelscale, \ (j-self.spatial_shape[1]//2+(self.spatial_shape[1]%2)*0.5)*self.pixelscale # Generate pixel coordinates to pass to the WCS; just use the # first wavelength channel. coo = numpy.array([i.ravel()+1, j.ravel()+1, numpy.ones(self.nspec)]).T x, y, _ = [c.reshape(self.spatial_shape) for c in self.wcs.all_pix2world(coo, 1).T] if center_coo is None: # Not offsetting, so we're done return x, y # TODO: Use astropy.coordinates.SkyOffset # Offset and return if len(center_coo) != 2: raise ValueError('Provided coordinates are expected to be a single x,y pair.') return (x-center_coo[0]) * numpy.cos(numpy.radians(center_coo[1])) * 3600., \ (y-center_coo[1]) * 3600.
[docs] def binned_on_sky_area(self, bin_indx): r""" Compute the on-sky area of a set of binned spectra. For each bin, this is just the number of spaxels in the bin multiplied by the spaxel area. Args: bin_indx (array-like): An array with size :math:`N_{\rm spec}` that gives which spaxels were included in each bin. Valid bins have indices of :math:`\geq 0`. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: Two `numpy.ndarray`_ objects are returned. The first has the unique (non-negative) bin indices, and the second provides the on-sky area of that bin. """ unique_bins, bin_count = numpy.unique(bin_indx, return_counts=True) indx = unique_bins > -1 return unique_bins[indx], (bin_count[indx]*numpy.square(self.pixelscale)).astype(float)
[docs] def central_wavelength(self, waverange=None, response_func=None, per_pixel=True, flag=None, fluxwgt=False): """ Determine the mean central wavelength for all spectra under various conditions. The wavelength channel is set to be the center of the bandpass selected by ``waverange``, weighted by the response function and the flux (if requested/provided). The mask is also incorporated in these calculations. By default (i.e., no wavelength limits or weighting) the wavelength channel is just the central wavelength of the full spectral range. (Note that if the spectra are binned logarithmically, this isn't necessarily the central wavelength *channel*.) Args: waverange (array-like, optional): Starting and ending wavelength over which to calculate the statistics. Default is to use the full wavelength range. response_func (array-like, optional): A two-column array with the wavelength and transmission of a broad-band response function to use as a weighting function for the calculation. per_pixel (:obj:`bool`, optional): When providing a response function, base the calculation on per pixel measurements, instead of per angstrom. Set to False for a per-angstrom calculation. flag (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`, optional): One or more flag names that are considered when deciding if a pixel should be masked. The names *must* be a valid bit name as defined by :attr:`bitmask`. If :attr:`bitmask` is None, these are ignored. fluxwgt (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag to weight by the flux when determining the mean coordinates. Returns: :obj:`float`: The mean central wavelength of all spectra. """ if waverange is None and response_func is None and not fluxwgt: return (self.wave[0] + self.wave[-1])/2. flux = self.copy_to_masked_array(waverange=waverange, flag=flag) dw = numpy.ones(self.nwave, dtype=float) if per_pixel \ else angstroms_per_pixel(self.wave, log=self.log) _response_func = self.interpolate_to_match(response_func) if fluxwgt: norm =*_response_func[None,:]*dw[None,:], axis=1) cen_wave =*self.wave[None,:]*_response_func[None,:]*dw[None,:], axis=1) / norm return float( norm = * _response_func[None,:] * dw[None,:], axis=1) cen_wave = * self.wave[None,:] * _response_func[None,:] * dw[None,:], axis=1) / norm return float(
[docs] def flux_stats(self, waverange=None, response_func=None, per_pixel=True, flag=None): r""" Compute the mean flux, propagated error in the mean flux, and mean S/N over the specified wavelength range. If the wavelength range is not specified, the quantities are calculated over the full spectral range. Args: waverange (array-like, optional): Starting and ending wavelength over which to calculate the statistics. Default is to use the full wavelength range. response_func (array-like, optional): A two-column array with the wavelength and transmission of a broad-band response function to use as a weighting function for the calculation. per_pixel (:obj:`bool`, optional): When providing a response function, continue to calculate the statistics per pixel. Set to False for a per-angstrom calculation. flag (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`, optional): One or more flag names that are considered when deciding if a pixel should be masked. The names *must* be a valid bit name as defined by :attr:`bitmask`. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: Three objects are returned: the mean flux, the propagated variance in the mean flux, and the mean S/N. The shape of each is the same as the shape of a single wavelength channel in the datacube (i.e., :attr:`spatial_shape`). Raises: ValueError: Raised of a provided wavelength range object does not have two elements or if a response function is provided and has an incorrect shape. """ if waverange is not None and len(waverange) != 2: raise ValueError('Provided wavelength range must be a two-element vector.') if response_func is not None: if len(response_func.shape) != 2: raise ValueError('Response function object must be two dimensional.') if response_func.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError('Response function object must only have two columns.') # Grab the masked arrays flux = self.copy_to_masked_array(waverange=waverange, flag=flag) ivar = self.copy_to_masked_array(attr='ivar', waverange=waverange, flag=flag) snr = flux* # Set the response function dw = numpy.ones(self.nwave, dtype=float) if per_pixel \ else angstroms_per_pixel(self.wave, log=self.log) _response_func = self.interpolate_to_match(response_func) # Calculate the statistics and return response_integral = numpy.sum(numpy.invert( * (_response_func*dw)[None,:], axis=1) signal =*(_response_func*dw)[None,:], axis=1), response_integral).reshape(self.spatial_shape) variance =, -1.) \ * (_response_func*dw)[None,:], axis=1), response_integral).reshape(self.spatial_shape) snr =*(_response_func*dw)[None,:], axis=1), response_integral).reshape(self.spatial_shape) return signal, variance, snr
[docs] def covariance_matrix(self, channel, **kwargs): """ Construct the formal covariance matrix for the provided channel. This is a simple wrapper for a call to :func:`mangadap.spectra.rowstackedspectra.RowStackedSpectra.covariance_matrix` executed using :attr:`rss`, which cannot be None. See that method for the argument description. .. warning:: The provided rectifications parameters should be the same as used to construct the datacube. If not, the calculated covariance matrix will not be correct. """ if self.rss is None: raise ValueError('RowStackedSpectra object not available for this datacube!') return self.rss.covariance_matrix(channel, **kwargs)
[docs] def covariance_cube(self, **kwargs): """ Construct the formal covariance matrix for one or more channels. This is a simple wrapper for a call to :func:`mangadap.spectra.rowstackedspectra.RowStackedSpectra.covariance_cube` executed using :attr:`rss`, which cannot be None. See that method for the argument description. .. warning:: The provided rectifications parameters should be the same as used to construct the datacube. If not, the calculated covariance matrix will not be correct. """ if self.rss is None: raise ValueError('RowStackedSpectra object not available for this datacube!') return self.rss.covariance_cube(**kwargs)
[docs] def approximate_correlation_matrix(self, sigma_rho, rlim, rho_tol=None, redo=False): r""" Construct a correlation matrix with correlation coefficients that follow a Gaussian in 2D pixel separation. This method constructs a correlation matrix with correlation coefficients defined as .. math:: \rho_{ij} = \exp(-D_{ij}^2 / 2\sigma_{\rho}^2) where :math:`D_{ij}` is the distance between two spaxels in the spatial dimension of the datacube (in the number spaxels, not arcsec). Any pixels with :math:`D_{ij} > R_{\rm lim}` is set to zero, where :math:`R_{\rm lim}` is the limiting radius of the kernel used in the datacube rectification; this is provided here as ``rlim`` in arcsec, which is converted to spaxels using :attr:`pixelscale`. We found in Westfall et al. (2019, AJ, 158, 231) that this is a reasonable approximation for the formal covariance that results from Shepard's rectification method. There is an unknown relation between the dispersion of the kernel used by Shepard's method and the value of :math:`\sigma_{\rho}`. Tests show that it is tantalizingly close to :math:`\sigma_{\rho} = \sqrt{2}\sigma`, where :math:`\sigma` is in pixels instead of arcsec; however, a formal derivation of this hasn't been done and is complicated by the focal-plane sampling of the row-stacked spectra. Within the limits of how the focal-plane sampling changes with wavelength, we found the value of :math:`\sigma_{\rho}` varies little with wavelength in MaNGA. Here, we assume :math:`\sigma_{\rho}` is fully wavelength independent. Therefore, once this method is run once, it doesn't need to be run again for different wavelength channels. To force the correlation matrix to be recreated, use ``redo`` or change the provided :math:`\sigma_{\rho}`. Args: sigma_rho (:obj:`float`): The :math:`\sigma_{\rho}` of the Gaussian function used to approximate the trend of the correlation coefficient with spaxel separation. rlim (:obj:`float`): The limiting radius of the image reconstruction (Gaussian) kernel in arcseconds. rho_tol (:obj:`float`, optional): Any correlation coefficient less than this is assumed to be equivalent to (and set to) 0. redo (:obj:`bool`, optional): Force the recalculation of the cube dimensions if they are already defined and :math:`\sigma_{\rho}` has not changed. Returns: :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance`: Correlation matrix """ if self.approx_correl is not None \ and any([sigma_rho == this for this in [None, self.sigma_rho]]) \ and any([rlim == this for this in [None, self.correl_rlim]]): return self.approx_correl if sigma_rho is None or rlim is None: raise ValueError('Must provide sigma_rho and rlim for approximate correlation ' 'matrix calculation.') # Get the full covariance grid ii, jj = map(lambda x: x.ravel(), numpy.meshgrid(numpy.arange(self.nspec), numpy.arange(self.nspec), indexing='ij')) # Convert covariance pixels to spatial pixels along both dimensions i_i, i_j = numpy.unravel_index(ii, self.spatial_shape) j_i, j_j = numpy.unravel_index(jj, self.spatial_shape) # Get the (square of the) distances from each spaxel to every # other spaxel dij = numpy.square(j_i-i_i) + numpy.square(j_j-i_j) indx = dij <= numpy.square(2*rlim/self.pixelscale) # Calculate the correlation coefficient ii = ii[indx] jj = jj[indx] rhoij = numpy.exp(-dij[indx]/numpy.square(sigma_rho)/2) if rho_tol is not None: indx = rhoij > rho_tol ii = ii[indx] jj = jj[indx] rhoij = rhoij[indx] # Construct the Covariance object and save the input self.sigma_rho = sigma_rho self.correl_rlim = rlim self.approx_correl = Covariance(sparse.coo_matrix((rhoij, (ii,jj)), shape=(self.nspec,self.nspec)).tocsr(), impose_triu=True, correlation=True, raw_shape=self.spatial_shape) return self.approx_correl
[docs] def approximate_covariance_matrix(self, channel, sigma_rho=None, rlim=None, rho_tol=None, csr=False, quiet=False): r""" Return an approximate calculation of the covariance matrix assuming .. math:: C_{ij} = \rho_{ij}(V_{i} V_{j})^{1/2} where :math:`\rho_{ij}` is approximated by :func:`approximate_correlation_matrix` and :math:`V_i\equiv C_{ii}` are the variances provided by the inverse of :attr:`ivar`. The method first calculates :math:`\rho_{ij}` if it hasn't been yet or the provided ``sigma_rho`` and/or ``rlim`` values are different to previous calls, which builds :attr:`approx_correl`. If :attr:`approx_correl` is not yet constructed, ``sigma_rho`` and ``rlim`` must be provided. The returned covariance matrix is the correlation matrix rescaled by the variance provided by :attr:`ivar` for the specified channel. Args: channel (:obj:`int`): Index of the spectral channel for which to calculate the covariance matrix. sigma_rho (:obj:`float`, optional): The :math:`\sigma_{\rho}` of the Gaussian function used to approximate the trend of the correlation coefficient with spaxel separation. rlim (:obj:`float`, optional): The limiting radius of the image reconstruction (Gaussian) kernel in arcseconds. rho_tol (:obj:`float`, optional): Any correlation coefficient less than this is assumed to be equivalent to (and set to) 0. csr (:obj:`bool`, optional): Instead of returning a :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object, return the covariance matrix as a `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_ object. Primarily used by :func:`approximate_covariance_cube` for collating the covariance matrix of each wavelength channel before combining them into a single :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object. quiet (:obj:`bool`, optional): Suppress terminal output Returns: :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance`, `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_: The approximate covariance matrix for the designated wavelength channel. The return type depends on `csr`. """ self.approximate_correlation_matrix(sigma_rho, rlim, rho_tol=rho_tol) var =[...,channel], -1).filled(0.0).ravel() covar = self.approx_correl.apply_new_variance(var) covar.revert_correlation() return covar.full() if csr else covar
[docs] def approximate_covariance_cube(self, channels=None, sigma_rho=None, rlim=None, rho_tol=None, csr=False, quiet=False): r""" Return the approximate covariance matrices for many wavelength channels. This is a simple wrapper for :func:`approximate_covariance_matrix` that iteratively builds the covariance matrix for each wavelength channel. If :attr:`approx_correl` is not yet constructed (see :func:`approximate_correlation_matrix`), ``sigma_rho`` and ``rlim`` must be provided. Args: channels (:obj:`int`, array-like, optional): Indices of the spectral channels for which to calculate the covariance matrix. If None, the covariance matrix is calculated for *all* channels. sigma_rho (:obj:`float`, optional): The :math:`\sigma_{\rho}` of the Gaussian function used to approximate the trend of the correlation coefficient with spaxel separation. rlim (:obj:`float`, optional): The limiting radius of the image reconstruction (Gaussian) kernel in arcseconds. rho_tol (:obj:`float`, optional): Any correlation coefficient less than this is assumed to be equivalent to (and set to) 0. csr (:obj:`bool`, optional): Instead of returning a :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object, return the covariance matrix as a `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_ object. Primarily used by :func:`approximate_covariance_cube` for collating the covariance matrix of each wavelength channel before combining them into a single :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object. quiet (:obj:`bool`, optional): Suppress terminal output Returns: :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance`, `numpy.ndarray`_: If ``csr`` is True, the returned object is an `numpy.ndarray`_ of `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_ types. """ # Set the channels _channels = numpy.arange(self.nwave) if channels is None \ else numpy.atleast_1d(channels) nc = len(_channels) # Build and return the covariance matrices CovCube = numpy.empty(nc, dtype=sparse.csr.csr_matrix) for i in range(nc): if not quiet: print('Calculating covariance matrix: {0}/{1}'.format(i+1,nc), end='\r') CovCube[i] = self.approximate_covariance_matrix(_channels[i], sigma_rho=sigma_rho, rlim=rlim, rho_tol=rho_tol, csr=True, quiet=True) if not quiet: print('Calculating covariance matrix: {0}/{0}'.format(nc)) return Covariance(CovCube, input_indx=_channels) if not csr else CovCube