Source code for mangadap.proc.spatialbinning

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-



.. include license and copyright
.. include:: ../include/copy.rst


.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import warnings

import numpy
from scipy import sparse

from import fits

from vorbin.voronoi_2d_binning import voronoi_2d_binning

from ..par.parset import KeywordParSet
from ..util.geometry import SemiMajorAxisCoo
from ..util.covariance import Covariance

# BASE CLASS -----------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class SpatialBinning(): """ Base class for spatially binning data. """ def __init__(self, bintype, par=None): self.bintype = bintype self.par = par
[docs] @staticmethod def bin_index(x, y, gpm=None, par=None): """ Undefined in base class. Just provides expected calling sequence. """ pass
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # GLOBAL BINNING -------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class GlobalBinning(SpatialBinning): """ Class that performs the global binning. """ def __init__(self): SpatialBinning.__init__(self, 'global')
[docs] @staticmethod def bin_index(x, y, gpm=None, par=None): """ Bin the data and return the indices of the bins. The calling sequence is just needed to match the expectation for a :class:`SpatialBinning` object. Args: x (`numpy.ndarray`_): Fiducial on-sky X position of each spectrum. X increases with RA. Only used to set the size of the returned array. y (`numpy.ndarray`_): **Not used.** gpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Good value (pixel) mask used to select data that should be included in the bin. If None, all values are considered valid. If provided, masked values (gpm=False) are given a bin index of -1. par (object, optional): **Not used.** Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: An integer bin index for each spectrum. """ binid = numpy.zeros(x.shape, dtype=int) if gpm is not None: if gpm.size != x.size: raise ValueError(f'Provided GPM has incorrect shape; found {gpm.size}, ' \ f'expected {x.size}.') binid[numpy.logical_not(gpm)] = -1 return binid
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # RADIAL BINNING -------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class RadialBinningPar(KeywordParSet): """ Class with parameters used by the radial binning algorithm. See :class:`mangadap.par.parset.ParSet` for attributes. The defined parameters are: .. include:: ../tables/radialbinningpar.rst """ def __init__(self, center=[0., 0.], pa=-1, ell=-1, radius_scale=-1, radii=[-1,-1,10], log_step=False): in_fl = [ int, float ] ar_like = [ numpy.ndarray, list ] pars = [ 'center', 'pa', 'ell', 'radius_scale', 'radii', 'log_step' ] values = [ center, pa, ell, radius_scale, radii, log_step ] dtypes = [ ar_like, in_fl, in_fl, in_fl, ar_like, bool ] descr = ['A two-element array defining the center to use in the definition of the ' \ 'elliptical bins. This is defined as a sky-right offset in arcseconds from ' \ 'the nominal center of the object.', 'Sets the position angle, defined from N through E of the major axis of the ' \ 'isophotal ellipse used to define the elliptical bins. Set to <0 to ' \ 'indicate that the value should be filled by the metadata in the reduction ' \ 'assessment class; see :func:`fill`.', 'Sets the ellipticity (1-b/a) of the isophotal ellipse use to define the ' \ 'elliptical bins. Set to <0 to indicate that the value should be filled by ' \ 'the metadata in the reduction assessment class; see :func:`fill`.', 'Defines a scale factor to use when defining the radial bins. For example, ' \ 'you might want to scale to the a certain number of effective radii or ' \ 'physical scale in kpc. For no scale, use 1.0. Set to <0 to indicate that ' \ 'the value should be filled by the metadata in the reduction assessment ' \ 'class; see :func:`fill`.', 'A three-element array defining the starting and ending radius for the bin ' \ 'edges and the number of bins to create. If the starting radius is -1, ' \ 'the inner-most radius is set to 0 when not using log bins or 0.1 arcsec ' \ 'when using logarithmically spaced bins. If the ending radius is -1, the ' \ 'outer-most radius is set by the spaxel at the largest radius.', 'A flag that the radial bins should be a geometric series.'] super().__init__(pars, values=values, dtypes=dtypes, descr=descr)
[docs] def toheader(self, hdr): """ Copy some of the parameters to a header. Args: hdr (``_): Header object to write to. Returns: ``_: Edited header object Raises: TypeError: Raised if input is not an ``_ object. """ if not isinstance(hdr, fits.Header): raise TypeError('Input is not a object!') hdr['BINCX'] = (self['center'][0], 'Radial binning on-sky X center') hdr['BINCY'] = (self['center'][1], 'Radial binning on-sky Y center') hdr['BINPA'] = (self['pa'], 'Radial binning position angle') hdr['BINELL'] = (self['ell'], 'Radial binning ellipticity (1-b/a)') hdr['BINSCL'] = (self['radius_scale'], 'Radial binning radius scale (arcsec)') hdr['BINRAD'] = (str(list(self['radii'])), 'Radial binning radius sampling') hdr['BINLGR'] = (str(self['log_step']), 'Geometric step used by radial binning') return hdr
[docs] def fromheader(self, hdr): """ Copy the information from the header. Args: hdr (``_): Header object to read from. """ if not isinstance(hdr, fits.Header): raise TypeError('Input is not a object!') self['center'] = [ hdr['BINCX'], hdr['BINCY'] ] self['pa'] = hdr['BINPA'] self['ell'] = hdr['BINELL'] self['radius_scale'] = hdr['BINSCL'] self['radii'] = eval(hdr['BINRAD']) self['log_step'] = bool(hdr['BINLGR'])
# TODO: This should actually use the cube metadata, not the rdxqa
[docs] def fill(self, rdxqa): """ Use the metadata in the reduction assessment results to fill out the binning parameters. """ if self['pa'] < 0: self['pa'] = 0. if is None else if self['ell'] < 0: self['ell'] = 0. if rdxqa.ell is None else rdxqa.ell if self['radius_scale'] < 0: self['radius_scale'] = 1.0 if rdxqa.reff is None else rdxqa.reff
[docs]class RadialBinning(SpatialBinning): """ Class that performs the radial binning. """ def __init__(self, par=None): SpatialBinning.__init__(self, 'radial', par=par) self.sma_coo = None self.to_center = False = None self.dr = None
[docs] def _r_start_step(self, r): """ Bin starting radii are:: rs = self.par['radii'][0] re = self.par['radii'][1] nr = int(self.par['radii'][2]) starting_radii = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(rs), numpy.log10(re), num=nr, endpoint=False) if self.par['log_step'] else \ numpy.linspace(rs, re, num=nr, endpoint=False) For ending radii, just swap ``rs`` and ``re`` above. Args: r (`numpy.ndarray`_): Fiducial radius of each spectrum. """ # Set minimum radius, if necessary if self.par['radii'][0] < 0: ndec = int(numpy.floor(numpy.absolute(numpy.log10(0.5/self.par['radius_scale'])))) ndec = 2 if ndec < 2 else ndec self.par['radii'][0] = numpy.around(0.5/self.par['radius_scale'], decimals=ndec) \ if self.par['log_step'] else 0.0 self.to_center = True # Set maximum radius, if necessary if self.par['radii'][1] < 0: self.par['radii'][1] = numpy.around(numpy.amax(r)+0.1, decimals=2) # Get the logarithmically stepped values if self.par['log_step']: = numpy.log10(self.par['radii'][0]) self.dr = (numpy.log10(self.par['radii'][1]) -['radii'][2] return # Get the linearly stepped values = self.par['radii'][0] self.dr = (self.par['radii'][1] -['radii'][2]
[docs] def bin_index(self, x, y, gpm=None, par=None): """ Bin the data and return the indices of the bins. Args: x (`numpy.ndarray`_): Fiducial on-sky X position of each spectrum. X increases with RA. y (`numpy.ndarray`_): Fiducial on-sky Y position of each spectrum. Y increases with DEC. gpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Good value (pixel) mask used to select data that should be included in the bin. If None, all values are considered valid. If provided, masked values (gpm=False) are given a bin index of -1. par (:class:`RadialBinningPar`, optional): Binning parameters. Cannot be None. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: An integer bin index for each spectrum. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the sizes of ``x`` and ``y`` do not match or if ``par`` is None. """ # Check the input if x.size != y.size: raise ValueError('Dimensionality of x and y coordinates do not match!') if gpm is not None and gpm.size != x.size: raise ValueError(f'Provided GPM has incorrect shape; found {gpm.size}, ' \ f'expected {x.size}.') # Perform any necessary initialization if par is not None: self.par = par if self.sma_coo is not None: del self.sma_coo self.sma_coo = None if self.par is None: raise ValueError('Required parameters for RadialBinning have not been defined.') if self.sma_coo is None: self.sma_coo = SemiMajorAxisCoo(xc=self.par['center'][0], yc=self.par['center'][1], rot=0.0, pa=self.par['pa'], ell=self.par['ell']) # Get the radius and azimuth r, theta = self.sma_coo.polar(x,y) # Get the starting radius and step per bin r /= self.par['radius_scale'] indx = r >= 0.0 if self.par['log_step']: indx = r > 0 self._r_start_step(r[indx]) # Determine the bin indices if self.par['log_step']: r[indx] = numpy.log10(r[indx]) binid = numpy.floor((r - if self.to_center: binid[(binid<0) & indx] = 0 # Go all the way to R=0 else: binid[r<] = -1 # or not binid[binid >= int(self.par['radii'][2])] = -1 # Remove any points outside the last bin if gpm is not None: # Remove any masked pixels binid[gpm] = -1 return binid
[docs] def bin_area(self): """ Return the nominal area for each elliptical bin. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: Array with the analytic on-sky area of each elliptical bin in square arcsec given its radial limits. Raises: ValueError: Raised if :attr:`par` is None. """ if self.par is None: raise ValueError('Required parameters not defined.') rs = self.par['radii'][0] re = self.par['radii'][1] nr = int(self.par['radii'][2]) bin_radii = numpy.append( numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(rs), numpy.log10(re), num=nr, endpoint=False) \ if self.par['log_step'] \ else numpy.linspace(rs, re, num=nr, endpoint=False), re) \ * self.par['radius_scale'] return numpy.pi*(1.0-self.par['ell'])*numpy.diff(numpy.square(bin_radii))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # VORONOI BINNING ------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class VoronoiBinningPar(KeywordParSet): r""" Class with parameters used by the Voronoi binning algorithm. See :class:`mangadap.par.parset.ParSet` for attributes. See `vorbin`_ for the main algorithm. The defined parameters are: .. include:: ../tables/voronoibinningpar.rst """ def __init__(self, target_snr=10., signal=None, noise=None, covar=None): in_fl = [ int, float ] covar_type = [ float, numpy.ndarray, Covariance, sparse.spmatrix ] ar_like = [ numpy.ndarray, list ] pars = [ 'target_snr', 'signal', 'noise', 'covar' ] values = [ target_snr, signal, noise, covar ] dtypes = [ in_fl, ar_like, ar_like, covar_type ] descr = ['The target S/N for each bin.', 'The array of signal measurements for each on-sky position to bin. See ' \ ':func:`fill` to fill this based on the data in the reduction assessments ' \ 'object.', 'The array of noise measurements for each on-sky position to bin. If not ' \ 'provided, ``covar`` must be provided and be a full covariance matrix. See ' \ ':func:`fill` to fill this based on the data in the reduction assessments ' \ 'object.', r'Covariance matrix or calibration normalization. For the latter, the value ' \ r'is used to renormalize using :math:`n_{\rm calib} = n_{\rm nominal} ' \ r'(1 + \alpha\ \log\ N_{\rm bin})`, where :math:`N_{\rm bin}` is the number ' \ r'of binned spaxels and :math:`\alpha` is the value provided. See ' \ r':func:`fill` to fill this based on the data in the reduction assessments ' \ r'object.'] super().__init__(pars, values=values, dtypes=dtypes, descr=descr)
[docs] def toheader(self, hdr): """ Copy some of the parameters to a header. Args: hdr (``_): Header object to write to. Returns: ``_: Edited header object Raises: TypeError: Raised if input is not an ``_ object. """ if not isinstance(hdr, fits.Header): raise TypeError('Input is not a object!') hdr['BINSNR'] = (self['target_snr'], 'Voronoi binning minimum S/N') if isinstance(self['covar'], float): hdr['BINCOV'] = ('calib', 'Voronoi binning S/N covariance type') hdr['NCALIB'] = (self['covar'], 'Noise calibration value') elif isinstance(self['covar'], (numpy.ndarray, Covariance, sparse.spmatrix)): hdr['BINCOV'] = ('full', 'Voronoi binning S/N covariance type') else: hdr['BINCOV'] = ('none', 'Voronoi binning S/N covariance type') return hdr
[docs] def fromheader(self, hdr): """ Copy the information from the header. Args: hdr (``_): Header object to read from. """ if not isinstance(hdr, fits.Header): raise TypeError('Input is not a object!') self['target_snr'] = hdr['BINSNR'] if hdr['BINCOV'] == 'calib': self['covar'] = hdr['NCALIB']
[docs] def fill(self, rdxqa): """ Use the data in the reduction assessment results to fill out the binning parameters. """ self['signal'] = rdxqa['SPECTRUM'].data['SIGNAL'] if rdxqa.correlation is None: self['noise'] = numpy.sqrt(rdxqa['SPECTRUM'].data['VARIANCE']) return # Overwrite any existing calibration coefficient rdxqa.correlation.revert_correlation() covar = rdxqa.correlation.toarray() rdxqa.correlation.to_correlation() i, j = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.arange(covar.shape[0]), numpy.arange(covar.shape[1])) self['covar'] = Covariance(inp=sparse.coo_matrix((covar[covar > 0].ravel(), (i[covar > 0].ravel(), j[covar > 0].ravel())), shape=covar.shape).tocsr())
[docs]class VoronoiBinning(SpatialBinning): """ Class that wraps the contributed voronoi binning code. """ def __init__(self, par=None): SpatialBinning.__init__(self, 'voronoi', par=par) self.covar = None
[docs] def sn_calculation_no_covariance(self, index, signal, noise): """ S/N calculation built to match the requirements of :func:`mangadap.contrib.voronoi_2d_binning`. This calculation is identical to the one provided directly by the code. Args: index (`numpy.ndarray`_): Indices of the measurements in a single bin. signal (`numpy.ndarray`_): The signal measurements. noise (`numpy.ndarray`_): The noise measurements. Returns: :obj:`float`: The nominal signal-to-noise reached by summing the measurements selected by ``index``. """ return numpy.sum(signal[index]) / numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(numpy.square(noise[index])))
[docs] def sn_calculation_covariance_matrix(self, index, signal, noise): """ Calculate the S/N using a full covariance matrix. The method uses the internal :attr:`covar`. Args: index (`numpy.ndarray`_): Indices of the measurements in a single bin. signal (`numpy.ndarray`_): The signal measurements. noise (`numpy.ndarray`_): The noise measurements. Returns: :obj:`float`: The nominal signal-to-noise reached by summing the measurements selected by ``index``, including any covariance. """ _index = numpy.atleast_1d(index) return numpy.sum(signal[index])/numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(self.covar[_index,:][:,_index]))
[docs] def sn_calculation_calibrate_noise(self, index, signal, noise): r""" Calculate the S/N using a calibration of the S/N following: .. math:: N_{\rm calib} = N_{\rm nominal} (1 + \alpha\ \log N_{\rm bin}) where :math:`N_{\rm bin}` is the number of binned spaxels and :math:`\alpha` is an empirically derived constant used to adjust the noise for the affects of covariance. The calibration constant, :math:`\alpha`, is kept internally using :attr:`covar`. Args: index (`numpy.ndarray`_): Indices of the measurements in a single bin. signal (`numpy.ndarray`_): The signal measurements. noise (`numpy.ndarray`_): The noise measurements. Returns: :obj:`float`: The nominal signal-to-noise reached by summing the measurements selected by ``index``, after applying the covariance calibration. """ return numpy.sum(signal[index]) / (numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(numpy.square(noise[index]))) \ * (1.0 + self.covar*numpy.log10(len(signal[index]))))
[docs] def bin_index(self, x, y, gpm=None, par=None): """ Bin the data and return the indices of the bins. Args: x (`numpy.ndarray`_): Fiducial on-sky X position of each spectrum. X increases with RA. y (`numpy.ndarray`_): Fiducial on-sky Y position of each spectrum. Y increases with DEC. gpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Good value (pixel) mask used to select data that should be included in the bin. If None, all values are considered valid. If provided, masked values (gpm=False) are given a bin index of -1. par (:class:`RadialBinningPar`, optional): Binning parameters. Cannot be None. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: An integer bin index for each spectrum. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the sizes of ``x`` and ``y`` do not match, if ``par`` is None, if various checks of the signal, noise, or covariance elements are incorrectly matched. """ # Check the position input if x.size != y.size: raise ValueError('Dimensionality of x and y coordinates do not match!') if gpm is not None and gpm.size != x.size: raise ValueError(f'Provided GPM has incorrect shape; found {gpm.size}, ' \ f'expected {x.size}.') # Initialize the parameter object if par is not None: self.par = par if self.par is None: raise ValueError('Required parameters for Voronoi binning have not been defined.') # Check the signal input if self.par['signal'] is None: raise ValueError('Signal measurements not provided for Voronoi binning!') if self.par['signal'].size != x.size: raise ValueError('Dimensionality of signal does not match on-sky coordinates.') # Construct the covariance input if provided self.covar = None sn_func = self.sn_calculation_no_covariance if self.par['covar'] is not None: if isinstance(self.par['covar'], Covariance): # Check dimensionality if self.par['covar'].dim == 3: raise ValueError('Input Covariance object must be two-dimensional') # Make sure the object is a full covariance matrix if self.par['covar'].is_correlation: self.par['covar'].revert_correlation() # Fill the full array if necessary if not isinstance(self.par['covar'], (numpy.ndarray,float)): self.covar = self.par['covar'].toarray() sn_func = self.sn_calculation_covariance_matrix else: self.covar = self.par['covar'] sn_func = self.sn_calculation_calibrate_noise if isinstance(self.covar, numpy.ndarray): # Check that the size matches the input signal array if self.covar.shape[0] != self.par['signal'].size: raise ValueError('Dimensionality of covariance does not match signal.') _noise = numpy.sqrt(numpy.diag(self.covar)) # Make sure the noise vector is available if self.covar is None or isinstance(self.covar, float): _noise = self.par['noise'] if _noise is None: raise ValueError('Could not construct noise measurements for Voronoi binning.') if _noise.size != self.par['signal'].size: raise ValueError('Dimensionality of noise does not match signal.') # Down-select to the valid spaxels revert_covar = False if gpm is None: _x = x _y = y _signal = self.par['signal'] else: _x = x[gpm] _y = y[gpm] _signal = self.par['signal'][gpm] _noise = _noise[gpm] if self.covar is not None and isinstance(self.covar, numpy.ndarray): revert_covar = True _covar = self.covar.copy() self.covar = self.covar[gpm,:][:,gpm] # All spaxels have S/N greater than threshold, so return each # spaxel in its own "bin" if numpy.min(_signal/_noise) > self.par['target_snr']: warnings.warn('All pixels have enough S/N. Binning is not needed') if gpm is None: return numpy.arange(x.size, dtype=int) binid = numpy.full(x.size, -1, dtype=int) binid[gpm] = numpy.arange(numpy.sum(gpm)) return binid # Cannot reach the S/N using all spaxels, so return all spaxels # in a single bin sn_total = sn_func(numpy.arange(_signal.size), _signal, _noise) if sn_total < self.par['target_snr']: warnings.warn('Cannot reach target S/N using all data.') if gpm is None: return numpy.zeros(x.size, dtype=int) binid = numpy.full(x.size, -1, dtype=int) binid[gpm] = numpy.zeros(numpy.sum(gpm)) return binid # Call the contributed code and return the bin index try: _binid, xNode, yNode, xBar, yBar, sn, area, scale = \ voronoi_2d_binning(_x, _y, _signal, _noise, self.par['target_snr'], sn_func=sn_func, plot=False) #True, quiet=False) except: warnings.warn('Binning algorithm has raised an exception. Assume this is because ' 'all the spaxels should be in the same bin.') _binid = numpy.zeros(_signal.size) if gpm is None: return _binid binid = numpy.full(x.size, -1, dtype=int) binid[gpm] = _binid return binid
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # SQUARE BINNING ------------------------------------------------------- # Written by Kate Rubin 9/27/18 # Based on KBW's and the RadialBinning class
[docs]class SquareBinningPar(KeywordParSet): """ Class with parameters used by the square binning algorithm. See :class:`mangadap.par.parset.ParSet` for attributes. The defined parameters are: .. include:: ../tables/squarebinningpar.rst """ def __init__(self, binsz=2.0): pars = ['binsz'] values = [binsz] dtypes = [float] descr = ['Desired bin size in arcsec'] super().__init__(pars, values=values, dtypes=dtypes, descr=descr)
[docs] def toheader(self, hdr): """ Copy some of the parameters to a header. Args: hdr (``_): Header object to write to. Returns: ``_: Edited header object Raises: TypeError: Raised if input is not an ``_ object. """ if not isinstance(hdr, fits.Header): raise TypeError('Input is not a object!') hdr['BINSIZE'] = (self['binsz'], 'Square bin size (arcsec)') return hdr
[docs] def fromheader(self, hdr): """ Copy the information from the header. Args: hdr (``_): Header object to write to. """ if not isinstance(hdr, fits.Header): raise TypeError('Input is not a object!') self['binsz'] = hdr['BINSIZE']
[docs]class SquareBinning(SpatialBinning): """ Class to perform binning of full cube in square apertures Length of aperture side is given in arcsec with binsz """ def __init__(self, par=None): SpatialBinning.__init__(self, 'square', par=par) self.binsz = None
[docs] def bin_index(self, x, y, gpm=None, par=None): """ Bin the data and return the indices of the bins. Args: x (`numpy.ndarray`_): Fiducial on-sky X position of each spectrum. X increases with RA. y (`numpy.ndarray`_): Fiducial on-sky Y position of each spectrum. Y increases with DEC. gpm (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Good value (pixel) mask used to select data that should be included in the bin. If None, all values are considered valid. If provided, masked values (gpm=False) are given a bin index of -1. par (:class:`SquareBinningPar`, optional): Binning parameters. Cannot be None. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: An integer bin index for each spectrum. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the sizes of ``x`` and ``y`` do not match or if ``par`` is None. """ _x = numpy.asarray(x) if len(_x.shape) != 1: raise ValueError('On-sky coordinates must be one-dimensional.') if len(y) != _x.size: raise ValueError('Input coordinates are of different lengths.') _y = numpy.asarray(y) binid = numpy.full(_x.size, -1, dtype=int) if gpm is not None: if gpm.size != _x.size: raise ValueError(f'Provided GPM has incorrect shape; found {gpm.size}, ' \ f'expected {x.size}.') _x = _x[gpm] _y = _y[gpm] # Perform any necessary initialization if par is not None: self.par = par if self.binsz is not None: del self.binsz self.binsz = None if self.par is None: raise ValueError('Required parameters for SquareBinning have not been defined.') if self.binsz is None: self.binsz = self.par['binsz'] _binid = numpy.full(_x.size, -1, dtype=int) binsz = self.binsz minx = numpy.min(_x)-0.25 maxx = numpy.max(_x)+0.25 miny = numpy.min(_y)-0.25 maxy = numpy.max(_y)+0.25 ctbin = 0 # Start from the center, work out to edge of each quadrant # Quadrant 1 nslicex = numpy.ceil((maxx) / binsz) nslicey = numpy.ceil((maxy) / binsz) x_lo = numpy.linspace(0.0,(nslicex*binsz),nslicex+1.0) y_lo = numpy.linspace(0.0,(nslicey*binsz),nslicey+1.0) # Find which spaxels land in each aperture for xi in x_lo: for yj in y_lo: indx = (_x >= xi) & (_x < xi+binsz) & (_y >= yj) & (_y < yj+binsz) if any(indx): _binid[indx] = ctbin ctbin = ctbin + 1 # Quadrant 2 nslicex = numpy.ceil((maxx) / binsz) nslicey = numpy.floor((miny) / binsz) x_lo = numpy.linspace(0.0, (nslicex * binsz), nslicex + 1.0) y_lo = numpy.linspace(0.0, (nslicey * binsz), numpy.abs(nslicey) + 1.0) # Find which spaxels land in each aperture for xi in x_lo: for yj in y_lo: indx = (_x >= xi) & (_x < xi + binsz) & (_y <= yj) & (_y > yj - binsz) if any(indx): _binid[indx] = ctbin ctbin = ctbin + 1 # Quadrant 3 nslicex = numpy.floor((minx) / binsz) nslicey = numpy.ceil((maxy) / binsz) x_lo = numpy.linspace(0.0, (nslicex * binsz), numpy.abs(nslicex) + 1.0) y_lo = numpy.linspace(0.0, (nslicey * binsz), numpy.abs(nslicey) + 1.0) # Find which spaxels land in each aperture for xi in x_lo: for yj in y_lo: indx = (_x <= xi) & (_x > xi - binsz) & (_y >= yj) & (_y < yj + binsz) if any(indx): _binid[indx] = ctbin ctbin = ctbin + 1 # Quadrant 4 nslicex = numpy.floor((minx) / binsz) nslicey = numpy.floor((miny) / binsz) x_lo = numpy.linspace(0.0, (nslicex * binsz), numpy.abs(nslicex) + 1.0) y_lo = numpy.linspace(0.0, (nslicey * binsz), numpy.abs(nslicey) + 1.0) # Find which spaxels land in each aperture for xi in x_lo: for yj in y_lo: indx = (_x <= xi) & (_x > xi - binsz) & (_y <= yj) & (_y > yj - binsz) if any(indx): _binid[indx] = ctbin ctbin = ctbin + 1 if gpm is None: return _binid binid[gpm] = _binid return binid