Source code for mangadap.spectra.rowstackedspectra

Base class for row-stacked spectra


.. include license and copyright
.. include:: ../include/copy.rst


.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst

# TODO: Pilfer the pypeit.DataContainer for this.

# TODO: Add meta, as in DataCube.

import warnings
from IPython import embed

import numpy
from scipy import sparse, interpolate

from import fits

    from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
    from shapely.geometry import Point
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn('Could not import shapely!', ImportWarning)

from ..util.bitmask import BitMask
from ..util.pixelmask import SpectralPixelMask
from ..util.sampling import angstroms_per_pixel
from ..util.covariance import Covariance
from ..util.constants import DAPConstants

[docs]class RowStackedSpectra: r""" Base container class for a set of 1D extracted spectra. Row-stacked spectra have two axes: The first is just used to organize the spectra, whereas the second is the spectral axis. That is, one can loop through the spectra by, e.g.:: for s in spectra: plt.plot(s) ... The spectral axis is expected to be the same for all spectra. Currently no spectral or "spatial" (e.g. cross-talk) covariance is accounted for. .. warning:: The class can be used to construct datacubes from row-stacked spectra. In these calculations, the aperture area is used to rescale the flux to ensure that it is conserved per unit area. While the class allows the aperture area to be fiber-specific, it does not yet allow the smoothing kernel used in the rectification to also be fiber-specific. Beware if you're trying to construct a cube using multiple fiber formats! Derived classes should, in particular, provide the read methods. The critical components of the derived classes are: .. todo:: - Fill in these "critical components" - How do I abstract how to provide the on-sky aperture? Args: wave (`numpy.ndarray`_): The wavelength vector of *all* spectra. Shape is :math:`(N_\lambda,)`. flux (`numpy.ndarray`_): Data array with the flux for each spectrum. Shape should be :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_\lambda)`. ivar (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): The inverse variance of the flux array. Shape must be the same as ``flux``. If None, errors are ignored. mask (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Mask array for the flux measurements. Can be a boolean mask (False=unmasked,good; True=masked,bad) or an integer array associated with the provided :class:`mangadap.util.bitmask.BitMask` object (see ``bitmask``). Shape must be the same as ``flux``. bitmask (:class:`mangadap.util.bitmask.BitMask`, optional): Object used to select and toggle masked pixels from :attr:`mask`. If None, any provided ``mask`` must be a boolean array or can be successfully converted to one. sres (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): The spectral resolution, :math:`R = \lambda / \Delta\lambda`. Can be a single vector with shape :math:`(N_\lambda,)`, if the spectral resolution is independent of spatial position, or a 2D set of spectral resolution vectors with a shape that matches ``flux``. If None, spectral resolution is ignored. xpos (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): The wavelength-dependent coordinate along the right-ascension direction of the on-sky aperture for all spectra. Expected to be arcseconds from some fiducial coordinate. Coordinates should increase from W to E. Shape must be the same as ``flux``. ypos (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): The wavelength-dependent coordinate along the declination direction of the on-sky aperture for all spectra. Expected to be arcseconds from some fiducial coordinate. Coordinates should increase from S to N. Shape must be the same as ``flux``. area (:obj:`float`, `numpy.ndarray`_, optional): The fiducial area subtended by each spectral aperture, assumed to be wavelength independent. The aperture is assumed to be circular. Can provide a single value for all fibers or an array with shape :math:`(N_{\rm spec},)` that provides fiber-specific values. If None, the area is set to unity, which has follow-on effects on the results provided by some of the class methods, as described where relevant. log (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag that the datacube spectral pixels are binned logarithmically in wavelength. prihdr (``_, optional): Primary header read from source fits file. If None, instantiated as an empty ``_. fluxhdr (``_, optional): Header specifically for the flux extension of the source fits file. If None, set to be a copy of the primary header. Attributes: shape (:obj:`tuple`): Shape of the main spectral arrays. nwave (:obj:`int`): Number of wavelength channels. bitmask (:class:`mangadap.util.bitmask.BitMask`): Object used to select and toggle masked pixels from :attr:`mask`. Can be None. log (:obj:`bool`): Flag that the spectral pixels are binned logarithmically in wavelength. wave (`numpy.ndarray`_): Wavelength vector applicable to all spectra. flux (`numpy.ndarray`_): Flux array. ivar (`numpy.ndarray`_): Flux inverse variance. Can be None. mask (`numpy.ndarray`_): Spectral mask. Can be None. sres (`numpy.ndarray`_): Spectral-resolution array. Can be None. xpos (`numpy.ndarray`_): The wavelength-dependent coordinate along the right-ascension direction of the on-sky aperture for all spectra. Expected to be arcseconds from some fiducial coordinate. ypos (`numpy.ndarray`_): The wavelength-dependent coordinate along the declination direction of the on-sky aperture for all spectra. Expected to be arcseconds from some fiducial coordinate. area (`numpy.ndarray`_): The fiducial area subtended by each spectral aperture. The aperture is assumed to be circular. prihdr (``_): Primary header for the row-stacked spectra. If not provided on instantiation, set to an empty ``_. fluxhdr (``_): Header specifically for the flux array. If not provided on instantiation, set to be a copy of :attr:`prihdr`. """ def __init__(self, wave, flux, ivar=None, mask=None, bitmask=None, sres=None, xpos=None, ypos=None, area=None, log=True, prihdr=None, fluxhdr=None): # Re-order so that axes are x, y, lambda self.wave = wave self.flux = flux self.shape = self.flux.shape self.nwave = self.shape[-1] if self.wave.size != self.nwave: raise ValueError('Wavelength vector does not match flux array.') self.log = log # TODO: Check the above against the wavelength vector and/or # set the value automatically based on the input. self.ivar = None if ivar is not None: self.ivar = ivar if self.ivar.shape != self.shape: raise ValueError('Inverse variance array has incorrect shape.') self.mask = None if mask is not None: self.mask = mask if self.mask.shape != self.shape: raise ValueError('Mask array has incorrect shape.') self.bitmask = None if bitmask is not None: if self.mask is None: warnings.warn('Bitmask provided but no mask data available.') if isinstance(bitmask, BitMask): self.bitmask = bitmask else: warnings.warn('Bitmasks must be BitMask objects; provided bitmask is ignored.') if self.bitmask is None: # Ensure mask is a boolean array self.mask = self.mask.astype(bool) self.sres = None if sres is not None: self.sres = numpy.tile(sres, (self.shape[0],1)) if sres.ndim == 1 else sres if self.sres.shape != self.shape: raise ValueError('Spectral resolution array has incorrect shape.') self.xpos = None if xpos is not None: self.xpos = xpos if self.xpos.shape != self.shape: raise ValueError('X-coordinate array has incorrect shape.') self.ypos = None if ypos is not None: self.ypos = ypos if self.ypos.shape != self.shape: raise ValueError('Y-coordinate array has incorrect shape.') self.area = numpy.ones(self.nspec, dtype=float) if area is None else numpy.atleast_1d(area) if self.area.size == 1: self.area = numpy.full(self.nspec, area, dtype=float) if self.area.size != self.nspec: raise ValueError('Could not construct area for each aperture; provide a single value ' 'or one value per spectrum.') # Allocate attributes for primary and flux array fits headers self.prihdr = fits.Header() if prihdr is None else prihdr self.fluxhdr = self.prihdr.deepcopy() if fluxhdr is None else fluxhdr # Datacube rectification parameters self.pixelscale = None self.recenter = None self.width_buffer = None self.xs = None self.nx = None self.ys = None self.ny = None self.rect_rlim = None self.rect_sigma = None self.rect_channel = None self.rect_T = None @property def nspec(self): """Number of spectra in the datacube.""" return self.shape[0] # TODO: Consolidate these functions between RowStackedSpectra and DataCube?
[docs] def copy_to_array(self, attr='flux', waverange=None, nbins=None, select_bins=None, missing_bins=None, unique_bins=None): r""" Return a copy of the selected data array with a limited spectral range and/or a selected set of spectra. The array size is always :math:`N_{\rm spec} \times N_{\rm wavelength}`. See :func:`copy_to_masked_array` for argument descriptions. .. warning:: Any masking is ignored in this function call. To incorporate the mask use :func:`copy_to_masked_array`. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: A 2D array with a copy of the data from the selected attribute. """ masked_data = self.copy_to_masked_array(attr=attr, use_mask=False, waverange=waverange, nbins=nbins, select_bins=select_bins, missing_bins=missing_bins, unique_bins=unique_bins) # For this approach, the wavelengths masked should be # *identical* for all spectra nwave = numpy.sum(numpy.invert(, axis=1) # No masking should be present except for the wavelength range # meaning that the number of unmasked pixels at all spatial # positions should be the same. if numpy.any(nwave != nwave[0]): raise ValueError('Masking in copy_to_mask should only for the wavelength range.') if numpy.all(nwave == 0): raise ValueError('Full wavelength range has been masked!') # Compression returns a flattened array, so it needs to be # reshaped for the new number of (unmasked) wavelength channels return masked_data.compressed().reshape(-1,nwave[0])
[docs] def copy_to_masked_array(self, attr='flux', use_mask=True, flag=None, waverange=None, nbins=None, select_bins=None, missing_bins=None, unique_bins=None): r""" Return a copy of the selected data array with selected pixels, wavelength ranges, and/or full spectra masked. This is functionally identical to :func:`copy_to_array`, except the output format is a ``_. The pixels that are considered to be masked can be specified using the `flag` option. The array size is always :math:`N_{\rm spec} \times N_{\rm wavelength}`. Args: attr (:obj:`str`, optional): The attribute for the returned array. Can be 'flux', 'ivar', 'sres', 'mask', 'xpos', or 'ypos'. For 'mask', you're likely better off using :func:`copy_to_array`. Strings are always set to be lower-case, so capitalization shouldn't matter. use_mask (:obj:`bool`, optional): Use the internal mask to mask the data. This is largely here to allow for :func:`copy_to_array` to wrap this function while not applying the internal mask. waverange (array-like, optional): Two-element array with the first and last wavelength to include in the computation. Default is to use the full wavelength range. flag (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`, optional): One or more bitmask flags used to select bad pixels. The names *must* be a valid bit name as defined by :attr:`bitmask` (see :class:`mangadap.util.bitmask.BitMask`). If not provided, *any* non-zero mask bit is omitted. nbins (:obj:`int`, optional): The total number of defined bins. Default is to find the maximum number in the unique_bins list. select_bins (array-like, optional): A boolean array selecting the spectra to return. missing_bins (:obj:`list`, optional): A list of bin numbers that are missing from the output selection and that will be replaced with masked spectra. If specified, must also provide ``unique_bins``. unique_bins (array-like, optional): The indices of the bins that have valid spectra. The length of this array should match the select_bins array. Returns: ``_: A 2D array with a copy of the data from the selected extension, masked where :attr:`mask` is either True or with the selected bitmask flags. Raises: AttributeError: Raised if ``attr`` is not a valid attribute. ValueError: Raised if the unique bins are not specified, but the missing bins are, or if the number of unique bins does not match the number of spectra in the datacube. """ # Make sure masks and flags make sense if flag is not None and self.bitmask is None: warnings.warn('No bitmask defined. Input flags ignored.') nspec = self.nspec # Create the wavelength mask (will be all true if # waverange=None) mask = SpectralPixelMask(waverange=waverange).boolean(self.wave, nspec=nspec) # Add in any masked data if use_mask: mask |= self.mask if self.bitmask is None \ else self.bitmask.flagged(self.mask, flag=flag) # Create the output MaskedArray a =, attr.lower()), mask=mask) # Apply any bin selection if select_bins is not None: a = a[select_bins,:] # No missing bins are specified, so return the array if missing_bins is None or len(missing_bins) == 0: return a # Missing bins have been specified, so the unique_bins also need # to be specified if unique_bins is None: raise ValueError('Must specify the unique bins if missing bins are specified.') if len(unique_bins) != a.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Number of unique bins does not match the number of spectra.') # If the number of bins hasn't been provided, construct it based # on the unique bins specified _nbins = max(unique_bins)+1 if nbins is None else nbins # Create the array with the right shape and mask everything _a =, a.shape[-1]), dtype=a.dtype), mask=numpy.ones((_nbins, a.shape[-1]), dtype=bool)) # Copy the data to the correct bins, which also unmasks these # pixels _a[unique_bins,:] = a # Return the masked array; "missing bins" are fully masked return _a
[docs] def interpolate_to_match(self, func, fill_value=0.0): r""" Interpolate a function to match the datacube wavelength sampling. Args: func (`numpy.ndarray`_): Function to linear interpolate. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm wave}, 2)`, where the first column has the wavelength and the second has the function to interpolate. If None, simply returns a unity vector of the correct length. fill_value (:obj:`float`, optional): The value to use for spectral regions not sampled by the provided function. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: The function interpolated (**not** resampled) to match :attr:`wave`. Any spectral regions not within the wavelength range of the provided function is set to 0. """ if func is None: return numpy.ones(self.nwave, dtype=float) return interpolate.interp1d(func[:,0], func[:,1], bounds_error=False, fill_value=fill_value, assume_sorted=True)(self.wave)
[docs] def mean_sky_coordinates(self, waverange=None, response_func=None, per_pixel=True, offset=None, flag=None, fluxwgt=False): r""" Compute the weighted or unweighted mean sky coordinates for each spectrum. Method cannot be performed if coordinate arrays are not available. .. warning:: Flux-weighting the coordinates can produce spurious results in low-flux regimes. Args: waverange (array-like, optional): Two-element array with the first and last wavelength to include in the computation. Default is to use the full wavelength range. response_func (array-like, optional): A two-column array with the wavelength and transmission of a broad-band response function to use for the calculation. If None, no wavelength-dependent weighting function is used. per_pixel (:obj:`bool`, optional): When providing a response function, continue to calculate the statistics per pixel, as opposed to per angstrom. offset (:obj:`tuple`, optional): A two-tuple with an x,y offset to apply. flag (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`, optional): One or more flag names that are considered when deciding if a pixel should be masked. The names *must* be a valid bit name as defined by :attr:`bitmask`. fluxwgt (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag to weight by the flux when determining the mean coordinates. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: Two `numpy.ndarray`_ objects with the fiducial x and y on-sky positions of each spectrum in arcseconds relative to a given center. The shape of the two arrays is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},)`. """ _offset = (0,0) if offset is None else offset if len(_offset) != 2: raise ValueError('Offset should be two numbers for the offset in x and y.') xpos = self.copy_to_masked_array(attr='xpos', waverange=waverange, flag=flag) + _offset[0] ypos = self.copy_to_masked_array(attr='ypos', waverange=waverange, flag=flag) + _offset[1] if fluxwgt: flux = self.copy_to_masked_array(waverange=waverange, flag=flag) # Set the response function dw = numpy.ones(self.nwave, dtype=float) if per_pixel \ else angstroms_per_pixel(self.wave, log=self.log) _response_func = self.interpolate_to_match(response_func) # Get the normalization and return the flux- or un-weighted coordinates if fluxwgt: norm =*_response_func[None,:]*dw[None,:], axis=1) return*xpos*_response_func[None,:]*dw[None,:],axis=1)/norm, \*ypos*_response_func[None,:]*dw[None,:],axis=1)/norm norm = numpy.sum(numpy.invert(*_response_func[None,:] *dw[None,:], axis=1) return*_response_func[None,:]*dw[None,:],axis=1)/norm, \*_response_func[None,:]*dw[None,:],axis=1)/norm
[docs] def binned_on_sky_area(self, bin_indx, x=None, y=None, **kwargs): r""" Compute the on-sky area of a set of binned spectra. The method attempts to calculate the overlapping area assuming the spectra were obtained with a set of circular fibers with the provided area (see :attr:`area`). If not provided in the method call (see ``x``, ``y``), the fiber fiducial coordinates used for the calculation are calculated using :func:`mean_sky_coordinates`. The overlapping area is calculated using the `shapely`_ python package. If that package is not available, the returned area of each bin is simply the sum of the area of each fiber (does not account for any overlaps). Args: bin_indx (array-like): An array with size :math:`N_{\rm spec}` that gives which spaxels were included in each bin. Valid bins have indices of :math:`\geq 0`. x (array-like, optional): On-sky :math:`x` coordinate. Default is to calculate :math:`x` and :math:`y` using :func:`mean_sky_coordinates`. y (array-like, optional): On-sky :math:`y` coordinate. Default is to calculate :math:`x` and :math:`y` using :func:`mean_sky_coordinates`. **kwargs: Arguments passed directly to :func:`mean_sky_coordinates` for the determination of the sky coordinates, if they aren't provided directly. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: Two `numpy.ndarray`_ objects are returned. The first has the unique (non-negative) bin indices, and the second provides the on-sky area of that bin. """ unique_bins, bin_count = numpy.unique(bin_indx, return_counts=True) indx = unique_bins > -1 nbin = bin_count[indx] good_bins = unique_bins[indx] try: # Test that shapely was imported cascaded_union except: # It wasn't, so do the stupid calculation warnings.warn('Could not use \'shapely\' package to compute overlapping fiber area.' \ 'Return the total fiber area.', ImportWarning) return good_bins, numpy.array([numpy.sum(self.area[bin_indx == b]) for b in good_bins]) if x is None or y is None: x, y = self.mean_sky_coordinates(**kwargs) if x.size != self.nspec or y.size != self.nspec: raise ValueError('Must provide an x and y coordinate for each spectrum.') # Assume apertures are circular radius = numpy.sqrt(self.area/numpy.pi) bin_area = numpy.empty(nbin.size, dtype=float) for i, b in enumerate(good_bins): _x = x[bin_indx == b] _y = y[bin_indx == b] bin_area[i] = cascaded_union([Point(xx,yy).buffer(r,64) \ for xx, yy, r in zip(_x,_y,radius)]).area return good_bins, bin_area
[docs] def central_wavelength(self, waverange=None, response_func=None, per_pixel=True, flag=None, fluxwgt=False): """ Determine the mean central wavelength for all spectra under various conditions. The wavelength channel is set to be the center of the bandpass selected by ``waverange``, weighted by the response function and the flux (if requested/provided). The mask is also incorporated in these calculations. By default (i.e., no wavelength limits or weighting) the wavelength channel is just the central wavelength of the full spectral range. (Note that if the spectra are binned logarithmically, this isn't necessarily the central wavelength *channel*.) Args: waverange (array-like, optional): Starting and ending wavelength over which to calculate the statistics. Default is to use the full wavelength range. response_func (array-like, optional): A two-column array with the wavelength and transmission of a broad-band response function to use as a weighting function for the calculation. per_pixel (:obj:`bool`, optional): When providing a response function, base the calculation on per pixel measurements, instead of per angstrom. Set to False for a per-angstrom calculation. flag (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`, optional): One or more flag names that are considered when deciding if a pixel should be masked. The names *must* be a valid bit name as defined by :attr:`bitmask`. If :attr:`bitmask` is None, these are ignored. fluxwgt (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag to weight by the flux when determining the mean coordinates. Returns: :obj:`float`: The mean central wavelength of all spectra. """ if waverange is None and response_func is None and not fluxwgt: return (self.wave[0] + self.wave[-1])/2. flux = self.copy_to_masked_array(waverange=waverange, flag=flag) dw = numpy.ones(self.nwave, dtype=float) if per_pixel \ else angstroms_per_pixel(self.wave, log=self.log) _response_func = self.interpolate_to_match(response_func) if fluxwgt: norm =*_response_func[None,:]*dw[None,:], axis=1) cen_wave =*self.wave[None,:]*_response_func[None,:]*dw[None,:], axis=1) / norm return numpy.mean(cen_wave) norm = * _response_func[None,:] * dw[None,:], axis=1) cen_wave = * self.wave[None,:] * _response_func[None,:] * dw[None,:], axis=1) / norm return numpy.mean(cen_wave)
# TODO: This is virtually identical to the function in DataCube. # Consolidate?
[docs] def flux_stats(self, waverange=None, response_func=None, per_pixel=True, flag=None): r""" Compute the mean flux, propagated error in the mean flux, and mean S/N over the specified wavelength range. If the wavelength range is not specified, the quantities are calculated over the full spectral range. Args: waverange (array-like, optional): Starting and ending wavelength over which to calculate the statistics. Default is to use the full wavelength range. response_func (array-like, optional): A two-column array with the wavelength and transmission of a broad-band response function to use as a weighting function for the calculation. per_pixel (:obj:`bool`, optional): When providing a response function, continue to calculate the statistics per pixel. Set to False for a per-angstrom calculation. flag (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`, optional): One or more flag names that are considered when deciding if a pixel should be masked. The names *must* be a valid bit name as defined by :attr:`bitmask`. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: Three objects are returned: the mean flux, the propagated variance in the mean flux, and the mean S/N. Raises: ValueError: Raised of a provided wavelength range object does not have two elements or if a response function is provided and has an incorrect shape. """ if waverange is not None and len(waverange) != 2: raise ValueError('Provided wavelength range must be a two-element vector.') if response_func is not None: if len(response_func.shape) != 2: raise ValueError('Response function object must be two dimensional.') if response_func.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError('Response function object must only have two columns.') # Grab the masked arrays flux = self.copy_to_masked_array(waverange=waverange, flag=flag) ivar = self.copy_to_masked_array(attr='ivar', waverange=waverange, flag=flag) snr = flux* # Set the response function dw = numpy.ones(self.nwave, dtype=float) if per_pixel \ else angstroms_per_pixel(self.wave, log=self.log) _response_func = self.interpolate_to_match(response_func) # Get the moments response_integral = numpy.sum(numpy.invert( * (_response_func*dw)[None,:], axis=1) signal =*(_response_func*dw)[None,:], axis=1), response_integral) variance =, -1.) \ * (_response_func*dw)[None,:], axis=1), response_integral) snr =*(_response_func*dw)[None,:], axis=1), response_integral) # Done return signal, variance, snr
# Most of the rest of this deals with covariance!
[docs] def _cube_dimensions(self, pixelscale=None, recenter=None, width_buffer=None, redo=False): """ Determine the on-sky dimensions of the reconstructed image for all wavelength channels. When first calling this method, the pixel scale, recentering approach, and buffer must be provided, and they are saved to :attr:`pixelscale`, :attr:`recenter`, :attr:`width_buffer`. The spatial dimensions of the cube are calculated using the data in :attr:`xpos` and :attr:`ypos`, and the results are saved to :attr:`xs`, :attr:`ys`, :attr:`nx`, and :attr:`ny`. This calculation only needs to be done once per instance and settings for ``pixelscale``, ``recenter``, and ``width_buffer``. The calculation is forced to be done again if any of these are provided to the method and different from the saved attributes or if ``redo`` is True. Args: pixelscale (:obj:`float`, optional): Desired pixel scale in arcsec. recenter (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag to recenter the coordinate system. width_buffer (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction. redo (:obj:`bool`, optional): Force the recalculation of the cube dimensions if they are already defined. """ if self.xpos is None or self.ypos is None: raise ValueError('Cannot construct cube dimensions without the wavelength dependent ' 'aperture positions.') # Check the input if self.pixelscale is None and pixelscale is None: raise ValueError('Must provide pixelscale on first use of _cube_dimensions.') if self.recenter is None and recenter is None: raise ValueError('Must provide recenter on first use of _cube_dimensions.') if self.width_buffer is None and width_buffer is None: raise ValueError('Must provide width_buffer on first use of _cube_dimensions.') # Check if the calculation needs to redone. This will always be # true on the first use of the method. _redo = redo or (pixelscale is not None and self.pixelscale != pixelscale) \ or (recenter is not None and self.recenter != recenter) \ or (width_buffer is not None and self.width_buffer != width_buffer) \ or self.xs is None or self.nx is None or self.ys is None or self.ny is None if not _redo: return # Save the parameters used to create the dimensions. Only save # the ones that are actually provided. if pixelscale is not None: self.pixelscale = pixelscale if recenter is not None: self.recenter = recenter if width_buffer is not None: self.width_buffer = width_buffer # Get the size in each dimension # TODO: This negative here is just to ensure that the # calculation matches what's done by the DRP, which defines # xpos as increasing from E to W. minx = numpy.amin(-self.xpos) maxx = numpy.amax(-self.xpos) Dx = numpy.floor(maxx-minx) miny = numpy.amin(self.ypos) maxy = numpy.amax(self.ypos) Dy = numpy.floor(maxy-miny) # Force the size to be even and the same in both dimensions Dx = Dx if Dx > Dy else Dy self.nx = int(numpy.floor(Dx/self.pixelscale)+self.width_buffer) if self.nx % 2 != 0: self.nx += 1 self.ny = self.nx # Set the starting coordinate self.xs = -self.nx*self.pixelscale/2. self.ys = -self.ny*self.pixelscale/2. # Offset to the center, if requested if self.recenter: self.xs = self.xs + (minx+maxx)/2.0 self.ys = self.ys + (miny+maxy)/2.0
[docs] def _reinit_rectification_parameters(self, channel=None, pixelscale=None, rlim=None, sigma=None, recenter=None, width_buffer=None): """ Determine if the rectification paraemters need to be reinitialized. """ if None in [self.pixelscale, self.recenter, self.width_buffer, self.xs, self.nx, self.ys, self.ny, self.rect_rlim, self.rect_sigma, self.rect_channel]: return True if channel is not None and self.rect_channel != channel: return True if pixelscale is not None and self.pixelscale != pixelscale: return True if rlim is not None and self.rect_rlim != rlim: return True if sigma is not None and self.rect_sigma != sigma: return True if recenter is not None and self.recenter != recenter: return True if width_buffer is not None and self.width_buffer != width_buffer: return True return False
[docs] def _init_rectification_parameters(self, channel=None, pixelscale=None, rlim=None, sigma=None, recenter=None, width_buffer=None): """ Perform common preparation of rectification parameters. Args: channel (:obj:`int`, optional): Index of the spectral channel for which to calculate the transfer matrix. pixelscale (:obj:`float`, optional): Desired pixel (spaxel) scale in arcsec. rlim (:obj:`float`, optional): The limiting radius of the image reconstruction (Gaussian) kernel in arcseconds. sigma (:obj:`float`, optional): The sigma of the image reconstruction (Gaussian) kernel in arcseconds. recenter (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag to recenter the coordinate system. width_buffer (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction """ if not self._reinit_rectification_parameters(channel=channel, pixelscale=pixelscale, rlim=rlim, sigma=sigma, recenter=recenter, width_buffer=width_buffer): # Nothing needs to be reinitialized return # Get the cube dimensions; may not necessarily match DRP calculation self._cube_dimensions(pixelscale=pixelscale, recenter=recenter, width_buffer=width_buffer) # Set the kernel parameters if they've changed if rlim is not None: self.rect_rlim = rlim if sigma is not None: self.rect_sigma = sigma # Set the channel if it's changed if channel is not None: self.rect_channel = channel
# TODO: Allow for spectrum-dependent (rlim,sigma), or scale a # single (rlim,sigma) by the sqrt of the area to account for # different size apertures?
[docs] def rectification_transfer_matrix(self, channel, pixelscale, rlim, sigma, recenter=False, width_buffer=10, quiet=False, rej_flag=None): r""" Calculate the transfer matrix used to produce a reconstructed image of the fiber data at the specified wavelength channel using Shepard's method. This is done directly using the available on-sky x and y coordinates of each fiber as a function of wavelength taken from :attr:`xpos` and :attr:`ypos` attributes. .. todo:: - Give more detail on the pixels at which the radius is calculated. - Describe the algorithm in more depth. Args: channel (:obj:`int`): Index of the spectral channel for which to calculate the transfer matrix. pixelscale (:obj:`float`): Desired pixel (spaxel) scale in arcsec. rlim (:obj:`float`): The limiting radius of the image reconstruction (Gaussian) kernel in arcseconds. sigma (:obj:`float`): The sigma of the image reconstruction (Gaussian) kernel in arcseconds. recenter (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag to recenter the coordinate system. width_buffer (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction quiet (:obj:`bool`, optional): Suppress terminal output rej_flag (:obj:`str`, optional): Bit name to ignore in rectification. Ignored if :attr:`bitmask` is None. If None, bitmasks are ignored. Use ``'any'`` to mask pixels with any flagged bits. Returns: `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_: Transfer matrix :math:`{\mathbf T}` """ # Is the matrix already available? if self.rect_T is not None \ and not self._reinit_rectification_parameters(channel=channel, pixelscale=pixelscale, rlim=rlim, sigma=sigma, recenter=recenter, width_buffer=width_buffer): return self.rect_T # Create it! self._init_rectification_parameters(channel=channel, pixelscale=pixelscale, rlim=rlim, sigma=sigma, recenter=recenter, width_buffer=width_buffer) # Dimensions of the sparse matrix are nim = self.nx*self.ny # The number of image pixels # by the number of fiber spectra (self.nspec) # Get the list of non-zero pixel values in the transfer matrix i = numpy.arange(self.nx) j = numpy.arange(self.ny) ii,jj = numpy.meshgrid(i, j, indexing='ij') # Mesh of i,j pixel indices sp = numpy.empty((self.nx,self.ny), dtype=float) # Holds spectrum index ij = (ii*self.ny+jj) # Holds image pixel index r2 = numpy.empty((self.nx,self.ny), dtype=float) # Holds radii tot = numpy.zeros((self.nx,self.ny), dtype=float) # Holds the sum of the weights s2 = numpy.square(self.rect_sigma/self.pixelscale) # sigma^2 of Gaussian rl2 = numpy.square(self.rect_rlim/self.pixelscale) # radius^2 of Gaussian limit non_zero_spc = numpy.empty(0, dtype=int) # Holds triplet spectrum index non_zero_pix = numpy.empty(0, dtype=int) # Holds triplet image index non_zero_wgt = numpy.empty(0, dtype=float) # Holds triplet weight # Do not include any pixels with zero inverse variance or # pixels that have been masked (either by the boolean mask # attribute or flagged with the provided mask bits) mask = numpy.invert(self.ivar[:,self.rect_channel] > 0.0) if rej_flag is not None and self.bitmask is not None: _rej_flag = rej_flag if isinstance(rej_flag, list) or rej_flag != 'any' else None mask |= self.bitmask.flagged(self.mask[:,self.rect_channel], flag=_rej_flag) elif self.mask is not None: mask |= self.mask[:,self.rect_channel] # TODO: Can optimize this further? for k in range(self.nspec): if mask[k]: continue # Fill spectrum index sp.fill(k) # NOTE: Calculating full matrix is actually faster than # determining submatrix for calculation # NOTE: The negative sign in xpos is again to match the # calculation done by the DRP, which defines xpos as # increasing from E to W. # Calculate the distance. # ---- WITH RESPECT TO THE EDGE OF THE FIRST PIXEL ---- # - matches DRP, but why? r2 = numpy.square((-self.xpos[k,self.rect_channel]-self.xs)/self.pixelscale - ii) \ + numpy.square((self.ypos[k,self.rect_channel]-self.ys)/self.pixelscale - jj) # ---- WITH RESPECT TO THE CENTER OF THE FIRST PIXEL ---- # r2 = numpy.square( (self.hdu['XPOS'].data[k,channel]-self.xs)/pixelscale-0.5 - ii) \ # + numpy.square((self.hdu['YPOS'].data[k,channel]-self.ys)/pixelscale-0.5 - jj) # Append new indices and weights within rlim # TODO: Can this be done quicker if I'm not appending things? non_zero_spc = numpy.append(non_zero_spc, sp[r2 < rl2]) non_zero_pix = numpy.append(non_zero_pix, ij[r2 < rl2]) wgt = numpy.exp(-r2[r2 < rl2]/s2/2.0) tot[r2<rl2] += self.area[k] * wgt non_zero_wgt = numpy.append(non_zero_wgt, wgt) if not quiet: print('Transfer Matrix {:2.1%}'.format((k+1)/self.nspec), end='\r') if not quiet: print('Transfer Matrix {:2.1%}'.format(1.)) # Normalize the result and scale by the pixel size to ensure the # output cube is in units of calibrated flux density per pixel non_zero_wgt *= numpy.square(self.pixelscale) \ / tot[numpy.unravel_index(non_zero_pix.astype(int), (self.nx,self.ny))] # Set the transfer matrix to a sparse object self.rect_T = sparse.coo_matrix((non_zero_wgt, (non_zero_pix, non_zero_spc)), shape=(nim,self.nspec)).tocsr() # TODO: Does this need to be returned? return self.rect_T
# TODO: Include mask propagation
[docs] def rectify_wavelength_plane(self, channel, pixelscale=None, rlim=None, sigma=None, recenter=False, width_buffer=10, quiet=False, rej_flag=None, return_ivar=False, return_covar=False): r""" Return a rectified image for the specified wavelength channel using Shepard's method. First, the rectification transfer matrix, :math:`{\mathbf T}`, is calculated using :func:`rectification_transfer_matrix`. Then the wavelength image, :math:`{\mathbf I}` is calculated: .. math:: {\mathbf T} \times {\mathbf F} = {\mathbf I} where :math:`{\mathbf F}` is the vector of fluxes in the selected wavelength channel for all the aperture measurements. The calculation of :math:`{\mathbf I}` produces a vector, but this is reshaped into a 2D array of shape :math:`(N_x, N_y)` on output. Args: channel (:obj:`int`): Index of the spectral channel for which to calculate the transfer matrix. pixelscale (:obj:`float`, optional): Desired pixel (spaxel) scale in arcsec. If None, :attr:`pixelscale` will be used, but fault if that value is also None. rlim (:obj:`float`, optional): The limiting radius of the image reconstruction (Gaussian) kernel in arcseconds. If None, :attr:`rect_rlim` will be used, but fault if that value is also None. sigma (:obj:`float`, optional): The sigma of the image reconstruction (Gaussian) kernel in arcseconds. If None, :attr:`rect_sigma` will be used, but fault if that value is also None. recenter (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag to recenter the coordinate system. width_buffer (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction quiet (:obj:`bool`, optional): Suppress terminal output rej_flag (:obj:`str`, optional): Bit name to ignore in rectification. Ignored if :attr:`bitmask` is None. If None, bitmasks are ignored. Use ``'any'`` to mask pixels with any flagged bits. return_ivar (:obj:`bool`, optional): Return the nominal inverse variance image (i.e. the diagonal of the covariance matrix). return_covar (:obj:`bool`, optional): Return the covariance matrix. Note that the covariance matrix is calculated if either ``return_ivar`` or ``return_covar`` are True. If ``return_covar`` is True, ``return_ivar`` is ignored (because it's automatically true). Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_, :obj:`tuple`: If both ``return_ivar`` and ``return_covar`` are False, only the reconstructed image is returned. If ``return_covar`` is True, a :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object is also returned. If ``return_covar`` is False and ``return_ivar`` is True, the second returned object is a `numpy.ndarray`_ with the propagated inverse variance image. """ # Set the transfer matrix (set to self.rect_T; don't need to # keep the returned matrix) self.rectification_transfer_matrix(channel, pixelscale, rlim, sigma, recenter=recenter, width_buffer=width_buffer, quiet=quiet, rej_flag=rej_flag) flux =[:,channel]).reshape(self.nx,self.ny) # Return the regridded data with the proper shape (nx by ny) if not return_covar and not return_ivar: return flux covar = self._formal_covariance_matrix(quiet=quiet) if return_covar: # Return the rectified image and the full covariance matrix return flux, covar # Only return the inverse variance, not the full covariance matrix return flux,, -1).filled(0.0).reshape(self.nx,self.ny)
[docs] def _formal_covariance_matrix(self, csr=False, quiet=False): r""" Return the formal covariance matrix. The formal covariance matrix is: .. math:: {\mathbf C} = {\mathbf T} \times {\mathbf \Sigma} \times {\mathbf T}^{\rm T}, where :math:`{\mathbf \Sigma}` is the covariance matrix for the row-stacked spectra for the specified wavelength channel. This method requires that :attr:`rect_T` not be None, it assumes that the current transfer matrix is correct for this channel, and it is largely a wrapper for :func:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance.from_matrix_multiplication`. Args: csr (:obj:`bool`, optional): Instead of returning a :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object, return the covariance matrix as a `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_ object. Primarily used by :func:`covariance_cube` for collating the covariance matrix of each wavelength channel before combining them into a single :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object. quiet (:obj:`bool`, optional): Suppress terminal output Returns: :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance`, `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_: The covariance matrix for the designated wavelength channel. The return type depends on ``csr``. """ if self.rect_T is None: raise ValueError('To calculate the formal covariance matrix, must first calculate ' 'the rectification transfer matrix.') var =[:,self.rect_channel], -1.0).filled(0.0) covar = Covariance.from_matrix_multiplication(self.rect_T, var) return covar.full() if csr else covar
[docs] def covariance_matrix(self, channel, pixelscale=None, rlim=None, sigma=None, recenter=False, width_buffer=10, csr=False, quiet=False, rej_flag=None): r""" Return the covariance matrix for the specified wavelength channel. For a regrided cube image with :math:`N_x\times N_y` pixels, the covariance matrix has a size that is :math:`(N_x N_y)\times (N_x N_y)`; however, the majority of these pixels will be zero. Therefore, the covariance matrix is stored as a sparse matrix and interfaced with using the :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object class. The value of the covariance matrix at pixel :math:`(i,j)` is the covariance between pixels :math:`(n_{x,0},n_{y,0})` and :math:`(n_{x,1},n_{y,1})` at the specified wavelength channel of the reconstructed datacube image, where .. math:: n_{x,0} &= \lfloor i / N_y \rfloor \\ n_{y,0} &= i - n_{x,0} N_y \\ n_{x,1} &= \lfloor j / N_y \rfloor \\ n_{y,1} &= j - n_{x,1} N_y and :math:`\lfloor m\rfloor` is the "floor" of :math:`m`. The diagonal of the covariance matrix (:math:`i=j`) provides the variance. .. warning:: Because the covariance is calculated for a higher dimensional array, it's important to note how the pixels in the image map to the relevant covariance array locations. See the equations above. Also see :func:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance.transpose_raw_shape`. The covariance matrix provided by this method is always the formal covariance matrix defined as .. math:: {\mathbf C} = {\mathbf T} \times {\mathbf \Sigma} \times {\mathbf T}^{\rm T}, where :math:`{\mathbf \Sigma}` is the covariance matrix for the row-stacked spectra for the specified wavelength channel, which is taken to be a diagonal matrix with the flux variances along the diagonal. Args: channel (:obj:`int`): Index of the spectral channel for which to calculate the covariance matrix. pixelscale (:obj:`float`, optional): Desired pixel (spaxel) scale in arcsec. If None, :attr:`pixelscale` will be used, but fault if that value is also None. rlim (:obj:`float`, optional): The limiting radius of the image reconstruction (Gaussian) kernel in arcseconds. If None, :attr:`rect_rlim` will be used, but fault if that value is also None. sigma (:obj:`float`, optional): The sigma of the image reconstruction (Gaussian) kernel in arcseconds. If None, :attr:`rect_sigma` will be used, but fault if that value is also None. recenter (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag to recenter the coordinate system. width_buffer (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction csr (:obj:`bool`, optional): Instead of returning a :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object, return the covariance matrix as a `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_ object. Primarily used by :func:`covariance_cube` for collating the covariance matrix of each wavelength channel before combining them into a single :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object. quiet (:obj:`bool`, optional): Suppress terminal output rej_flag (:obj:`str`, optional): Bit name to ignore in rectification. Ignored if :attr:`bitmask` is None. If None, bitmasks are ignored. Use ``'any'`` to mask pixels with any flagged bits. Returns: :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance`, `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_: The covariance matrix for the designated wavelength channel. The return type depends on `csr`. """ # Set the transfer matrix self.rectification_transfer_matrix(channel, pixelscale, rlim, sigma, recenter=recenter, width_buffer=width_buffer, quiet=quiet, rej_flag=rej_flag) # Return the formal covariance matrix return self._formal_covariance_matrix(csr=csr, quiet=quiet)
[docs] def covariance_cube(self, channels=None, pixelscale=None, rlim=None, sigma=None, recenter=False, width_buffer=10, csr=False, quiet=False, rej_flag=None): """ Return the covariance matrices for many wavelength channels. This is primarily a wrapper for :func:`covariance_matrix` that iterates through one or more wavelength channels and constructs a 3D :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object. Args: channels (:obj:`int`, array-like, optional): Indices of the spectral channels for which to calculate the covariance matrix. If None, the covariance matrix is calculated for *all* channels. pixelscale (:obj:`float`, optional): Desired pixel (spaxel) scale in arcsec. If None, :attr:`pixelscale` will be used, but fault if that value is also None. rlim (:obj:`float`, optional): The limiting radius of the image reconstruction (Gaussian) kernel in arcseconds. If None, :attr:`rect_rlim` will be used, but fault if that value is also None. sigma (:obj:`float`, optional): The sigma of the image reconstruction (Gaussian) kernel in arcseconds. If None, :attr:`rect_sigma` will be used, but fault if that value is also None. recenter (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag to recenter the coordinate system. width_buffer (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction csr (:obj:`bool`, optional): Instead of returning a :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object, return the covariance matrix as a `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_ object. Primarily used by :func:`covariance_cube` for collating the covariance matrix of each wavelength channel before combining them into a single :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance` object. quiet (:obj:`bool`, optional): Suppress terminal output rej_flag (:obj:`str`, optional): Bit name to ignore in rectification. Ignored if :attr:`bitmask` is None. If None, bitmasks are ignored. Use ``'any'`` to mask pixels with any flagged bits. Returns: :class:`mangadap.util.covariance.Covariance`, `numpy.ndarray`_: If ``csr`` is True, the returned object is an `numpy.ndarray`_ of `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_ types. """ # Set the channels _channels = numpy.arange(self.nwave) if channels is None \ else numpy.atleast_1d(channels) nc = len(_channels) # Build and return the covariance matrices CovCube = numpy.empty(nc, dtype=sparse.csr_matrix) for i in range(nc): if not quiet: print('Covariance Cube {0}/{1}'.format(i+1,nc), end='\r') CovCube[i] = self.covariance_matrix(_channels[i], pixelscale=pixelscale, rlim=rlim, sigma=sigma, recenter=recenter, width_buffer=width_buffer, csr=True, quiet=True, rej_flag=rej_flag) if not quiet: print('Covariance Cube {0}/{0}'.format(nc)) return Covariance(CovCube, input_indx=_channels) if not csr else CovCube
[docs] def instrumental_dispersion_plane(self, channel, dispersion_factor=None, pixelscale=None, rlim=None, sigma=None, recenter=None, width_buffer=None, quiet=False, rej_flag=None): r""" Return the instrumental dispersion for the rectified wavelength plane. Method requires that :attr:`sres` is not None. The method first calculates the rectification transfer matrix, :math:`{\mathbf T}`, using :func:`regrid_transfer_matrix`. The transfer matrix is then used to construct the rectified wavelength plane image, :math:`{\mathbf I}`, by computing :math:`{\mathbf T} \times {\mathbf F} = {\mathbf I}`, where :math:`{\mathbf F}` is the vector of the fiber fluxes. Under the assumption that the line-spread-function (LSF) is Gaussian, we determine the instrumental dispersion for the data in the wavelength channel of the reconstructed CUBE by calculating the second moment of the weighted sum of Gaussians of the appropriate dispersion. Assuming all the Gaussians have the normalized form: .. math:: \mathcal{N}(x|\mu=0,\sigma) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma} \exp\left(-\frac{x^2}{2\sigma^2}\right), the combined instrumental dispersion becomes .. math:: \sigma_{\rm inst,j}^2 = \frac{\sum_i T_{ij} \sigma^2_i}{\sum_i T_{ij}}, where :math:`T_{ij}` are the elements of the transfer matrix. In terms of matrix multiplications, this can be written as .. math:: {\mathbf S} = \frac{ {\mathbf T} \times {\mathbf V} }{ {\mathbf T_c} }, where :math:`{\mathbf T_c} = {\mathbf T_c} \times {\mathbf 1}` is the vector with the sum :math:`\sum_j T_{ij}`, :math:`{\mathbf V}` is the instrumental variance for all fibers at the designated wavelength plane, and :math:`{\mathbf S}` is the variance for all the spaxels in the reconstructed wavelength image; the division by :math:`{\mathbf T_c}` is element-wise. The returned matrix is the element-wise square-root of :math:`{\mathbf S}`, rearranged into a 2D array of size :attr:`nx` by :attr:`ny`. Args: channel (:obj:`int`): Index of the spectral channel for which to calculate the covariance matrix. dispersion_factor (:obj:`float`, optional): Artificially change the resolution by multiplying the instrumental LSF by this factor before calculating the reconstructed dispersion. If None, factor is unity. pixelscale (:obj:`float`, optional): Desired pixel (spaxel) scale in arcsec. If None, :attr:`pixelscale` will be used, but fault if that value is also None. rlim (:obj:`float`, optional): The limiting radius of the image reconstruction (Gaussian) kernel in arcseconds. If None, :attr:`rect_rlim` will be used, but fault if that value is also None. sigma (:obj:`float`, optional): The sigma of the image reconstruction (Gaussian) kernel in arcseconds. If None, :attr:`rect_sigma` will be used, but fault if that value is also None. recenter (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag to recenter the coordinate system. width_buffer (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of pixels to use as buffer for the image reconstruction quiet (:obj:`bool`, optional): Suppress terminal output rej_flag (:obj:`str`, optional): Bit name to ignore in rectification. Ignored if :attr:`bitmask` is None. If None, bitmasks are ignored. Use ``'any'`` to mask pixels with any flagged bits. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: The reconstructed LSF dispersion for the specified wavelength channel. """ if self.sres is None: raise ValueError('Spectral resolution must be available for this method.') # Get the instrumental dispersion disp = self.wave[channel]/self.sres[:,channel]/DAPConstants.sig2fwhm if dispersion_factor is not None: disp *= dispersion_factor # Set the transfer matrix self.rectification_transfer_matrix(channel, pixelscale, rlim, sigma, recenter=recenter, width_buffer=width_buffer, quiet=quiet, rej_flag=rej_flag) # Rectify the data Tc = self.rect_T.sum(axis=1).flatten() Tc[numpy.invert(Tc>0)] = 1.0 # Control for zeros # NOTE: This returns a numpy.ndarray instead of a numpy.matrix return numpy.asarray(numpy.sqrt( / Tc).reshape(self.nx, self.ny))