Source code for mangadap.survey.mangampl

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Defines a class to keep track of MaNGA MPL dependencies and versioning.

.. note::
    This class was created for the survey-level execution of the DAP.
    The dependencies will necessarily grow, and will be handled using
    module files.  So, even as it is, this class has little utility.

.. todo::
    Deprecate this. I'm not sure it's actually used (or useful)


.. include license and copyright
.. include:: ../include/copy.rst


.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import sys
import os
import warnings
from distutils.version import StrictVersion

# For version checking
import numpy
import scipy
import matplotlib
import astropy
import pydl

# TODO: Add DAP version

[docs]class MaNGAMPL: """ Create an object that keeps track of IDLUTILS, SDSS_ACCESS, MANGACORE, and MANGADRP dependencies for a given MPL and other intermediate analyses. Dependencies are selected by the "MPL" version as provided in the following table: **SDSS dependencies** +--------+-------------+------------+--------+--------+--------+ | MPL | SDSS_ACCESS | IDLUTILS | CORE | DRP | DAP | +========+=============+============+========+========+========+ | MPL-1 | None | v5_5_16 | v1_0_0 | v1_0_0 | None | +--------+-------------+------------+--------+--------+--------+ | MPL-2 | None | v5_5_17 | v1_0_0 | v1_1_2 | None | +--------+-------------+------------+--------+--------+--------+ | v1_2_0 | None | v5_5_19 | v1_1_0 | v1_2_0 | None | +--------+-------------+------------+--------+--------+--------+ | MPL-3 | None | v5_5_22 | v1_1_0 | v1_3_3 | v1_0_0 | +--------+-------------+------------+--------+--------+--------+ | MPL-4 | 0.0.0 | v5_5_23 | v1_2_0 | v1_5_1 | 1.1.1 | +--------+-------------+------------+--------+--------+--------+ | MPL-5 | 0.2.0 | v5_5_26 | v1_3_1 | v2_0_1 | 2.0.2 | +--------+-------------+------------+--------+--------+--------+ | MPL-6 | None | v5_5_30 | v1_6_0 | v2_3_1 | 2.1.3 | +--------+-------------+------------+--------+--------+--------+ | MPL-7 | None | v5_5_32 | v1_6_2 | v2_4_3 | 2.2.1 | +--------+-------------+------------+--------+--------+--------+ **Python versions** +--------+--------+--------+--------+------------+---------+-------+----------------+ | MPL | python | numpy | scipy | matplotlib | astropy | pydl | Fwd compatible | +========+========+========+========+============+=========+=======+================+ | MPL-5 | 3.5.1 | 1.11.0 | 0.17.1 | None | 1.1.2 | 0.5.0 | yes | +--------+--------+--------+--------+------------+---------+-------+----------------+ | MPL-6 | 3.6.3 | 1.13.3 | 1.0.0 | None | 2.0.2 | 0.6.0 | N/A | +--------+--------+--------+--------+------------+---------+-------+----------------+ | MPL-7 | 3.6.3 | 1.13.3 | 1.0.0 | None | 2.0.2 | 0.6.0 | N/A | +--------+--------+--------+--------+------------+---------+-------+----------------+ .. note:: - "Fwd compatible" means that you can run this version of the DAP with the most recent version without needed to revert the python packages to their previous versions. - Only the survey-level routines are dependent on MANGACORE; the core DAP processing software only depends on the listed python packages. .. todo:: - Change python dependencies to "minimum" versions? .. warning:: - SDSS_ACCESS dependencies are only because of the plotting package that has since moved into Marvin. - For MPL-1, the MANGACORE version was set to trunk. Here it defaults to v1_0_0. - Explicit dependence on matplotlib was introduced in MPL-6. Args: version (str): (**Optional**) Version as selected via matching to the "MPL" string in the table listed above. Default: MPL-6. strictver (bool): (**Optional**) Strictly check the version requirements for this version of the dap. Default is True, meaning the code will raise an exception if the expected version are not the same as the environment. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the provided *version* is not one of the MPL values in the above table. Attributes: mplver (str): Version as selected via matching to the "MPL" string in the table listed above. Default: MPL-5. accessver (str): SDSS_ACCESS version. idlver (str): IDLUTILS version. corever (str): MANGACORE version. drpver (str): MANGADRP version. dapver (str): MANGADAP version. pythonver (str): Python version numpyver (str): Numpy version scipyver (str): Scipy version matplotlibver (str): Matplotlib version astropyver (str): Astropy version pydlver (str): Pydl version strictver (bool): Strictly check the version requirements for this version of the dap. If True, an exception is raised if the expected version are not the same as the environment. """ def __init__(self, version=None, strictver=True): # Default to current environment self.mplver = 'env' if version is None else version mpls = self._available_mpls() mpli = numpy.where(mpls[:,0] == self.mplver) if len(mpli[0]) == 0: mpls = self._available_mpls(write=True) raise ValueError('{0} is not an available MPL!'.format(self.mplver)) n = mpls.shape[0] i = 0 self.mplver = mpls[mpli,i].ravel()[0] i += 1 self.accessver = mpls[mpli,i].ravel()[0] i += 1 self.idlver = mpls[mpli,i].ravel()[0] i += 1 self.corever = mpls[mpli,i].ravel()[0] i += 1 self.drpver = mpls[mpli,i].ravel()[0] i += 1 self.dapver = mpls[mpli,i].ravel()[0] i += 1 self.pythonver = mpls[mpli,i].ravel()[0] i += 1 self.numpyver = mpls[mpli,i].ravel()[0] i += 1 self.scipyver = mpls[mpli,i].ravel()[0] i += 1 self.matplotlibver = mpls[mpli,i].ravel()[0] i += 1 self.astropyver = mpls[mpli,i].ravel()[0] i += 1 self.pydlver = mpls[mpli,i].ravel()[0] i += 1 # Treat versioning strictly self.strictver = strictver
[docs] def _available_mpls(self, write=False): """ Return a list of the available MPLs to analyze, and printing it if requested. .. todo: Have this read a config file! Args: write (bool): Write the list of available MPLs to the stdout. Returns: numpy.array: A string array with the MPL dependencies """ # MPL SDSS_ACCESS IDLUTILS CORE DRP DAP mpl_def = numpy.array([ [ 'MPL-1', None, 'v5_5_16', 'v1_0_0', 'v1_0_0', None, # python numpy scipy matplotlib astropy pydl None, None, None, None, None, None ], [ 'MPL-2', None, 'v5_5_17', 'v1_0_0', 'v1_1_2', None, None, None, None, None, None, None ], ['v1_2_0', None, 'v5_5_19', 'v1_1_0', 'v1_2_0', None, None, None, None, None, None, None ], [ 'MPL-3', None, 'v5_5_22', 'v1_1_0', 'v1_3_3', 'v1_0_0', None, None, None, None, None, None ], [ 'MPL-4', '0.0.0', 'v5_5_23', 'v1_2_0', 'v1_5_1', '1.1.1', None, None, None, None, None, None ], [ 'MPL-5', '0.2.0', 'v5_5_26', 'v1_3_1', 'v2_0_1', '2.0.2', '3.5.1', '1.11.0', '0.17.1', None, '1.1.2', '0.5.0' ], [ 'MPL-6', None, 'v5_5_30', 'v1_6_0', 'v2_3_1', '2.1.3', '3.6.3', '1.13.3', '1.0', None, '2.0.2', '0.6.0' ], [ 'MPL-7', None, 'v5_5_32', 'v1_6_2', 'v2_4_3', '2.2.1', '3.6.3', '1.13.3', '1.0', None, '2.0.2', '0.6.0' ], ['env'] + self.get_environment_versions() ]) nmpl = mpl_def.shape[1] if write: print('Available MPLs:') print('{0:>7} {1:>7} {2:>8} {3:>6} {4:>6} {5:>6} {6:>6} {7:>6} {8:>6} {9:>10}' ' {10:>7} {11:>6}'.format('MPL', 'SDSSACC', 'IDLUTILS', 'CORE', 'DRP', 'DAP', 'PYTHON', 'NUMPY', 'SCIPY', 'MATPLOTLIB', 'ASTROPY', 'PYDL')) for x in mpl_def[0:nmpl,:]: _x = x.astype(str) print('{0:>7} {1:>7} {2:>8} {3:>6} {4:>6} {5:>6} {6:>6} {7:>6} {8:>6} {9:>10}' ' {10:>7} {11:>6}'.format(*_x)) return mpl_def
[docs] def _version_mismatch(self, package, required_ver, environment_ver, quiet=False): """ A version mismatch was detected. Handle based on :attr:`strictver`. """ if self.strictver: raise EnvironmentError('Environment mismatch for {0}: expected {1}, found {2}'.format( package, required_ver, environment_ver)) elif not quiet: warnings.warn('Environment mismatch for {0}: expected {1}, found {2}'.format(package, required_ver, environment_ver))
[docs] def get_environment_versions(self): # These will throw KeyErrors if the appropriate environmental variables do not exist try: accessver_env = os.environ['SDSS_ACCESS_DIR'].split('/')[-1] except KeyError: accessver_env = None try: idlver_env = os.environ['IDLUTILS_DIR'].split('/')[-1] except KeyError: idlver_env = None python_ver = '.'.join([ str(v) for v in sys.version_info[:3]]) return [ accessver_env, idlver_env, os.getenv('MANGACORE_VER'), os.getenv('MANGADRP_VER'), os.getenv('MANGADAP_VER'), python_ver, numpy.__version__, scipy.__version__, matplotlib.__version__, astropy.__version__, pydl.__version__]
[docs] def verify_versions(self, quiet=True): """ Verify that the defined MPL versions are consistent with the system where the DAP is being run. """ env = self.get_environment_versions() if not quiet: print('Current environment: ') # print(' SDSS_ACCESS: {0}'.format(env[0])) print(' IDLUTILS: {0}'.format(env[1])) print(' MANGACORE: {0}'.format(env[2])) print(' MANGADRP: {0}'.format(env[3])) print(' MANGADAP: {0}'.format(env[4])) print(' PYTHON: {0}'.format(env[5])) print(' NUMPY: {0}'.format(env[6])) print(' SCIPY: {0}'.format(env[7])) print(' MATPLOTLIB: {0}'.format(env[8])) print(' ASTROPY: {0}'.format(env[9])) print(' PYDL: {0}'.format(env[10])) # Check versions # if self.accessver != env[0]: # self._version_mismatch('SDSS_ACCESS', self.accessver, env[0], quiet=quiet) if self.idlver != env[1]: self._version_mismatch('IDLUTILS', self.idlver, env[1], quiet=quiet) if self.corever != env[2]: self._version_mismatch('MANGACORE', self.corever, env[2], quiet=quiet) if self.drpver != env[3]: self._version_mismatch('MANGADRP', self.drpver, env[3], quiet=quiet) # if self.dapver != env[4]: # self._version_mismatch('MANGADAP', self.dapver, env[4], quiet=quiet) if self.pythonver is not None and StrictVersion(env[5]) != StrictVersion(self.pythonver): self._version_mismatch('python', self.pythonver, env[5], quiet=quiet) if self.numpyver is not None and StrictVersion(env[6]) != StrictVersion(self.numpyver): self._version_mismatch('numpy', self.numpyver, env[6], quiet=quiet) if self.scipyver is not None and StrictVersion(env[7]) != StrictVersion(self.scipyver): self._version_mismatch('scipy', self.scipyver, env[7], quiet=quiet) # if self.matplotlibver is not None \ # and StrictVersion(env[8]) != StrictVersion(self.matplotlibver): # self._version_mismatch('matplotlib', self.matplotlibver, env[8], quiet=quiet) if self.astropyver is not None and StrictVersion(env[9]) != StrictVersion(self.astropyver): self._version_mismatch('astropy', self.astropyver, env[9], quiet=quiet) if self.pydlver is not None and StrictVersion(env[10]) != StrictVersion(self.pydlver): self._version_mismatch('pydl', self.pydlver, env[10], quiet=quiet)
[docs] def show(self): """Print the available MPL versions to stdout.""" print('{0}: IDLUTILS:{1}; COREVER:{2}; DRPVER:{3}; DAPVER:{4}'.format( self.mplver, self.idlver, self.corever, self.drpver, self.dapver))