Source code for mangadap.util.datatable

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Light-weight class for handling data tables using numpy record


.. include license and copyright
.. include:: ../include/copy.rst


.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
from IPython import embed

import numpy

from import fits

from mangadap.util import fileio

# TODO: Put the general ParSet utilities used here (and by BitMask) in
# a more general 'rst' (?) utility module
from mangadap.par.parset import ParSet

# TODO: Can I just subclass from recarray?
# TODO: Add units

[docs]class DataTable: """ A light-weight class that wraps a numpy record array. Args: keys (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`): Table column keys. Must be a single string or a list of strings. types (:obj:`type`, :obj:`list`): Column data type. Must be a single type or a list of types. Supported types are limited to integers and floating point values. If a single type and more than one key is provided, all columns will have the same type. element_shapes (:obj:`tuple`, :obj:`list`, optional): Shape of each column element. If None, all elements are assumed to be single values. If a list is provided, the elements of the list must be either None (for a single value) or a tuple with the shape of each element. If a single shape and more than one key is provided, all columns will have the same element shape. descr (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`, optional): Human-readable description of each column. If None, no descriptions are available. If a list, each element must be a string or None. If not None, must provide a description or a None element for each key. shape (:obj:`int`, :obj:`tuple`): Shape of the data table to instantiate. If None, :attr:`data` will be None and instantiation of the array will require a call to :func:`init`. Raises: TypeError: Raised if any of the provided arguments or list item have an incorrect type. ValueError: Raised if any of the provided arguments do not provide the same number of columns as determined by the column keys. Attributes: keys (:obj:`list`): See argument list. types (:obj:`list`): See argument list. element_shapes (:obj:`list`): See argument list. descr (:obj:`list`): See argument list. data (`numpy.recarray`_): Array with the table data. _dtype (:obj:`list`): List of tuples with the data type of the record array. """ def __init__(self, keys, types, element_shapes=None, descr=None, shape=None): self.keys = [keys] if isinstance(keys, str) else list(keys) if not isinstance(self.keys, list): raise TypeError('Input keys must be a single string or a list.') if not all([isinstance(key, str) for key in self.keys]): raise TypeError('Input keys must be strings.') self.ncols = len(self.keys) self.types = [types] if isinstance(keys, type) else list(types) if not isinstance(self.types, list): raise TypeError('Input types must be a single type or a list.') if not all([isinstance(numpy.dtype(t).type(0), (int, numpy.integer, float, numpy.floating, str, numpy.str_, bool, numpy.bool_)) for t in self.types]): raise TypeError('Input types must cast to an integer or floating point object.') if len(self.types) == 1: self.types = [self.types[0]]*self.ncols if len(self.types) != self.ncols: raise ValueError('Number of types does not match the number of columns.') self.element_shapes = [None]*self.ncols if element_shapes is None \ else ([element_shapes] if isinstance(element_shapes, tuple) else element_shapes) if not isinstance(self.element_shapes, list): raise TypeError('Input element_shapes must be None, a single tuple, or a list.') if not all([e is None or isinstance(e, tuple) for e in self.element_shapes]): raise TypeError('Input element_shapes must be None or a tuple.') if len(self.element_shapes) == 1: self.element_shapes = [self.element_shapes[0]]*self.ncols if len(self.element_shapes) != self.ncols: raise ValueError('Number of element shapes does not match the number of columns.') self.descr = [None]*self.ncols if descr is None \ else ([descr] if isinstance(descr, str) else descr) if not isinstance(self.descr, list): raise TypeError('Input descriptions must be None, a string, or a list.') if not all([d is None or isinstance(d, str) for d in self.descr]): raise TypeError('Input descriptions must be None or a string.') if len(self.descr) != self.ncols: raise ValueError('Number of descriptions does not match the number of columns.') # Build the record array dtype self._dtype = [(k, t) if s is None else (k,t,s) for k,t,s in zip(self.keys, self.types, self.element_shapes)] # Instantiate the array if the shape is defined if shape is None: = None else: self.init(shape) def __getitem__(self, key): if is None: raise ValueError('{0} is empty. First instantiate using init().'.format( self.__class__.__name__)) return[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): if is None: raise ValueError('{0} is empty. First instantiate using init().'.format( self.__class__.__name__))[key] = value def __len__(self): return self.size
[docs] def init(self, shape): """ (Re)Initialize :attr:`data`. Note that this *always* re-initializes the array, regardless of whether or not there was a pre-existing data array. Args: shape (:obj:`tuple`): The shape of the array to construct. """ = fileio.init_record_array(shape, self._dtype)
[docs] def append(self, rhs): """ Append the data in the provided datatable to this one. Both objects (``self`` and ``rhs``) must have the same derived class. This instance is directly modified. Args: rhs (:class:`DataTable`): The instance with the data to append. The derived class of this object **must** be the same as the object to which you want to append the data. I.e.:: assert isinstance(rhs, self.__class__) """ if not isinstance(rhs, self.__class__): #if rhs.__class__.__name__ != self.__class__.__name__: raise TypeError('Object to append must be of type {0}!'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) = if is None \ else numpy.append(,
@property def shape(self): """ Return the shape of the data array. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: Returns the shape of the data array. If the :attr:`data` has not been instantiated, returns None. """ return None if is None else @property def size(self): """ Return the size of the data array. Returns: :obj:`int`: Returns the number of elements in the array. If the :attr:`data` has not been instantiated, returns 0. """ return 0 if is None else @property def dtype(self): """ Return the data type of the record array. If :attr:`data` has been initialized, this is identically:: Returns: `numpy.dtype`_: Table data type. """ return numpy.dtype(self._dtype) if is None else
[docs] def to_rst_table(self, header=True, class_link=True): """ Construct a reStructuredText table describing the data table. Args: header (:obj:`bool`, optional): Include a section header class_link (:obj:`bool`, optional): Include an rst-style link to the class instantiation documentation. Returns: :obj:`list`: Returns a list of lines that can be written to an ``*.rst`` file. """ data_table = numpy.empty((self.ncols+1, 3), dtype=object) data_table[0,:] = ['Key', 'Type', 'Description'] for i in range(self.ncols): data_table[i+1,0] = self.keys[i] data_table[i+1,1] = '``{0}``'.format(numpy.dtype(self.types[i]).type.__name__) data_table[i+1,2] = '..' if self.descr[i] is None else self.descr[i] output = [] if header: output += [ '{0} Data Table'.format(type(self).__name__) ] output += [ '-'*len(output[0]) ] output += [ '' ] if class_link: output += ['Class Instantiation: ' + ParSet._rst_class_name(self)] output += [''] output += [ParSet._data_table_string(data_table, delimiter='rst')] output += [''] return output
[docs] def to_hdu(self, name=None, add_dim=False): """ Use the data table to build an ``_. .. todo:: - ``add_dim`` shouldn't be optional; the code should just do this always or know when it needs to. Args: name (:obj:`str`, optional): HDU extension name. add_dim(:obj:`bool`, optional): Include the dimensionality of the column in the construction of the ``_. Returns: ``_: FITS binary table with the data. """ return fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns( [fits.Column(name=n, format=fileio.rec_to_fits_type([n]), dim=fileio.rec_to_fits_col_dim([n]) if add_dim else None,[n]) for n in], name=name)
# TODO: Add a from_hdu method.