DRP assessments

Analysis class: ReductionAssessment

Method definition: ReductionAssessmentDef


Reference file: manga-[PLATE]-[IFUDESIGN]-[DRPQA_KEY].fits.gz

Config files: $MANGADAP_DIR/mangadap/config/reduction_assessments

Example config: snrg.ini

# The response function used is that provided by Jim Gunn in June 2001,
# found here:
# http://www.sdss3.org/binaries/filter_curves.fits
# and parsed into text files.
dapsrc                 = ${MANGADAP_DIR}

key                    = SNRG
response_function_file = ${Path:dapsrc}/data/filter_response/gunn_2001_g_response.db
in_vacuum              = True
covariance             = True

Important class dependencies:

  • DataCube: Base class that provides the datacube to be assessed.


  • Ignore any pixels that are either masked by the boolean mask or flagged with the flags returned by do_not_use_flags().

  • Compute sky coordinates of each spaxel using mean_sky_coordinates(). (SPX_SKYCOO in MAPS file)

  • Use input ellipticity and position angle parameters to compute semi-major axis radii using SemiMajorAxisCoo (SPX_ELLCOO in MAPS file)

  • Determine the fraction of unmasked wavelength channels for each spaxel

  • If config specifies covariance calculation, compute the covariance using the LOGRSS file at:

    • the center of the wavelength range if wavelength limits specified or,

    • the broad-band weighted center of the response function

  • Compute the (band-weighted) mean signal in each spaxel (SPX_MFLUX in MAPS file), (band-weighted) mean variance in each spaxel (SPX_MFLUX_IVAR in MAPS file), and the (band-weighted) mean S/N in each spaxel (SPX_SNR in MAPS file), using flux_stats().