Source code for mangadap.spectra.manga

Implement the derived class for MaNGA row-stacked spectra.


.. include license and copyright
.. include:: ../include/copy.rst


.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import os
import warnings

from IPython import embed

import numpy

from import fits

from ..config.manga import MaNGAConfig
from ..util.drpbitmask import DRPFitsBitMask
from ..util.constants import DAPConstants
from ..util.filter import interpolate_masked_vector
from .rowstackedspectra import RowStackedSpectra

[docs]class MaNGARSS(MaNGAConfig, RowStackedSpectra): r""" Container class for MaNGA row-stacked spectra. For additional description and attributes, see the two base classes. See :func:`from_plateifu` to instantiate using the plate and ifu numbers. See :func:`from_config` to instantiate from a configuration file. Args: ifile (:obj:`str`): The file with the MaNGA row-stacked spectra. The name is expected to follow the nominal naming convention, which is used to parse the plate, ifudesign, and whether or not the spectra are binned logarithmically in wavelength. sres_ext (:obj:`str`, optional): The extension to use when constructing the spectral resolution vectors. See :func:`spectral_resolution`. sres_fill (:obj:`bool`, optional): Fill masked values by interpolation. Default is to leave masked pixels in returned array. """ def __init__(self, ifile, sres_ext=None, sres_fill=True): # Use the configuration class method to construct the configuration # based on the input data file cfg = MaNGAConfig.from_file(ifile) # and then use the parent class init to set it to self. NOTE: This is # round about, but the way I got it to work. There must be a better way # to do this... MaNGAConfig.__init__(self, cfg.plate, cfg.ifudesign, mode=cfg.mode, log=cfg.log, drpver=cfg.drpver, redux_path=cfg.redux_path, chart_path=cfg.chart_path, directory_path=cfg.directory_path) # Define the relevant BitMask object bitmask = DRPFitsBitMask(mode='RSS') # Open the file and initialize the base class with as hdu: print('Reading MaNGA row-stacked spectra data ...', end='\r') prihdr = hdu[0].header fluxhdr = hdu['FLUX'].header self.sres_ext, sres = MaNGAConfig.spectral_resolution(hdu, ext=sres_ext, fill=sres_fill) self.sres_fill = sres_fill sres = sres.filled(0.0) # The negative for XPOS is because the data in that # extension has negative offsets going toward increasing # RA. Opposite of the RowStackedSpectra convention. The # area of the fiber aperture is normalized to pi arcsec^2 # by the DRP. RowStackedSpectra.__init__(self, hdu['WAVE'].data, hdu['FLUX'].data, ivar=hdu['IVAR'].data, mask=hdu['MASK'].data, bitmask=bitmask, sres=sres, xpos=-hdu['XPOS'].data, ypos=hdu['YPOS'].data, area=numpy.pi, log=self.log, prihdr=prihdr, fluxhdr=fluxhdr) print('Reading MaNGA row-stacked spectra data ... DONE')
[docs] @classmethod def from_plateifu(cls, plate, ifudesign, log=True, drpver=None, redux_path=None, chart_path=None, directory_path=None, **kwargs): """ Construct a :class:`mangadap.datacube.manga.MaNGARSS` object based on its plate-ifu designation. This is a simple wrapper function that calls :func:`default_paths` to construct the file names, and then calls the class instantiation method. Args: plate (:obj:`int`): Plate number ifudesign (:obj:`int`): IFU design log (:obj:`bool`, optional): Use the spectra that are logarithmically binned in wavelength. drpver (:obj:`str`, optional): DRP version, which is used to define the default DRP redux path. Default is defined by :func:`mangadap.config.manga.drp_version` redux_path (:obj:`str`, optional): The path to the top level directory containing the DRP output files for a given DRP version. Default is defined by :func:`mangadap.config.manga.drp_redux_path`. chart_path (:obj:`str`, optional): The path to the directory containing the finding chart images for this plate. Default is defined by :func:`mangadap.config.manga.drp_finding_chart_path`. directory_path (:obj:`str`, optional): The exact path to the DRP file. Default is defined by :func:`mangadap.config.manga.drp_directory_path`. Providing this ignores anything provided for ``drpver`` or ``redux_path``. **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed directly to the primary instantiation method; see :class:`mangadap.spectra.manga.MaNGARSS`. """ # Use the input to instantiate the configuration cfg = MaNGAConfig(plate, ifudesign, mode='RSS', log=log, drpver=drpver, redux_path=redux_path, chart_path=chart_path, directory_path=directory_path) # Then use the configuration to instantiate the object return cls(str(cfg.file_path), **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, cfgfile): """ Construct a :class:`mangadap.datacube.manga.MaNGADataCube` or :class:`mangadap.spectra.manga.MaNGARSS` object from a configuration file. Using the data read from the configuration file, the method instantiates the class using :func:`mangadap.spectra.manga.MaNGARSS.from_plateifu` or :func:`mangadap.datacube.manga.MaNGADataCube.from_plateifu`. This method will therefore fault for this base class! The format of the configuration file is: .. todo:: Fill this in. Args: cfgfile (:obj:`str`): Configuration file drpver (:obj:`str`, optional): DRP version, which is used to define the default DRP redux path. Overrides any value in the configuration file. redux_path (:obj:`str`, optional): The path to the top level directory containing the DRP output files for a given DRP version. Overrides any value in the configuration file. directory_path (:obj:`str`, optional): The exact path to the DRP file. Providing this ignores anything provided for ``drpver`` or ``redux_path``. Overrides any value in the configuration file. """ # First use the base class method to instantiate the configuration cfg = MaNGAConfig.from_config(cfgfile, mode='RSS') # Then read the file (again...) to get the relevant keyword arguments full_cfg = DefaultConfig(cfgfile, interpolate=True) kwargs = {} kwargs['z'] = full_cfg.getfloat('z') kwargs['vdisp'] = full_cfg.getfloat('vdisp') kwargs['ell'] = full_cfg.getfloat('ell') kwargs['pa'] = full_cfg.getfloat('pa') kwargs['reff'] = full_cfg.getfloat('reff') kwargs['sres_ext'] = full_cfg.get('sres_ext') kwargs['sres_fill'] = full_cfg.getbool('sres_fill', default=True) kwargs['covar_ext'] = full_cfg.get('covar_ext') return cls(str(cfg.file_path), **kwargs)
[docs] def pointing_offset(self): """ Return the offsets in RA and DEC between the pointing coordinates (``IFURA``, ``IFUDEC``) and the designated object center coordinates (``OBJRA``, ``OBJDEC``), drawn from the primary header of the DRP fits file. Returns: :obj:`float`: Sky-right arcsecond offsets in RA and DEC. """ return ((self.prihdr['IFURA'] - self.prihdr['OBJRA']) \ * numpy.cos(numpy.radians(self.prihdr['OBJDEC'])) * 3600.), \ ((self.prihdr['IFUDEC'] - self.prihdr['OBJDEC']) * 3600.)
[docs] def mean_sky_coordinates(self, offset=True, **kwargs): r""" Compute the weighted or unweighted mean sky coordinates for each spectrum. This is a simple wrapper for :func:`mangadap.spectra.rowstackedspectra.RowStackedSpectra.mean_sky_coordinates`; see that method for additional keyword arguments. .. warning:: Flux-weighting the coordinates can produce spurious results in low-flux regimes. Args: offset (:obj:`bool`, optional): Offset the coordinates in :attr:`xpos` and :attr:`ypos` by the difference between the IFU and OBJ coordinates in the header (see :func:`pointing_offset`). The coordinates are nominally defined with respect to the IFU pointing center, such that this offsets the coordinates to be centered on the galaxy. **kwargs: Passed directly to :func:`mangadap.spectra.rowstackedspectra.RowStackedSpectra.mean_sky_coordinates`; Returns: :obj:`tuple`: Two `numpy.ndarray`_ objects with the fiducial x and y on-sky positions of each spectrum in arcseconds relative to a given center. The shape of the two arrays is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},)`. """ # TODO: offset cannot be a keyword in kwargs. _offset = self.pointing_offset() if offset else None return super(MaNGARSS, self).mean_sky_coordinates(offset=_offset, **kwargs)
[docs] def binned_on_sky_area(self, bin_indx, offset=True, **kwargs): r""" Compute the on-sky area of a set of binned spectra. This is a simple wrapper for :func:`mangadap.spectra.rowstackedspectra.RowStackedSpectra.binned_on_sky_area` and :func:`mean_sky_coordinates`. The arguments are passed directly to :func:`mean_sky_coordinates`, and the results are then passed to the base class function. The area of the fibers "beams" are all renormalized to :math:`\pi {\rm arcsec}^2` by the DRP. Args: bin_indx (array-like): An array with size :math:`N_{\rm spec}` that gives which spaxels were included in each bin. Valid bins have indices of :math:`\geq 0`. offset (:obj:`bool`, optional): Offset the coordinates in :attr:`xpos` and :attr:`ypos` by the difference between the IFU and OBJ coordinates in the header (see :func:`pointing_offset`). The coordinates are nominally defined with respect to the IFU pointing center, such that this offsets the coordinates to be centered on the galaxy. **kwargs: Passed directly to :func:`mean_sky_coordinates`. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: Two `numpy.ndarray`_ objects are returned. The first has the unique (non-negative) bin indices, and the second provides the on-sky area of that bin. """ # TODO: May need a better way to do this. I.e., coordinates # will be need to figure out which spectra to bin, and this # recalculation of the fiducial coordinates runs the risk that # the binned area is not calculated using the same coordinates # used to determine which spectra went in each bin. x, y = self.mean_sky_coordinates(offset=offset, **kwargs) return super(MaNGARSS, self).binned_on_sky_area(bin_indx, x=x, y=y)
[docs] @staticmethod def _parse_rectification_parameters(pixelscale, rlim, sigma, recenter, width_buffer): """ Parse the datacube rectification parameters. Values that are None are set to their defaults as set by :class:`~mangadap.config.manga.MaNGAConfig`. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: The default or input values of arguments, in the same order. """ pixelscale = MaNGAConfig.cube_pixelscale() if pixelscale is None else pixelscale rlim = MaNGAConfig.regrid_rlim() if rlim is None else rlim sigma = MaNGAConfig.regrid_sigma() if sigma is None else sigma recenter = MaNGAConfig.cube_recenter() if recenter is None else recenter width_buffer = MaNGAConfig.cube_width_buffer() if width_buffer is None else width_buffer return pixelscale, rlim, sigma, recenter, width_buffer
[docs] def rectification_transfer_matrix(self, channel, pixelscale=None, rlim=None, sigma=None, recenter=None, width_buffer=None, quiet=False, rej_flag='3DREJECT'): """ Construct the rectification transfer matrix. A simple wrapper for :func:`mangadap.spectra.rowstackedspectra.RowStackedSpectra.rectification_transfer_matrix` that defaults to the nominal rectification parameters for MaNGA datacubes. See this base class function for the argument descriptions. """ _pixelscale, _rlim, _sigma, _recenter, _width_buffer \ = MaNGARSS._parse_rectification_parameters(pixelscale, rlim, sigma, recenter, width_buffer) return super(MaNGARSS, self).rectification_transfer_matrix(channel, _pixelscale, _rlim, _sigma, recenter=_recenter, width_buffer=_width_buffer, quiet=quiet, rej_flag='3DREJECT')
[docs] def rectify_wavelength_plane(self, channel, pixelscale=None, rlim=None, sigma=None, recenter=None, width_buffer=None, quiet=False, rej_flag='3DREJECT', return_ivar=False, return_covar=False): """ Rectify a wavelength channel into a monochromatic flux map. A simple wrapper for :func:`mangadap.spectra.rowstackedspectra.RowStackedSpectra.rectify_wavelength_plane` that defaults to the nominal rectification parameters for MaNGA datacubes. See this base class function for the argument descriptions. """ _pixelscale, _rlim, _sigma, _recenter, _width_buffer \ = MaNGARSS._parse_rectification_parameters(pixelscale, rlim, sigma, recenter, width_buffer) return super(MaNGARSS, self).rectify_wavelength_plane(channel, pixelscale=_pixelscale, rlim=_rlim, sigma=_sigma, recenter=_recenter, width_buffer=_width_buffer, quiet=quiet, rej_flag='3DREJECT', return_ivar=return_ivar, return_covar=return_covar)
[docs] def covariance_matrix(self, channel, pixelscale=None, rlim=None, sigma=None, recenter=None, width_buffer=None, csr=False, quiet=False, rej_flag='3DREJECT'): """ Construct the covariance matrix for a given wavelength channel. A simple wrapper for :func:`mangadap.spectra.rowstackedspectra.RowStackedSpectra.covariance_matrix` that defaults to the nominal rectification parameters for MaNGA datacubes. See this base class function for the argument descriptions. """ _pixelscale, _rlim, _sigma, _recenter, _width_buffer \ = MaNGARSS._parse_rectification_parameters(pixelscale, rlim, sigma, recenter, width_buffer) return super(MaNGARSS, self).covariance_matrix(channel, pixelscale=_pixelscale, rlim=_rlim, sigma=_sigma, recenter=_recenter, width_buffer=_width_buffer, csr=csr, quiet=quiet, rej_flag=rej_flag)
[docs] def covariance_cube(self, channels=None, pixelscale=None, rlim=None, sigma=None, recenter=None, width_buffer=None, csr=False, quiet=False, rej_flag='3DREJECT'): """ Construct the covariance matrices for many wavelength channels. A simple wrapper for :func:`mangadap.spectra.rowstackedspectra.RowStackedSpectra.covariance_cube` that defaults to the nominal rectification parameters for MaNGA datacubes. See this base class function for the argument descriptions. """ _pixelscale, _rlim, _sigma, _recenter, _width_buffer \ = MaNGARSS._parse_rectification_parameters(pixelscale, rlim, sigma, recenter, width_buffer) return super(MaNGARSS, self).covariance_cube(channels=channels, pixelscale=_pixelscale, rlim=_rlim, sigma=_sigma, recenter=_recenter, width_buffer=_width_buffer, csr=csr, quiet=quiet, rej_flag=rej_flag)
[docs] def instrumental_dispersion_plane(self, channel, dispersion_factor=None, pixelscale=None, rlim=None, sigma=None, recenter=None, width_buffer=None, quiet=False, rej_flag='3DREJECT'): """ Construct the instrumental dispersion for a given wavelength channel. A simple wrapper for :func:`mangadap.spectra.rowstackedspectra.RowStackedSpectra.instrumental_dispersion_plane` that defaults to the nominal rectification parameters for MaNGA datacubes. See this base class function for the argument descriptions. """ _pixelscale, _rlim, _sigma, _recenter, _width_buffer \ = MaNGARSS._parse_rectification_parameters(pixelscale, rlim, sigma, recenter, width_buffer) return super(MaNGARSS, self).instrumental_dispersion_plane(channel, dispersion_factor=dispersion_factor, pixelscale=_pixelscale, rlim=_rlim, sigma=_sigma, recenter=_recenter, width_buffer=_width_buffer, quiet=quiet, rej_flag=rej_flag)