mangadap.survey.manga_dap module

Provides the main wrapper function for the MaNGA DAP.

Copyright (c) 2015, SDSS-IV/MaNGA Pipeline Group
Licensed under BSD 3-clause license - see LICENSE.rst
Add usage examples
Revision history:
21 Mar 2016: Original implementation by K. Westfall (KBW): started.
19 Jul 2016: (KBW) Always provide the NSA redshift to the modules!
05 May 2017: (KBW) Clean up documentation; use import to get __version__
mangadap.survey.manga_dap.manga_dap(obs, plan, dbg=False, log=None, verbose=0, drpver=None, redux_path=None, directory_path=None, dapver=None, dapsrc=None, analysis_path=None)[source]

Main wrapper function for the MaNGA DAP.

This function is designed to be called once per PLATE-IFUDESIGN as set by the provided mangadap.par.obsinput.ObsInputPar instance. The mangadap.par.analysisplan.AnalysisPlanSet instance sets the types of analyses to perform on this observation. Each analysis plan results in a MAPS and model LOGCUBE file.

The procedure is as follows:
Verbose levels (still under development):
  1. Nothing but errors.
  2. Basic status updates. E.g., start and end of each block, minor progress within blocks.
  3. Block-level and sub-function updates.
  4. Same as above, with figures.

Status flag (under development; currently always 0)

Return type:
