mangadap.util.geometry module

Provides a set of utility functions dealing with computational geometry.

Revision history

2015: Original implementation by K. Westfall (KBW)
20 May 2015: (KBW) Documentation and Sphinx tests
28 Mar 2016: (KBW) Copied old projected_disk_plane to SemiMajorAxisCoo. Coordinate projection functions (e.g., SemiMajorAxisCoo.polar()) can now take array-like objects as arguments.
08 Sep 2016: (KBW) Allow point_inside_polygon() to accept multiple coordinates.


Copyright © 2019, SDSS-IV/MaNGA Pipeline Group

class mangadap.util.geometry.SemiMajorAxisCoo(xc=None, yc=None, rot=None, pa=None, ell=None)[source]

Bases: object

Calculate the semi-major axis coordinates given a set of input parameters following \({\mathbf x} = {\mathbf A}^{-1}\ {\mathbf b}\), where

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\begin{split}{\mathbf A} = \left[ \begin{array}{rrrrrr} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \cos\psi & \sin\psi & -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ -\sin\psi & \cos\psi & 0 & -1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \sin\phi_0 & \cos\phi_0 & -1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & -\cos\phi_0 & \sin\phi_0 & 0 & \varepsilon-1 \end{array} \right]\end{split}\\\begin{split}{\mathbf b} = \left[ \begin{array}{r} x_f \\ y_f \\ -x_0 \\ -y_0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{array} \right]\end{split}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

such that

\[\begin{split}{\mathbf x} = \left[ \begin{array}{r} x_f \\ y_f \\ x_s \\ y_s \\ x_a \\ y_a \end{array} \right]\end{split}\]
  • \(\psi\) is the Cartesian rotation of the focal-plane relative to the sky-plane (+x toward East; +y toward North),
  • \(\phi_0\) is the on-sky position angle of the major axis of the ellipse, defined as the angle from North through East
  • \(\varepsilon=1-b/a\) is the ellipticity based on the the semi-minor to semi-major axis ratio (\(b/a\)).
  • \((x_f,y_f)\) is the sky-right, focal-plane position relative to a reference on-sky position \((x_0,y_0)\) relative to the center of the ellipse (galaxy center),
  • \((x_s,y_s)\) is the on-sky position of \((x_f,y_f)\) relative to the center of the ellipse, and
  • \((x_a,y_a)\) is the Cartesian position of \((x_f,y_f)\) in units of the semi-major axis.

This form is used such that \({\mathbf A}\) need only be defined once per class instance.

The class also allows for inverse calculations, i.e., calculating the focal-plane positions provide the semi-major axis coordinates. In this case,

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\begin{split}{\mathbf C} = \left[ \begin{array}{rrrr} \cos\psi & \sin\psi & -1 & 0 \\ -\sin\psi & \cos\psi & 0 & -1 \\ 0 & 0 & \sin\phi_0 & \cos\phi_0 \\ 0 & 0 & -\cos\phi_0 & \sin\phi_0 \end{array} \right]\end{split}\\\begin{split}{\mathbf d} = \left[ \begin{array}{r} -x_0 \\ -y_0 \\ x_a \\ y_a (1-\varepsilon) \end{array} \right]\end{split}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

such that

\[\begin{split}{\mathbf f} = \left[ \begin{array}{r} x_f \\ y_f \\ x_s \\ y_s \end{array} \right]\end{split}\]

and \({\mathbf f} = {\mathbf C}^{-1}\ {\mathbf d}\).

  • xc (float) – Same as \(x_0\), defined above
  • yc (float) – Same as \(y_0\), defined above
  • rot (float) – Same as \(\psi\), defined above
  • pa (float) – Same as \(\phi_0\), defined above
  • ell (float) – Same as \(\varepsilon\), defined above

a reference on-sky position relative to the center of the ellipse (galaxy center); same as \((x_0,y_0)\) defined above


Cartesian rotation of the focal-plane relative to the sky-plane (+x toward East; +y toward North); same as \(\psi\) defined above


On-sky position angle of the major axis of the ellipse, defined as the angle from North through East and is the same as \(\phi_0\) defined above


Ellipticity define as \(\varepsilon=1-b/a\), based on the semi-minor to semi-major axis ratio (\(b/a\)) of the ellipse.


The coordinate transformation matrix


The lu array returned by scipy.linalg.lu_factor, which is used to calculate the LU decomposition of \({\mathbf A}\)


The piv array returned by scipy.linalg.lu_factor, which is used to calculate the LU decomposition of \({\mathbf A}\)


The vector \({\mathbf b}\), as defined above, used to calculate \({\mathbf x} = {\mathbf A}^{-1}\ {\mathbf b}\)


The coordinate transformation matrix use for the inverse operations


The lu array returned by scipy.linalg.lu_factor, which is used to calculate the LU decomposition of \({\mathbf C}\)


The piv array returned by scipy.linalg.lu_factor, which is used to calculate the LU decomposition of \({\mathbf C}\)


The vector \({\mathbf d}\), as defined above, used to calculate \({\mathbf f} = {\mathbf C}^{-1}\ {\mathbf d}\)

_calculate_cartesian(r, theta)[source]

Invert the calculation of the semi-major-axis polar coordinates to calculate the semi-major-axis Cartesian coordinates \((x_a,y_a)\) using

\[\begin{split}x_a &= \pm R / \sqrt{1 + \tan^2\theta}\\ y_a &= -x_a\ \tan\theta\end{split}\]

where \(x_a\) is negative when \(\pi/2 \leq \theta < 3\pi/2\).

Parameters:r,theta (array-like) – The semi-major-axis polar coordinates \((R,\theta)\).
Returns:The semi-major-axis Cartesian coordinates: \(x_a, y_a\).
Return type:numpy.ndarray
_calculate_polar(x, y)[source]

Calculate the polar coordinates (radius and azimuth) provided the Cartesian semi-major-axis coordinates \((x_a,y_a)\) using

\[\begin{split}R &= \sqrt{x_a^2 + y_a^2} \\ \theta &= \tan^{-1}\left(\frac{-y_a}{x_a}\right)\end{split}\]
Parameters:x,y (array-like) – The semi-major-axis Cartesian coordinates \((x_a,y_a)\).
Returns:The semi-major-axis polar coordinates: \(R, \theta\).
Return type:numpy.ndarray

Determine if the object is defined such that its methods can be used to convert between coordinate systems.


Set the transformation matrix and calculate its LU decomposition for forward operations.

_setB(x, y)[source]

Set the on-sky coordinate vector for forward operations.

Parameters:y (x,) – Single values for use in calculating the semi-major-axis coordinates.

Set the transformation matrix and calculate its LU decomposition for inverse operations.

_setD(x, y)[source]

Set the semi-major-axis coordinate vector for inverse operations.

Parameters:y (x,) – Single values for use in calculating the on-sky focal plane coordinates.
cartesian(x, y)[source]

Calculate \({\mathbf x}\) using solve() for the provided \((x_f,y_f)\) and return the semi-major-axis Cartesian and coordinates, \((x_a,y_a)\).

Parameters:x,y (array-like) – The coordinate \((x_f,y_f)\), which is the sky-right, focal-plane position relative to a reference on-sky position \((x_0,y_0)\) relative to the center of the ellipse (galaxy center),
Returns:Two arrays with the semi-major-axis Cartesian coordinates, \(x_a, y_a\).
Return type:numpy.ndarray
cartesian_invert(x, y)[source]

Calculate \({\mathbf f}\) using solve() for the provided \((x_a,y_a)\) and return focal-plane cartesian coordinates \((x_f,y_f)\).

Parameters:x,y (array-like) – The semi-major-axis Cartesian coordinates \((x_a,y_a)\).
Returns:The focal-plane Cartesian coordinates \((x_f,y_f)\).
Return type:numpy.ndarray
coo(x, y)[source]

Calculate \({\mathbf x}\) using solve() for the provided \((x_f,y_f)\) and return the semi-major-axis Cartesian and polar coordinates, \((x_a,y_a)\) and \((R,\theta)\). This combines the functionality of cartesian() and polar(), and so is more efficient than using these both separately.

Parameters:x,y (array-like) – The coordinates \((x_f,y_f)\), which are the sky-right, focal-plane position relative to a reference on-sky position \((x_0,y_0)\) relative to the center of the ellipse (galaxy center),
Returns:Four arrays with the semi-major-axis Cartesian and polar coordinates: \(x_a, y_a, R, \theta\).
Return type:numpy.ndarray
polar(x, y)[source]

Calculate \({\mathbf x}\) using solve() for the provided \((x_f,y_f)\) and return the semi-major-axis polar coordinates, \((R,\theta)\), where

\[\begin{split}R &= \sqrt{x_a^2 + y_a^2} \\ \theta &= \tan^{-1}\left(\frac{-y_a}{x_a}\right)\end{split}\]
Parameters:x,y (array-like) – The coordinate \((x_f,y_f)\), which is the sky-right, focal-plane position relative to a reference on-sky position \((x_0,y_0)\) relative to the center of the ellipse (galaxy center),
Returns:Two arrays with the semi-major-axis polar coordinates: \(R, \theta\).
Return type:numpy.ndarray
polar_invert(r, theta)[source]

Calculate \({\mathbf f}\) using solve() for the provided \((R,\theta)\) and return focal-plane cartesian coordinates \((x_f,y_f)\).

Parameters:r,theta (array-like) – The semi-major-axis polar coordinates \((R,\theta)\).
Returns:Two arrays with the focal-plane Cartesian coordinates \((x_f,y_f)\).
Return type:numpy.ndarray
solve(x, y)[source]

Use scipy.linalg.lu_solve to solve \({\mathbf x} = {\mathbf A}^{-1}\ {\mathbf b}\).

Parameters:x,y (array-like) – The coordinates \((x_f,y_f)\), which are the sky-right, focal-plane Cartesian coordinates relative to a reference on-sky position \((x_0,y_0)\), which is relative to the center of the ellipse (galaxy center).
Returns:The \({\mathbf x}\) vectors (separated by rows) as defined by the solution to \({\mathbf A}^{-1}\ {\mathbf b}\)
Return type:numpy.ndarray
Raises:ValueError – Raised if object was not properly defined or if the X and Y arrays do not have the same size.
solve_inverse(x, y)[source]

Use scipy.linalg.lu_solve to solve \({\mathbf f} = {\mathbf C}^{-1}\ {\mathbf d}\).

Parameters:x,y (array-like) – The semi-major-axis Cartesian coordinates \((x_a,y_a)\).
Returns:The \({\mathbf f}\) vector as defined by the solution to \({\mathbf C}^{-1}\ {\mathbf d}\)
Return type:numpy.ndarray
Raises:ValueError – Raised if object was not properly defined or if the X and Y arrays do not have the same size.
mangadap.util.geometry.point_inside_polygon(polygon, point)[source]

Determine if a point is inside a polygon using the winding number.

  • polygon (numpy.ndarray) – An Nx2 array containing the x,y coordinates of a polygon. The points should be ordered either counter-clockwise or clockwise.
  • point (numpy.ndarray) – A 2-element array defining the x,y position of the point to use as a reference for the winding number.

True if the point is inside the polygon.

Return type:



If the point is on the polygon (or very close to it w.r.t. the machine precision), the returned value is False.

mangadap.util.geometry.polygon_winding_number(polygon, point)[source]

Determine the winding number of a 2D polygon about a point. The code does not check if the polygon is simple (no interesecting line segments). Algorithm taken from Numerical Recipies Section 21.4.

  • polygon (numpy.ndarray) – An Nx2 array containing the x,y coordinates of a polygon. The points should be ordered either counter-clockwise or clockwise.
  • point (numpy.ndarray) – A 2-element array defining the x,y position of the point to use as a reference for the winding number.

Winding number of polygon w.r.t. point

Return type:



ValueError – Raised if polygon is not 2D, if polygon does not have two columns, or if point is not a 2-element array.