DAP LOGCUBE File Construction

Analysis class: mangadap.dapfits.construct_cube_file


File Template: manga-[PLATE]-[IFUDESIGN]-LOGCUBE-[DAPTYPE].fits.gz

Important class dependencies:
  • Main full-spectrum modeling classes:

    • mangadap.proc.spatiallybinnedspectra.SpatiallyBinnedSpectra
    • mangadap.proc.stellarcontinuummodel.StellarContinuumModel
    • mangadap.proc.emissionlinemodel.EmissionLineModel
  • mangadap.util.fitsutil.DAPFitsUtil: Contains many convience methods that, e.g., reconstruct a set of maps or datacubes based on input data sorted by bin ID and a map with the location of each bin ID.

  • Check the input types
  • Construct the 3D cubes for the binned spectra using mangadap.proc.spatiallybinnedspectra.SpatiallyBinnedSpectra.construct_3d_hdu(), for the stellar continuum models using mangadap.proc.stellarcontinuummodel.StellarContinuumModel.construct_3d_hdu(), and for the emission-line models using mangadap.proc.emissionlinemodel.EmissionLineModel.construct_3d_hdu() and the provided objects.
  • Initialize the primary header by copying over the DRP header and adding the DAP version information.
  • Construct the FLUX, IVAR, MASK, WAVE, and REDCORR extensions using the 3D binned spectra cube and mangadap.dapfits.construct_cube_file.binned_data_cube(). The reddening vector is used to ‘’remove’’ the reddening correction, such that the returned spectra match the observed flux in the DRP files.
  • Construct the MODEL, MODEL_MASK, EMLINE, STELLAR, and STELLAR_MASK extensions using the model data and mangadap.dapfits.construct_cube_file.model_cubes().
  • Combine the BINID extensions from the mangadap.proc.spatiallybinnedspectra.SpatiallyBinnedSpectra, mangadap.proc.stellarcontinuummodel.StellarContinuumModel, and mangadap.proc.emissionlinemodel.EmissionLineModel objects and mangadap.dapfits.combine_binid_extensions(). This does ‘’not’’ include the emission-line moment and spectral-index bin IDs; those channels in the BINID extension are blank unlike the MAPS file.
  • Finalize the DAP primary header, which primarily constructs the MANGA_DAPQUAL bit using mangadap.dapfits.finalize_dap_primary_header().