Source code for mangadap.config.manga

Class defining the I/O configuration for MaNGA files in the DAP.


.. include license and copyright
.. include:: ../include/copy.rst


.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import time
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from configparser import ConfigParser

from IPython import embed

import numpy
from import fits

from . import defaults
from . import manga_environ
from .analysisplan import AnalysisPlan
from ..util.parser import DefaultConfig
from ..util.constants import DAPConstants
from ..util.filter import interpolate_masked_vector

[docs] def drp_version(): """ Return the DRP version defined by the environmental variable MANGADRP_VER. """ return manga_environ['MANGADRP_VER']
[docs] def drp_redux_path(drpver=None): """ Return the main output path for the DRP products using the environmental variable MANGA_SPECTRO_REDUX. Args: drpver (:obj:`str`, optional): DRP version. Default is to use :func:`drp_version`. Returns: :obj:`str`: Path to reduction directory """ # Make sure the DRP version is set if drpver is None: drpver = drp_version() return Path(manga_environ['MANGA_SPECTRO_REDUX']).resolve() / drpver
[docs] def drp_directory_path(plate, drpver=None, redux_path=None): """ Return the exact directory path with the DRP file. Args: plate (:obj:`int`): Plate number drpver (:obj:`str`, optional): DRP version. Default is to use :func:`drp_version`. redux_path (:obj:`str`, optional): Path to the root reduction directory. Default is to use :func:`drp_redux_path`. Returns: :obj:`str`: Path to the directory with the 3D products of the DRP """ # Make sure the redux path is set _redux_path = drp_redux_path(drpver=drpver) \ if redux_path is None else Path(redux_path).resolve() return _redux_path / str(plate) / 'stack'
[docs] def drp_finding_chart_path(plate, drpver=None, redux_path=None): """ Return the exact directory path with the finding charts for a given plate. Args: plate (:obj:`int`): Plate number drpver (:obj:`str`, optional): DRP version. Default is to use :func:`drp_version`. redux_path (:obj:`str`, optional): Path to the root reduction directory. Default is to use :func:`drp_redux_path`. Returns: :obj:`str`: Path to the directory with the finding charts. """ # Make sure the redux path is set _redux_path = drp_redux_path(drpver=drpver) \ if redux_path is None else Path(redux_path).resolve() return _redux_path / str(plate) / 'images'
[docs] def drpall_file(drpver=None, redux_path=None): """ Return the path to the DRPall file. Args: drpver (:obj:`str`, optional): DRP version. Default is to use :func:`drp_version`. redux_path (:obj:`str`, optional): Path to the root reduction directory. Default is to use :func:`drp_redux_path`. Returns: :obj:`str`: Full path to the DRPall fits file. """ _drpver = drp_version() if drpver is None else drpver _redux_path = drp_redux_path(drpver=_drpver) \ if redux_path is None else Path(redux_path).resolve() return _redux_path / f'drpall-{_drpver}.fits'
[docs] def dap_version(): """ Return the DAP version defined by the environmental variable MANGADAP_VER. If that environmental variable does not exist, `mangadap.__version__` is returned. """ return manga_environ['MANGADAP_VER']
[docs] def dap_analysis_path(drpver=None, dapver=None): """ Return the main output path for the DAP using the environmental variable MANGA_SPECTRO_ANALYSIS. Args: drpver (:obj:`str`, optional): DRP version. Default is to use :func:`drp_version`. dapver (:obj:`str`, optional): DAP version. Default is to use :func:`dap_version`. Returns: :obj:`str`: Path to analysis directory """ # Make sure the DRP version is set if drpver is None: drpver = drp_version() # Make sure the DAP version is set if dapver is None: dapver = dap_version() return Path(manga_environ['MANGA_SPECTRO_ANALYSIS']).resolve() / drpver / dapver
[docs] def manga_fits_root(plate, ifudesign, mode=None): """ Generate the main root name for the output MaNGA fits files for a given plate/ifudesign/mode. Args: plate (:obj:`int`): Plate number ifudesign (:obj:`int`): IFU design number mode (:obj:`str`, optional): Mode of the output fits file. Options are: ``'LINCUBE'``, ``'LINRSS'``, ``'LOGCUBE'``, ``'LOGRSS'``, or ``'MAPS'``. Default is that no mode is included in the name. Returns: :obj:`str`: Root name for a MaNGA fits file: ``manga-[PLATE]-[IFUDESIGN]-[MODE]`` Raises: ValueError: Raised if mode is not a valid option. """ if mode not in [ None, 'LINCUBE', 'LINRSS', 'LOGCUBE', 'LOGRSS', 'MAPS' ]: raise ValueError('Do not understand mode={0}.'.format(mode)) return f'manga-{plate}-{ifudesign}' if mode is None else f'manga-{plate}-{ifudesign}-{mode}'
[docs] def plate_target_files(): """ Return the default plateTarget files in mangacore and their associated catalog indices. The catalog indices are determined assuming the file names are of the form:: 'plateTargets-{0}.par'.format(catalog_id) Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: Two arrays: the first contains the identified plateTargets files found using the default search string, the second provides the integer catalog index determined for each file. """ core_dir = Path(manga_environ['MANGACORE_DIR']).resolve() if not core_dir.exists(): raise ValueError(f'MANGACORE directory does not exist! {core_dir}') # Default search string search_str = core_dir / 'platedesign' / 'platetargets' file_list = sorted(list(search_path.glob('plateTargets*.par'))) nfiles = len(file_list) if nfiles == 0: raise ValueError('Unable to find any plateTargets files!') trgid = numpy.zeros(nfiles, dtype=int) # Array to hold indices for i in range(nfiles): suffix = file_list[i].split('-')[1] # Strip out the '{i}.par' trgid[i] = int(suffix[:suffix.find('.')]) # Strip out '{i}' return numpy.array(file_list), trgid
[docs] def redshift_fix_file(): """ Return the path to the default redshift fix file. Returns: :obj:`str`: Expected path to the redshift-fix parameter file. """ return defaults.dap_data_root() / 'fix' / 'redshift_fix.par'
[docs] def photometry_fix_file(): """ Return the path to the default photometry fix file. Returns: :obj:`str`: Expected path to the photometry-fix parameter file. """ return defaults.dap_data_root() / 'fix' / 'photometry_fix.par'
[docs] def parse_plate_ifu_from_file(name): """ Parse the plate and ifu numbers from the file name of a MaNGA DRP file. """ return tuple([int(n) for n in name.split('-')[1:3]])
# USED BY: # - scripts/
[docs] def dap_config(plate, ifudesign, drpver=None, dapver=None, analysis_path=None, directory_path=None): """ Return the full path to the DAP configuration file. The configuration file provides the input data necessary to instantiate a :class:`mangadap.datacube.manga.MaNGADataCube`. Args: plate (:obj:`int`): Plate number ifudesign (:obj:`int`): IFU design number drpver (:obj:`str`, optional): DRP version. Default is to use :func:`drp_version`. dapver (:obj:`str`, optional): DAP version. Default is to use :func:`dap_version`. analysis_path (:obj:`str`, optional): Path to the root analysis directory. Default is to use :func:`dap_analysis_path`. directory_path (:obj:`str`, optional): Path to the directory with the DAP output files. Default is to use :func:`dap_common_path` Returns: :obj:`str`: Full path to the DAP par file """ # Make sure the directory path is defined _directory_path = dap_common_path(plate=plate, ifudesign=ifudesign, drpver=drpver, dapver=dapver, analysis_path=analysis_path) \ if directory_path is None else Path(directory_path).resolve() # Set the name of the par file; put this in its own function? return _directory_path / f'{dap_file_root(plate, ifudesign, mode="CUBE")}.ini'
# USED BY: # - scripts/ # - scripts/ # - survey/
[docs] def dapall_file(drpver=None, dapver=None, analysis_path=None): """ Return the path to the DAPall file. Args: drpver (:obj:`str`, optional): DRP version. Default is to use :func:`drp_version`. dapver (:obj:`str`, optional): DAP version. Default is to use :func:`dap_version`. analysis_path (:obj:`str`, optional): Path to the root analysis directory. Default is to use :func:`dap_analysis_path` Returns: :obj:`str`: Full path to the DAPall fits file. """ _drpver = drp_version() if drpver is None else drpver _dapver = dap_version() if dapver is None else dapver _analysis_path = dap_analysis_path(drpver=_drpver, dapver=_dapver) \ if analysis_path is None else Path(analysis_path).resolve() return _analysis_path / f'dapall-{_drpver}-{_dapver}.fits'
[docs] class MaNGAConfig: instrument = 'manga' def __init__(self, plate, ifudesign, mode='CUBE', log=True, drpver=None, redux_path=None, chart_path=None, directory_path=None): """ Initialize the I/O configuration using the same file as used to read MaNGA data. """ # MaNGA-specific attributes self.plate = plate self.ifudesign = ifudesign MaNGAConfig.check_mode(mode) self.mode = mode self.log = log self.drpver = drp_version() if drpver is None else drpver # TODO: Depending on what is provided to the function, redux path, chart # path, and directory path can all be inconsistent. self.redux_path = drp_redux_path(drpver=self.drpver) \ if redux_path is None else Path(redux_path).resolve() self.chart_path = drp_finding_chart_path(self.plate, drpver=self.drpver, redux_path=self.redux_path) \ if chart_path is None else Path(chart_path).resolve() self.directory_path = drp_directory_path(self.plate, drpver=self.drpver, redux_path=self.redux_path) \ if directory_path is None else Path(directory_path).resolve() # TODO: This is only relevant the CUBE data if self.directory_path != drp_directory_path(self.plate, drpver=self.drpver, redux_path=redux_path): warnings.warn('Paths do not match MaNGA defaults. May not be able to find paired ' 'CUBE & RSS files, if requested.')
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, cfgfile, mode='CUBE'): """ """ # Read the configuration file. This checks if the file exists and will # raise an exception if it does not. cfg = DefaultConfig(cfgfile, interpolate=True) # Set the attributes, forcing a known type plate = cfg.getint('plate') ifu = cfg.getint('ifu') if plate is None or ifu is None: raise ValueError('Configuration file must define the plate and IFU.') log = cfg.getbool('log', default=True) drpver = cfg.get('drpver') redux_path = cfg.get('redux_path') directory_path = cfg.get('directory_path') return cls(plate, ifu, mode=mode, log=log, drpver=drpver, redux_path=redux_path, directory_path=directory_path)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, datafile): """ Initialize the I/O configuration from the datafile for the DAP to process. """ ifile = Path(datafile).resolve() if not ifile.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f'File does not exist: {ifile}') # Parse the relevant information from the filename plate, ifudesign, log ='-')[1:4] with as hdu: drpver = hdu[0].header['VERSDRP3'] return cls(int(plate), int(ifudesign), mode='CUBE' if 'CUBE' in log else 'RSS', log='LOG' in log, drpver=drpver, directory_path=ifile.parent)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Create a deep copy. """ return MaNGAConfig(self.plate, self.ifudesign, log=self.log, drpver=self.drpver, directory_path=self.directory_path)
@property def file_name(self): root = manga_fits_root(self.plate, self.ifudesign, mode=f'{"LOG" if self.log else "LIN"}{self.mode}') return f'{root}.fits.gz' @property def file_path(self): return self.directory_path / self.file_name @property def image_path(self): return self.chart_path / f'{self.ifudesign}.png'
[docs] @staticmethod def check_mode(mode): """ Check that the mode is valid. Valide modes are set by :func:`mode_options`. Args: mode (:obj:`str`): Mode value to check. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the mode is undefined. """ options = ['CUBE', 'RSS'] if mode not in options: raise ValueError(f'Unknown mode {mode}. Must be in: {options}')
@property def output_root(self): return f'{self.instrument}-{self.plate}-{self.ifudesign}' @property def cfg_root(self): """ Generate the root name of the MaNGA DAP configuration and script files. Returns: :obj:`str`: Root name for the DAP file: ``mangadap-[PLATE]-[IFUDESIGN]-LOG[MODE]`` """ return f'mangadap-{self.plate}-{self.ifudesign}-LOG{self.mode}'
[docs] @staticmethod def propagate_flags(): """Flags that should be propagated from the observed data to the analysis data.""" return ['FORESTAR']
[docs] @staticmethod def do_not_use_flags(): """Return the maskbit names that should not be used.""" return ['DONOTUSE', 'FORESTAR']
[docs] @staticmethod def do_not_fit_flags(): """Return the maskbit names that should not be fit.""" return ['DONOTUSE', 'FORESTAR']
[docs] @staticmethod def do_not_stack_flags(): """Return the maskbit names that should not be stacked.""" return ['DONOTUSE', 'FORESTAR']
[docs] @staticmethod def cube_pixelscale(): """ Return the default pixel scale of the DRP CUBE files in arcsec. """ return 0.5
[docs] @staticmethod def cube_width_buffer(): """ Return the default width buffer in pixels used when regridding the DRP RSS spectra into the CUBE format. """ return 10
[docs] @staticmethod def cube_recenter(): """ Return the default recentering flag used when regridding the DRP RSS spectra into the CUBE format. """ return False
[docs] @staticmethod def regrid_rlim(): """ Return the default limiting radius for the Gaussian kernel used when regridding the DRP RSS spectra into the CUBE format. """ return 1.6
[docs] @staticmethod def regrid_sigma(): """ Return the default standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel used when regridding the DRP RSS spectra into the CUBE format. """ return 0.7
[docs] @staticmethod def spectral_resolution_extension(hdu, ext=None): """ Determine the spectral resolution channel to use. Precedence follows this order: ``LSFPRE``, ``PRESPECRES``, ``LSFPOST``, ``SPECRES``. Args: hdu (``): The opened MaNGA DRP file. ext (:obj:`str`, optional): Specify the extension with the spectral estimate to use. Should be in None, ``LSFPRE``, ``PRESPECRES``, ``LSFPOST``, or ``SPECRES``. The default is None, which means it will return the extension found first in the order above. None is returned if none of the extensions are present. Returns: :obj:`str`: The name of the preferred extension to use. """ allowed = ['LSFPRE', 'LSFPOST', 'PRESPECRES', 'SPECRES'] if ext is not None and ext not in allowed: warnings.warn(f'{ext} is not a viable spectral resolution extension.') return None available = [ for h in hdu if in allowed] _ext = ext if ext is None: _ext = 'LSFPRE' if _ext not in available: _ext = 'PRESPECRES' if _ext not in available: _ext = 'LSFPOST' if _ext not in available: _ext = 'SPECRES' return _ext
[docs] @staticmethod def spectral_resolution(hdu, ext=None, fill=False, median=False): """ Return the spectral resolution for all spectra. See :func:`spectral_resolution_extension` for a description of the precedence used when ``ext`` is None. Args: hdu (``): The opened MaNGA DRP file. ext (:obj:`str`, optional): Specify the extension with the spectral estimate to use. See :func:`spectral_resolution_extension`. fill (:obj:`bool`, optional): Fill masked values by interpolation. Default is to leave masked pixels in returned array. median (:obj:`bool`, optional): Return a single vector with the median spectral resolution instead of a per spectrum array. When using the ``SPECRES`` extension, this just returns the vector provided by the DRP file; when using either of the ``LSF`` extensions, this performs a masked median across the array and then interpolates any wavelengths that were masked in all vectors. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: Returns a :obj:`str` with the name of the extension used for the spectral-resolution measurements and a ``_ with the spectral resolution data. Even if interpolated such that there should be no masked values, the function returns a masked array. Array contains the spectral resolution (:math:`R = \lambda/\Delta\lambda`) pulled from the DRP file. """ # Determine which spectral resolution element to use _ext = MaNGAConfig.spectral_resolution_extension(hdu, ext=ext) # If no valid extension, raise an exception if ext is None and _ext is None: raise ValueError('No valid spectral resolution extension.') if ext is not None and _ext is None: raise ValueError('No extension: {0}'.format(ext)) warnings.warn('Extension {0} used to define spectral resolution.'.format(_ext)) # Set the mode based on the shape of the flux extension mode = 'CUBE' if hdu['FLUX'].data.ndim == 3 else 'RSS' # Build the spectral resolution vectors if 'SPECRES' in _ext: sres =[_ext].data, mask=numpy.invert(hdu[_ext].data > 0)) if fill: sres = if not median: sres = numpy.tile(sres, (hdu['FLUX'].data.shape[0],1)) if mode == 'RSS' \ else numpy.tile(sres, (*hdu['FLUX'].data.shape[1:][::-1],1)).T return _ext, sres # Otherwise dealing with the DISP data sres =[_ext].data) # Mask any non-positive value sres[numpy.invert(sres > 0)] = # Convert from sigma in angstroms to spectral resolution (based # on FWHM). Make sure to treat array shapes correctly for the # different modes. if mode == 'RSS': sres =['WAVE'].data[None,:], sres) / DAPConstants.sig2fwhm else: # Mode is 'CUBE' sres =['WAVE'].data[:,None,None], sres) / DAPConstants.sig2fwhm # Interpolate over any masked values if fill: axis = 1 if mode == 'RSS' else 0 sres =, axis, sres)) if median: sres =, axis=0) if mode == 'RSS' \ else[0],-1), axis=1) return _ext, sres
[docs] @staticmethod def write_config(ofile, plate, ifudesign, log=True, z=None, vdisp=None, ell=None, pa=None, reff=None, sres_ext=None, sres_fill=None, covar_ext=None, drpver=None, redux_path=None, directory_path=None, overwrite=True): """ Write the configuration file that can be used to instantiate a MaNGA data object (:class:`mangadap.datacube.manga.MaNGADataCube` or :class:`mangadap.spectra.manga.MaNGARSS`). See :func:`from_config`. Args: ofile (:obj:`str`, optional): Name of the configuration file. plate (:obj:`int`): Plate number ifudesign (:obj:`int`): IFU design log (:obj:`bool`, optional): Use the datacube that is logarithmically binned in wavelength. z (:obj:`float`, optional): Estimated bulk redshift. If None, some of the DAP analysis modules will fault. vdisp (:obj:`float`, optional): Estimated velocity dispersion. If None, some of the DAP analysis modules will assume an initial guess of 100 km/s. ell (:obj:`float`, optional): Characteristic isophotal ellipticity (1-b/a). If None, some of the DAP modules will issue a warning and continue by assuming ``ell=0``. pa (:obj:`float`, optional): Characteristic isophotal position angle (through E from N). If None, some of the DAP modules will issue a warning and continue by assuming ``pa=0``. reff (:obj:`float`, optional): Effective (half-light) radius in arcsec. If None, some of the DAP modules will issue a warning and continue by assuming ``reff=1``. sres_ext (:obj:`str`, optional): The extension to use when constructing the spectral resolution vectors. See :func:`spectral_resolution`. sres_fill (:obj:`bool`, optional): Fill masked values by interpolation. Default is to leave masked pixels in returned array. covar_ext (:obj:`str`, optional): Extension to use as the single spatial correlation matrix for all wavelength channels, read from the DRP file. For generating the covariance matrix directly for an arbitrary wavelength channel using the RSS file, see :func:`mangadap.datacube.datacube.DataCube.covariance_matrix`. drpver (:obj:`str`, optional): DRP version, which is used to define the default DRP redux path. Default is defined by :func:`mangadap.config.manga.drp_version` redux_path (:obj:`str`, optional): The path to the top level directory containing the DRP output files for a given DRP version. Default is defined by :func:`mangadap.config.manga.drp_redux_path`. directory_path (:obj:`str`, optional): The exact path to the DRP file. Default is defined by :func:`mangadap.config.manga.drp_directory_path`. Providing this ignores anything provided for ``drpver`` or ``redux_path``. overwrite (:obj:`bool`, optional): Overwrite any existing parameter file. """ _ofile = Path(ofile).resolve() if _ofile.exists() and not overwrite: raise FileExistsError(f'{_ofile} already exists; to overwrite, set ' 'overwrite=True.') if not _ofile.parent.exists(): _ofile.parent.mkdir(parents=True) # Build the configuration data cfg = ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) cfg['default'] = {'drpver': drpver, 'redux_path': redux_path, 'directory_path': directory_path, 'plate': str(plate), 'ifu': str(ifudesign), 'log': str(log), 'sres_ext': sres_ext, 'sres_fill': sres_fill, 'covar_ext': covar_ext, 'z': None if z is None else '{0:.7e}'.format(z), 'vdisp': None if vdisp is None else '{0:.7e}'.format(vdisp), 'ell': None if ell is None else '{0:.7e}'.format(ell), 'pa': None if pa is None else '{0:.7e}'.format(pa), 'reff': None if reff is None else '{0:.7e}'.format(reff)} # Write the configuration file with'w') as f: f.write('# Auto-generated configuration file\n') f.write('# {0}\n'.format(time.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",time.localtime()))) f.write('\n') cfg.write(f)
[docs] class MaNGAAnalysisPlan(AnalysisPlan): """ Define the analysis plan and output paths for MaNGA data. This class only redefines the output paths from the base class. """ def __init__(self, planlist, cube=None, analysis_path=None): # if cube is None: # raise ValueError('For a MaNGA analysis plan, you must provide the cube because it ' # 'is used to define the output paths.') self.cube = cube if self.cube is None: warnings.warn('Instantiation of the MaNGA analysis plan did not include the cube. ' 'Directories will be *undefined*, meaning the code may fault.') if analysis_path is None: analysis_path = dap_analysis_path(drpver=cube.drpver) super().__init__(planlist, cube=cube, analysis_path=analysis_path)
[docs] def common_path(self): """ Return the path for data common to all plans. Args: cube (:class:`~mangadap.datacube.datacube.DataCube`, optional): Cube being analyzed. Passed for cube-specific path specification. Not used by this base class. Returns: `Path`_: Path object for the "common" output """ if self.cube is None: raise ValueError('Path undefined because cube being processed was not provided ' 'when MaNGAAnalysisPlan was instantiated!') return self.analysis_path / 'common' / str(self.cube.plate) / str(self.cube.ifudesign)
[docs] def method_path(self, plan_index=0, qa=False, ref=False): """ Return the path for method-specific output. Args: cube (:class:`~mangadap.datacube.datacube.DataCube`, optional): Cube being analyzed. Passed for cube-specific path specification. Not used by this base class. plan_index (:obj:`int`, optional): The index of the plan. This is used to select the 'key' of the analysis plan being used, which is used as the subdirectory for the output. qa (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag that the output is specifically quality assessment plots. ref (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag that the output is specifically reference data. Returns: `Path`_: Path object for the method-specific output Raises: ValueError: Raised if the plan index is invalid or if both qa and ref are true. """ if self.cube is None: raise ValueError('Path undefined because cube being processed was not provided ' 'when MaNGAAnalysisPlan was instantiated!') if plan_index < 0 or plan_index >= self.nplans: raise ValueError(f'Invalid index ({plan_index}); 0 <= index < {self.nplans}.') if qa and ref: raise ValueError('Cannot provide path for both qa and ref directory. Pick one.') root = self.analysis_path / self.plan[self.plan_keys[plan_index]]['key'] \ / str(self.cube.plate) / str(self.cube.ifudesign) if not qa and not ref: return root if qa: return root / 'qa' return root / 'ref'