Source code for mangadap.proc.emissionlinetemplates

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Class that constructs a set of emission-line templates, primarily for
use with :class:`~mangadap.proc.sasuke.Sasuke`.

Class usage examples

To construct emission-line templates, you need a wavelength vector,
the instrumental resolution at which to construct the templates, and
an emission line database (see
:class:`mangadap.par.emissionlinedb.EmissionLineDB`). A simple
construction would be::
    # Imports
    import numpy
    from mangadap.par.emissionlinedb import EmissionLineDB
    from mangadap.proc.emissionlinetemplates import EmissionLineTemplates

    wave = numpy.logspace(*(numpy.log10([3600,10300]), 4563)
    sigma_inst = 30                     # Instrumental resolution in km/s

    tpl = EmissionLineTemplates(wave, sigma_inst, emldb=EmissionLineDB.from_key('ELPMILES'))


.. include license and copyright
.. include:: ../include/copy.rst


.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst

import os
import time
import logging

from IPython import embed

import numpy
from scipy import interpolate

import astropy.constants

from ..util.sampling import spectrum_velocity_scale, spectral_coordinate_step
from ..util.log import log_output
from ..util.misc import is_number
from ..util import lineprofiles
from .spectralfitting import EmissionLineFit

# For debugging
from matplotlib import pyplot

[docs] class EmissionLineTemplates: r""" Construct a set of emission-line templates based on an emission-line database, primarily for use in the :class:`~mangadap.proc.sasuke.Sasuke` emission-line fitter. The templates are constructed based on the constraints provided by the emission-line database. See :class:`~mangadap.par.emissionlinedb.EmissionLinePar` for the structure of each row in the database and an explanation for each of its columns. Only lines with ``action=f`` are included in any template. The array :attr:`tpli` provides the index of the template that contains each line in the emission-line database. Lines that are not assigned to any template --- either because they do not have ``action=f`` or their center lies outside the wavelength range in :attr:`wave` --- are given an index of -1. Only lines with ``mode=a`` (i.e., flux, velocity, and velocity dispersion are all tied) are included in the same template. Lines with tied velocities are assigned the same velocity component (:attr:`vgrp`) and lines with the tied velocity dispersions are assigned the same sigma component (:attr:`sgrp`). .. warning:: The construction of templates for use with :class:`~mangadap.proc.sasuke.Sasuke` does *not* allow one to tie fluxes while leaving the velocities and/or velocity dispersions as independent. Args: wave (array-like): A single wavelength vector with the wavelengths for the template spectra. The wavelengths are expected to be sample either linearly or geometrically (see :attr:`log`). sigma_inst (:obj:`float`, array-like): The single value or value as a function of wavelength for the instrumental dispersion (km/s) to use for the template construction. log (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag that the wavelengths have been sampled geometrically. base (:obj:`float`, optional): Base for the geometric sampling. emldb (:class:`mangadap.par.emissionlinedb.EmissionLineDB`, optional): Emission-line database that is parsed to setup which lines to include in the same template because they are modeled as having the same velocity, velocity dispersion and flux ratio. If not provided, no templates are constructed in instantiation; to build the templates using an existing instantiation, use :func:`build_templates`. flux_density (:obj:`bool`, optional): Return spectrum in units of flux density (flux per angstrom). Default is to return the spectrum in units of flux per pixel. loggers (:obj:`list`, optional): List of `logging.Logger`_ objects to log progress; ignored if quiet=True. Logging is done using :func:`mangadap.util.log.log_output`. Default is no logging. This can be reset in some methods. quiet (:obj:`bool`, optional): Suppress all terminal and logging output. Attributes: wave (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array with the wavelength (angstroms) of each pixel for all the constructed templates. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm pix},)`. sigma_inst (`scipy.interpolate.interp1d`_): The object used to interpolate the instrumental dispersion (km/s) at the rest wavelength of each spectral line. log (:obj:`bool`): Flag that the spectrum is sampled geometrically. base (:obj:`float`): Base for the geometric sampling. emldb (:class:`mangadap.par.emissionlinedb.EmissionLineDB`): Database with the emission-line parameters. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm pix},)`. ntpl (:obj:`int`): Total number of templates. flux (`numpy.ndarray`_): The template spectra. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm tpl},N_{\rm pix})`. tpli (`numpy.ndarray`_): The index of the template containing each emission line. Any emission-lines with ``tpli==-1`` means that the emission line was not included in any template, which should only occur for lines with ``action==i`` in the database. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm eml},)`. comp (`numpy.ndarray`_): The kinematic component assigned to each template. Templates with the same component number are forced to have the same velocity and velocity dispersion by pPXF. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm tpl},)`. vgrp (`numpy.ndarray`_): The velocity group assigned to each template. Templates in the same velocity group have their velocity parameters tied in pPXF, but the velocity dispersion parameters are independent. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm tpl},)`. sgrp (`numpy.ndarray`_): The velocity disperison (sigma) group assigned to each template. Templates in the same sigma group have their velocity dispersion parameters tied in pPXF, but the velocity parameters are independent. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm tpl},)`. A_ineq (`numpy.ndarray`_): A matrix used to constrain the kinematic parameters between kinematic components. See the ``constr_kinem`` for pPXF (version 7.0 and later). Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm constr}, N_{\rm comp})`; i.e., the number of constraints applied by the number of kinematic components. b_ineq (`numpy.ndarray`_): A vector used to constrain the kinematic parameters between kinematic components. See the ``constr_kinem`` for pPXF (version 7.0 and later). Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm constr},)`; i.e., the number of constraints applied. eml_sigma_inst (`numpy.ndarray`_): The instrumental dispersion (km/s) at the rest wavelength of each emission line. This is mostly used to aid the velocity dispersion corrections determined by :class:`~mangadap.proc.sasuke.Sasuke`. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm eml},)`. loggers (:obj:`list`): List of `logging.Logger`_ objects to log progress; ignored if quiet=True. Logging is done using :func:`mangadap.util.log.log_output`. quiet (:obj:`bool`): Suppress all terminal and logging output. """ def __init__(self, wave, sigma_inst, log=True, base=10, emldb=None, flux_density=True, loggers=None, quiet=False): self.loggers=None self.quiet=None self.wave = numpy.asarray(wave) if len(self.wave.shape) != 1: raise ValueError('Provided wavelengths must be a single vector.') _sinst = numpy.full(self.wave.size, sigma_inst, dtype=float) \ if isinstance(sigma_inst, (int, float)) else numpy.asarray(sigma_inst) if _sinst.shape != self.wave.shape: raise ValueError('Provided sigma_inst must be a single number or a vector with the' 'same length as the wavelength vector.') self.sigma_inst = interpolate.interp1d(self.wave, _sinst, assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) self.log = log self.base = base self.emldb = None # Original database self.line_flux = None # Line flux in the relevant template self.flux_density = None # Templates are in flux per Angstrom, not flux per pixel self.ntpl = None # Number of templates self.flux = None # Template fluxes self.tpli = None # Template associated with each emission line self.comp = None # Kinematic component associated with each template self.vgrp = None # Velocity group associated with each template self.sgrp = None # Sigma group associated with each template self.tie_comp_lb = None # Fractional lower bound on each kinematic component self.tie_comp_ub = None # Fractional upper bound on each kinematic component self.A_ineq = None # Linear inequality constraint matrix for the kinematics self.b_ineq = None # Linear inequality constraint vector for the kinematics self.eml_sigma_inst = None # Instrumental dispersion at the center of each line # If emission-line database is provided, use it to build the templates if emldb is not None: self.build_templates(emldb, flux_density=flux_density, loggers=loggers, quiet=quiet)
[docs] def _parse_emission_line_database(self): r""" Parse the input emission-line database; see :class:`mangadap.par.emissionlinedb.EmissionLinePar`. Only lines with `action=f` are included in any template. The array :attr:`tpli` provides the index of the template that contains each line in the emission-line database. Lines that are not assigned to any template --- either because they do not have `action=f` or their center lies outside the wavelength range in :attr:`wave` --- are given an index of -1. Only lines with `mode=a` (i.e., tie flux, velocity, and velocity dispersion) are included in the same template. Lines with tied velocities are assigned the same velocity component (:attr:`vgrp`) and lines with the tied velocity dispersions are assigned the same sigma component (:attr:`sgrp`). .. warning:: The construction of templates for use with :class:`~mangadap.proc.sasuke.Sasuke` does *not* allow one to tie fluxes while leaving the velocities and/or velocity dispersions as independent. This is an entirely internal procedure, taking no arguments and only assigning results to self. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the parsing of the database leaves some templates without an assigned component, velocity group, and/or sigma group. This implies an error in the construction of the emission-line database, not the code itself. """ # Get the list of lines to ignore ignore_line = (self.emldb['action'] != 'f') | (self.emldb['restwave'] < self.wave[0]) \ | (self.emldb['restwave'] > self.wave[-1]) if numpy.any(ignore_line) and not self.quiet: log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Lines ignored because of action or wavelength limits: {0}'.format( ', '.join(self.emldb['name'][ignore_line]))) if numpy.all(ignore_line): raise ValueError('No valid lines to fit!') # Determine which parameters are tied by equality: tie_eq = numpy.array([p is not None and '=' in p for p in self.emldb['tie_par'].ravel()]).reshape( self.emldb['tie_par'].shape) tie_eq[ignore_line,:] = False # Determine which parameters are tied by inequality: tie_ineq = numpy.array([p is not None and '=' not in p for p in self.emldb['tie_par'].ravel()]).reshape( self.emldb['tie_par'].shape) & numpy.logical_not(tie_eq) tie_ineq[ignore_line,:] = False # Ensure the problem is solvable. # TODO: I'm sure there's a more robust way to do this... if numpy.any(numpy.all(tie_eq | tie_ineq, axis=0)): raise ValueError('There must be at least one line that has an independent velocity ' 'and another one that has an independent velocity dispersion; ' 'however, these do not have to be satisfied by a single line.') # Check that any tied line includes the index of the line it's tied to. untied = self.emldb['tie_index'] < 0 indx = (tie_eq | tie_ineq) & untied if numpy.any(indx): raise ValueError('Index of reference line unspecified for ' f'{", ".join(self.emldb["name"][numpy.any(indx, axis=1)])}.') # TODO: Need a check that the user hasn't input, e.g., '=0.3' for # anything other than the flux. if numpy.any([f is not None and '=' in f and len(f.strip('=')) > 0 for f in self.emldb['tie_par'][:,1:].ravel()]): raise NotImplementedError('DAP cannot yet impose equality constraints for kinematics. ' 'Kinematics can only be forced to be identical (using \'=\')' ' or constrained to be within a fractional tolerance.') # Set the normalized line flux. All default to unity. self.line_flux = numpy.ones(self.emldb.neml, dtype=float) # Specify those that are tied by equality self.line_flux[tie_eq[:,0]] = [float(f.strip('=')) for f in self.emldb['tie_par'][tie_eq[:,0]][:,0]] # Currently cannot deal with lines that have tied fluxes but # independent kinematics if numpy.any(tie_eq[:,0] & numpy.logical_not(numpy.all(tie_eq[:,1:], axis=1))): raise NotImplementedError('DAP cannot currently handle lines with tied fluxes but ' 'independent kinematics.') # The total number of templates to construct is the number of lines in # the database minus the number of lines to ignore and the number of # lines where all parameters are tied by equality # TODO: Should also make sure that the tied indices for lines with True # tied_all are also tied to the same line! tied_all = numpy.all(tie_eq, axis=1) self.ntpl = self.emldb.size - numpy.sum(ignore_line) - numpy.sum(tied_all) # Initialize the components and tied kinematic groups self.comp = numpy.full(self.ntpl, -1, dtype=int) self.vgrp = numpy.full(self.ntpl, -1, dtype=int) self.sgrp = numpy.full(self.ntpl, -1, dtype=int) self.tpli = numpy.full(self.emldb.size, -1, dtype=int) # Reference lines are those that are: # - *not* ignored (action != 'i'), # - completely unconstrained (emldb['tie_index'] is undefined; # i.e., less than 0), and/or # - lines that are only tied by inequalities, # All reference lines are in separate templates, kinematic components, # velocity groups, and sigma groups all_untied = numpy.all(untied, axis=1) ref_line = (all_untied | (numpy.logical_not(all_untied) & numpy.logical_not(numpy.any(tie_eq[:,1:], axis=1)))) \ & numpy.logical_not(ignore_line) nref = numpy.sum(ref_line) self.tpli[ref_line] = numpy.arange(nref) self.comp[:nref] = numpy.arange(nref) self.vgrp[:nref] = numpy.arange(nref) self.sgrp[:nref] = numpy.arange(nref) finished = numpy.tile(ref_line | ignore_line, (3,1)).T tied_indx = self.emldb.tie_index_match() while numpy.sum(finished) != 3*self.emldb.size: # Find the indices of lines that are tied to finished lines start_sum = numpy.sum(finished) for i in range(self.emldb.size): if numpy.all(finished[i]): continue # All properties of this line are to be equal to the same line # such that the line will be part of an existing template if numpy.all(tied_indx[i] == tied_indx[i,0]) and numpy.all(tie_eq[i]): if not numpy.all(finished[tied_indx[i,0]]): continue finished[i,:] = True self.tpli[i] = self.tpli[tied_indx[i,0]] continue # Otherwise, the line propertied are either tied to different # lines or they're not all tied to be equal. Get the indices of # the tied lines. Only need to do so for the velocity and # velocity dispersion. # Get the tied line indices for the velocity and velocity dispersion if (tied_indx[i,1] >= 0 and not finished[tied_indx[i,1],1]) \ or (tied_indx[i,2] >= 0 and not finished[tied_indx[i,2],2]): continue finished[i,:] = True self.tpli[i] = numpy.amax(self.tpli)+1 if numpy.all(tied_indx[i,1:] >= 0) and tied_indx[i,1] == tied_indx[i,2] \ and numpy.all(tie_eq[i,1:]): # Line is part of a new template but uses existing kinematic components self.comp[self.tpli[i]] = self.comp[self.tpli[tied_indx[i,1]]] self.vgrp[self.tpli[i]] = self.vgrp[self.tpli[tied_indx[i,1]]] self.sgrp[self.tpli[i]] = self.sgrp[self.tpli[tied_indx[i,1]]] continue self.comp[self.tpli[i]] = numpy.amax(self.comp)+1 if tied_indx[i,1] >= 0 and tie_eq[i,1]: self.vgrp[self.tpli[i]] = self.vgrp[self.tpli[tied_indx[i,1]]] else: self.vgrp[self.tpli[i]] = numpy.amax(self.vgrp)+1 if tied_indx[i,2] >= 0 and tie_eq[i,2]: self.sgrp[self.tpli[i]] = self.sgrp[self.tpli[tied_indx[i,2]]] else: self.sgrp[self.tpli[i]] = numpy.amax(self.sgrp)+1 # If the loop ends up with the same number of parsed lines # that it started with, there must be an error in the # construction of the input database. if start_sum == numpy.sum(finished): raise ValueError('Unable to parse the input database due to an error in the ' 'database/file. Check the tying parameters.') # All templates must have an assigned component, velocity group and # dispersion group. Otherwise, something has gone wrong or the input # database hasn't been constructed correctly. if numpy.any(self.comp < 0) or numpy.any(self.vgrp < 0) or numpy.any(self.sgrp < 0): raise ValueError('One or more templates were not assigned to a kinematic component. ' 'Check for errors in the input database/file.') # If there are no inequalities set in the database, we're done if not numpy.any(tie_ineq): self.A_ineq = None self.b_ineq = None return # Gut check assert not numpy.any(tie_eq & tie_ineq), \ 'CODING ERROR: Components are tied with both equality and inequality constraints' # The DAP currently doesn't deal with any template weight (flux) # inequalities: if numpy.any(tie_ineq[:,0]): raise NotImplementedError('DAP currently does not allow inequality constraints on ' 'line fluxes. Make sure flux constraints start with an =.') # Some definitions: # comp: The kinematic component of each template # tpli: The template with each line # compi: The kinematic component of each line # Check that lines in the same component do not have different # constraints. # TODO: I'm not actually sure that it's possible for this to fault, but # it's here just in case. ncomp = numpy.amax(self.comp)+1 # The kinematic component assigned to each line compi = numpy.full(self.emldb.size, -1, dtype=int) indx = numpy.logical_not(ignore_line) compi[indx] = self.comp[self.tpli[indx]] for i in range(ncomp): indx = (compi == i) & tie_ineq[:,1] if numpy.any(indx) and len(numpy.unique(self.emldb['tie_par'][indx,1])) != 1: raise ValueError('Inequality constraints for velocities of lines ' + '{0} ({1}) '.format(self.emldb['index'][indx], self.emldb['name'][indx]) + 'must be identical because they are in the same ' + 'kinematic component.') indx = (compi == i) & tie_ineq[:,2] if numpy.any(indx) and len(numpy.unique(self.emldb['tie_par'][indx,2])) != 1: raise ValueError('Inequality constraints for dispersions of lines ' + '{0} ({1}) '.format(self.emldb['index'][indx], self.emldb['name'][indx]) + 'must be identical because they are in the same ' + 'kinematic component.') # Inequality constraints can be upper or lower bounds or both. Upper # bounds are specified by, e.g., "<0.5", meaning the value must be less # than half of that measured for the tied line. Lower bounds are, e.g., # ">1.5". For upper and lower bounds, values of "<" or ">" are # equivalent to "<1" and ">1", respectively. Applying upper and lower # bounds is provided by a *single* number; e.g., "1.4" means the value # most be > 1/1.4 and < 1.4 times the value of the tied line. So, two # constraints are added if the constraint string be converted to a # number, and only one contraint is added if the string cannot be # converted to a number. nconstr = numpy.sum([int(is_number(s))+1 for s in self.emldb['tie_par'][tie_ineq]]) # Get the fractional constraint on each parameter self.tie_comp_lb = numpy.zeros((ncomp, 2), dtype=float) self.tie_comp_ub = numpy.zeros((ncomp, 2), dtype=float) # NOTE: This loop is necessary because of recursive tying of lines. For # example, in the OII doublet, one of the lines could have its velocity # tied to the H-alpha line and the other can have its velocity and # velocity dispersion tied to the first line. To make sure that the # velocity dispersion of both OII lines is within some inequality # constraint of the H-alpha dispersion, you need to pick the correct # constraint. The checks above should catch if this recursion leads to, # e.g., different constraints on the dispersion, so below I pick the # correct constraint by picking the maximum value. This works because # the `=` constraint is interpreted first as having a 0.0 fractional # constraint. for i in range(ncomp): indx = compi == i _lb = [] _ub = [] for f in self.emldb['tie_par'][indx,1:].ravel(): if f in [None, '=']: _lb += [0.0] _ub += [0.0] elif '>' in f: _lb += [1.0 if f == '>' else float(f.replace('>', ''))] _ub += [0.0] elif '<' in f: _lb += [0.0] _ub += [1.0 if f == '<' else float(f.replace('<', ''))] else: _ub += [float(f)] if _ub[-1] <= 1.: raise ValueError('Fractional constraints with lower and upper bounds ' 'must be >1!') _lb += [1./_ub[-1]] self.tie_comp_lb[i,:] \ = numpy.amax(numpy.asarray(_lb).reshape(numpy.sum(indx),2), axis=0) self.tie_comp_ub[i,:] \ = numpy.amax(numpy.asarray(_ub).reshape(numpy.sum(indx),2), axis=0) # Set an array indicating the index of the components tied by inequality # for the velocity and velocity dispersion. tie_comp = numpy.full((ncomp, 2), -1, dtype=int) for i in range(1,3): indx = (tied_indx[:,i] >= 0) & tie_ineq[:,i] & (compi != -1) if numpy.any(indx): tie_comp[compi[indx],i-1] = compi[tied_indx[indx,i]] # Build the inequality for each component # NOTE: Inequality constraint is *always* defined with b_ineq=0 for # what the DAP can currently accommodate. self.b_ineq = numpy.zeros(nconstr, dtype=float) self.A_ineq = numpy.zeros((nconstr,2*ncomp), dtype=float) constr = 0 for i in range(ncomp): for j in range(2): if tie_comp[i,j] < 0: continue if self.tie_comp_lb[i,j] > 0: self.A_ineq[constr,2*tie_comp[i,j]+j] = self.tie_comp_lb[i,j] self.A_ineq[constr,2*i+j] = -1. constr += 1 if self.tie_comp_ub[i,j] > 0: self.A_ineq[constr,2*tie_comp[i,j]+j] = -self.tie_comp_ub[i,j] self.A_ineq[constr,2*i+j] = 1. constr += 1
[docs] def build_templates(self, emldb, flux_density=True, profile='FFTGaussianLSF', loggers=None, quiet=False): r""" Build the set of templates for a given emission-line database. The function uses the current values in :attr:`wave` and :attr:`sigma_inst`. Any existing templates from a previous call to :func:`build_templates` or from the object instantiation will be overwritten using the provided emission-line database. See :func:`check_database` for the requirements of the provided emission-line database, and see :func:`_parse_emission_line_database` for how the database is interpretted when constructing the templates. The function constructs and returns the following attributes: :attr:`flux`, :attr:`comp`, :attr:`vgrp`, and :attr:`sgrp` .. todo:: - Warn the user if any line is undersampled; i.e., the FWHM of the line is less than 2.1 or :math:`\sigma < 0.9`. - Warn the user if any line grouped in the same template falls outside the spectral range. Args: emldb (:class:`mangadap.par.emissionlinedb.EmissionLineDB`): Emission-line database. flux_density (:obj:`bool`, optional): Return spectrum in units of flux density (flux per angstrom). Default is to return the spectrum in units of flux per pixel. loggers (:obj:`list`, optional): List of `logging.Logger`_ objects to log progress; ignored if quiet=True. Logging is done using :func:`mangadap.util.log.log_output`. quiet (:obj:`bool`, optional): Suppress all terminal and logging output. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: Returns 6 `numpy.ndarray`_ objects: (1) the set of templates with shape :math:`N_{\rm tpl}\times N_{\rm wave}`, (2) the kinematic component assignement for each template, (3) the velocity group associated with each template, (4) the sigma group associated with each template, (5) the A matrix used to impose constraints on the kinematics, and (6) the b vector used to impose constraints on the kinematics; for the latter two objects, see the ``constr_kinem`` keyword argument for pPXF. """ #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize the reporting if loggers is not None: self.loggers = loggers self.quiet = quiet self.flux_density = flux_density #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Check the database can be used with this class EmissionLineFit.check_emission_line_database(emldb, wave=self.wave) # Save a pointer to the database self.emldb = emldb # Parse the database for construction of the templates self._parse_emission_line_database() if not self.quiet: log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Number of emission lines to fit: {0}'.format(numpy.sum(self.tpli>-1))) log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Number of emission-line templates: {0}'.format(len(self.comp))) log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Number of emission-line kinematic components: {0}'.format( numpy.amax(self.comp)+1)) log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Number of emission-line kinematic constraints: {0}'.format( 0 if self.b_ineq is None else self.b_ineq.size)) log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Number of emission-line velocity groups: {0}'.format( numpy.amax(self.vgrp)+1)) log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Number of emission-line sigma groups: {0}'.format( numpy.amax(self.sgrp)+1)) # Get the instrumental dispersion at the center of each line self.eml_sigma_inst = self.sigma_inst(self.emldb['restwave']) # Convert from wavelengths to pixel coordinates _wave = numpy.log(self.wave)/numpy.log(self.base) if self.log else self.wave _dw = spectral_coordinate_step(self.wave, log=self.log, base=self.base) _restwave = numpy.log(self.emldb['restwave'])/numpy.log(self.base) if self.log \ else self.emldb['restwave'] # Rest wavelength in pixel units _restwave = (_restwave - _wave[0])/_dw # Flux to pixel units; less accurate when spectrum is # logarithmically binned dl = self.emldb['restwave']*(numpy.power(self.base,_dw/2)-numpy.power(self.base,-_dw/2)) \ if self.log else _dw _flux = self.line_flux / dl if self.flux_density else self.line_flux # Dispersion in pixel units _sigma = self.eml_sigma_inst * self.emldb['restwave'] \ /'km/s').value / dl # Construct the templates _profile = eval('lineprofiles.'+profile)() # Declare an instance of the desired profile pix = numpy.arange(self.wave.size) self.flux = numpy.zeros((self.ntpl,self.wave.size), dtype=float) for i in range(self.ntpl): # Find all the lines associated with this template: index = numpy.arange(self.emldb.size)[self.tpli == i] # Add each line to the template for j in index: # Use the first three moments of the line to set the # parameters p = _profile.parameters_from_moments(_flux[j], _restwave[j], _sigma[j]) # Add the line to the flux in this template self.flux[i,:] += _profile(pix, p) return self.flux, self.comp, self.vgrp, self.sgrp, self.A_ineq, self.b_ineq
[docs] @staticmethod def fill_guess_kinematics(guess_kin, ncomp, lb, ub, A_ineq): r""" Construct the array with the initial guess kinematics, ensuring that they meet any inequality constraints. .. warning:: Always assumes that only 2 moments are fit for each emission-line component. Args: guess_kin (array-like): Guess kinematics for one or more spectra to be fit. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, 2)` or :math:`(2,)`. The number of parameters will be expanded to the number of components in this template set and adjusted to meet any inequality constraints. ncomp (:obj:`int`): Number of kinematic components. lb (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array providing the fractional lower bounds on all the components. Can be None if no lower bounds are set; otherwise, shape must be :math:`(N_{\rm comp}, 2)`. ub (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array providing the fractional upper bounds on all the components. Can be None if no upper bounds are set; otherwise, shape must be :math:`(N_{\rm comp}, 2)`. A_ineq (`numpy.ndarray`_): Inequality constraint matrix used by pPXF. Can be None if no constraints are to be applied; otherwise, shape must be :math:`(N_{\rm constr}, 2 N_{\rm comp})`. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: A 2D or 3D array with the guess parameters. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm comp}, 2)` or :math:`(N_{\rm comp}, 2)`. """ _guess_kin = numpy.asarray(guess_kin) if _guess_kin.ndim == 2: start = numpy.tile(guess_kin, (ncomp,1,1)).transpose(1,0,2) else: start = numpy.expand_dims(numpy.tile(guess_kin, (ncomp,1)), 0) if A_ineq is None: # There are no inequality constraints, so simply repeat the guess # for each component. return start if _guess_kin.ndim == 2 else start[0] if lb is None or ub is None: # Should not get here if A_ineq is defined raise ValueError('Definition of tied components incomplete. Re-build the templates.') eps = 1e-10*numpy.linalg.norm(A_ineq, axis=1) for s in start: # TODO: The inequality constraints are currently *always* # multiplicative. I.e., b_ineq is always 0. indx = A_ineq @ s.ravel() <= eps if numpy.all(indx): # Constraints already satisfied continue _lb = s * lb _ub = s * ub indx = (_lb > 0) & (_ub > 0) if numpy.any(indx): s[indx] = numpy.sqrt(_lb[indx]*_ub[indx]) # Geometric mean indx = (_ub <= 0) & (_lb > 0) & (s < _lb) if numpy.any(indx): s[indx] = 1.1*_lb[indx] indx = (_ub > 0) & (_lb <= 0) & (s > _ub) if numpy.any(indx): s[indx] = _ub[indx]/1.1 return start if _guess_kin.ndim == 2 else start[0]