Source code for mangadap.proc.sasuke

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Implements an emission-line fitting class that largely wraps pPXF.


.. include license and copyright
.. include:: ../include/copy.rst


.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import inspect
from pathlib import Path
import time
import warnings
import logging

from IPython import embed

import numpy
from scipy import interpolate

import astropy.constants
from ppxf import ppxf

from ..par.artifactdb import ArtifactDB
from ..par.parset import KeywordParSet
from ..par.emissionlinedb import EmissionLineDB
from ..util.datatable import DataTable
from ..util.fitsutil import DAPFitsUtil
from ..util.sampling import spectrum_velocity_scale
from ..util.log import log_output
from ..util.pixelmask import SpectralPixelMask
from ..util.constants import DAPConstants
#from ..util import lineprofiles
from .templatelibrary import TemplateLibraryDef, TemplateLibrary
from .spatiallybinnedspectra import SpatiallyBinnedSpectra
from .stellarcontinuummodel import StellarContinuumModel
from .spectralfitting import EmissionLineFit
from .emissionlinetemplates import EmissionLineTemplates
from .util import sample_growth
from .ppxffit import PPXFModel, PPXFFit
from ..contrib.xjmc import emline_fitter_with_ppxf, ppxf_tied_parameters

[docs] class SasukePar(KeywordParSet): r""" Hold the parameers necessary to run the Sasuke emission-line fitter. This is the object that gets passed to :func:`Sasuke.fit_SpatiallyBinnedSpectra`. In the DAP, it is instantiated by :func:`mangadap.proc.emissionlinemodel.available_emission_line_modeling_methods` and some of its components are filled by :func:`mangdap.proc.emissionlinemodel.EmissionLineModel._fill_method_par`. The continuum templates can either be the string keyword used to construct the template library, or the template library itself. If the former, the :func:`Sasuke.fit_SpatiallyBinnedSpectra` method will construct the template library for later callback. When instantiated, the :class:`mangadap.par.parset.KeywordParSet` objects test that the input objects match the provided dtypes. See documentation for :class:`mangadap.par.parset.ParSet` for the list of attributes and exceptions raised. The defined parameters are: .. include:: ../tables/sasukepar.rst """ # stellar_continuum=None, emission_lines=None, template_library=None, def __init__(self, guess_redshift=0., guess_dispersion=100., emission_lines='ELPMPL11', etpl_line_sigma_mode='default', etpl_line_sigma_min=0.0, deconstruct_bins='ignore', template_library='MASTARSSP', stellar_velocity=None, stellar_dispersion=None, pixelmask=None, reject_boxcar=101, velscale_ratio=1, degree=-1, mdegree=0, reddening=None): # Use the signature to get the parameters and the default values sig = inspect.signature(self.__class__) pars = list(sig.parameters.keys()) defaults = [sig.parameters[key].default for key in pars] # Remaining definitions done by hand arr_like = [ numpy.ndarray, list ] arr_in_fl = [ numpy.ndarray, list, int, float ] in_fl = [ int, float ] etpl_mode_options = Sasuke.etpl_line_sigma_options() deconstruct_options = Sasuke.deconstruct_bins_options() values = [guess_redshift, guess_dispersion, emission_lines, etpl_line_sigma_mode, etpl_line_sigma_min, deconstruct_bins, template_library, stellar_velocity, stellar_dispersion, pixelmask, reject_boxcar, velscale_ratio, degree, mdegree, reddening] options = [None, None, None, etpl_mode_options, None, deconstruct_options, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None] dtypes = [arr_in_fl, arr_in_fl, str, str, in_fl, str, [str, TemplateLibraryDef], arr_in_fl, arr_in_fl, SpectralPixelMask, int, int, int, int, in_fl] descr = ['Single or per-binned-spectrum redshift to use as the initial velocity guess.', 'Single or per-binned-spectrum velocity dispersion to use as the initial guess.', 'Either a string identifying the database of emission lines to fit, ' \ 'or the direct path to the parameter file defining the database', 'Mode used to set the instrumental dispersion of the emission-line templates. ' \ 'Mode options are explated by :func:`Sasuke.etpl_line_sigma_options`.', 'Impose a minimum emission-line sigma by offsetting the nominal trend, in ' \ 'quadrature, to have this minimum value.', 'Method to use for deconstructing binned spectra into individual spaxels ' \ 'for emission-line fitting. See :func:`Sasuke.deconstruct_bin_options`.', 'Keyword identifier or definition object used to build the spectral template ' \ 'library used during the fit.', 'Single or per-binned-spectrum redshift of the stellar component', 'Single or per-binned-spectrum velocity dispersion of the stellar component', 'Pixel mask to include during the fitting; see ' \ ':func:`~mangadap.util.pixelmask.SpectralPixelMask`.', 'Size of the boxcar to use when rejecting fit outliers (must be odd).', 'The **integer** ratio between the velocity scale of the pixel in the galaxy ' \ 'data to that of the template data.', 'pPXF degree parameter setting the degree of the additive polynomials to use.', 'pPXF mdegree parameter setting the degree of the multiplicative polynomials ' \ 'to use.', r'pPXF reddening parameter setting the initial :math:`E(B-V)` to fit, based ' \ r'on a Calzetti law.'] super().__init__(pars, values=values, defaults=defaults, options=options, dtypes=dtypes, descr=descr) self.templates = None self.emldb = None self._validate()
[docs] def _validate(self): if self['mdegree'] > 0 and self['reddening'] is not None: raise ValueError('Cannot fit both multiplicative polynomials and an extinction curve.') if self['emission_lines'] is None: raise ValueError('Must define an emission-line database.') # Check if the provided string is a file parfile = Path(self['emission_lines']).resolve() if parfile.exists(): self.emldb = EmissionLineDB(str(parfile)) return # Otherwise, assume this is a keyword selecting a database distributed # with the DAP has been chosen. self.emldb = EmissionLineDB.from_key(self['emission_lines'])
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """ Instantiate the parameters based on the provided dictionary. """ # Copy over the primary keywords _d = {} for key in ['guess_redshift', 'guess_dispersion', 'etpl_line_sigma_mode', 'etpl_line_sigma_min', 'deconstruct_bins', 'reject_boxcar', 'velscale_ratio', 'degree', 'mdegree', 'reddening']: if key in d.keys(): _d[key] = d[key] artifacts = None if 'artifact_mask' not in d.keys() or d['artifact_mask'] is None \ else ArtifactDB.from_key(d['artifact_mask']) waverange = None if 'waverange' not in d.keys() or d['waverange'] is None \ else d['waverange'] ism_mask = None if 'ism_mask' not in d.keys() or d['ism_mask'] is None \ else EmissionLineDB.from_key(d['ism_mask']) if not all([a is None for a in [artifacts, waverange]]): # nsig=2.0 is only used by the ISM mask; this is currently hardcoded! _d['pixelmask'] = SpectralPixelMask(artdb=artifacts, emldb=ism_mask, waverange=waverange, nsig=2.0) if 'templates' in d.keys(): _d['template_library'] = TemplateLibraryDef.from_dict(d['templates']) # Return the instantiation return super().from_dict(_d)
[docs] def fill(self, binned_spectra, stellar_continuum=None, guess_vel=None, guess_sig=None, **kwargs): """ Use the provided object to "fill" the parameters by constructing the template library spectra used during the fit and to set the initial guess kinematics for each spectrum. kwargs are passed directly to the template library construction """ # Fill the guess kinematics c ='km/s').value nbins = binned_spectra.nbins if isinstance(guess_vel, (list, numpy.ndarray)): _guess_vel = numpy.asarray(guess_vel) if _guess_vel.size > 1 and _guess_vel.size != nbins: raise ValueError('Incorrect number of guess velocities provided; expected ' f'{nbins}, found {_guess_vel.size}.') self['guess_redshift'] = _guess_vel.copy()/c elif guess_vel is not None: self['guess_redshift'] = numpy.full(nbins, guess_vel/c, dtype=float) else: self['guess_redshift'] = numpy.zeros(nbins, dtype=float) if isinstance(guess_sig, (list, numpy.ndarray)): _guess_sig = numpy.asarray(guess_sig) if _guess_sig.size > 1 and _guess_sig.size != nbins: raise ValueError('Incorrect number of guess dispersions provided; expected ' f'{nbins}, found {_guess_sig.size}.') self['guess_dispersion'] = _guess_sig.copy() elif guess_sig is not None: self['guess_dispersion'] = numpy.full(nbins, guess_sig, dtype=float) else: self['guess_dispersion'] = numpy.full(nbins, 100., dtype=float) # Get the stellar continuum templates. tpl_key = self['template_library'] if isinstance(tpl_key, TemplateLibraryDef): tpl_key = tpl_key['key'] if stellar_continuum is not None and not hasattr(stellar_continuum.method['fitpar'], 'templates'): warnings.warn('Unable to pull stellar continuum templates from provided ' 'StellarContinuumModel object. Ignoring...') _stellar_continuum = None else: _stellar_continuum = stellar_continuum same_templates = _stellar_continuum is not None and (self['template_library'] is None or tpl_key == _stellar_continuum.method['fitpar'].templates.library['key']) if _stellar_continuum is None: self['stellar_velocity'] = self['guess_redshift']*c self['stellar_dispersion'] = self['guess_dispersion'] else: self['stellar_velocity'], self['stellar_dispersion'] \ = _stellar_continuum.matched_kinematics(binned_spectra['BINID'].data, cz=True, nearest=True, missing=binned_spectra.missing_bins, corrected=not same_templates) if same_templates: self.templates = stellar_continuum.method['fitpar'].templates self['template_library'] = stellar_continuum.method['fitpar'].templates.library return if self['template_library'] is not None and (_stellar_continuum is None or tpl_key != _stellar_continuum.method['fitpar'].templates.library['key']): velocity_offset = None if self['guess_redshift'] is None \ else numpy.mean(c * self['guess_redshift']) # NOTE: This forces the spectral resolution to be matched! self.templates = TemplateLibrary(self['template_library'], velocity_offset=velocity_offset, cube=binned_spectra.cube, match_resolution=True, velscale_ratio=self['velscale_ratio'], **kwargs) self['template_library'] = self.templates.library return raise ValueError('CODING ERROR: Should not reach here.')
[docs] class SasukeFitDataTable(DataTable): """ Holds results specific to how Sasuke fits the spectrum. In :func:`fit`, ``BINID`` and ``BINID_INDEX`` are the same. They are not in :func:`fit_SpatiallyBinnedSpectra`. Args: ntpl (:obj:`int`): Number of spectral templates. nadd (:obj:`int`): Number of coefficients in any additive polynomial included in the fit. Can be 0. nmult (:obj:`int`): Number of coefficients in any multiplicative polynomial included in the fit. Can be 0. nkin (:obj:`int`): Number of kinematic parameters (e.g., 2 for V and sigma) mask_dtype (:obj:`type`): The data type used for the maskbits (e.g., numpy.int16). Typically this would be set by :func:`mangadap.util.bitmask.BitMask.minimum_dtype`. shape (:obj:`int`, :obj:`tuple`, optional): The shape of the initial array. If None, the data array will not be instantiated; use :func:`init` to initialize the data array after instantiation. """ def __init__(self, ntpl, nadd, nmult, nkin, mask_dtype, shape=None): # NOTE: This should require python 3.7 to make sure that this # is an "ordered" dictionary. datamodel = dict(BINID=dict(typ=int, shape=None, descr='Spectrum/bin ID number'), BINID_INDEX=dict(typ=int, shape=None, descr='Index of the spectrum in the list of ' 'provided spectra.'), NEAREST_BIN=dict(typ=int, shape=None, descr='ID of the nearest binned spectrum when ' 'deconstructing bins.'), MASK=dict(typ=mask_dtype, shape=None, descr='The bitmask value of the fit. See ' ':func:`_save_results`.'), BEGPIX=dict(typ=int, shape=None, descr='Index of the first pixel included in the fit'), ENDPIX=dict(typ=int, shape=None, descr='Index of the pixel just beyond the last pixel ' 'included in fit'), NPIXTOT=dict(typ=int, shape=None, descr='Total number of pixels in the spectrum to be fit.'), NPIXFIT=dict(typ=int, shape=None, descr='Number of pixels used by the fit.'), KINCMP=dict(typ=int, shape=(ntpl,), descr='The kinematic component assigned to each template.'), VELCMP=dict(typ=int, shape=(ntpl,), descr='The velocity group assigned to each template.'), SIGCMP=dict(typ=int, shape=(ntpl,), descr='The sigma group assigned to each template.'), TPLWGT=dict(typ=float, shape=(ntpl,), descr='Optimal weight of each template.'), TPLWGTERR=dict(typ=float, shape=(ntpl,), descr='Nominal error in the weight of each template.'), ADDCOEF=dict(typ=float, shape=(nadd,) if nadd > 1 else None, descr='Additive polynomal coefficients.'), APLYMINMAX=dict(typ=float, shape=(2,) if nadd > 1 else None, descr='Minimum and maximum of additive polynomial.'), MULTCOEF=dict(typ=float, shape=(nmult,) if nmult > 1 else None, descr='Multiplicative polynomal coefficients.'), MPLYMINMAX=dict(typ=float, shape=(2,) if nmult > 1 else None, descr='Minimum and maximum of multiplicative polynomial.'), EBV=dict(typ=float, shape=None, descr='Fitted E(B-V) from pPXF, if requested.'), KININP=dict(typ=float, shape=(nkin,), descr='Initial guess kinematics.'), KIN=dict(typ=float, shape=(nkin,), descr='Best-fitting kinematics.'), KINERR=dict(typ=float, shape=(nkin,), descr='Error in the best-fitting kinematics.'), TIEDKIN=dict(typ=int, shape=(nkin,), descr='Index of the kinematic parameter to which each ' 'parameter is tied. I.e., TIEDKIN[3] = 1 means that ' 'parameter 4 is tied to parameter 2.'), CHI2=dict(typ=float, shape=None, descr='Chi-square of the fit'), RCHI2=dict(typ=float, shape=None, descr='Reduced chi-square of the fit'), CHIGRW=dict(typ=float, shape=(5,), descr='Value of the error-normalized residuals at 0, 68%, ' '95%, 99%, and 100% growth'), RMS=dict(typ=float, shape=None, descr='Root-mean-square of the fit residuals.'), RMSGRW=dict(typ=float, shape=(5,), descr='Value of absolute value of the fit residuals at 0, ' '68%, 95%, 99%, and 100% growth'), FRMS=dict(typ=float, shape=None, descr='Root-mean-square of the fractional residuals ' '(i.e., residuals/model).'), FRMSGRW=dict(typ=float, shape=(5,), descr='Value of absolute value of the fractional residuals ' 'at 0, 68%, 95%, 99%, 100% growth')) keys = list(datamodel.keys()) super(SasukeFitDataTable, self).__init__(keys, [datamodel[k]['typ'] for k in keys], element_shapes=[datamodel[k]['shape'] for k in keys], descr=[datamodel[k]['descr'] for k in keys], shape=shape)
[docs] class Sasuke(EmissionLineFit): r""" Use ninja skills and pPXF to fit emission lines. Effectively, **nothing** happens during the instantiation of this object. Instead, a typical usage of the class when fitting a set of emission lines would be:: # Read the emission-line database emldb = EmissionLineDB.from_key('ELPMILES') # Instantiate the emission-line fitter el_fitter = Sasuke(EmissionLineModelBitMask()) # Fit the spectra model_wave, model_flux, model_eml_flux, model_mask, model_fit_par, \ model_eml_par = See :func:`fit` for the arguments to the main fitting function. The class inherits attributes from :class:`mangadap.proc.spectralfitting.EmissionLineFit` (`fit_type`, `bitmask`, `par`, `fit_method`). Other attributes are defined upon instantiation and set to None. This isn't necessary (attributes can be defined elsewhere in the class methods), but it provides a collation of the class attributes for reference. Args: bitmask (:class:`BitMask`): BitMask object use to flag fit results. This *must* be provided and should typically be an instantiation of :class:`EmissionLineModelBitMask`; however, it can be any object with :class:`BitMask` as its base class. The flags set within the main fitting function (:func:``) are: - DIDNOTUSE, INSUFFICIENT_DATA, FIT_FAILED, NEAR_BOUND, NO_FIT, :attr:`mangadap.proc.ppxffit.PPXFFit.rej_flag` (PPXF_REJECT), MIN_SIGMA, BAD_SIGMA, and MAXITER. Also the DAP-specific calling function (:func:`Sasuke.fit_SpatiallyBinnedSpectra`) will also assign bits NON_POSITIVE_CONTINUUM during the equivalent width measurements (see :func:`mangadap.spectralfitting.EmissionLineFit.measure_equivalent_width`). loggers (:obj:`list`, optional): List of `logging.Logger`_ objects to log progress; ignored if quiet=True. Logging is done using :func:`mangadap.util.log.log_output`. Default is no logging. This can be reset in some methods. quiet (:obj:`bool`, optional): Suppress all terminal and logging output. Default is False. Attributes: loggers (:obj:`list`): See initialization argument. quiet (:obj:`bool`): Suppress all terminal and logging output. obj_wave (numpy.ndarray): Wavelength vector for object spectra. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm pix},)`. obj_flux (``_): Object spectra to fit. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},N_{\rm pix})`. obj_ferr (``_): :math:`1\sigma` errors in object spectra. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},N_{\rm pix})`. obj_sres (numpy.ndarray): Spectral resolution array for object spectra. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},N_{\rm pix})`. nobj (int): Number of object spectra (i.e., :math:`N_{\rm spec}`). npix_obj (int): Number of pixels in each object spectrum (i.e., :math:`N_{\rm pix}`). input_obj_mask (numpy.ndarray): A copy of the input mask array of the object spectra (boolean array). Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},N_{\rm pix})`. obj_to_fit (numpy.ndarray): Flag to fit each object spectrum. Instantiating by fully masked spectra in :attr:`input_obj_mask`. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},)`. input_cz (numpy.ndarray): Input redshifts (in km/s) for each spectrum. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},)`. velscale (float): Velocity scale (km/s) of the object spectra. tpl_wave (numpy.ndarray): Wavelength vector for template spectra. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm pix,t},)`. tpl_flux (numpy.ndarray): Template spectra to use in fit. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm tpl},N_{\rm pix,t})`. tpl_to_use (numpy.ndarray): Set of flags used to select the templates used to fit each spectrum. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},N_{\rm tpl})`. nstpl (int): Number of stellar templates. ntpl (int): Total number of templates (gas + stars). npix_tpl (int): Number of pixels in template spectra (i.e., :math:`N_{\rm pix,t}`). tpl_npad (int): Nearest length for FFT, :math:`N_{\rm pad}`. tpl_rfft (numpy.ndarray): The complex array with the real FFT of the template spectra. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm tpl}, N_{\rm pad}/2 + 1)`. velscale_ratio (int): The **integer** ratio between the velocity scale of the pixel in the galaxy data to that of the template data. emldb (:class:`mangadap.par.emissionlinedb.EmissionLineDB`): Emission-line database that is parsed to construct the emission-line templates (see :class:`EmissionLineTemplates`). neml (int): Number of emission lines in the database. fit_eml (numpy.ndarray): Boolean array setting which emission lines are fit. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm eml,)`. eml_tpli (numpy.ndarray): Integer array with the template that includes each emission line. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm eml,)`. eml_compi (numpy.ndarray): Integer array with the kinematic component that includes each emission line. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm eml,)`. ncomp (int): Total number of kinematic components to fit. tpl_comp (numpy.ndarray): The integer kinematic component associated with each template. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm tpl},)`. tpl_vgrp (numpy.ndarray): The integer velocity group associated with each template. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm tpl},)`. tpl_sgrp (numpy.ndarray): The integer sigma group associated with each template. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm tpl},)`. comp_moments (numpy.ndarray): Number of moments for each component. Moments with negative numbers have fixed kinematics. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm comp},)`. comp_start_kin (numpy.ndarray): Array of lists where each list provdes the starting parameters for the kinematics of each component. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm comp},)`. npar_kin (int): The total number of kinematic parameters, which is just the sum of the absolute value of :attr:`comp_moments`, :math:`N_{\rm kin}`. nfree_kin (int): The total number of *free* kinematic parameters. velocity_limits (numpy.ndarray): The upper and lower velocity limits imposed by pPXF. See :func:`mangadap.proc.ppxffit.PPXFFit.losvd_limits`. sigma_limits (numpy.ndarray): The upper and lower velocity dispersion limits imposed by pPXF. See :func:`mangadap.proc.ppxffit.PPXFFit.losvd_limits`. gh_limits (numpy.ndarray): The upper and lower limits on *all* higher order Gauss-Hermite moments imposed by pPXF. See :func:`mangadap.proc.ppxffit.PPXFFit.losvd_limits`. degree (int): pPXF degree parameter setting the degree of the additive polynomials to use, :math:`o_{\rm add}`. mdegree (int): pPXF mdegree parameter setting the degree of the multiplicative polynomials to use, :math:`o_{\rm mult}`. reddening (float): pPXF reddening parameter setting the initial :math:`E(B-V)` to fit, based on a Calzetti law. reject_boxcar (int): Size of the boxcar to use when rejecting fit outliers. spectrum_start (numpy.ndarray): Array with the starting index of the pixel in the object spectra to fit (inclusive). Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},)`. spectrum_end (numpy.ndarray): Array with the ending index of the pixel in the object spectra to fit (exclusive). Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec},)`. dof (int): Degrees of freedom in the fit. .. todo:: - :attr:`velocity_limits`, :attr:`sigma_limits`, and :attr:`gh_limits` are **not** passed to ppxf during the fit. They are expected to match what's in the pPXF code. Should change the code so that they **are** passed using pPXF's BOUND keyword. """ def __init__(self, bitmask, loggers=None, quiet=False): EmissionLineFit.__init__(self, 'sasuke', bitmask) # Attributes kept by SpectralFitting: # fit_type='emission_line', bitmask=bitmask, par=None # Attributes kept by EmissionLineFit: # fit_method='sasuke' # Logging and terminal output self.loggers = loggers self.quiet = quiet # Data to fit self.obj_wave = None self.obj_flux = None self.obj_ferr = None self.obj_sres = None self.obj_skyx = None self.obj_skyy = None self.nobj = None self.npix_obj = None self.input_obj_mask = None # self.obj_to_fit = None self.input_cz = None self.velscale = None self.waverange = None # Data to remap to self.remapid = None self.remap_flux = None self.remap_ferr = None self.remap_sres = None self.nremap = 0 self.remap_skyx = None self.remap_skyy = None # Template data self.tpl_wave = None self.tpl_flux = None # self.tpl_sres = None self.tpl_to_use = None self.nstpl = None self.ntpl = None self.npix_tpl = None self.tpl_npad = None self.tpl_rfft = None self.gas_tpl = None self.velscale_ratio = None self.emldb = None self.neml = None self.fit_eml = None self.eml_tpli = None self.eml_compi = None # Kinematic components and tied parameters self.ncomp = None self.tpl_comp = None self.tpl_vgrp = None self.tpl_sgrp = None self.comp_moments = None self.comp_start_kin = None self.npar_kin = None self.nfree_kin = None # Fitting parameters self.velocity_limits = None self.sigma_limits = None self.gh_limits = None = None self.mdegree = None self.reddening = None self.reject_boxcar = None # self.fix_kinematics = False self.spectrum_start = None self.spectrum_end = None self.dof = None # @staticmethod # def _copy_from_stellar_continuum(stellar_continuum): # return stellar_continuum.method['fitpar']['template_library'], \ # stellar_continuum.method['fitpar']['match_resolution'], \ # stellar_continuum.method['fitpar']['velscale_ratio']
[docs] @staticmethod def etpl_line_sigma_options(): r""" Keyword options for the mode used to set the standard deviation of the emission lines the the emission-line templates. Possible modes are: ``default``: In order of precedence: - Use the spectral resolution of the observed spectra, or - use the spectral resolution of the stellar templates, or - adopt a FWHM of 2 pixels and calculate the resolution assuming a Gaussian line profile. ``zero``: The width of all lines is set to 0. The function from :mod:`mangadap.util.lineprofiles` used to construct the line *must* be able to produce the line if the standard deviation is 0! ``offset``: Apply a quadrature offset of the wavelength-dependent trend of the instrumental dispersion resulting from the ``default`` mode such that the minimum instrumental dispersion is 0. Note that the minimum dispersion can be set to something other than 0 using either the `etpl_line_sigma_min` parameter in :class:`SasukePar` or the keyword argument in :func:``. If the minimum dispersion is 0, the function from :mod:`mangadap.util.lineprofiles` used to construct the line *must* be able to produce a line with a standard deviation of 0! Returns: list: List of allowed options. """ return ['default', 'zero', 'offset' ]
[docs] @staticmethod def deconstruct_bins_options(): """ Methods allowed for deconstructing bins are: ``ignore``: Do not deconstruct bins (default) ``nearest``: Use the on-sky proximity of spaxel and bin centers to do associate spaxels to bins (e.g., as done in DR15 hybrid binning). ``binid``: Use the known association between spaxels and bins based on which spaxels were used to construct the binned spectra. Returns: list: List of allowed options. """ return [ 'ignore', 'nearest', 'binid' ]
[docs] def _check_remapping_coordinates(self, obj_skyx, obj_skyy, remap_skyx, remap_skyy): if any(x is None for x in [obj_skyx, obj_skyy, remap_skyx, remap_skyy]): raise ValueError('If remapping, must provide all on-sky positions.') if len(obj_skyx.shape) != 1: raise ValueError('Object spectra coordinates must be a vector.') if obj_skyx.size != self.nobj: raise ValueError('Object sky coordinates to not match the number of spectra.') if obj_skyx.shape != obj_skyy.shape: raise ValueError('Mismatch of object x and y coordinate shapes.') if len(remap_skyx.shape) != 1: raise ValueError('Remapping coordinates must be a vector.') if remap_skyx.size != self.nremap: raise ValueError('Remapping sky coordinates to not match the number of spectra.') if remap_skyx.shape != remap_skyy.shape: raise ValueError('Mismatch of the remapping x and y coordinate shapes.') return obj_skyx, obj_skyy, remap_skyx, remap_skyy
[docs] def _is_near_bounds(self, kin, kin_inp, vel_indx, sig_indx, lbound, ubound, tol_frac=1e-2, fill_value=-999.): r""" Check if the kinematics were fit and near the imposed limits. Any value that is close to ``fill_value`` is flagged as not having been fit, presumably because too much/all of the data near the emission line is masked. The definition of "near" is that the velocity and higher moments cannot be closer than the provided fraction of the total width to the boundary. For the velocity dispersion, the fraction is done in log space. Args: kin (numpy.ndarray): Best-fitting kinematic parameters. Shape should be :math:`(N_{\rm spec},N_{\rm kin})`. kin_inp (numpy.ndarray): The initial guesses for the best-fitting kinematics. This is needed because the velocity limits are set relative to the input guess. Shape should be :math:`(N_{\rm spec},N_{\rm kin})`. vel_index (numpy.ndarray): Boolean array setting if the parameter is a velocity. This is needed because the velocity limits are set relative to the input guess. sig_index (numpy.ndarray): Boolean array setting if the parameter is a velocity dispersion. This is needed because the proximity to the bounds is logarithmic for the velocity dispersion. lbound (numpy.ndarray): Lower bound on each parameter. ubound (numpy.ndarray): Upper bound on each parameter. tol_frac (float): (**Optional**) The fractional tolerance for classifying the returned parameter and near the boundary. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Three boolean arrays that flag if (1) the parameter is near either boundary, (2) the parameter is near the lower boundary, and (3) the parameter is near the fill_value. The second array is important in case the fitted parameter is a velocity dispersion and that it's near the lower boundary because it has hit the pixel sampling limit. """ nspec = kin.shape[0] # Number of spectra fit # Offset velocity: bounded by *deviations* from input value _lbound = numpy.array([lbound]*nspec) _ubound = numpy.array([ubound]*nspec) _lbound[:,vel_indx] += kin_inp[:,vel_indx] _ubound[:,vel_indx] += kin_inp[:,vel_indx] # Set the tolerance Db = _ubound-_lbound Db[:,sig_indx] = numpy.log10(_ubound[:,sig_indx])-numpy.log10(_lbound[:,sig_indx]) tol = Db*tol_frac # Determine if the parameter is near the lower boundary (only # relevant to the sigma) ... near_lower_bound = kin - _lbound < tol # and whether it's close to either near_bound = near_lower_bound | (_ubound - kin < tol) # Determine if the parameter is near the fill value indicating # that it was not included in the fit tol = 1e-5 # !! HARDCODED !! no_data = numpy.absolute(kin - fill_value) < tol # If the parameter was not fit, parameter not near any boundary near_bound[no_data] = False near_lower_bound[no_data] = False # Return the two boundary flags return near_bound, near_lower_bound, no_data
[docs] def _validate_dispersions(self, model_eml_par, rng=[0,400]): """ Check that the corrected velocity dispersion are in the provided range. (FB) More flagging of kinematic paramters. DOES THIS APPLY TO EMISSION LINES? (KBW): Yes. The corrected dispsersion must be larger than 0 and less than 400 km/s. It's easy to turn this off or change the limits. (KBW) Currently not called... Args: model_eml_par (:class:`~mangadap.proc.spectralfitting.EmissionLineDataTable`): Data table with the parameters measured for each emission line. rng (:obj:`list`, optional): Two-element list with the minimum and maximum allowed *corrected* velocity dispersion. Measurements outside this range are flagged as ``BAD_SIGMA``. Returns: `numpy.recarray`_: Returns the input record array with any additional flags. """ _rng = numpy.square(rng) _fit_eml = numpy.zeros(model_eml_par['SIGMACORR'].shape, dtype=bool) _fit_eml[:,self.fit_eml] = True sigcor = numpy.square(model_eml_par['KIN'][:,:,1]) \ - numpy.square(model_eml_par['SIGMACORR'][:,:]) indx = ((sigcor < _rng[0]) | (sigcor > _rng[1])) & _fit_eml if numpy.sum(indx) == 0: return model_eml_par['MASK'][indx] = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_eml_par['MASK'][indx], 'BAD_SIGMA') return model_eml_par
[docs] def _reset_to_fill_value(self, model_eml_par, fill_value=-999.): """ Reset all the emission lines masked as having insufficient data to fit to the provided fill value. .. note:: The error values are currently reset to 0. by :class:`mangadap.proc.emissionlinemodel.EmissionLineModel.` """ indx = self.bitmask.flagged(model_eml_par['MASK'], flag='INSUFFICIENT_DATA') model_eml_par['FLUX'][indx] = fill_value model_eml_par['FLUXERR'][indx] = fill_value model_eml_par['KIN'][indx,:] = fill_value model_eml_par['KINERR'][indx,:] = fill_value model_eml_par['SIGMACORR'][indx] = fill_value model_eml_par['SIGMAINST'][indx] = fill_value model_eml_par['SIGMATPL'][indx] = fill_value if > -1: model_eml_par['CONTAPLY'][indx] = fill_value if self.mdegree > 0: model_eml_par['CONTMPLY'][indx] = fill_value if self.reddening is not None: model_eml_par['CONTRFIT'][indx] = fill_value return model_eml_par
[docs] def _save_results(self, etpl, start, end, flux, ferr, spec_to_fit, model_flux, model_eml_flux, model_wgts, model_wgts_err, model_addcoef, model_multcoef, model_reddening, model_kin_inp, model_kin, model_kin_err, model_mask, model_fit_par, model_eml_par, fill_value=-999.): r""" Save and assess the results of the ppxf fits. The results are saved both as the direct output from pPXF and after parsing the data into the results for each emission line. The function also assesses the data to set any necessary flags. Much of this is the same as :class:`mangadap.proc.ppxffit.PPXFFit._save_results`. Args: etpl (:class:`mangadap.proc.emissionlinetemplates.EmissionLineTemplates`): The object used to construct and hold the emission-line templates. start (`numpy.ndarray`): Starting pixel of the fit for each spectrum. end (`numpy.ndarray`): End pixel (exclusive) of the fit for each spectrum. flux (`numpy.ndarray`): The fitted spectra. ferr (`numpy.ndarray`): Errors in the fitted spectra. spec_to_fit (`numpy.ndarray`): Boolean flags for spectra with attempted fits. model_flux (`numpy.ndarray`): The best-fit model spectra. model_eml_flux (`numpy.ndarray`): The best-fit emission-line-only spectra. model_wgts (`numpy.ndarray`): The weights applied to each template. model_wgts_err (`numpy.ndarray`): The weight errors. model_addcoeff (`numpy.ndarray`): The coefficients of any fitted additive polynomials. model_multcoeff (`numpy.ndarray`): The coefficients of any fitted multiplicative polynomials. model_reddening (`numpy.ndarray`): The best-fitting :math:`E(B-V)` if reddening was included in the fits. model_kin_inp (`numpy.ndarray`): The starting-guess input kinematics. model_kin (`numpy.ndarray`): The best-fitting kinematics. model_kin_err (`numpy.ndarray`): The errors in the kinematics. model_mask (`numpy.ndarray`): The array of bitmask values associated with spectral fitting flags. Shape is :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm pix})`. model_fit_par (:class:`SasukeFitDataTable`): Data table with the specific fit parameters. This is parsed into the main datatable by :func:`_save_results`. model_eml_par (:class:`~mangadap.proc.spectralfitting.EmissionLineDataTable`): Data table with the parameters measured for each emission line. fill_value (scalar-like, optional): The value used to fill masked measurements. Returns: tuple: Five numpy arrays are returned: - (1) the best-fitting model spectra, - (2) the best-fitting emission-line only spectra, - (3) the bitmask values, - (4) the per spectrum ppxf result, and - (5) the per spectrum emission-line parameters. The first 3 returned objects are of type numpy.ndarray and have shape :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm pix})`; the last two are `numpy.recarray`_ instances with shape :math:`(N_{\rm spec},)`. """ # Generate some convenience data: # - Generate vectors with the lower and upper bounds for the # kinematic parameters (lbound, ubound) # - Get the list of indices in the flatted kinematics vectors # with the *unfixed*, *defining* parameters used for each # kinematic measurement. These are used to set the # kinematics and errors for each emission line. (par_indx) # - Flag parameters that are velocity (vel_indx) and sigma # components (sig_indx) lboundi = [ self.velocity_limits[0], self.sigma_limits[0], self.gh_limits[0], self.gh_limits[0], self.gh_limits[0], self.gh_limits[0] ] uboundi = [ self.velocity_limits[1], self.sigma_limits[1], self.gh_limits[1], self.gh_limits[1], self.gh_limits[1], self.gh_limits[1] ] lbound = [] ubound = [] tied = ppxf_tied_parameters(self.tpl_comp, self.tpl_vgrp, self.tpl_sgrp, self.comp_moments) par_indx = [] vel_indx = numpy.zeros(self.npar_kin, dtype=bool) sig_indx = numpy.zeros(self.npar_kin, dtype=bool) for j in range(self.ncomp): ii = numpy.sum(numpy.absolute(self.comp_moments[:j])) nmom = numpy.absolute(self.comp_moments[j]) par_indx += [ [0]*nmom ] for k in range(nmom): par_indx[j][k] = ii+k if tied is None or len(tied[j][k]) == 0 \ else int(tied[j][k].split('[')[1].split(']')[0]) vel_indx[ii+0] = True sig_indx[ii+1] = True lbound += [ lboundi[:nmom] ] ubound += [ uboundi[:nmom] ] lbound = numpy.concatenate(tuple(lbound)) ubound = numpy.concatenate(tuple(ubound)) # Set the model data to masked arrays model_flux =, mask=model_mask > 0) model_eml_flux =, mask=model_mask > 0) # Save the pixel statistics model_fit_par['BEGPIX'][:] = start model_fit_par['ENDPIX'][:] = end model_fit_par['NPIXTOT'][:] = end - start model_fit_par['NPIXFIT'] = numpy.array([numpy.sum(numpy.logical_not([i,s:e])) for i,(s,e) in enumerate(zip(start,end))]) # Calculate the model residuals, which are masked where the data # were not fit residual = flux - model_flux fractional_residual =, model_flux) chi2 = numpy.square(, ferr)) # Get the figures-of-merit for each spectrum model_fit_par['CHI2'] =, axis=1).filled(0.0) # Get the (fractional) residual RMS for each spectrum model_fit_par['RMS'] = numpy.sqrt(, axis=1).filled(0.0)) model_fit_par['FRMS'] = numpy.sqrt(, axis=1).filled(0.0)) # Save the weights and errors model_fit_par['TPLWGT'][spec_to_fit,:] = model_wgts model_fit_par['TPLWGTERR'][spec_to_fit,:] = model_wgts_err # The set of gas templates, and the kinematic component, # velocity group, and sigma group associated with each # template are the same for all fits nspec = self.nobj if self.nremap == 0 else self.nremap model_fit_par['KINCMP'] = numpy.array([self.tpl_comp]*nspec) model_fit_par['VELCMP'] = numpy.array([self.tpl_vgrp]*nspec) model_fit_par['SIGCMP'] = numpy.array([self.tpl_sgrp]*nspec) model_fit_par['TIEDKIN'] = numpy.array([numpy.concatenate(tuple(par_indx))]*nspec) # Get the number of degress of freedom for each fit: The # kinematics have to be free and tied to a template with # a non-zero weight. kin_is_free = (numpy.arange(model_fit_par['TIEDKIN'].shape[1]) - model_fit_par['TIEDKIN'][0,:]) == 0 kin_is_used = numpy.zeros_like(model_fit_par['TIEDKIN'], dtype=bool) for i in range(nspec): indx = model_fit_par['TPLWGT'][i,:] > 0 cmp_is_used = numpy.unique(model_fit_par['KINCMP'][i,indx]) for c in cmp_is_used: nprev = numpy.sum(numpy.absolute(self.comp_moments[:c])) kin_is_used[i,nprev:nprev+self.comp_moments[c]] = True # Save the polynomial coefficients used_apoly = False if > -1 and model_addcoef is not None: model_fit_par['ADDCOEF'][spec_to_fit,:] = model_addcoef used_apoly = True used_mpoly = False if self.mdegree > 0 and model_multcoef is not None: model_fit_par['MULTCOEF'][spec_to_fit,:] = model_multcoef used_mpoly = True used_ebv = False if self.reddening is not None and model_reddening is not None: model_fit_par['EBV'][spec_to_fit] = model_reddening used_ebv = True # Degrees of freedom is the number of non-zero templates, the # associated set of kinematic parameters, and any continuum # modifications dof = numpy.sum(model_fit_par['TPLWGT'] > 0, axis=1) \ + numpy.sum(kin_is_free[None,:] * kin_is_used, axis=1) dof += ( + self.mdegree) # Sums to zero if both are not used if used_ebv: dof += 1 # Reduced chi-square model_fit_par['RCHI2'][spec_to_fit] \ =['CHI2'][spec_to_fit], model_fit_par['NPIXFIT'][spec_to_fit] - dof[spec_to_fit]) # Flattened input and output kinematics model_fit_par['KININP'][spec_to_fit,:] = model_kin_inp model_fit_par['KIN'][spec_to_fit,:] = model_kin model_fit_par['KINERR'][spec_to_fit,:] = model_kin_err # Test if the kinematics are near the imposed boundaries. near_bound, near_lower_bound, no_data \ = self._is_near_bounds(model_fit_par['KIN'], model_fit_par['KININP'], vel_indx, sig_indx, lbound, ubound, fill_value=fill_value) # Flag the fit *globally* # - If the velocity dispersion has hit the lower limit for all # lines, ONLY flag the value as having a MIN_SIGMA. indx = numpy.all(near_lower_bound & sig_indx[None,:], axis=1) if numpy.sum(indx) > 0: model_fit_par['MASK'][indx] \ = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_fit_par['MASK'][indx], 'MIN_SIGMA') # - Otherwise, flag the full fit (parameters and model) as # NEAR_BOUND if all the parameters are near the boundary but # not the lower sigma boundary indx = numpy.all( (near_lower_bound & numpy.invert(sig_indx)[None,:]) | (near_bound & numpy.invert(near_lower_bound)), axis=1) if numpy.sum(indx) > 0: model_fit_par['MASK'][indx] = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_fit_par['MASK'][indx], 'NEAR_BOUND') # model_mask[indx,:] = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_mask[indx,:], 'NEAR_BOUND') # - Flag the spectrum was not fit if not numpy.all(spec_to_fit): indx = numpy.invert(spec_to_fit) model_fit_par['MASK'][indx] = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_fit_par['MASK'][indx], 'NO_FIT') # model_mask[indx,:] = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_mask[indx,:], 'NO_FIT') # Convert the velocities from pixel units to cz model_fit_par['KININP'][:,vel_indx], _ \ = PPXFFit.convert_velocity(model_fit_par['KININP'][:,vel_indx], numpy.zeros(numpy.sum(vel_indx))) model_fit_par['KIN'][:,vel_indx], model_fit_par['KINERR'][:,vel_indx] \ = PPXFFit.convert_velocity(model_fit_par['KIN'][:,vel_indx], model_fit_par['KINERR'][:,vel_indx]) # Divvy up the fitted parameters into the result for each # emission line for j in range(self.neml): if not self.fit_eml[j]: continue # The "fit index" is the component of the line model_eml_par['FIT_INDEX'][:,j] = self.eml_compi[j] # Use the flattened vectors to set the kinematics indx = par_indx[self.eml_compi[j]] model_eml_par['KIN'][:,j,:] = model_fit_par['KIN'][:,indx] model_eml_par['KINERR'][:,j,:] = model_fit_par['KINERR'][:,indx] z = model_eml_par['KIN'][:,j,0]/'km/s').value # Use the fitted weights to set the gas flux; the # EmissionLineTemplates class constructs each line to have # the flux provided by the emission-line database in the # rest frame. The ppxf convolution keeps the sum of the # template constant, meaning that the total flux in the line # increases with redshift. model_eml_par['FLUX'][:,j] = model_fit_par['TPLWGT'][:,self.eml_tpli[j]] \ * etpl.line_flux[j] * (1 + z) model_eml_par['FLUXERR'][:,j] = model_fit_par['TPLWGTERR'][:,self.eml_tpli[j]] \ * etpl.line_flux[j] * (1 + z) # Get the bound masks specific to this emission-line (set) # - Determine if the emission-line was part of a rejected # template flg = numpy.any(no_data[:,indx], axis=1) if numpy.sum(flg) > 0: model_eml_par['MASK'][flg,j] = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_eml_par['MASK'][flg,j], 'INSUFFICIENT_DATA') # - Determine if the velocity dispersion parameter of this # line has hit the lower limit; if so, ONLY flag the value # as having a MIN_SIGMA. flg = numpy.any(near_lower_bound[:,indx] & sig_indx[None,indx], axis=1) if numpy.sum(flg) > 0: model_eml_par['MASK'][flg,j] = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_eml_par['MASK'][flg,j], 'MIN_SIGMA') # - Determine if any of the kinematic parameters are near # the bound (excluding the lower velocity dispersion # limit) flg = numpy.any((near_lower_bound[:,indx] & numpy.invert(sig_indx)[None,indx]) | (near_bound[:,indx] & numpy.invert(near_lower_bound[:,indx])), axis=1) if numpy.sum(flg) > 0: model_eml_par['MASK'][flg,j] = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_eml_par['MASK'][flg,j], 'NEAR_BOUND') # Flag the pixels that were not used model_mask[flux.mask] = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_mask[flux.mask], flag='DIDNOTUSE') # Mask any lines that were not fit model_eml_par['MASK'][:,numpy.invert(self.fit_eml)] \ = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_eml_par['MASK'][:,numpy.invert(self.fit_eml)], flag='NO_FIT') #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Iterate over each spectrum sres = self.obj_sres if self.nremap == 0 else self.remap_sres for i in range(nspec): if not spec_to_fit[i]: continue poly_x = numpy.linspace(-1, 1, end[i]-start[i]) # Get growth statistics for the three figures of merit model_fit_par['CHIGRW'][i,:] \ = sample_growth([i,:]).compressed(), [0.0, 0.68, 0.95, 0.99, 1.0], use_interpolate=False) model_fit_par['RMSGRW'][i,:] \ = sample_growth([i,:]).compressed(), [0.0, 0.68, 0.95, 0.99, 1.0], use_interpolate=False) model_fit_par['FRMSGRW'][i,:] \ = sample_growth([i,:]).compressed(), [0.0, 0.68, 0.95, 0.99, 1.0], use_interpolate=False) if used_apoly or used_mpoly or used_ebv: # Sample the polynomials at the fitted wavelength of # each line obswave = self.emldb['restwave'][self.fit_eml] \ * (1 + model_eml_par['KIN'][i,self.fit_eml,0] /'km/s').value) # - Additive polynomial: if used_apoly: apoly = numpy.polynomial.legendre.legval(poly_x, model_fit_par['ADDCOEF'][i,:]) model_fit_par['APLYMINMAX'][i,:] = [numpy.amin(apoly), numpy.amax(apoly)] model_eml_par['CONTAPLY'][i,:] \ = interpolate.interp1d(self.obj_wave[start[i]:end[i]], apoly, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0, assume_sorted=True)(obswave) # - Multiplicative polynomial: if used_mpoly: mpoly = numpy.polynomial.legendre.legval(poly_x, numpy.append(1, model_fit_par['MULTCOEF'][i,:])) model_fit_par['MPLYMINMAX'][i,:] = [numpy.amin(mpoly), numpy.amax(mpoly)] model_eml_par['CONTMPLY'][i,:] \ = interpolate.interp1d(self.obj_wave[start[i]:end[i]], mpoly, bounds_error=False, fill_value=1.0, assume_sorted=True)(obswave) #------------------------------------------------------- # As of version 6.6.5, pPXF no longer applies the # multiplicative polynomial to the gas templates # factor = interpolate.interp1d(self.obj_wave[start:end], mpoly, bounds_error=False, # fill_value=1.0, assume_sorted=True)(obswave) # model_eml_par['FLUX'][i,self.fit_eml] *= factor # model_eml_par['FLUXERR'][i,self.fit_eml] *= factor #------------------------------------------------------- # - Reddening: if used_ebv: extcurve = ppxf.reddening_cal00(self.obj_wave, model_fit_par['EBV'][i]) model_eml_par['CONTRFIT'][i,:] \ = interpolate.interp1d(self.obj_wave, extcurve, bounds_error=False, fill_value=1.0, assume_sorted=True)(obswave) # Get the instrumental dispersion in the galaxy data at the # location of the fitted lines # TODO: sres has to be provided! model_eml_par['SIGMAINST'][i,self.fit_eml] = \ EmissionLineFit.instrumental_dispersion(self.obj_wave, sres[i,:], self.emldb['restwave'][self.fit_eml], model_eml_par['KIN'][i,self.fit_eml,0]) # Set the instrumental dispersion of the emission line # templates to the output database model_eml_par['SIGMATPL'][i,self.fit_eml] = etpl.eml_sigma_inst[self.fit_eml] # Add the template dispersion into the fitted dispersion to # get the observed dispersion model_eml_par['KINERR'][i,self.fit_eml,1] \ = model_eml_par['KIN'][i,self.fit_eml,1] \ * model_eml_par['KINERR'][i,self.fit_eml,1] model_eml_par['KIN'][i,self.fit_eml,1] \ = numpy.sqrt( numpy.square(model_eml_par['KIN'][i,self.fit_eml,1]) + numpy.square(model_eml_par['SIGMATPL'][i,self.fit_eml])) model_eml_par['KINERR'][i,self.fit_eml,1] /= model_eml_par['KIN'][i,self.fit_eml,1] # With these definitions, the sigma correction is the same # as the instrumental dispersion; see copy function outside # the loop below #----------------------------------------------------------- # With the above definitions (starting at line 1274), the # instrumental sigma and the sigma correction are identical model_eml_par['SIGMACORR'] = model_eml_par['SIGMAINST'].copy() #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Reset any parameters based on insufficient data to the fill_value model_eml_par = self._reset_to_fill_value(model_eml_par, fill_value=fill_value) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Test if kinematics are reliable # model_eml_par = self._validate_dispersions(model_eml_par) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Return the fitting results # - model_flux: full model fit to the spectra # - model_eml_flux: emission-line only model # - model_mask: Bitmask spectra for the fit # - model_fit_par: The saved results from the ppxf fit # - model_eml_par: The fit results parsed into data for each # emission line return model_flux, model_eml_flux, model_mask, model_fit_par, model_eml_par
# def get_stellar_templates(self, par, cube, z=0., loggers=None, quiet=False): # """ # Return the stellar template library. # # If fitting a different set of templates, the spectral resolution # of the new templates must be matched to the galaxy data and the # velocity dispersion used by the fit must be astrophysical # (corrected for any resolution difference). # # Returns: # TemplateLibrary, bool, int: Returns the template library, a # flag if the resolution of the templates has been matched to # the galaxy data, and the velocity sampling compared to the # galaxy data. # """ # if par['continuum_templates'] is not None: # if isinstance(par['continuum_templates'], TemplateLibrary): # # The template library has already been instantiated so # # just copy the object. Assume this means that the # # spectral resolution has been matched to the MaNGA data # # because otherwise par['continuum_templates'] is None. # # TODO: Instead test that the spectral resolution of the # # template libary has been matched to the MaNGA data? # return par['continuum_templates'], True, par['velscale_ratio'] # # # Otherwise it must be the keyword of the library that needs # # to be constructed. # if par['stellar_continuum'] is not None and par['continuum_templates'] \ # == par['stellar_continuum'].method['fitpar']['template_library_key']: # # The templates used are the same, so warn the user and # # just copy over the existing template library. This # # maintains the resolution difference # warnings.warn('Request emission-line continuum templates identical to those ' # 'used during the stellar continuum fitting.') # return Sasuke._copy_from_stellar_continuum(par['stellar_continuum']) # # # The template library needs to be constructed based on the # # provided keyword TODO: The TemplateLibrary object uses the # # median spectral resolution vector when performing the # # resolution match to the MaNGA data. # return TemplateLibrary(par['continuum_templates'], #'km/s').value*z, # cube=cube, match_resolution=True, # velscale_ratio=par['velscale_ratio'], hardcopy=False, # loggers=loggers, quiet=quiet), True, par['velscale_ratio'] # # if par['continuum_templates'] is None and par['stellar_continuum'] is not None: # return Sasuke._copy_from_stellar_continuum(par['stellar_continuum']) # # # No stellar templates available # return None, None, None
[docs] def fit_SpatiallyBinnedSpectra(self, binned_spectra, good_bins=None, good_spax=None, stellar_continuum=None, par=None, loggers=None, quiet=False, debug=False): r""" This DAP-specific function interprets the DAP-specific classes and constructs call(s) to the general :func:`fit` function to fit the spectra. The format of the calling sequence is dictated by the DAP interface: Any emission-line fitter (e.g. :class:`mangadap.proc.elric.Elric`) must have the same function interface in order to be called within the :class:`mangadap.proc.emissionlinemodel.EmissionLineModel` object. Because this is a DAP-specific function, it should not declare anything to self. The returned emission-line "baseline" array is set to be the difference between the best-fitting stellar continuum (passed to this function as par['stellar_continuum']) and the best-fitting stellar continuum from the combined emission-line and stellar spectra produced by :func:`fit`. In this way, the best-fitting model for each spectrum is:: best_fit_model = par['stellar_continuum']['FLUX'].data \ + model_eml_flux + model_eml_base where `model_eml_flux` and `model_eml_base` are the 2nd and 3rd returned objects, respectively. These are written to the output DAP model LOGCUBE file in the extensions EMLINE and EMLINE_BASE, respectively. Args: binned_spectra (:class:`mangadap.proc.spatiallybinnedspectra.SpatiallyBinnedSpectra`): Spectra to fit. par (:class:`SasukePar`): Parameters provided from the DAP to the general Sasuke fitting algorithm (:func:`fit`). Althought technically optional given that it is a keyword parameter, the :class:`SasukePar` parameter must be provided for proper execution of the function. loggers (:obj:`list`, optional): List of `logging.Logger`_ objects to log progress; ignored if ``quiet=True``. Logging is done using :func:`mangadap.util.log.log_output`. Default is no logging. quiet (:obj:`bool`, optional): Suppress all terminal and logging output. Returns: tuple: The function returns: 1. wavelength vector of the fitted models, which should match the binned spectra wavelength vector (binned_spectra['WAVE'].data), 2. the best-fitting emission-line model model spectra, 3. the best-fitting emission-line baseline (see the description above), 4. the bitmask values, 5. the per spectrum ppxf result, and 6. the per spectrum emission-line parameters. The first object is a numpy.ndarray instance with shape :math:`(N_{\rm pix},)` , the next 3 objects are numpy.ndarray instances with shape :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm pix})`, and the last two are numpy.recarray instances with shape :math:`(N_{\rm spec},)`. """ # Assign the parameters if provided if par is None: raise ValueError('Must provide parameters!') if not isinstance(par, SasukePar): raise TypeError('Input parameters must be an instance of SasukePar.') # SasukePar checks the types of the stellar continuum, # emission-line database, and pixel mask # SpatiallyBinnedSpectra object always needed if binned_spectra is None: raise ValueError('Must provide spectra object for fitting.') if not isinstance(binned_spectra, SpatiallyBinnedSpectra): raise TypeError('Must provide a valid SpatiallyBinnedSpectra object!') if binned_spectra.hdu is None: raise ValueError('Provided SpatiallyBinnedSpectra object is undefined!') #plot = debug plot = False # Get the data arrays to fit # TODO: May also want to exclude pixels rejected during stellar # kinematics fit wave, flux, ferr, sres = EmissionLineFit.get_spectra_to_fit(binned_spectra, pixelmask=par['pixelmask'], error=True) # Get the binned spectra that meet the S/N criterion # bins_to_fit = EmissionLineFit.select_binned_spectra_to_fit(binned_spectra, # minimum_snr=par['minimum_snr'], # stellar_continuum=par['stellar_continuum'], # debug=debug) bins_to_fit = numpy.ones(flux.shape[0], dtype=bool) if good_bins is None else good_bins if numpy.sum(bins_to_fit) == 0: raise ValueError('No good spectra to fit!') good_bins = binned_spectra['BINS'].data['BINID'][bins_to_fit] flux = flux[bins_to_fit,:] ferr = ferr[bins_to_fit,:] sres = sres[bins_to_fit,:] guess_redshift = par['guess_redshift'][bins_to_fit] guess_dispersion = par['guess_dispersion'][bins_to_fit] # Get the stellar templates # stellar_templates, matched_resolution, velscale_ratio \ # = self.get_stellar_templates(par, binned_spectra.cube, # z=numpy.mean(guess_redshift), # loggers=loggers, quiet=quiet) stellar_templates = par.templates # matched_resolution = par.templates.library['matched_resolution'] velscale_ratio = par['velscale_ratio'] stpl_wave = None if stellar_templates is None else stellar_templates['WAVE'].data stpl_flux = None if stellar_templates is None else stellar_templates['FLUX'].data if not quiet: warnings.warn('Adopting mean spectral resolution of all templates!') stpl_sres = None if stellar_templates is None \ else numpy.mean(stellar_templates['SPECRES'].data, axis=0).ravel() # Get the stellar kinematics # stellar_velocity, stellar_dispersion = (None, None) if par['stellar_continuum'] is None \ # else par['stellar_continuum'].matched_kinematics( # binned_spectra['BINID'].data, cz=True, # nearest=True, missing=binned_spectra.missing_bins, # corrected=matched_resolution) stellar_kinematics = None if par['stellar_velocity'] is None \ or par['stellar_dispersion'] is None \ else numpy.array([par['stellar_velocity'], par['stellar_dispersion']]).T # Set which stellar templates to use for each spectrum # TODO: Template modes: # - provide all # - provide non-zero # - optimal template from each bin # stpl_to_use = None if par['stellar_continuum'] is None \ # else par['stellar_continuum'].matched_template_flags(binned_spectra) # TODO: !!HARDCODED!! stpl_to_use = None # Use all templates # Down-select to the bins to fit if stpl_to_use is not None: stpl_to_use = stpl_to_use[bins_to_fit,:] if stellar_kinematics is not None: stellar_kinematics = stellar_kinematics[bins_to_fit,:] # TODO: For now can only fit two moments # if par['moments'] != 2: # print(par['moments']) # raise NotImplementedError('Number of gas moments can only be two.') if par['deconstruct_bins'] != 'ignore': # Get the individual spaxel data; this returns all spaxels # in the original datacube _, spaxel_flux, spaxel_ferr, spaxel_sres \ = EmissionLineFit.get_spectra_to_fit(binned_spectra, pixelmask=par['pixelmask'], error=True, original_spaxels=True) # Select spaxels to fit based on how many meet the valid # spectral range criterion. Note: bins_to_fit is only used # if debug is True. # TODO: set minimum_fraction as a keyword. Set to 0.8 by # default # TODO: THIS IGNORES THE MINIMUM S/N! # spaxel_to_fit = EmissionLineFit.select_spaxels_to_fit(binned_spectra, # bins_to_fit=bins_to_fit, # debug=debug) spaxel_to_fit = numpy.ones(spaxel_flux.shape[0], dtype=bool) if good_spax is None \ else good_spax if numpy.sum(spaxel_to_fit) == 0: raise ValueError('No good spectra to fit!') spaxel_flux = spaxel_flux[spaxel_to_fit,:] spaxel_ferr = spaxel_ferr[spaxel_to_fit,:] spaxel_sres = spaxel_sres[spaxel_to_fit,:] # Get the spaxel spatial coordinates; shape is (Nspaxel,). # All coordinates are needed here and downselected below to # only the coordinate of the fitted spaxels. spaxel_x = binned_spectra.rdxqa['SPECTRUM'].data['SKY_COO'][:,0] spaxel_y = binned_spectra.rdxqa['SPECTRUM'].data['SKY_COO'][:,1] # Get the binned spatial coordinates bin_x = binned_spectra['BINS'].data['SKY_COO'][bins_to_fit,0] bin_y = binned_spectra['BINS'].data['SKY_COO'][bins_to_fit,1] # Depending on the deconstruction method, get the bin ID if par['deconstruct_bins'] == 'nearest': binid = None spaxel_x = spaxel_x[spaxel_to_fit] spaxel_y = spaxel_y[spaxel_to_fit] elif par['deconstruct_bins'] == 'binid': # Remap to all spaxels binid = DAPFitsUtil.downselect_bins(binned_spectra['BINID'].data.ravel(), good_bins) if numpy.any(binid[spaxel_to_fit] == -1): # Some spaxels may have been excluded from any bin # used to fit the stellar kinematics. In this case, # the spaxel *must* be associated by on-sky location # to the nearest bin. indx = spaxel_to_fit & (binid == -1) binid[indx] = good_bins[numpy.argmin(numpy.square(spaxel_x[indx,None]-bin_x) + numpy.square(spaxel_y[indx,None]-bin_y), axis=1)] assert not numpy.any(binid[spaxel_to_fit] == -1), \ 'CODING ERROR: did not catch all the bad bin IDs.' # Remap the binid to the index of the spectrum in the down-selected bins remap = numpy.empty(numpy.amax(good_bins)+1, dtype=int) remap[good_bins] = numpy.arange(len(good_bins)) binid = remap[binid] # Downselect to the spaxels to fit binid = binid[spaxel_to_fit] spaxel_x = spaxel_x[spaxel_to_fit] spaxel_y = spaxel_y[spaxel_to_fit] else: raise ValueError('Unknown bin deconstruction method.') # Return the fits to the individual spaxel data model_wave, model_flux, model_eml_flux, model_mask, model_fit_par, model_eml_par \ =, wave, flux, obj_ferr=ferr, obj_mask=par['pixelmask'], obj_sres=sres, guess_redshift=guess_redshift, guess_dispersion=guess_dispersion, reject_boxcar=par['reject_boxcar'], stpl_wave=stpl_wave, stpl_flux=stpl_flux, stpl_sres=stpl_sres, stpl_to_use=stpl_to_use, stellar_kinematics=stellar_kinematics, etpl_sinst_mode=par['etpl_line_sigma_mode'], etpl_sinst_min=par['etpl_line_sigma_min'], remapid=binid, remap_flux=spaxel_flux, remap_ferr=spaxel_ferr, remap_mask=par['pixelmask'], remap_sres=spaxel_sres, remap_skyx=spaxel_x, remap_skyy=spaxel_y, obj_skyx=bin_x, obj_skyy=bin_y, velscale_ratio=velscale_ratio, degree=par['degree'], mdegree=par['mdegree'], reddening=par['reddening'], loggers=loggers, quiet=quiet, plot=plot) # Convert the index number of the nearest bin to the BIN ID # number model_fit_par['NEAREST_BIN'] = good_bins[model_fit_par['NEAREST_BIN']] model_binid = numpy.full(binned_spectra.spatial_shape, -1, dtype=int) model_binid.ravel()[spaxel_to_fit] = numpy.arange(numpy.sum(spaxel_to_fit)) # Add the equivalent width data; redshift to apply is taken # from the emission-line parameters object. # TODO: Emission-line equivalent-width measurements should # be put in EmissionLineModel... EmissionLineFit.measure_equivalent_width(wave, spaxel_flux, par.emldb, model_eml_par, bitmask=self.bitmask, checkdb=False) else: # Return the fits to the binned data model_wave, model_flux, model_eml_flux, model_mask, model_fit_par, model_eml_par \ =, wave, flux, obj_ferr=ferr, obj_mask=par['pixelmask'], obj_sres=sres, guess_redshift=guess_redshift, guess_dispersion=guess_dispersion, reject_boxcar=par['reject_boxcar'], stpl_wave=stpl_wave, stpl_flux=stpl_flux, stpl_sres=stpl_sres, stpl_to_use=stpl_to_use, stellar_kinematics=stellar_kinematics, etpl_sinst_mode=par['etpl_line_sigma_mode'], etpl_sinst_min=par['etpl_line_sigma_min'], velscale_ratio=velscale_ratio, degree=par['degree'], mdegree=par['mdegree'], reddening=par['reddening'], loggers=loggers, quiet=quiet, plot=plot) # Save the the bin ID numbers indices based on the spectra # selected to be fit model_fit_par['BINID'] = good_bins model_fit_par['BINID_INDEX'] = numpy.arange(binned_spectra.nbins)[bins_to_fit] model_fit_par['NEAREST_BIN'] = good_bins model_eml_par['BINID'] = model_fit_par['BINID'] model_eml_par['BINID_INDEX'] = model_fit_par['BINID_INDEX'] # Bin IDs are the same as on input model_binid = None # Add the equivalent width data; redshift to apply is taken # from the emission-line parameters object. # TODO: Emission-line equivalent-width measurements should # be put in EmissionLineModel... EmissionLineFit.measure_equivalent_width(wave, flux, par.emldb, model_eml_par, bitmask=self.bitmask, checkdb=False) # Reset the equivalent widths to the fill value. The error # values are currently reset to 0. by EmissionLineModel. indx = self.bitmask.flagged(model_eml_par['MASK'], flag='INSUFFICIENT_DATA') model_eml_par['BMED'][indx] = -999. model_eml_par['RMED'][indx] = -999. model_eml_par['EWCONT'][indx] = -999. model_eml_par['EW'][indx] = -999. model_eml_par['EWERR'][indx] = -999. # Calculate the "emission-line baseline" as the difference # between the stellar continuum model determined for the # kinematics and the one determined by the optimized # stellar-continuum + emission-line fit: # TODO: Change this so that the model is directly output instead of the # baseline!!!!! if stellar_continuum is not None: # Get the stellar continuum. The model extends over over # regions masked during the fit, but 0 outside the spectral # range of the fit. sc_continuum = stellar_continuum.fill_to_match(binned_spectra['BINID'].data, missing=binned_spectra.missing_bins) # Get the stellar continuum fit during the emission-line # modeling. The masked arrays are reset to only mask # regions to the blue or red of the first and last unmasked # pixels, respectively. el_continuum = StellarContinuumModel.reset_continuum_mask_window(model_flux) \ - StellarContinuumModel.reset_continuum_mask_window(model_eml_flux) # Get the continuum model differences, and restructure the # array to match the shape of the emission-line models if par['deconstruct_bins'] != 'ignore': # Construct the full 3D cubes for both continuum models sc_model_flux = DAPFitsUtil.reconstruct_cube(binned_spectra.shape, binned_spectra['BINID'].data.ravel(), sc_continuum.filled(0.0) ).reshape(-1,self.npix_obj) el_continuum = DAPFitsUtil.reconstruct_cube(binned_spectra.shape, model_binid.ravel(), el_continuum.filled(0.0) ).reshape(-1,self.npix_obj) model_eml_base = (el_continuum - sc_model_flux)[spaxel_to_fit,:] else: model_eml_base = el_continuum.filled(0.0) - sc_continuum.filled(0.0)[bins_to_fit,:] else: model_eml_base = numpy.zeros(model_flux.shape, dtype=float) return model_eml_flux, model_eml_base, model_mask, model_fit_par, model_eml_par,\ model_binid
[docs] def fit(self, emission_lines, obj_wave, obj_flux, obj_ferr=None, obj_mask=None, obj_sres=None, guess_redshift=None, guess_dispersion=None, reject_boxcar=None, stpl_wave=None, stpl_flux=None, stpl_sres=None, stpl_to_use=None, stellar_kinematics=None, etpl_sinst_mode='default', etpl_sinst_min=0, remapid=None, remap_flux=None, remap_ferr=None, remap_mask=None, remap_sres=None, remap_skyx=None, remap_skyy=None, obj_skyx=None, obj_skyy=None, velscale_ratio=None, waverange=None, degree=-1, mdegree=0, reddening=None, max_velocity_range=400., alias_window=None, dvtol=1e-10, loggers=None, quiet=False, plot=False, sigma_rej=3., ensemble=True): #moments=2, r""" Fit a set of emission lines using pPXF to all provided spectra. The input flux arrays are expected to be ordered with spectra along **rows**. I.e., to plot the first spectrum in the array, one would do:: from matplotlib import pyplot pyplot.plot(obj_wave, obj_flux[0,:]) The function will fit the spectra with or without any provided stellar templates. The body of this function mostly deals with checking the input and setting up the template and object data for use with pPXF. The function is meant to be general, but has been largely tested with MaNGA spectra. If the spectral resolution is not matched between the templates and the object spectra, the provided `stellar_kinematics` are expected to include any resolution difference; i.e., it is **not** the astrophysical velocity dispersion. .. todo:: - guess_redshift and guess_dispersion are not actually optional. The function will fail without them! - Allow for moments != 2. - Allow for fixed components to be set from emission-line database - Allow for bounds to be set from emission-line database - Allow to ignore emission-line database tying and just tie all kinematics - Should probably put the emission-line construction in a separate function. Args: emission_lines (:class:`mangadap.par.emissionlinedb.EmissionLineDB`): Emission-line database that is parsed to construct the emission-line templates to fit (see :class:`mangadap.proc.emissionelinetemplates.EmissionLineTemplates`). obj_wave (numpy.ndarray): Wavelength vector for object spectra. Shape is (:math:`N_{\rm pix}`,). obj_flux (numpy.ndarray): Object spectra to fit. Can be provided as a ``_. Shape is (:math:`N_{\rm spec},N_{\rm pix}`). obj_ferr (numpy.ndarray, optional): :math:`1\sigma` errors in object spectra. Can be provided as a ``_. Shape is (:math:`N_{\rm spec},N_{\rm pix}`). If None, the quadrature sum of the fit residuals is used as the fit metric instead of chi-square (all errors are set to unity). obj_mask (numpy.ndarray, :class:`mangadap.util.pixelmask.SpectralPixelMask`, optional): Boolean array or :class:`mangadap.util.pixelmask.SpectralPixelMask` instance used to censor regions of the spectra to ignore during fitting. obj_sres (numpy.ndarray, optional): The spectral resolution of the object data. Can be a single vector for all spectra or one vector per object spectrum. guess_redshift (array-like, optional): The starting redshift guess. Can provide a single value for all spectra or one value per spectrum. guess_dispersion (array-like, optional): The starting velocity dispersion guess. Can provide a single value for all spectra or one value per spectrum. reject_boxcar (:obj:`int`, optional): Size of the boxcar to use when rejecting fit outliers. If None, no rejection iteration is performed. stpl_wave (numpy.ndarray, optional): Wavelength vector for stellar template spectra. Shape is (:math:`N_{{\rm pix},\ast}`,). stpl_flux (numpy.ndarray, optional): Stellar template spectra to use in fit. Shape is (:math:`N_{{\rm tpl},\ast},N_{{\rm pix},\ast}`). stpl_sres (numpy.ndarray, optional): Spectral resolution of the stellar template spectra. All templates are assumed to have the same spectral resolution. Shape is (:math:`N_{{\rm pix},\ast}`,). This is also used to set the spectral resolution of the emission-line templates. If not provided, the emission-line templates are constructed with an LSF that has a disperison of 1 pixel. stpl_to_use (numpy.ndarray, optional): Set of flags used to select the stellar templates used to fit each spectrum. Shape is (:math:`N_{\rm spec},N_{{\rm tpl},\ast}`). stellar_kinematics (numpy.ndarray, optional): The kinematics to use for the stellar component. If the spectral resolution of the templates is different from the galaxy data, the provided stellar velocity dispersions *must* include the (assumed wavelength-independent) quadrature difference in the template and galaxy instrumental resolutions. The stellar kinematics are **fixed** for all calls made to ppxf. Shape is (:math:`N_{\rm spec},N_{{\rm kin},\ast}`). The shape of this array determines the number of moments assigned to the stellar component. etpl_sinst_mode (:obj:`str`, optional): Mode used to set the instrumental dispersion of the emission-line templates; see :func:`etpl_line_sigma_options` for the options. Default mode is `default`, imagine that. etpl_sinst_min (:obj:`float`, optional): Minimum allowed instrumental dispersion value. If the mode of constructing the instrumental dispersion of the templates results in values that are below this value, the whole function is offset in quadrature such that no value goes below the minimum. Default is 0 km/s. remapid (numpy.ndarray, optional): The index of the input spectrum associated with each remapped spectrum. This is ignored if remapping is not done. If remapping spectra are provided, and this is None, coordinates must be provided and this vector is constructed by associating each remapped spectrum to the input spectra just based by proximity. If provided, this also associates each remapped spectrum to the spectrum to use for the stellar kinematics. Shape is (:math:`N_{\rm remap}`,). remap_flux (numpy.ndarray, optional): Ultimately the spectra to be modeled, if provided. The nominal usage is, e.g., if the object spectra (`obj_flux`) are binned spaxels, this can be flux arrays of all the spaxels that were used to construct the binned data. The function would then use a first fit to the binned spectra and a matching between the on-sky positions (see `remap_skyx`, `remap_skyy`, `obj_skyx`, `obj_skyy`) to ultimately fit the individual spaxel data. See :func:`mangadap.contrib.xjmc.emline_fitter_with_ppxf`. These spectra must be sampled identically to the object spectra (`velscale`) and have the same wavelength vector (`obj_wave`). Can be provided as a ``_. Shape is (:math:`N_{\rm remap},N_{\rm pix}`). remap_ferr (numpy.ndarray, optional): The 1-:math:`\sigma` error in `remap_flux`. Can be provided as a ``_. Shape is (:math:`N_{\rm remap},N_{\rm pix}`). remap_mask (numpy.ndarray, :class:`mangadap.util.pixelmask.SpectralPixelMask`, optional): Boolean array or :class:`mangadap.util.pixelmask.SpectralPixelMask` instance used to censor regions of the remapping spectra to ignore during fitting. remap_sres (numpy.ndarray, optional): The spectral resolution of the remapping spectra. Can be a single vector for all spectra or one vector per object spectrum. remap_skyx (numpy.ndarray, optional): On-sky x position of the remapping spectra. Shape is (:math:`N_{\rm remap}`,). remap_skyy (numpy.ndarray, optional): On-sky y position of the remapping spectra. Shape is (:math:`N_{\rm remap}`,). obj_skyx (numpy.ndarray, optional): On-sky x position of the object spectra. Shape is (:math:`N_{\rm spec}`,). obj_skyy (numpy.ndarray, optional): On-sky y position of the object spectra. Shape is (:math:`N_{\rm spec}`,). velscale_ratio (:obj:`int`, optional): The **integer** ratio between the velocity scale of the pixel in the galaxy data to that of the template data. If None, set to unity. waverange (array-like, optional): Lower and upper wavelength limits to *include* in the fit. This can be a two-element vector to apply the same limits to all spectra, or a N-spec x 2 array with wavelength ranges for each spectrum to be fit. Default is to use as much of the spectrum as possible. degree (:obj:`int`, optional): pPXF degree parameter setting the degree of the additive polynomials to use, :math:`o_{\rm add}`. Default is no polynomial included. mdegree (:obj:`int`, optional): pPXF mdegree parameter setting the degree of the multiplicative polynomials to use, :math:`o_{\rm mult}`. Default is no polynomial included. reddening (:obj:`float`, optional): pPXF reddening parameter used to fit :math:`E(B-V)` assuming a Calzetti law. Cannot be fit simultaneously with multiplicative polynomial. Must be larger than 0 to start. Default is not fit. max_velocity_range (:obj:`float`, optional): Maximum range (+/-) expected for the fitted velocities in km/s. Default is 400 km/s. alias_window (:obj:`float`, optional): The window to mask to avoid aliasing near the edges of the spectral range in km/s. Default is six times *max_velocity_range*. dvtol (:obj:`float`, optional): The velocity scale of the template spectra and object spectrum must be smaller than this tolerance. Default is 1e-10. plot (:obj:`bool`, optional): Show the automatically generated pPXF fit plots for each iterations of each spectrum. loggers (:obj:`list`, optional): List of `logging.Logger`_ objects to log progress; ignored if quiet=True. Logging is done using :func:`mangadap.util.log.log_output`. quiet (:obj:`bool`, optional): Suppress all terminal and logging output. Returns: The function returns 6 arrays: - (1) the wavelength vector for the model spectra (should be the same as obj_wave), - (2) the best-fitting model spectra, - (3) the best-fitting emission-line only spectra, - (4) the bitmask values, - (5) the per spectrum ppxf result, and - (6) the per spectrum emission-line parameters. The first object is a numpy.ndarray instance with shape :math:`(N_{\rm pix},)`, the next 3 objects are numpy.ndarray instances with shape :math:`(N_{\rm spec}, N_{\rm pix})`, and the last two are numpy.recarray instances with shape :math:`(N_{\rm spec},)`. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the length of the spectra, errors, or mask does not match the length of the wavelength array; raised if the wavelength, redshift, or dispersion arrays are not 1D vectors; and raised if the number of redshifts or dispersions is not a single value or the same as the number of input spectra. """ #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize the reporting if loggers is not None: self.loggers = loggers self.quiet = quiet # The minimum instrumental dispersion of the emission-line # templates cannot be below 0. _etpl_sinst_min = etpl_sinst_min if _etpl_sinst_min < 0: warnings.warn('Emission-line template instrumental dispersion must be 0 km/s or ' 'higher. Setting etpl_sinst_min=0.') _etpl_sinst_min = 0 #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Check the input data self.obj_wave, self.obj_flux, self.obj_ferr, self.obj_sres \ = PPXFFit.check_objects(obj_wave, obj_flux, obj_ferr=obj_ferr, obj_sres=obj_sres) self.nobj, self.npix_obj = self.obj_flux.shape self.waverange = PPXFFit.set_wavelength_range(self.nobj, self.obj_wave, waverange) # guess_kin are in "ppxf" velocities self.input_cz, guess_kin = PPXFFit.check_input_kinematics(self.nobj, guess_redshift, guess_dispersion) # Check the remapping data, if provided if remap_flux is not None: # Check the input spectra _, self.remap_flux, self.remap_ferr, self.remap_sres \ = PPXFFit.check_objects(obj_wave, remap_flux, obj_ferr=remap_ferr, obj_sres=remap_sres) self.nremap = self.remap_flux.shape[0] # Check that the remapping can be done self.remapid = remapid if self.remapid is not None and len(self.remapid) != self.nremap: raise ValueError('Incorrect number of remapping IDs provided.') if self.remapid is None: # Remapping using coordinates self.obj_skyx, self.obj_skyy, self.remap_skyx, self.remap_skyy \ = self._check_remapping_coordinates(obj_skyx, obj_skyy, remap_skyx, remap_skyy) else: self.obj_skyx = None self.obj_skyy = None self.remap_skyx = None self.remap_skyy = None else: self.nremap = 0 self.remapid = None self.remap_flux = None self.remap_ferr = None self.remap_sres = None self.obj_skyx = None self.obj_skyy = None self.remap_skyx = None self.remap_skyy = None if self.nremap > 0 and not ensemble: raise NotImplementedError('To remap to new spectra, ensemble parameter must be True.') #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Compare pixel scales and set template wavelength vector if stpl_wave is not None: self.velscale, self.velscale_ratio \ = PPXFFit.check_pixel_scale(stpl_wave, self.obj_wave, velscale_ratio=velscale_ratio, dvtol=dvtol) self.tpl_wave = stpl_wave else: self.velscale = spectrum_velocity_scale(self.obj_wave) self.velscale_ratio = 1 self.tpl_wave = self.obj_wave #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Check any input stellar template spectra R_to_sinst ='km/s').value / DAPConstants.sig2fwhm if stpl_flux is not None: if stpl_wave is None: raise ValueError('Must provide wavelengths if providing stellar template fluxes.') self.tpl_wave, self.tpl_flux, tpl_sres \ = PPXFFit.check_templates(stpl_wave, stpl_flux, tpl_sres=stpl_sres, velscale_ratio=self.velscale_ratio) self.nstpl = self.tpl_flux.shape[0] # Check or instantiate the fit flags self.tpl_to_use = PPXFFit.check_template_usage_flags(self.nobj, self.nstpl, stpl_to_use) # etpl_sinst defaults to the instrumental dispersion of the # stellar templates etpl_sinst = R_to_sinst/tpl_sres.sres(copy=True) else: self.tpl_flux = None etpl_sinst = None self.nstpl = 0 self.tpl_to_use = None #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the emission-line spectral resolution. # - If the object resolution and template resolution are not # available, use the 2-pixel resolution # - If the object resolution is not available, set to the # stellar template resolution (i.e., use what is set above) # - If the object resolution is available, set it to the minimum # object resolution at each wavelength channel. # - Force the instrumental dispersion to 0 if requested by the # input mode. # - Apply a quardrature offset if the dispersion dips below the # imposed minimum or if the user requested to offset to the # minimum. # self.matched_resolution = matched_resolution if etpl_sinst is None and self.obj_sres is None: # self.matched_resolution = False etpl_sinst = numpy.full(self.npix_obj, 2*self.velscale/DAPConstants.sig2fwhm, dtype=float) # Get the observed template wavelengths at the expectected # redshift of the galaxy spectrum tpl_wave_obs =self.tpl_wave * (1 + numpy.median(self.input_cz) /'km/s').value) if self.obj_sres is not None: # Set the instrumental resolution of the emission-line # templates to be the same as the observed spectrum interp = interpolate.interp1d(self.obj_wave, R_to_sinst/numpy.amax(self.obj_sres, axis=0), assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0) #'extrapolate') # Instrumental resolution should not be below 0! etpl_sinst = numpy.clip(interp(tpl_wave_obs), 0.0, None) if etpl_sinst_mode == 'zero': # Force the instrumental dispersion to be 0 everywhere etpl_sinst[:] = 0. # Find the minimum instrumental dispersion over the fitted # wavelength range indx = (tpl_wave_obs > self.obj_wave[0]) & (tpl_wave_obs < self.obj_wave[-1]) min_sinst = numpy.amin(etpl_sinst[indx]) if (etpl_sinst_mode == 'offset' and min_sinst > _etpl_sinst_min) \ or min_sinst < _etpl_sinst_min: # Offset such that the minimum over the fitted wavelength # range matches the requested minimum dsigma_inst = numpy.square(min_sinst)-numpy.square(_etpl_sinst_min) # Clip to make sure instrumental resolution is real! etpl_sinst = numpy.sqrt(numpy.clip(numpy.square(etpl_sinst) - dsigma_inst, 0., None)) min_sinst = numpy.amin(etpl_sinst[indx]) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # If provided, check the shapes of the stellar kinematics if stellar_kinematics is not None and stellar_kinematics.shape[0] != self.nobj: raise ValueError('Provided kinematics do not match the number of object spectra.') stellar_moments = None if stellar_kinematics is None else stellar_kinematics.shape[1] if self.nstpl > 0 and stellar_kinematics is None: raise ValueError('Must provide stellar kinematics if refiting stellar templates.') # Convert velocities from cz to pPXF pixelized velocities if self.nstpl > 0: _stellar_kinematics = stellar_kinematics.copy() _stellar_kinematics[:,0], _ = PPXFFit.revert_velocity(stellar_kinematics[:,0], numpy.zeros(self.nobj)) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Build the emission-line templates; the EmissionLineTemplates # object will check the database self.emldb = emission_lines self.neml = self.emldb.size etpl = EmissionLineTemplates(self.tpl_wave, etpl_sinst, emldb=self.emldb, loggers=self.loggers, quiet=self.quiet) # Report the resolution mode if not self.quiet: log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Emission-line resolution mode: {0}'.format(etpl_sinst_mode)) log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Imposed minimum instrumental dispersion: {0}'.format(etpl_sinst_min)) # Set the component associated with each emission line self.fit_eml = self.emldb['action'] == 'f' self.eml_tpli = etpl.tpli.copy() self.eml_compi = numpy.full(self.neml, -1, dtype=int) self.eml_compi[self.fit_eml] = numpy.array([etpl.comp[i] for i in etpl.tpli[self.fit_eml]]) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Save the basic pPXF parameters # TODO: Use the emission-line database to set the number of # moments to fit to each emission-line component. For now it is # always moments=2! self.velocity_limits, self.sigma_limits, self.gh_limits \ = PPXFFit.losvd_limits(self.velscale) = max(degree,-1) self.mdegree = max(mdegree,0) self.reddening = reddening moments = 2 #numpy.absolute(moments) self.reject_boxcar = reject_boxcar # self.fix_kinematics = False #moments < 0 #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Compile the template fluxes, components, and velocity and # sigma groups; the gas templates are always appended after the # stellar templates self.constr_kinem = None if not hasattr(etpl, 'A_ineq') or etpl.A_ineq is None \ else {'A_ineq': etpl.A_ineq, 'b_ineq': etpl.b_ineq} self.comp_start_kin \ = EmissionLineTemplates.fill_guess_kinematics(guess_kin, numpy.amax(etpl.comp)+1, etpl.tie_comp_lb, etpl.tie_comp_ub, etpl.A_ineq) if self.nstpl == 0: self.gas_tpl = numpy.ones(etpl.ntpl, dtype=bool) self.tpl_flux = etpl.flux self.tpl_to_use = numpy.ones((self.nobj,etpl.ntpl), dtype=bool) self.tpl_comp = etpl.comp self.tpl_vgrp = etpl.vgrp self.tpl_sgrp = etpl.sgrp self.ncomp = numpy.amax(self.tpl_comp)+1 self.comp_moments = numpy.array([moments]*self.ncomp) else: self.gas_tpl = numpy.append(numpy.zeros(self.tpl_flux.shape[0]), numpy.ones(etpl.ntpl)).astype(bool) self.tpl_flux = numpy.append(self.tpl_flux, etpl.flux, axis=0) self.tpl_to_use = numpy.append(self.tpl_to_use, numpy.ones((self.nobj,etpl.ntpl), dtype=bool), axis=1) self.tpl_comp = numpy.append(numpy.zeros(self.nstpl, dtype=int), etpl.comp+1) self.tpl_vgrp = numpy.append(numpy.zeros(self.nstpl, dtype=int), etpl.vgrp+1) self.tpl_sgrp = numpy.append(numpy.zeros(self.nstpl, dtype=int), etpl.sgrp+1) self.eml_tpli[self.fit_eml] += self.nstpl self.eml_compi[self.fit_eml] += 1 self.ncomp = numpy.amax(self.tpl_comp)+1 self.comp_moments = numpy.array([-stellar_moments] + [moments]*(self.ncomp-1)) self.comp_start_kin = numpy.append(numpy.expand_dims(_stellar_kinematics, 0), self.comp_start_kin.transpose(1,0,2), axis=0).transpose(1,0,2) if self.constr_kinem is not None: self.constr_kinem['A_ineq'] \ = numpy.hstack((numpy.zeros((self.constr_kinem['A_ineq'].shape[0], 2), dtype=float), self.constr_kinem['A_ineq'])) self.ntpl, self.npix_tpl = self.tpl_flux.shape self.tpl_npad = 2**int(numpy.ceil(numpy.log2(self.npix_tpl))) self.tpl_rfft = numpy.fft.rfft(self.tpl_flux, self.tpl_npad, axis=1) # Total number of kinematics parameters (tied or otherwise) self.npar_kin = numpy.sum(numpy.absolute(self.comp_moments)) # Maximum number of freee kinematic parameters tied = numpy.concatenate(tuple(ppxf_tied_parameters(self.tpl_comp, self.tpl_vgrp, self.tpl_sgrp, self.comp_moments))) self.nfree_kin = numpy.sum(self.comp_moments[self.comp_moments > 0]) \ if tied is None else numpy.sum([len(t) == 0 for t in tied]) \ - numpy.sum(self.comp_moments[self.comp_moments < 0]) # Get the degrees of freedom (excluding the number of templates) self.dof = self.nfree_kin + max(self.mdegree, 0) if >= 0: self.dof += #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize the output arrays. This is done here for many of # these objects only in case PPXFFit.initialize_pixels_to_fit() # fails and the code returns without running the pPXF fitting. # - Set the output shape and initial mask output_shape = self.obj_flux.shape if self.nremap == 0 else self.remap_flux.shape # - Model flux and error (begins fully masked) model_flux =, dtype=float)[:,:] = 0.0 model_eml_flux =, dtype=float)[:,:] = 0.0 # - Model parameters and fit quality model_fit_par = SasukeFitDataTable(self.ntpl,, self.mdegree, self.npar_kin, self.bitmask.minimum_dtype(), shape=output_shape[0]) # - Model emission-line parameters model_eml_par = self.init_datatable(self.neml, 2, self.bitmask.minimum_dtype(), shape=output_shape[0]) model_eml_par['CONTMPLY'] = numpy.ones(model_eml_par['CONTMPLY'].shape, dtype=float) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize the mask and the spectral range to fit for the # input object spectra # TODO: This alters the mask of self.obj_flux!! obj_model_mask, err, obj_start, obj_end \ = PPXFFit.initialize_pixels_to_fit(self.tpl_wave, self.obj_wave, self.obj_flux, self.obj_ferr, self.velscale, velscale_ratio=self.velscale_ratio, waverange=waverange, mask=obj_mask, bitmask=self.bitmask, velocity_offset=self.input_cz, max_velocity_range=max_velocity_range, alias_window=alias_window, ensemble=ensemble, loggers=self.loggers, quiet=self.quiet) ended_in_error = numpy.array([e is not None for e in err]) if numpy.any(ended_in_error): if not self.quiet: warnings.warn('Masking failures in some/all spectra. Errors are: {0}'.format( numpy.array([(i,e) for i,e in enumerate(err)])[ended_in_error])) if self.nremap == 0: model_fit_par['MASK'][ended_in_error] \ = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_fit_par['MASK'][ended_in_error], 'NO_FIT') model_eml_par['MASK'][ended_in_error] \ = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_eml_par['MASK'][ended_in_error], 'NO_FIT') if numpy.all(ended_in_error): if self.nremap == 0: return self.obj_wave, model_flux, model_eml_flux, obj_model_mask, \ model_fit_par, model_eml_par else: raise ValueError('Could not prepare spectra for fitting!') #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize the mask and the spectral range to fit for the # remapping spectra # TODO: This alters the mask of self.remap_flux!! if self.nremap != 0: remap_model_mask, err, remap_start, remap_end \ = PPXFFit.initialize_pixels_to_fit(self.tpl_wave, self.obj_wave, self.remap_flux, self.remap_ferr, self.velscale, velscale_ratio=self.velscale_ratio, waverange=waverange, # mask=remap_mask, bitmask=self.bitmask, velocity_offset=numpy.median(self.input_cz), max_velocity_range=max_velocity_range, alias_window=alias_window, ensemble=ensemble, loggers=self.loggers, quiet=self.quiet) ended_in_error = numpy.array([e is not None for e in err]) if numpy.any(ended_in_error): if not self.quiet: warnings.warn('Masking failures in some/all remapping spectra. ' 'Errors are: {0}'.format( numpy.array([(i,e) for i,e in enumerate(err)])[ended_in_error])) model_fit_par['MASK'][ended_in_error] \ = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_fit_par['MASK'][ended_in_error], 'NO_FIT') model_eml_par['MASK'][ended_in_error] \ = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_eml_par['MASK'][ended_in_error], 'NO_FIT') if numpy.all(ended_in_error): return self.obj_wave, model_flux, model_eml_flux, remap_model_mask, \ model_fit_par, model_eml_par model_mask = remap_model_mask start = remap_start end = remap_end else: remap_model_mask = None remap_start = None remap_end = None model_mask = obj_model_mask start = obj_start end = obj_end #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the input pixel shift between the object and template # wavelength vectors; interpretted by pPXF as a base velocity # shift between the two. This is a single number, used for both # the object spectra and the remapping spectra if provided # start = numpy.amax(obj_start if self.nremap == 0 else numpy.append(obj_start, remap_start)) # end = numpy.amin(obj_end if self.nremap == 0 else numpy.append(obj_end, remap_end)) # model_mask = obj_model_mask if self.nremap == 0 else remap_model_mask # self.base_velocity = -PPXFFit.ppxf_tpl_obj_voff(self.tpl_wave, self.obj_wave[start:end], # self.velscale, # velscale_ratio=self.velscale_ratio) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Call the emission line fitter contributed by Xihan Ji and # Michele Cappellari t = time.perf_counter() # warnings.warn('debugging!') # self.obj_to_fit[ numpy.arange(self.nobj)[self.obj_to_fit][2:] ] = False # Prep: # wave = self.obj_wave[start:end] if self.nremap == 0: mask = numpy.logical_not( spec_to_fit = numpy.any(mask, axis=1) binid = None skyx = None skyy = None flux =[spec_to_fit] ferr =[spec_to_fit] mask = mask[spec_to_fit] tpl_to_use = self.tpl_to_use[spec_to_fit] comp_start_kin = self.comp_start_kin[spec_to_fit] flux_binned = None ferr_binned = None mask_binned = None x_binned = None y_binned = None else: mask = numpy.logical_not( spec_to_fit = numpy.any(mask, axis=1) binid = None if self.remapid is None else self.remapid[spec_to_fit] skyx = self.remap_skyx[spec_to_fit] if binid is None else None skyy = self.remap_skyy[spec_to_fit] if binid is None else None flux =[spec_to_fit] ferr =[spec_to_fit] mask = mask[spec_to_fit] mask_binned = numpy.logical_not( bins_to_fit = numpy.any(mask_binned, axis=1) x_binned = self.obj_skyx[bins_to_fit] if binid is None else None y_binned = self.obj_skyy[bins_to_fit] if binid is None else None flux_binned =[bins_to_fit] ferr_binned =[bins_to_fit] mask_binned = mask_binned[bins_to_fit] tpl_to_use = self.tpl_to_use[bins_to_fit] comp_start_kin = self.comp_start_kin[bins_to_fit] for i,(s,e) in enumerate(zip(start,end)): if not spec_to_fit[i]: continue model_mask[i,:s] = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_mask[i,:s], 'DIDNOTUSE') model_mask[i,e:] = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_mask[i,e:], 'DIDNOTUSE') #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Report the input/prep checks/results if not self.quiet: if self.remap_flux is None: log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Number of spectra to fit: {0}/{1}'.format(numpy.sum(spec_to_fit), self.nobj)) else: log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Number of original spectra to fit: {0}/{1}'.format( numpy.sum(bins_to_fit), self.nobj)) log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Emission-line fits remapped to a set of {0}/{1} spectra.'.format( numpy.sum(spec_to_fit), self.nremap)) log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Remapping is done using coordinate proximity.' if self.remapid is None else 'Remapping is performed using preset IDs.') if self.nstpl > 0: log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Number of stellar templates: {0}'.format(self.nstpl)) log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Pixel scale: {0} km/s'.format( self.velscale)) log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Pixel scale ratio: {0}'.format( self.velscale_ratio)) log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Dispersion limits: {0} - {1}'.format( *self.sigma_limits)) log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Model degrees of freedom (excluding templates): {0}'.format( self.dof+self.ntpl)) log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Maximum number of free kinematic parameters: {0}'.format(self.nfree_kin)) # Run the fitter model_flux[spec_to_fit], model_eml_flux[spec_to_fit], _model_mask, model_wgts, \ model_wgts_err, model_addcoef, model_multcoef, model_reddening, model_kin_inp, \ model_kin, model_kin_err, nearest_bin, fault \ = emline_fitter_with_ppxf(self.tpl_wave, self.tpl_flux, self.obj_wave, flux, ferr, mask, self.velscale, self.velscale_ratio, self.tpl_comp, self.gas_tpl, self.comp_moments, comp_start_kin, vgrp=self.tpl_vgrp, sgrp=self.tpl_sgrp, constr_kinem=self.constr_kinem,, mdegree=self.mdegree, reddening=self.reddening, reject_boxcar=self.reject_boxcar, tpl_to_use=tpl_to_use, binid=binid, flux_binned=flux_binned, noise_binned=ferr_binned, mask_binned=mask_binned, x_binned=x_binned, y_binned=y_binned, x=skyx, y=skyy, plot=plot, quiet=not plot, sigma_rej=sigma_rej) #, ppxf_faults='raise') if not self.quiet: log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Fits completed in {0:.4e} min.'.format( (time.perf_counter() - t)/60)) # When remapid is provided, the binid subset should be identical to # nearest_bin! # Construct the bin ID numbers model_fit_par['BINID'] = numpy.arange(output_shape[0]) model_fit_par['BINID_INDEX'] = numpy.arange(output_shape[0]) model_fit_par['NEAREST_BIN'][spec_to_fit] = nearest_bin model_eml_par['BINID'] = numpy.arange(output_shape[0]) model_eml_par['BINID_INDEX'] = numpy.arange(output_shape[0]) # Flag pixels as rejected during fitting; _model_mask is True # where the pixels were fit indx = mask & numpy.invert(_model_mask) _model_mask = model_mask[spec_to_fit] _model_mask[indx] = self.bitmask.turn_on(_model_mask[indx], PPXFFit.rej_flag) model_mask[spec_to_fit] = _model_mask # Flag pixels that weren't in the fitted range # model_mask[spec_to_fit,:start] = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_mask[spec_to_fit,:start], # 'DIDNOTUSE') # model_mask[spec_to_fit,end:] = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_mask[spec_to_fit,end:], # 'DIDNOTUSE') if not numpy.all(spec_to_fit): indx = numpy.invert(spec_to_fit) model_mask[indx,:] = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_mask[indx,:], 'DIDNOTUSE') # Flag failed fits _fault = numpy.zeros(output_shape[0], dtype=bool) _fault[spec_to_fit] = fault if numpy.any(_fault): model_fit_par['MASK'][_fault] = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_fit_par['MASK'][_fault], 'FIT_FAILED') model_eml_par['MASK'][_fault] = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_eml_par['MASK'][_fault], 'FIT_FAILED') model_mask[_fault,:] = self.bitmask.turn_on(model_mask[_fault,:], 'FIT_FAILED') #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Save the results if self.nremap == 0: flux = self.obj_flux ferr = self.obj_ferr else: flux = self.remap_flux ferr = self.remap_ferr model_flux, model_eml_flux, model_mask, model_fit_par, model_eml_par \ = self._save_results(etpl, start, end, flux, ferr, spec_to_fit, model_flux, model_eml_flux, model_wgts, model_wgts_err, model_addcoef, model_multcoef, model_reddening, model_kin_inp, model_kin, model_kin_err, model_mask, model_fit_par, model_eml_par) if not self.quiet: log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Sasuke finished') return self.obj_wave, model_flux, model_eml_flux, model_mask, model_fit_par, model_eml_par
[docs] @staticmethod def construct_continuum_models(emission_lines, stpl_wave, stpl_flux, obj_wave, obj_flux_shape, model_fit_par, select=None, redshift_only=False, deredshift=False, dispersion_corrections=None, dvtol=1e-10): """ Construct the continuum models using the provided set of model parameters. This is a wrapper for :class:`PPXFModel`, and very similar to :func:`mangadap.proc.ppxffit.PPXFFit.contruct_models`. The input velocities are expected to be cz, not "ppxf" (pixelized) velocities. If redshift_only is true, the provided dispersion is set to 1e-9 km/s, which is numerically identical to 0 (i.e., just shifting the spectrum) in the tested applications. However, beware that this is a HARDCODED number. """ if redshift_only and dispersion_corrections is not None: raise ValueError('redshift_only and dispersion_corrections are mutually exclusive.') if deredshift: raise NotImplementedError('Cannot yet deredshift models.') # Check the spectral sampling velscale_ratio = int(numpy.around(spectrum_velocity_scale(obj_wave) / spectrum_velocity_scale(stpl_wave))) _velscale, _velscale_ratio \ = PPXFFit.check_pixel_scale(stpl_wave, obj_wave, velscale_ratio=velscale_ratio, dvtol=dvtol) # Check the input spectra obj_flux = numpy.zeros(obj_flux_shape, dtype=float) _obj_wave, _obj_flux, _, _ = PPXFFit.check_objects(obj_wave, obj_flux) nobj = _obj_flux.shape[0] _stpl_wave, _stpl_flux, _ = PPXFFit.check_templates(stpl_wave, stpl_flux, velscale_ratio=_velscale_ratio) nstpl = _stpl_flux.shape[0] # Construct the emission-line templates, just to determine how # many of them there should be etpl = EmissionLineTemplates(_stpl_wave, numpy.ones(_stpl_wave.shape, dtype=float), emldb=emission_lines, quiet=True) _ntpl = nstpl+etpl.ntpl ngas_comp = numpy.amax(etpl.comp)+1 # Check the shape of the input model parameter database if model_fit_par['BINID'].size != nobj: raise ValueError('Incorrect number of model-parameter sets.') if model_fit_par['TPLWGT'].shape[1] != _ntpl: raise ValueError('The number of weights does not match the number of templates.') # Get the input pixel shift between the object and template # wavelength vectors; interpretted by pPXF as a base velocity # shift between the two. For Sasuke, start and end should be # the same, but leave it as general. vsyst = numpy.array([ -PPXFFit.ppxf_tpl_obj_voff(_stpl_wave, _obj_wave[s:e], _velscale, velscale_ratio=_velscale_ratio) for s,e in zip(model_fit_par['BEGPIX'], model_fit_par['ENDPIX'])]) # Get the additive and multiplicative degree of the polynomials degree = model_fit_par['ADDCOEF'].shape degree = -1 if len(degree) == 1 else degree[1]-1 mdegree = model_fit_par['MULTCOEF'].shape mdegree = 0 if len(mdegree) == 1 else mdegree[1] moments = model_fit_par['KIN'].shape[1] # Determine what to use for the reddening; assume it is fit if # the multiplicative polynomial is not fit. Even if neither are # fit, Sasuke sets the reddening to 0 such that the correct # model will be returned reddening = mdegree == 0 # Determine the number of stellar kinematic moments. The number # of gas moments is currently HARD-WIRED to be 2, meaning that # the number stellar kinematic moments is just: smoments = model_fit_par['KIN'].shape[1] - 2*ngas_comp # Only produce selected models skip = numpy.zeros(nobj, dtype=bool) if select is None else numpy.invert(select) # Instantiate the output model array models =, dtype=float) # Initially mask everything models[:,:] = # Get the kinematics to use kin = model_fit_par['KIN'].copy()[:,:smoments] kin[:,0],_ = PPXFFit.revert_velocity(model_fit_par['KIN'][:,0], model_fit_par['KINERR'][:,0]) if redshift_only: kin[:,1] = 1e-9 elif dispersion_corrections is not None: kin[:,1] =['KIN'][:,1]) - numpy.square(dispersion_corrections)).filled(1e-9) # if deredshift: # kin[:,0] = 0.0 # Construct the model for each (selected) object spectrum for i in range(nobj): if skip[i]: continue ebv = model_fit_par['EBV'][i] if reddening else None print('Constructing continuum for spectrum: {0}/{1}'.format(i+1,nobj), end='\r') # This is redeclared every iteration to allow for the # starting and ending pixels to be different (annoying); as # will the velocity offset; this means that the FFT of the # templates is recalculated at every step... f = PPXFModel(_stpl_flux.T,[i,model_fit_par['BEGPIX'][i]:model_fit_par['ENDPIX'][i]], _velscale, velscale_ratio=_velscale_ratio, vsyst=vsyst[i], moments=smoments, degree=degree, mdegree=mdegree, lam=_obj_wave[model_fit_par['BEGPIX'][i]:model_fit_par['ENDPIX'][i]], reddening=ebv) models[i,model_fit_par['BEGPIX'][i]:model_fit_par['ENDPIX'][i]] \ = f(kin[i,:], model_fit_par['TPLWGT'][i,:nstpl], addpoly=None if degree < 0 else model_fit_par['ADDCOEF'][i,:], multpoly=None if mdegree < 1 else model_fit_par['MULTCOEF'][i,:], reddening=ebv) print('Constructing continuum for spectrum: {0}/{0}'.format(nobj)) return models
[docs] @staticmethod def fit_figures_of_merit(model_fit_par): """ Parse the model fit parameters into only the set of fit-quality metrics per fitted spectrum. This is primarily used to set the output data for the MAPS file. Args: model_fit_par (`numpy.recarray`): The array with the fit parameters produced by :func:``. Must have the datatype defined by :func:`Sasuke._per_firt_dtype`. Returns: Two objects are returned: a list of names to assign each row (length is NFOM) and a 2D array with the figures of merit for each spectrum (shape is NSPEC x NFOM). """ names = ['rms', 'frms', 'rchi2', '68th perc frac resid', '99th perc frac resid', 'max frac resid', '68th perc per pix chi', '99th perc per pix chi', 'max per pix chi'] units = ['1E-17 erg/s/cm^2/ang/spaxel'] + ['']*8 nspec = len(model_fit_par) fom = numpy.zeros((nspec, 9), dtype=float) fom[:,0] = model_fit_par['RMS'] fom[:,1] = model_fit_par['FRMS'] fom[:,2] = model_fit_par['RCHI2'] fom[:,3] = model_fit_par['FRMSGRW'][:,1] fom[:,4] = model_fit_par['FRMSGRW'][:,3] fom[:,5] = model_fit_par['FRMSGRW'][:,4] fom[:,6] = model_fit_par['CHIGRW'][:,1] fom[:,7] = model_fit_par['CHIGRW'][:,3] fom[:,8] = model_fit_par['CHIGRW'][:,4] return names, units, fom