A class hierarchy that performs the spectral-index measurements.
If neither stellar-continuum nor emission-line models are provided:
- Indices are measure on the binned spectra
- No velocity-dispersion corrections are calculated
If a stellar-continuum model is provided without an emission-line
- Indices are measured on the binned spectra
- Velocity-dispersion corrections are computed for any binned
spectrum with a stellar-continuum fit based on the optimal
If an emission-line model is provided without a stellar-continuum model:
- Indices are measured on the relevant (binned or unbinned) spectra;
spectra with emission-line fits have the model emission lines
subtracted from them before these measurements.
- If the emission-line model includes data regarding the
stellar-continuum fit (template spectra and template weights),
corrections are calculated for spectra with emission-line models
based on the continuum fits; otherwise, no corrections are
If both stellar-continuum and emission-line models are provided, and if
the stellar-continuum and emission-line fits are performed on the same
- Indices are measured on the relevant (binned or unbinned) spectra;
spectra with emission-line fits have the model emission lines
subtracted from them before these measurements.
- Velocity-dispersion corrections are based on the stellar-continuum
templates and weights
If both stellar-continuum and emission-line models are provided, and if
the stellar-continuum and emission-line fits are performed on different
- The behavior is exactly as if the stellar-continuum model was not
.. include license and copyright
.. include:: ../include/copy.rst
.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import inspect
from pathlib import Path
import logging
import warnings
from IPython import embed
import numpy
from astropy.io import fits
from ..par.parset import KeywordParSet
from ..par.artifactdb import ArtifactDB
from ..par.absorptionindexdb import AbsorptionIndexDB
from ..par.bandheadindexdb import BandheadIndexDB
from ..util.datatable import DataTable
from ..util.resolution import match_spectral_resolution
from ..util.fitsutil import DAPFitsUtil
from ..util.fileio import init_record_array, rec_to_fits_type
from ..util.log import log_output
from ..util.bitmask import BitMask
from ..util.dapbitmask import DAPBitMask
from ..util.pixelmask import SpectralPixelMask
from .spatiallybinnedspectra import SpatiallyBinnedSpectra
from .stellarcontinuummodel import StellarContinuumModel
from .emissionlinemodel import EmissionLineModel
from .bandpassfilter import passband_integral, passband_integrated_width, pseudocontinuum
from . import util
class SpectralIndicesDef(KeywordParSet):
A class that holds the parameters necessary to perform the
spectral-index measurements.
The defined parameters are:
.. include:: ../tables/spectralindicesdef.rst
def __init__(self, key='INDXEN', minimum_snr=0.0, pixelmask=None, fwhm=-1,
compute_corrections=True, absindex='EXTINDX', bandhead='BHBASIC',
# Use the signature to get the parameters and the default values
sig = inspect.signature(self.__class__)
pars = list(sig.parameters.keys())
defaults = [sig.parameters[key].default for key in pars]
# Remaining definitions done by hand
in_fl = [int, float]
values = [key, minimum_snr, pixelmask, fwhm, compute_corrections, absindex, bandhead,
dtypes = [str, in_fl, SpectralPixelMask, in_fl, bool, str, str, bool]
descr = ['Keyword used to distinguish between different spectral-index databases.',
'Minimum S/N of spectrum to fit',
'Object used to mask spectral pixels',
'Resolution FWHM in angstroms at which to make the measurements. If -1, the ' \
'measurements are taken at the native resolution of the observed spectra. ' \
'If >0, the resolution should be *larger* than the observed resolution, and ' \
'the observed data are convolved with a wavelength dependent Gaussian to ' \
'match it to the provided FWHM.',
'Flag to compute velocity dispersion corrections to the measured indices, if ' \
'possible. This requires the stellar kinematics results from the stellar ' \
'continuum fitting.',
'Either a string identifying the absorption-line database to ' \
'use, or the direct path to the parameter file defining the database',
'Either a string identifying the bandhead/color database to ' \
'use, or the direct path to the parameter file defining the database',
'If the output file already exists, redo all the calculations and overwrite it.']
super().__init__(pars, values=values, defaults=defaults, dtypes=dtypes, descr=descr)
self.absdb = None
self.bhddb = None
def from_dict(cls, d):
Instantiate from a dictionary.
# Copy over the primary keywords.
# TODO: Get these from inspection of the instatiation signature!
_d = {}
for key in ['key', 'minimum_snr', 'fwhm', 'compute_corrections', 'absindex', 'bandhead',
if key in d.keys():
_d[key] = d[key]
artifacts = None if 'artifact_mask' not in d.keys() or d['artifact_mask'] is None \
else ArtifactDB.from_key(d['artifact_mask'])
waverange = None if 'waverange' not in d.keys() or d['waverange'] is None \
else d['waverange']
if not all([a is None for a in [artifacts, waverange]]):
_d['pixelmask'] = SpectralPixelMask(artdb=artifacts, waverange=waverange)
# Return the instantiation
return super().from_dict(_d)
def _validate(self):
Validate the object and instantiate the passband database to use for the
emission-line moments.
if self['absindex'] is None and self['bandhead'] is None:
raise ValueError('Must define either absindex or bandhead or both.')
if self['absindex'] is not None:
# Define the absorption-line database
parfile = Path(self['absindex']).resolve()
if parfile.exists():
# Use the existing file to set the database
self.absdb = AbsorptionIndexDB(str(parfile))
# Otherwise, assume this is a keyword selecting a database distributed
# with the DAP has been chosen.
self.absdb = AbsorptionIndexDB.from_key(self['absindex'])
if self['bandhead'] is not None:
# Define the absorption-line database
parfile = Path(self['bandhead']).resolve()
if parfile.exists():
# Use the existing file to set the database
self.bhddb = BandheadIndexDB(str(parfile))
# Otherwise, assume this is a keyword selecting a database distributed
# with the DAP has been chosen.
self.bhddb = BandheadIndexDB.from_key(self['bandhead'])
class SpectralIndicesBitMask(DAPBitMask):
Derived class that specifies the mask bits for the spectral-index
measurements. The maskbits defined are:
.. include:: ../tables/spectralindicesbitmask.rst
cfg_root = 'spectral_indices_bits'
class SpectralIndicesDefinitionTable(DataTable):
Table with the definitions of the spectral indices.
Table includes:
.. include:: ../tables/spectralindicesdefinitiontable.rst
name_len (:obj:`int`):
The maximum length of any of the spectral index names.
shape (:obj:`int`, :obj:`tuple`, optional):
The shape of the initial array. If None, the data array
will not be instantiated; use :func:`init` to initialize
the data array after instantiation.
def __init__(self, name_len=1, shape=None):
# NOTE: This should require python 3.7 to make sure that this
# is an "ordered" dictionary.
datamodel = dict(TYPE=dict(typ='<U10', shape=None,
descr='Type of spectral index, either absorption or bandhead.'),
ID=dict(typ=int, shape=None, descr='ID number for the spectral index'),
NAME=dict(typ='<U{0:d}'.format(name_len), shape=None,
descr='Unique name for the spectral index'),
PASSBAND=dict(typ=float, shape=(2,),
descr='Lower and upper rest wavelength of the main index '
'passband (absorption-line indices only)'),
BLUEBAND=dict(typ=float, shape=(2,),
descr='Lower and upper rest wavelength of the blue '
'sideband used to define the linear continuum'),
REDBAND=dict(typ=float, shape=(2,),
descr='Lower and upper rest wavelength of the red '
'sideband used to define the linear continuum'),
UNIT=dict(typ='<U3', shape=None, descr='Index units'),
COMPONENT=dict(typ=bool, shape=None,
descr='Flag if the index is a component of a '
'multi-component index (ignored)'),
INTEGRAND=dict(typ='<U7', shape=None,
descr='The flux integrand for the index.'),
ORDER=dict(typ='<U3', shape=None,
descr='The numerator-denominator order of the index '
'(bandhead/color indices only)'))
keys = list(datamodel.keys())
self).__init__(keys, [datamodel[k]['typ'] for k in keys],
element_shapes=[datamodel[k]['shape'] for k in keys],
descr=[datamodel[k]['descr'] for k in keys],
class SpectralIndicesDataTable(DataTable):
Primary data table with the results of the spectral-index
Table includes:
.. include:: ../tables/spectralindicesdatatable.rst
nindx (:obj:`int`):
Number of spectral indices to measure.
bitmask (:class:`~mangadap.util.bitmask.BitMask`, optional):
Object used to flag mask bits. If None, flags are simply
shape (:obj:`int`, :obj:`tuple`, optional):
The shape of the initial array. If None, the data array
will not be instantiated; use :func:`init` to initialize
the data array after instantiation.
def __init__(self, nindx=1, bitmask=None, shape=None):
# NOTE: This should require python 3.7 to make sure that this
# is an "ordered" dictionary.
datamodel = dict(BINID=dict(typ=int, shape=None, descr='Spectrum/Bin ID number'),
BINID_INDEX=dict(typ=int, shape=None,
descr='Index of the spectrum in the list of '
'provided spectra.'),
REDSHIFT=dict(typ=float, shape=None,
descr='Redshift used for shifting the passbands'),
MASK=dict(typ=bool if bitmask is None else bitmask.minimum_dtype(),
descr='Bad-value boolean or bit mask value for the moments'),
BCEN=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,), descr='Center of the blue sideband'),
BCONT=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Pseudo-continuum in the blue sideband'),
BCONT_ERR=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Error in the blue-sideband pseudo-continuum'),
BCONT_MOD=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Pseudo-continuum in the blue sideband of the '
'best-fitting model spectrum'),
BCONT_CORR=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Multiplicative correction to apply to the '
'pseudo-continuum in the blue sideband to match '
'the measurement for a spectrum with no Doppler '
RCEN=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,), descr='Center of the red sideband'),
RCONT=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Pseudo-continuum in the red sideband'),
RCONT_ERR=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Error in the red-sideband pseudo-continuum'),
RCONT_MOD=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Pseudo-continuum in the red sideband of the '
'best-fitting model spectrum'),
RCONT_CORR=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Multiplicative correction to apply to the '
'pseudo-continuum in the red sideband to match '
'the measurement for a spectrum with no Doppler '
MCONT=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Interpolated continuum at the center of the main index '
'passband (absorption-line indices only)'),
MCONT_ERR=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Error in the continuum of the main passband'),
MCONT_MOD=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Continuum in the main passband of the best-fitting '
'model spectrum'),
MCONT_CORR=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Multiplicative correction to apply to the '
'continuum in the main passband to match the '
'measurement for a spectrum with no Doppler '
AWGT=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Weight needed to construct an index measured for the '
'sum (or mean) of a set of spectra. This identical to '
'data pulled from either BCONT, RCONT, or MCONT, as '
'appropriate to the calculation.'),
AWGT_ERR=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Error in the aggregation weight'),
AWGT_MOD=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Weight as measured using the best-fitting '
'model spectrum'),
AWGT_CORR=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Multiplicative correction to apply to the '
'weight needed to match the measurement for a '
'spectrum with no Doppler broadening'),
INDX=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Index measurement for the observed spectrum. '
'Absorption lines are measured using the definition in '
'Worthey et al. (1994)'),
INDX_ERR=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Error in the spectral index'),
INDX_MOD=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Spectral index as measured using the best-fitting '
'model spectrum'),
INDX_CORR=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Index correction needed to match the measurement '
'for a spectrum with no Doppler broadening'),
INDX_BF=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Index measurement for the observed spectrum. '
'Absorption lines are measured using the definition '
'used by Burstein et al. (1984) and Faber et al. '
'(1985); see also Faber et al. (1977)'),
INDX_BF_ERR=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Error in the spectral index'),
INDX_BF_MOD=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Spectral index as measured using the best-fitting '
'model spectrum'),
INDX_BF_CORR=dict(typ=float, shape=(nindx,),
descr='Index correction needed to match the measurement '
'for a spectrum with no Doppler broadening'))
keys = list(datamodel.keys())
self).__init__(keys, [datamodel[k]['typ'] for k in keys],
element_shapes=[datamodel[k]['shape'] for k in keys],
descr=[datamodel[k]['descr'] for k in keys],
# TODO: SpecralIndices.save_results requires that AbsorptionLineIndices
# and BandheadIndices have the following attributes in common:
# blue_center
# blue_continuum
# blue_continuum_err
# blue_incomplete
# blue_empty
# red_center
# red_continuum
# red_continuum_err
# red_incomplete
# red_empty
# index
# index_err
# main_incomplete
# main_empty
# divbyzero
# Put these in a common base class?
class AbsorptionLineIndices:
Measure a set of absorption-line indices and metrics in a single
.. include:: ../include/absindices.rst
.. note::
The calculations performed by this class are agnostic as to
the redshift of the spectrum provided. It is expected that
you will have either de-redshifted the spectrum or redshifted
the passband definitions appropriately to measure the index
in a redshifted spectrum. However, note that, for the latter
case, the calculated indices with angstrom units should be
divided by :math:`1+z` (where :math:`z` is the redshift) to
calculate the *rest-frame* spectral index; no factor is
needed for the indices in magnitude units.
wave (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Wavelength vector.
flux (array-like):
Flux vector. Units must be appropriate to the definition
of the provided index passbands. Can be a
`numpy.ma.MaskedArray`_; masked pixels will be ignored in
the measurement.
bluebands (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Array with the definition of the blue sidebands. Shape
must be :math:`(N_{\rm index},2)`, where the second axis
provides the starting and ending wavelength of each band.
redbands (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Array with the definition of the red sidebands. Shape
must be :math:`(N_{\rm index},2)`, where the second axis
provides the starting and ending wavelength of each band.
mainbands (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Array with the definition of the primary passbands. Shape
must be :math:`(N_{\rm index},2)`, where the second axis
provides the starting and ending wavelength of each band.
err (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
Error in the flux, used for a nominal propagation of the
index error.
log (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
Flag that the provided flux vector is sampled
logarithmically in wavelength.
units (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
Array with the units for each index to compute. Elements
of the array must be either ``'ang'`` or ``'mag'``. If
``units`` is None, ``'ang'`` is assumed for all indices.
nindx (:obj:`int`):
Number of indices
units (`numpy.ndarray`_):
String array with the units of each index (``'ang'`` or
blue_center (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Center of the blue sideband.
blue_continuum (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Flux in the blue sideband.
blue_continuum_err (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Propagated error in the blue sideband flux.
blue_incomplete (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Boolean array flagging if the blue sideband contained
*any* masked pixels.
blue_empty (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Boolean array flagging if the blue sideband was
completely empty.
red_center (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Center of the red sideband.
red_continuum (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Flux in the red sideband.
red_continuum_err (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Propagated error in the red sideband flux.
red_incomplete (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Boolean array flagging if the red sideband contained
*any* masked pixels.
red_empty (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Boolean array flagging if the red sideband was completely
continuum_m (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Slope of the linear continuum defined by the two
continuum_b (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Intercept of the linear continuum defined by the two
main_continuum (`numpy.ndarray`_):
The continuum interpolated to the center of the main
passband based on the linear continuum constructed using
the blue and red sidebands.
main_continuum_err (`numpy.ndarray`_):
The propagated error in the continuum interpolated to the
center of the main passband.
main_flux (`numpy.ndarray`_):
The integral of the flux over the main passband.
main_flux_err (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Propagated error in the integral of the flux over the
main passband.
main_incomplete (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Boolean array flagging if the main passband contained
*any* masked pixels.
main_empty (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Boolean array flagging if the main passband was
completely empty.
index (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Computed index following the Worthey et al. definition.
index_err (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Error in the WT index from nominal error propagation.
Does *not* include error in the linear continuum.
index_bf (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Computed index following the Burstein et al. definition.
index_bf_err (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Error in the BF index from nominal error propagation.
Does *not* include error in the linear continuum.
divbyzero (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Boolean array flagging if the index computation
encountered a division by 0 error; only flagged for
indices with magnitude units.
def __init__(self, wave, flux, bluebands, redbands, mainbands, err=None, log=True, units=None):
# weighted_center (:obj:`bool`, optional):
# For the construction of the linear continuum, compute the
# flux-weighted center of the two side bands. If False, the
# unweighted center is used (i.e., :math:`(\lambda_1 +
# \lambda_2)/2`, where :math:`\lambda_1, \lambda_2` define
# the edges of the sideband.)
# weighted_center=True):
# Check the shape of the input spectrum
if len(flux.shape) != 1:
raise ValueError('Input flux must be a single vector!')
if wave.shape != flux.shape:
raise ValueError('Input flux and wavelength vectors must have the same shape.')
if len(bluebands.shape) != 2:
raise ValueError('Band definitions must be two-dimensional: Nindx x 2.')
if bluebands.shape != redbands.shape or bluebands.shape != mainbands.shape:
raise ValueError('Input bands must have identical shape.')
self.nindx = bluebands.shape[0]
# Make sure the units exist
if units is None:
warnings.warn('Input units not provided. Assuming angstroms.')
self.units = numpy.full(self.nindx, 'ang', dtype=object)
self.units = units
# Get the two pseudocontinua and the bandpass centers.
# `pseudocontinuum` returns center, continuum, and
# continuum_err as MaskedArrays. The optional keyword for the
# center calculation defaults to False, meaning the band
# centers should just be the unweighted center.
self.blue_center, self.blue_continuum, self.blue_continuum_err, self.blue_incomplete, \
self.blue_empty = pseudocontinuum(wave, flux, passband=bluebands, err=err, log=log)
self.red_center, self.red_continuum, self.red_continuum_err, self.red_incomplete, \
self.red_empty = pseudocontinuum(wave, flux, passband=redbands, err=err, log=log)
# Get the parameters for the linear continuum across the
# primary passband
self.continuum_m = (self.red_continuum - self.blue_continuum) \
/ (self.red_center - self.blue_center)
self.continuum_b = self.blue_continuum - self.blue_center * self.continuum_m
# Calculate the continuum at the center of the main band
self.main_center = numpy.mean(mainbands, axis=1)
dx = (self.main_center - self.blue_center) / (self.red_center - self.blue_center)
self.main_continuum = dx * self.red_continuum + (1-dx) * self.blue_continuum
# Above is the same as:
# self.main_continuum = self.continuum_m * self.main_center + self.continuum_b
self.main_continuum_err = None if err is None else \
numpy.sqrt(numpy.square(dx * self.red_continuum_err)
+ numpy.square((1-dx) * self.blue_continuum_err))
# print('Number of non-finite continuum m,b: {0} {1}'.format(
# numpy.sum(numpy.invert(numpy.isfinite(self.continuum_m))),
# numpy.sum(numpy.invert(numpy.isfinite(self.continuum_b)))))
# Compute the continuum normalized indices. This has to be done
# in a for loop because the continuum is index-dependent
self.main_flux = numpy.zeros(self.nindx, dtype=float)
self.main_flux_err = numpy.zeros(self.nindx, dtype=float)
self.main_incomplete = numpy.zeros(self.nindx, dtype=bool)
self.main_empty = numpy.zeros(self.nindx, dtype=bool)
self.index = numpy.zeros(self.nindx, dtype=float)
self.index_err = numpy.zeros(self.nindx, dtype=float)
self.index_bf = numpy.zeros(self.nindx, dtype=float)
self.index_bf_err = numpy.zeros(self.nindx, dtype=float)
# TODO: Need two of these? One for each of the index definitions?
self.divbyzero = numpy.zeros(self.nindx, dtype=bool)
# For convenience:
lg10 = numpy.log(10.0)
for i,m in enumerate(mainbands):
if self.blue_empty[i] or self.red_empty[i]:
# From Worthey et al. 1994, eqns. 2 and 3
cont = self.continuum_b[i] + self.continuum_m[i]*wave
integrand = 1.0 - flux/cont if self.units[i] == 'ang' else flux/cont
# Calculate the integral over the passband
self.index[i] = passband_integral(wave, integrand, passband=m, log=log)
if err is not None:
self.index_err[i] = passband_integral(wave, err/cont, passband=m, log=log,
# Calculate the integrated flux over passband
self.main_flux[i] = passband_integral(wave, flux, passband=m, log=log)
if err is not None:
self.main_flux_err[i] = passband_integral(wave, err, passband=m, log=log,
# Get the fraction of the band covered by the spectrum and
# flag bands that are only partially covered or empty
# TODO: Can interval ever be negative?
interval = passband_integrated_width(wave, flux, passband=m, log=log)
interval_frac = interval / numpy.diff(m)[0]
self.main_incomplete[i] = interval_frac < 1.0
self.main_empty[i] = numpy.invert(interval_frac > 0.0)
# Common to both calculations of the BF indices
# TODO: Need to catch divbyzero here, as well!
bf = self.main_flux[i] * util.inverse(self.main_continuum[i])
bf_err = 0.0 if err is None else \
* util.inverse(self.main_flux[i]))
+ numpy.square(self.main_continuum_err[i]
* util.inverse(self.main_continuum[i])))
if self.units[i] == 'mag':
# Calculation of the index in mag units requires
# division by the band interval. If the full interval
# is masked, this leads to a division by 0. This
# catches that issue.
# TODO: This is more general than a division by zero.
# It should catch any computation that would result in
# a NaN or Inf. ``index`` and ``bf`` need to be larger
# than 0 for the log computation to work.
self.divbyzero[i] = not (numpy.absolute(interval) > 0 and self.index[i] > 0
and bf > 0)
if not self.divbyzero[i]:
# Convert the index to magnitudes using Worthey et
# al. 1994, eqn. 3: The passband interval cancels
# out of the error propagation. The error
# calculation is done first so as to not replace
# the linear calculation of the index. NOTE: If err
# is None, self.index_err=0, so there's no need to
# check index_err here.
self.index_err[i] = numpy.absolute(2.5*self.index_err[i]/self.index[i]/lg10)
self.index[i] = -2.5 * numpy.log10(self.index[i]/interval)
# Similarly for the BF definition:
self.index_bf[i] = -2.5 * numpy.log10(bf / interval)
self.index_bf_err[i] = 2.5 * bf_err / lg10
# Complete the BF definition:
self.index_bf[i] = interval - bf
self.index_bf_err[i] = numpy.absolute(bf*bf_err)
class BandheadIndices:
Measure a set of bandhead, or "color", indices in a single
.. include:: ../include/bhdindices.rst
.. note::
The calculations performed by this class are agnostic as to
the redshift of the spectrum provided. It is expected that
you will have either de-redshifted the spectrum or redshifted
the passband definitions appropriately to measure the index
in a redshifted spectrum. Because the indices are flux
ratios, indices calculated for a redshifted spectrum (with
appropriately defined passbands) are identical to those
calculated shifted to the rest frame.
Also, the integrand is always the provided flux vector,
meaning that its units should be appropriate to *all* of the
indices to be calculated. For example, the D4000 index uses
continua measured by the integral :math:`\int F_\nu {\rm
d}\lambda`, meaning the spectrum provided to this class
should be in per-frequency units.
wave (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Wavelength vector.
flux (array-like):
Flux vector. Units must be appropriate to the definition
of the provided index passbands. Can be a
`numpy.ma.MaskedArray`_; masked pixels will be ignored in
the measurement.
bluebands (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Array with the definition of the blue sidebands. Shape
must be :math:`(N_{\rm index},2)`, where the second axis
provides the starting and ending wavelength of each band.
redbands (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Array with the definition of the red sidebands. Shape
must be :math:`(N_{\rm index},2)`, where the second axis
provides the starting and ending wavelength of each band.
err (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
Error in the flux, used for a nominal propagation of the
index error.
log (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
Flag that the provided flux vector is sampled
logarithmically in wavelength.
order (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
String array signifying which band is in the numerator
and which in the denominator. The string must be
``'r_b'`` --- signifying the index is calculated as the
red continuum divided by the blue continuum --- or
``'b_r'``. If None, ``'r_b'`` is assumed for all
def __init__(self, wave, flux, bluebands, redbands, err=None, log=True, order=None):
# Check the shape of the input spectrum
if len(flux.shape) != 1:
raise ValueError('Input flux must be a single vector!')
if wave.shape != flux.shape:
raise ValueError('Input flux and wavelength vectors must have the same shape.')
if len(bluebands.shape) != 2:
raise ValueError('Band definitions must be two-dimensional: Nindx x 2.')
if bluebands.shape != redbands.shape:
raise ValueError('Input bands must have identical shape.')
self.nindx = bluebands.shape[0]
self.units = None
# Check input order
if order is None:
warnings.warn('Input order not specified. Assuming r_b.')
self.order = numpy.full(self.nindx, 'r_b', dtype=object)
self.order = order
if len(self.order) != self.nindx:
raise ValueError('Must provide the order for each index.')
# Get the two pseudocontinua and the flux-weighted band centers
# pseudocontinuum returns center, continuum, and continuum_err
# as MaskedArrays
self.blue_center, self.blue_continuum, self.blue_continuum_err, self.blue_incomplete, \
self.blue_empty = pseudocontinuum(wave, flux, passband=bluebands, err=err, log=log)
self.red_center, self.red_continuum, self.red_continuum_err, self.red_incomplete, \
self.red_empty = pseudocontinuum(wave, flux, passband=redbands, err=err, log=log)
# Determine which indices have both a valid index and index
# error calculation
self.main_incomplete = None
self.main_empty = None
self.divbyzero = numpy.zeros(self.nindx, dtype=bool)
# Calculate the index in the correct order
blue_n = order == 'b_r'
self.index = numpy.ma.zeros(self.nindx, dtype=float)
self.index[blue_n] = numpy.ma.divide(self.blue_continuum[blue_n],
self.divbyzero[blue_n] = numpy.invert(numpy.absolute(self.red_continuum[blue_n])>0.0)
self.index[numpy.invert(blue_n)] = numpy.ma.divide(self.red_continuum[numpy.invert(blue_n)],
self.divbyzero[numpy.invert(blue_n)] \
= numpy.invert(numpy.absolute(self.blue_continuum[numpy.invert(blue_n)])>0.0)
# Calculate the index errors
berr = numpy.ma.zeros(self.nindx) if self.blue_continuum_err is None \
else self.blue_continuum_err
rerr = numpy.ma.zeros(self.nindx) if self.red_continuum_err is None \
else self.red_continuum_err
# Error is independent of ratio order when written in this way
self.index_err = numpy.ma.sqrt(
numpy.square(numpy.ma.divide(berr*self.index,self.blue_continuum)) +
class SpectralIndices:
Class that computes and interfaces with the spectral-index
If neither stellar-continuum nor emission-line models are provided:
- Indices are measure on the binned spectra
- No velocity-dispersion corrections are calculated
If a stellar-continuum model is provided without an emission-line
- Indices are measured on the binned spectra
- Velocity-dispersion corrections are computed for any binned
spectrum with a stellar-continuum fit based on the optimal
If an emission-line model is provided without a stellar-continuum
- Indices are measured on the relevant (binned or unbinned)
spectra; spectra with emission-line fits have the model
emission lines subtracted from them before these measurements.
- If the emission-line model includes data regarding the
stellar-continuum fit (template spectra and template weights),
corrections are calculated for spectra with emission-line
models based on the continuum fits; otherwise, no corrections
are calculated.
If both stellar-continuum and emission-line models are provided, and
if the stellar-continuum and emission-line fits are performed on the
same spectra:
- Indices are measured on the relevant (binned or unbinned)
spectra; spectra with emission-line fits have the model
emission lines subtracted from them before these measurements.
- Velocity-dispersion corrections are based on the
stellar-continuum templates and weights
If both stellar-continuum and emission-line models are provided, and
if the stellar-continuum and emission-line fits are performed on
different spectra:
- The behavior is exactly as if the stellar-continuum model was
not provided.
.. todo::
**Detail what should be provided in terms of the redshift.**
database (:class:`~mangadap.spectralindices.SpectralIndicesDef`):
Object defining the parameters and databases for the measurements.
The binned spectra for the measurements.
redshift (float, numpy.ndarray): (**Optional**) A single or
spectrum-dependent redshift, :math:`z`, to use for shifting
the index bands. Default is to measure the indices at their
provided wavelengths (i.e., :math:`z=0`).
(**Optional**) The stellar-continuum model as applied to the
binned spectra.
(**Optional**) The emission-line model as applied to either
the binned spectra or the unbinned spaxels.
database_list (list): (**Optional**) List of
:class:`SpectralIndicesDef` objects that define one or more
methods to use for the spectral-index measurements. The
default list is provided by the config files in the DAP
source directory and compiled into this list using
artifact_path (:obj:`str`, optional):
Path to the directory with artifact parameter files. If
None, defined by
absorption_index_path (:obj:`str`, optional):
Path to the directory with absorption-line index parameter
files. If None, defined by
bandhead_index_path (:obj:`str`, optional):
Path to the directory with bandhead index parameter files.
If None, defined by
dapver (str): (**Optional**) The DAP version to use for the
analysis, used to override the default defined by
analysis_path (str): (**Optional**) The top-level path for the
DAP output files, used to override the default defined by
directory_path (str): The exact path to the directory with DAP
output that is common to number DAP "methods". See
output_file (str): (**Optional**) Exact name for the output
file. The default is to use
hardcopy (bool): (**Optional**) Flag to write the HDUList
attribute to disk. Default is True; if False, the HDUList
is only kept in memory and would have to be reconstructed.
tpl_symlink_dir (str): (**Optional**) Create a symbolic link to
the created template library file in the supplied directory.
Default is to produce no symbolic link.
overwrite (bool): (**Optional**) Overwrite any existing files.
Default is to use any existing file instead of redoing the
analysis and overwriting the existing output.
checksum (bool): (**Optional**) Use the checksum in the fits
header to confirm that the data has not been corrupted. The
checksum is **always** written to the fits header when the
file is created; this argument does not toggle that
loggers (list): (**Optional**) List of `logging.Logger`_ objects
to log progress; ignored if quiet=True. Logging is done
using :func:`mangadap.util.log.log_output`. Default is no
quiet (bool): (**Optional**) Suppress all terminal and logging
output. Default is False.
def __init__(self, database, binned_spectra, redshift=None, stellar_continuum=None,
emission_line_model=None, database_list=None, artifact_path=None,
absorption_index_path=None, bandhead_index_path=None, output_path=None,
output_file=None, hardcopy=True, tpl_hardcopy=False, overwrite=None,
checksum=False, loggers=None, quiet=False):
self.loggers = None
self.quiet = False
# Define the database properties
# self.database = None
# self.artdb = None
# self.pixelmask = None
# self.absdb = None
# self.bhddb = None
self.database = database
if not isinstance(self.database, SpectralIndicesDef):
raise TypeError('Method must have type SpectralIndicesDef.')
# self._define_databases(database_key, database_list=database_list,
# artifact_path=artifact_path,
# absorption_index_path=absorption_index_path,
# bandhead_index_path=bandhead_index_path)
self.nabs, self.nbhd = self.count_indices(self.database.absdb, self.database.bhddb)
self.nindx = self.nabs + self.nbhd
self.compute_corrections = False
self.correct_indices = False # !! HARDCODED !!
self.binned_spectra = None
self.redshift = None
self.stellar_continuum = None
self.emission_line_model = None
# Define the output directory and file
self.directory_path = None # Set in define_paths
self.output_file = None
self.hardcopy = None
self.tpl_hardcopy = None
# Initialize the objects used in the assessments
self.bitmask = SpectralIndicesBitMask()
self.hdu = None
self.checksum = checksum
self.spatial_shape = None
self.nspec = None
self.spatial_index = None
self.image_arrays = None
self.nbins = None
self.missing_bins = None
# Run the assessments of the DRP file
self.measure(binned_spectra, redshift=redshift, stellar_continuum=stellar_continuum,
emission_line_model=emission_line_model, output_path=output_path,
output_file=output_file, hardcopy=hardcopy, tpl_hardcopy=tpl_hardcopy,
overwrite=overwrite, loggers=loggers, quiet=quiet)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.hdu[key]
# def _define_databases(self, database_key, database_list=None, artifact_path=None,
# absorption_index_path=None, bandhead_index_path=None):
# r"""
# Select the database of indices
# """
# # Grab the specific database
# self.database = util.select_proc_method(database_key, SpectralIndicesDef,
# method_list=database_list,
# available_func=available_spectral_index_databases)
# # Instantiate the artifact, absorption-index, and bandhead-index
# # databases
# self.artdb = None if self.database['artifacts'] is None else \
# ArtifactDB.from_key(self.database['artifacts'], directory_path=artifact_path)
# # TODO: Generalize the name of this object
# self.pixelmask = SpectralPixelMask(artdb=self.artdb)
# self.absdb = None if self.database['absindex'] is None else \
# AbsorptionIndexDB.from_key(self.database['absindex'],
# directory_path=absorption_index_path)
# self.bhddb = None if self.database['bandhead'] is None else \
# BandheadIndexDB.from_key(self.database['bandhead'],
# directory_path=bandhead_index_path)
def default_paths(cube, method_key, rdxqa_method, binning_method, stelcont_method=None,
elmodel_method=None, output_path=None, output_file=None):
Set the default directory and file name for the output file.
cube (:class:`mangadap.datacube.datacube.DataCube`):
Datacube to analyze.
method_key (:obj:`str`):
Keyword designating the method used for the reduction
rdxqa_method (:obj:`str`):
The method key for the basic assessments of the datacube.
binning_method (:obj:`str`):
The method key for the spatial binning.
stelcont_method (:obj:`str`, optional):
The method key for the stellar-continuum fitting method. If
None, not included in output file name.
elmodel_method (:obj:`str`, optional):
The method key for the emission-line modeling method. If None,
not included in the output file name.
output_path (:obj:`str`, `Path`_, optional):
The path for the output file. If None, the current working
directory is used.
output_file (:obj:`str`, optional):
The name of the output "reference" file. The full path of the
output file will be :attr:`directory_path`/:attr:`output_file`.
If None, the default is to combine ``cube.output_root`` and the
method keys. The order of the keys is the order of operations
(rdxqa, binning, stellar continuum, emission-line model).
:obj:`tuple`: Returns a `Path`_ with the output directory and a
:obj:`str` with the output file name.
directory_path = Path('.').resolve() if output_path is None \
else Path(output_path).resolve()
method = f'{rdxqa_method}-{binning_method}'
if stelcont_method is not None:
method = f'{method}-{stelcont_method}'
if elmodel_method is not None:
method = f'{method}-{elmodel_method}'
method = f'{method}-{method_key}'
_output_file = f'{cube.output_root}-{method}.fits.gz' if output_file is None \
else output_file
return directory_path, _output_file
def _index_database_dtype(self, name_len):
Construct the record array data type for the output fits
return [ ('TYPE','<U10'),
('PASSBAND', float, (2,)),
('BLUEBAND', float, (2,)),
('REDBAND', float, (2,)),
('UNIT', '<U3'),
('COMPONENT', numpy.uint8),
('INTEGRAND', '<U7'),
('ORDER', '<U3')
def _compile_database(self):
Compile the database with the specifications of each index.
name_len = 0
if self.database.absdb is not None:
for n in self.database.absdb['name']:
if name_len < len(n):
name_len = len(n)
if self.database.bhddb is not None:
for n in self.database.bhddb['name']:
if name_len < len(n):
name_len = len(n)
# Instatiate the table data that will be saved defining the set
# of indices measured
passband_database = init_record_array(self.nindx, self._index_database_dtype(name_len))
t = 0 if self.database.absdb is None else self.database.absdb.size
if self.database.absdb is not None:
passband_database['TYPE'][:t] = 'absorption'
ak = [ 'index', 'name', 'primary', 'blueside', 'redside', 'units', 'component' ]
for _hk, _ak in zip(hk,ak):
passband_database[_hk][:t] = self.database.absdb[_ak]
if self.database.bhddb is not None:
passband_database['TYPE'][t:] = 'bandhead'
ak = [ 'index', 'name', 'blueside', 'redside', 'integrand', 'order' ]
for _hk, _ak in zip(hk,ak):
passband_database[_hk][t:] = self.database.bhddb[_ak]
return passband_database
def _assign_image_arrays(self):
Set :attr:`image_arrays`, which contains the list of extensions
in :attr:`hdu` that are on-sky image data.
self.image_arrays = [ 'BINID' ]
def _get_missing_bins(self, unique_bins=None):
if unique_bins is None:
good_snr = self.binned_spectra.above_snr_limit(self.database['minimum_snr'])
return numpy.sort(self.binned_spectra.missing_bins +
return SpatiallyBinnedSpectra._get_missing_bins(unique_bins)
def _assign_redshifts(self, redshift, measure_on_unbinned_spaxels, good_snr,
Set the redshift to use for each spectrum for the spectral index
In terms of precedence, directly provided redshifts override
those in any available StellarContinuumModel.
If :attr:`stellar_continuum` and redshift are None, the default
redshift is used (or 0.0 if this is also None).
To get the stellar kinematics, the function calls
It is expected that the stellar kinematics were fixed to these
values during any emission-line modeling that may have altered
the continuum fit itself (e.g., :class:`mangadap.proc.Sasuke`).
In this function, the provided redshift must be a single value
or None; therefore, the means of any vectors should be provided
instead of the full vector.
The function is borrows heavily from
redshift (:obj:`float`, numpy.ndarray):
Redshifts (:math:`z`) to use for each spectrum. If
None, the default
measure_on_unbinned_spaxels (:obj:`bool`):
Flag that method expects to measure moments on unbinned
good_snr (numpy.ndarray):
Boolean array setting which spectra have sufficient S/N
for the measurements.
default_redshift (:obj:`float`, optional):
Only used if there are stellar kinematics available.
Provides the default redshift to use for spectra
without stellar measurements; see ``redshift`` in
If None (default), the median of the unmasked stellar
velocities will be used.
# Construct the binid matrix if measuring on unbinned spaxels
if measure_on_unbinned_spaxels:
binid = numpy.full(self.binned_spectra.spatial_shape, -1, dtype=int)
binid.ravel()[good_snr] = numpy.arange(self.nbins)
missing = []
nspec = self.binned_spectra.cube.nspec
binid = self.binned_spectra['BINID'].data
missing = self.binned_spectra.missing_bins
nspec = self.binned_spectra.nbins
# Get the redshift measured for the stars and use them if no
# default value is provided
if self.stellar_continuum is not None and redshift is None:
self.redshift, _ = self.stellar_continuum.matched_kinematics(
binid, redshift=default_redshift,
nearest=True, missing=missing)
if measure_on_unbinned_spaxels:
tmp = self.redshift.copy()
self.redshift = numpy.zeros(nspec, dtype=float)
self.redshift[good_snr] = tmp
# Use the default value(s)
_redshift = numpy.atleast_1d(redshift)
if len(_redshift) not in [ 1, nspec ]:
raise ValueError('Provided redshift must be either a single value or match the '
'number of binned spectra or the number of unbinned spaxels.')
self.redshift = numpy.full(nspec, redshift, dtype=float) \
if len(_redshift) == 1 else _redshift.copy()
def _flag_good_spectra(self, measure_on_unbinned_spaxels):
if measure_on_unbinned_spaxels:
return self.binned_spectra.check_fgoodpix()
# fgoodpix = self.binned_spectra.check_fgoodpix()
# good_snr = self.binned_spectra.rdxqa['SPECTRUM'].data['SNR'] \
# > self.database['minimum_snr']
# return fgoodpix & good_snr
return self.binned_spectra.above_snr_limit(self.database['minimum_snr'])
def spectra_for_index_measurements(binned_spectra, measure_on_unbinned_spaxels=False,
pixelmask=None, select=None, resolution_fwhm=None,
Compile the set of spectra for the spectral-index measurements.
If the input fwhm is > 0, this function will match the spectral
resolution of the data to the spectral-index system, based on
the provided FWHM. It also subtracts the emission-line model if
.. todo::
Allow resolution_fwhm to be wavelength dependent, provided
via a vector.
The binned spectra object. The returned spectra are
either the binned spectra or the DRP spectra internal to
this object.
measure_on_unbinned_spaxels (bool): (**Optional**) Flag to
return the unbinned spaxels as opposed to the binned
spectra. Default is to use the binned spectra.
(**Optional**) Defines the pixels that should
automatically be masked during the measurements. By
default, nothing is masked in addition to that specified
by the data mask.
select (numpy.ndarray): (**Optional**) Boolean vector
selecting which spectra to return. The length must
match the number of binned spectra or the total number
of DRP spectra, depending on the provided
``measure_on_unbinned_spaxels``. Default is to
return all spectra.
resolution_fwhm (float): (**Optional**)
Wavelength-independent FWHM of the resolution element at
which to measure the indices. If
> 0, the spectra are resolution matched from the input
resolution to the provided resolution; otherwise, the
resolution is not altered.
(**Optional**) Object providing the emission-line model.
The emission-line model must match the selection of the
spectra (binned or unbinned) to fit, as given by the
fitting method (`deconstruct_bins`).
numpy.ndarray, numpy.ma.MaskedArray: Three arrays are
returned: (1) the common wavelength vector, (2) the masked
flux array, and (3) the masked inverse variance array.
ValueError: Raised if the emission-line model and spectra
selection (binned vs. unbinned) do not match.
# Check that the spectrum selection and emission-line model are
# consistent
if measure_on_unbinned_spaxels and emission_line_model is not None \
and emission_line_model.method['fitpar']['deconstruct_bins'] == 'ignore':
raise ValueError('Cannot use this emission-line model with unbinned spaxels.')
# Get the main data arrays
if measure_on_unbinned_spaxels:
# TODO: Should probably make this a function within
# SpatiallyBinnedSpectra, particularly because of the
# dereddening
flags = binned_spectra.cube.do_not_fit_flags()
binid = numpy.arange(binned_spectra.cube.nspec).reshape(binned_spectra.spatial_shape)
wave = binned_spectra['WAVE'].data
flux = binned_spectra.cube.copy_to_masked_array(flag=flags)
ivar = binned_spectra.cube.copy_to_masked_array(attr='ivar', flag=flags)
flux, ivar = binned_spectra.galext.apply(flux, ivar=ivar, deredden=True)
missing = None
sres = binned_spectra.cube.copy_to_array(attr='sres')
flags = binned_spectra.do_not_fit_flags()
binid = binned_spectra['BINID'].data
wave = binned_spectra['WAVE'].data
flux = binned_spectra.copy_to_masked_array(flag=flags)
ivar = binned_spectra.copy_to_masked_array(ext='IVAR', flag=flags)
missing = binned_spectra.missing_bins
sres = binned_spectra.copy_to_array(ext='SPECRES')
# Total number of spectra
nspec = flux.shape[0]
# Mask any pixels in the pixel mask
if pixelmask is not None:
indx = pixelmask.boolean(wave, nspec=nspec)
flux[indx] = numpy.ma.masked
ivar[indx] = numpy.ma.masked
# Remove the emission lines if provided
# warnings.warn('DEBUG')
if emission_line_model is not None:
eml_model = emission_line_model.fill_to_match(binid, missing=missing)
no_eml = numpy.invert(numpy.ma.getmaskarray(flux)) & numpy.ma.getmaskarray(eml_model)
flux -= eml_model
flux.mask[no_eml] = False
# Make sure ivar mask is identical to flux mask
ivar.mask = flux.mask.copy()
# Set the selected spectra
_select = numpy.ones(nspec, dtype=bool) if select is None else select
# Adjust the spectral resolution
_resolution_fwhm = -1 if resolution_fwhm is None else resolution_fwhm
if _resolution_fwhm > 0:
flux, ivar = adjust_spectral_resolution(wave, flux, ivar, sres, _resolution_fwhm)
return wave, flux[select,:], ivar[select,:]
def adjust_spectral_resolution(wave, flux, ivar, sres, resolution_fwhm):
flux and ivar are expected to be masked arrays
# Revert flux and ivar to unmasked arrays
mask = numpy.ma.getmaskarray(flux).copy()
flux = numpy.asarray(flux)
ivar = numpy.asarray(ivar)
nspec = flux.shape[0]
# For masked pixels, interpolate across them using simple linear
# interpolation.
# TODO: This approach needs to be vetted.
for i in range(nspec):
mp = mask[i,:] # Masked pixels
up = numpy.invert(mp) # Unmasked pixels
if numpy.sum(mp) == 0: # No masked pixels so continue
if numpy.sum(up) == 0: # No unmasked pixels!
flux[i,:] = 0.0
# Linearly interpolate both the flux and inverse variance
flux[i,mp] = numpy.interp(wave[mp], wave[up], flux[i,up])
ivar[i,mp] = numpy.interp(wave[mp], wave[up], ivar[i,up])
# Use :func:`mangadap.util.resolution.match_spectral_resolution`
# to match the spectral resolution of the binned spectra to the
# spectral-index system
new_sres = wave/resolution_fwhm
_flux, _sres, sigoff, _mask, _ivar \
= match_spectral_resolution(wave, flux, sres, wave, new_sres, ivar=ivar,
log10=True, new_log10=True)
# From resolution.py: "Any pixel that had a resolution that was
# lower than the target resolution (up to some tolerance defined
# by *min_sig_pix*) is returned as masked." This is exactly
# what should be masked with the SPECRES_LOW bit.
if numpy.sum(_mask) > 0:
mask[_mask > 0] = True
return numpy.ma.MaskedArray(flux,mask=mask), numpy.ma.MaskedArray(ivar,mask=mask)
def unit_selection(absdb, bhddb):
Return boolean arrays selection which indices are unitless, in
angstrom units, or in magnitude units.
nabs, nbhd = SpectralIndices.count_indices(absdb, bhddb)
# Flag the indices as either having magnitude or angstrom units
angu = numpy.zeros(nabs + nbhd, dtype=bool)
magu = numpy.zeros(nabs + nbhd, dtype=bool)
ules = numpy.zeros(nabs + nbhd, dtype=bool)
# Flag absorption-line indices as either angstrom or magnitude
if nabs > 0:
angu[:nabs] = absdb['units'] == 'ang'
magu[:nabs] = absdb['units'] == 'mag'
# Bandhead indices are unitless
if nbhd > 0:
ules[nabs:] = True
return ules, angu, magu
def _resolution_matched_templates(self):
Get a version of the template library that has had its
resolution matched to that of the spectral-index database.
return self.stellar_continuum.get_template_library(output_path=self.directory_path,
def calculate_dispersion_corrections(absdb, bhddb, wave, flux, continuum, continuum_dcnvlv,
redshift=None, redshift_dcnvlv=None, bitmask=None):
Calculate the spectral-index velocity-dispersion corrections.
The indices are measured twice, once on the best-fitting
model (``continuum``; produces :math:`{\mathcal I}_{\rm
mod}`), and once on the "deconvolved" best-fitting model
(``continuum_dcnvlv``); i.e., the best-fitting model but with
0 velocity dispersion, :math:`{\mathcal I}_{\sigma=0}`. The
corrections, :math:`\delta {\rm mathcal I}` are then
constructed as:
.. math::
\delta{\mathcal I} = \left\{
{\mathcal I}_{\sigma=0}\ /\ {\mathcal I}_{\rm mod}, & \mbox{for unitless indices} \\[3pt]
{\mathcal I}_{\sigma=0}\ /\ {\mathcal I}_{\rm mod}, & \mbox{for angstrom units} \\[3pt]
{\mathcal I}_{\sigma=0} - {\mathcal I}_{\rm mod}, & \mbox{for magnitude units}
where "bandhead" (color) indices are treated as unitless. The
construction of the two continuum spectra can be such that
they have different redshifts (see ``redshift`` and
``redshift_dcnvlv``). The corrected index values are then:
.. math::
{\mathcal I}^c = \left\{
{\mathcal I}\ \delta{\mathcal I}, & \mbox{for unitless indices} \\[3pt]
{\mathcal I}\ \delta{\mathcal I}, & \mbox{for angstrom units} \\[3pt]
{\mathcal I} + \delta{\mathcal I}, & \mbox{for magnitude units} \\[3pt]
For absorption-line indices, the index corrections are
calculated for both the Worthey/Trager definition and the
Burstein/Faber definition.
Similar corrections are calculated for the continuum in the
main passband, as well as the two sidebands:
.. math::
\delta C = C_{\sigma=0} / C_{\rm mod},
where :math:`C` is used here as a generic continuum
measurement (cf. :class:`AbsorptionLineIndices` documentation
absdb (:class:`~mangadap.par.aborptionlinedb.AbsorptionIndexDB`):
Database with the absorption-line index definitions.
bhddb (:class:`~mangadap.par.bandheadindexdb.BandheadIndexDB`):
Database with the bandhead index definitions.
wave (`numpy.ndarray`_):
1D vector with the wavelength of each pixel. *Assumed
to be logarithmically binned in radius.*
flux (`numpy.ndarray`_):
2D array with the flux, ordered as :math:`N_{\rm
spec}\times N_{\rm wave}`. Can be a
numpy.ma.MaskedArray; masked pixels will be ignored
in the measurement. This is only used to get the
masked pixels to ignore during the index computation
in the continuum model.s
continuum (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Best-fitting continuum-only models to the spectra.
continuum_dcnvlv (`numpy.ndarray`_):
Best-fitting continuum-only models to the spectra,
but with a velocity dispersion of 0 km/s.
redshift (array-like, optional):
Redshift to use for each spectrum when determining
the index. Must have the correct length compared to
the flux array. Default is to assume the spectra are
at rest wavelength.
bitmask (:class:`mangadap.util.bitmask.BitMask`, optional):
If an index is flagged for some reason (see
:func:`set_masks`), this object is used to set the
mask value; this should typically be
:class:`SpectralIndicesBitMask` object. If not
provided, the masked values are all set to True
(False otherwise).
:obj:`tuple`: Returns 16 (!) `numpy.ndarray`_ objects:
The model blue pseudo-continua and corrections, the model
red pseudo-continua and corrections, the model main
passband continua and corrections, the model weights and
corrections, the model Worthey/Trager indices and
corrections, the model Burstein/Faber indices and
corrections, and boolean arrays selecting the good
unitless indices, angstrom-unit indices, and
magnitude-unit indices, and absorption-line indices.
# Make sure continuum includes the flux masks
nspec = flux.shape[0]
_flux = numpy.ma.MaskedArray(flux)
_continuum = numpy.ma.MaskedArray(continuum)
_continuum_dcnvlv = numpy.ma.MaskedArray(continuum_dcnvlv)
_continuum[numpy.ma.getmaskarray(_flux)] = numpy.ma.masked
_continuum_dcnvlv[numpy.ma.getmaskarray(_flux)] = numpy.ma.masked
# Measure the indices for both sets of spectra
indx = SpectralIndices.measure_indices(absdb, bhddb, wave, _continuum, redshift=redshift,
dcnvlv_indx = SpectralIndices.measure_indices(absdb, bhddb, wave, _continuum_dcnvlv,
redshift=redshift_dcnvlv, bitmask=bitmask)
# Do not compute corrections if any of the bands were empty or
# would have had to divide by zero
if bitmask is not None:
bad_indx = bitmask.flagged(indx['MASK'], flag=bad_flags)
bad_indx |= bitmask.flagged(dcnvlv_indx['MASK'], flag=bad_flags)
bad_indx = indx['MASK'] | dcnvlv_indx['MASK']
print('Number of indices: ', bad_indx.size)
print('Bad indices: ', numpy.sum(bad_indx))
# Determine which indices have good measurements
ules, angu, magu = SpectralIndices.unit_selection(absdb, bhddb)
good_les = numpy.invert(bad_indx) & (numpy.array([ules]*nspec)) \
& (numpy.absolute(indx['INDX']) > 0)
good_ang = numpy.invert(bad_indx) & (numpy.array([angu]*nspec)) \
& (numpy.absolute(indx['INDX']) > 0)
good_mag = numpy.invert(bad_indx) & (numpy.array([magu]*nspec))
print('Good unitless indices: ', numpy.sum(good_les))
print('Good angstrom indices: ', numpy.sum(good_ang))
print('Good magnitude indices: ', numpy.sum(good_mag))
# Sideband model values and corrections (same computation
# regardless of the units).
good = good_les | good_ang | good_mag
bcont_mod = numpy.zeros(indx['BCONT'].shape, dtype=float)
bcont_mod[good] = indx['BCONT'][good]
bcont_corr = numpy.zeros(indx['BCONT'].shape, dtype=float)
bcont_corr[good] = dcnvlv_indx['BCONT'][good] / indx['BCONT'][good]
rcont_mod = numpy.zeros(indx['RCONT'].shape, dtype=float)
rcont_mod[good] = indx['RCONT'][good]
rcont_corr = numpy.zeros(indx['RCONT'].shape, dtype=float)
rcont_corr[good] = dcnvlv_indx['RCONT'][good] / indx['RCONT'][good]
# The weights are just continuum values drawn from different
# sources, so the model and correction compuations are done in
# the same way.
awgt_mod = numpy.zeros(indx['AWGT'].shape, dtype=float)
awgt_mod[good] = indx['AWGT'][good]
awgt_corr = numpy.zeros(indx['AWGT'].shape, dtype=float)
awgt_corr[good] = dcnvlv_indx['AWGT'][good] / indx['AWGT'][good]
# Continuum in the main passband (same computation regardless
# of the units).
# Only valid for the absorption-line indices
nabs, nbhd = SpectralIndices.count_indices(absdb, bhddb)
is_abs = numpy.ones(nabs+nbhd, dtype=bool)
is_abs[nabs:] = False
_good = good & is_abs[None,:]
# Save the *good* indices for the best-fitting models
mcont_mod = numpy.zeros(indx['MCONT'].shape, dtype=float)
mcont_mod[_good] = indx['MCONT'][_good]
# Determine the dispersion corrections
mcont_corr = numpy.zeros(indx['MCONT'].shape, dtype=float)
mcont_corr[_good] = dcnvlv_indx['MCONT'][_good] / indx['MCONT'][_good]
# Worthey/Trager indices and bandhead indices
# Save the *good* indices for the best-fitting models
indx_mod = numpy.zeros(indx['INDX'].shape, dtype=float)
indx_mod[good] = indx['INDX'][good]
# Determine the dispersion corrections
indx_corr = numpy.zeros(indx['INDX'].shape, dtype=float)
indx_corr[good_les] = dcnvlv_indx['INDX'][good_les] / indx['INDX'][good_les]
indx_corr[good_ang] = dcnvlv_indx['INDX'][good_ang] / indx['INDX'][good_ang]
indx_corr[good_mag] = dcnvlv_indx['INDX'][good_mag] - indx['INDX'][good_mag]
# Burstein/Faber indices. This will include the bandhead/color
# indices; however, data in INDX_BF is currently just a copy of
# what's in INDX.
# Save the *good* indices for the best-fitting models
indx_bf_mod = numpy.zeros(indx['INDX_BF'].shape, dtype=float)
indx_bf_mod[good_les | good_ang | good_mag] \
= indx['INDX_BF'][good_les | good_ang | good_mag]
# Determine the dispersion corrections
indx_bf_corr = numpy.zeros(indx['INDX_BF'].shape, dtype=float)
indx_bf_corr[good_les] = dcnvlv_indx['INDX_BF'][good_les] / indx['INDX_BF'][good_les]
indx_bf_corr[good_ang] = dcnvlv_indx['INDX_BF'][good_ang] / indx['INDX_BF'][good_ang]
indx_bf_corr[good_mag] = dcnvlv_indx['INDX_BF'][good_mag] - indx['INDX_BF'][good_mag]
# Return the results
return bcont_mod, bcont_corr, rcont_mod, rcont_corr, mcont_mod, mcont_corr, \
awgt_mod, awgt_corr, indx_mod, indx_corr, indx_bf_mod, indx_bf_corr, \
good_les, good_ang, good_mag, is_abs
def apply_dispersion_corrections(indx, indxcorr, err=None, unit=None):
Apply a set of dispersion corrections. Errors in the dispersion
corrections are assumed to be negligible.
indx (array-like):
Indices to correct.
indxcorr (array-like):
Index corrections.
err (array-like, optional):
Error in the indices.
unit (:obj:`str`, optional):
Unit of the index; must be either magnitudes
(``'mag'``) or angstroms (``'ang'``) or None. Default
is None. Unitless corrections and angstrom
corrections are treated identically.
:obj:`tuple`: Returns two objects with the corrected
indices and errors. If no errors are returned, the second
returned object is None.
Raised if the unit is not ang or mag.
if unit not in [ None, 'ang', 'mag' ]:
raise ValueError('Unit must be None, ang, or mag.')
if unit in [ None, 'ang' ]:
_indx = indx * indxcorr
_err = None if err is None else err * numpy.absolute(indxcorr)
_indx = indx + indxcorr
_err = None if err is None else err.copy()
return _indx, _err
def count_indices(absdb, bhddb):
Count the total number (absorption-line and bandhead) indices.
return 0 if absdb is None else absdb.size, 0 if bhddb is None else bhddb.size
def set_masks(measurements, blue_incomplete, blue_empty, red_incomplete, red_empty, divbyzero,
main_incomplete=None, main_empty=None, bitmask=None):
# print('blue incomplete: {0}/{1}'.format(numpy.sum(blue_incomplete), blue_incomplete.size))
# print('blue empty: {0}/{1}'.format(numpy.sum(blue_empty), blue_empty.size))
# print('red incomplete: {0}/{1}'.format(numpy.sum(red_incomplete), red_incomplete.size))
# print('red empty: {0}/{1}'.format(numpy.sum(red_empty), red_empty.size))
# print('divbyzero: {0}/{1}'.format(numpy.sum(divbyzero), divbyzero.size))
# if main_incomplete is not None:
# print('main incomplete: {0}/{1}'.format(numpy.sum(main_incomplete),
# main_incomplete.size))
# if main_empty is not None:
# print('main empty: {0}/{1}'.format(numpy.sum(main_empty), main_empty.size))
measurements['MASK'][blue_incomplete] = True if bitmask is None else \
bitmask.turn_on(measurements['MASK'][blue_incomplete], 'BLUE_INCOMP')
measurements['MASK'][blue_empty] = True if bitmask is None else \
bitmask.turn_on(measurements['MASK'][blue_empty], 'BLUE_EMPTY')
measurements['MASK'][red_incomplete] = True if bitmask is None else \
bitmask.turn_on(measurements['MASK'][red_incomplete], 'RED_INCOMP')
measurements['MASK'][red_empty] = True if bitmask is None else \
bitmask.turn_on(measurements['MASK'][red_empty], 'RED_EMPTY')
measurements['MASK'][divbyzero] = True if bitmask is None else \
bitmask.turn_on(measurements['MASK'][divbyzero], 'DIVBYZERO')
if main_incomplete is not None:
measurements['MASK'][main_incomplete] = True if bitmask is None else \
bitmask.turn_on(measurements['MASK'][main_incomplete], 'MAIN_INCOMP')
if main_empty is not None:
measurements['MASK'][main_empty] = True if bitmask is None else \
bitmask.turn_on(measurements['MASK'][main_empty], 'MAIN_EMPTY')
return measurements
def save_results(results, measurements, good, err=False, bitmask=None):
Save the index measuremements to the measurement database.
is_abs = isinstance(results, AbsorptionLineIndices)
is_bhd = isinstance(results, BandheadIndices)
if not is_abs and not is_bhd:
raise TypeError('Input must be of type AbsorptionLineIndices or BandheadIndices')
# Save the data, general to both absorption-line and bandhead
# indices
measurements['BCEN'][good] = results.blue_center
measurements['BCONT'][good] = results.blue_continuum
if err:
measurements['BCONT_ERR'][good] = results.blue_continuum_err
measurements['RCEN'][good] = results.red_center
measurements['RCONT'][good] = results.red_continuum
if err:
measurements['RCONT_ERR'][good] = results.red_continuum_err
measurements['INDX'][good] = results.index
if err:
measurements['INDX_ERR'][good] = results.index_err
# Type specific
if is_abs:
# Absorption-line indices also save the 2nd index
# definition and the continuum in the main band
measurements['INDX_BF'][good] = results.index_bf
measurements['MCONT'][good] = results.main_continuum
if err:
measurements['INDX_BF_ERR'][good] = results.index_bf_err
measurements['MCONT_ERR'][good] = results.main_continuum_err
# Bandhead indices have 1 definition, but they're saved in
# both places.
measurements['INDX_BF'][good] = results.index
if err:
measurements['INDX_BF_ERR'][good] = results.index_err
# Reshape the flags
blue_incomplete = numpy.zeros(len(good), dtype=bool)
blue_incomplete[good] = results.blue_incomplete
blue_empty = numpy.zeros(len(good), dtype=bool)
blue_empty[good] = results.blue_empty
red_incomplete = numpy.zeros(len(good), dtype=bool)
red_incomplete[good] = results.red_incomplete
red_empty = numpy.zeros(len(good), dtype=bool)
red_empty[good] = results.red_empty
main_incomplete = None
if results.main_incomplete is not None:
main_incomplete = numpy.zeros(len(good), dtype=bool)
main_incomplete[good] = results.main_incomplete
main_empty = None
if results.main_empty is not None:
main_empty = numpy.zeros(len(good), dtype=bool)
main_empty[good] = results.main_empty
divbyzero = numpy.zeros(len(good), dtype=bool)
divbyzero[good] = results.divbyzero
# Set the masks
return SpectralIndices.set_masks(measurements, blue_incomplete, blue_empty, red_incomplete,
red_empty, divbyzero, main_incomplete=main_incomplete,
main_empty=main_empty, bitmask=bitmask)
def measure_indices(absdb, bhddb, wave, flux, ivar=None, mask=None, redshift=None,
Measure the spectral indices in a set of spectra.
The returned object is :class:`SpectralIndicesDataTable`; see
the documentation of this object for the list of returned
See the documentation of :class:`AbsorptionLineIndices` and
:class:`BandheadIndices` for the definitions of the index
measurements. For the purpose of their storage here, ``INDX``
refers to :math:`{\mathcal I}_{\rm WT}` for the
absorption-line indices. There is only one definition for the
bandhead/color indices, and they are included in *both*
``INDX`` and ``INDX_BF`` (see :func:`save_results`).
The weights to use when combining indices are simply copies
of the data in other columns, collected for convenience (and
to ease the construction of the main DAP output file). For
all absorption-line indices, ``AWGT`` is identically
``MCONT``; for bandhead indices, ``AWGT`` is ``BCONT`` and
``RCONT`` for indices with order ``'r_b'`` and ``'b_r'``
order, respectively.
This function does not add the ``BINID``, ``BINID_INDEX``,
``*_MOD`` or ``*_CORR`` values. All except the first 3
columns vectors with a length of :math:`N_{\rm index}` ---
the total number of indices calculated (see
absdb (:class:`mangadap.par.aborptionlinedb.AbsorptionIndexDB`):
Database with the absorption-line index definitions.
Can be None.
bhddb (:class:`mangadap.par.bandheadindexdb.BandheadIndexDB`):
Database with the bandhead index definitions.
wave (array-like):
1D vector with the wavelength of each pixel. *Assumed
to be logarithmically binned in radius.*
flux (array-like):
2D array with the flux, ordered as :math:`N_{\rm
spec}\times N_{\rm wave}`. Can be a
numpy.ma.MaskedArray; masked pixels will be ignored
in the measurement.
ivar (array-like, optional):
Inverse variance in the flux. Must match flux array
shape. Used to calculate propagated errors in the
index. Default is that errors are ignored.
mask (array-like, optional):
Boolean array flagging to ignore (mask=True) or
include (mask=False) each flux measurement in the
index calculation.
redshift (array-like, optional):
Redshift to use for each spectrum when determining
the index. Must have the correct length compared to
the flux array. Default is to assume the spectra are
at rest wavelength.
bitmask (:class:`mangadap.util.bitmask.BitMask`, optional):
If an index is flagged for some reason (see
:func:`set_masks`), this object is used to set the
mask value; this should typically be
:class:`SpectralIndicesBitMask` object. If not
provided, the masked values are all set to True
(False otherwise).
:class:`SpectralIndicesDataTable`: The object with the
index-measurement data.
# Check the input databases
if absdb is not None and not isinstance(absdb, AbsorptionIndexDB):
raise TypeError('Input database must have type AbsorptionIndexDB.')
if bhddb is not None and not isinstance(bhddb, BandheadIndexDB):
raise TypeError('Input database must have type BandheadIndexDB.')
# Get the number of indices
nabs, nbhd = SpectralIndices.count_indices(absdb, bhddb)
nindx = nabs+nbhd
if nindx == 0:
raise ValueError('No indices to measure!')
nspec = flux.shape[0]
# Check the input and initialize the output
measurements = SpectralIndicesDataTable(nindx=nindx, bitmask=bitmask, shape=nspec)
# measurements = init_record_array(nspec, SpectralIndices.output_dtype(nindx,bitmask=bitmask))
_flux, noise, measurements['REDSHIFT'] \
= SpectralIndices.check_and_prep_input(wave, flux, ivar=ivar, mask=mask,
redshift=redshift, bitmask=bitmask)
# Create the f_nu spectra. NOTE: The conversion is
# multiplicative, meaning the calculation of the errors can use
# exactly the same function
flux_fnu = util.flux_to_fnu(numpy.array([wave]*nspec), _flux)
noise_fnu = None if noise is None else util.flux_to_fnu(numpy.array([wave]*nspec), noise)
# Get the list of good indices of each type
abs_fnu = numpy.zeros(nabs, dtype=bool) if absdb is None \
else numpy.invert(absdb.dummy) & (absdb['integrand'] == 'fnu')
good_abs_fnu = numpy.zeros(nindx, dtype=bool)
if nabs > 0:
good_abs_fnu[:nabs][abs_fnu] = True
abs_flambda = numpy.zeros(nabs, dtype=bool) if absdb is None \
else numpy.invert(absdb.dummy) & (absdb['integrand'] == 'flambda')
good_abs_flambda = numpy.zeros(nindx, dtype=bool)
if nabs > 0:
good_abs_flambda[:nabs][abs_flambda] = True
bhd_fnu = numpy.zeros(nbhd, dtype=bool) if bhddb is None \
else numpy.invert(bhddb.dummy) & (bhddb['integrand'] == 'fnu')
good_bhd_fnu = numpy.zeros(nindx, dtype=bool)
if nbhd > 0:
good_bhd_fnu[nabs:][bhd_fnu] = True
bhd_flambda = numpy.zeros(nbhd, dtype=bool) if bhddb is None \
else numpy.invert(bhddb.dummy) & (bhddb['integrand'] == 'flambda')
good_bhd_flambda = numpy.zeros(nindx, dtype=bool)
if nbhd > 0:
good_bhd_flambda[nabs:][bhd_flambda] = True
# Mask any dummy indices
dummy = numpy.zeros(nindx, dtype=bool)
if absdb is not None:
dummy[:nabs] = absdb.dummy
if bhddb is not None:
dummy[nabs:] = bhddb.dummy
if numpy.any(dummy):
measurements['MASK'][:,dummy] = True if bitmask is None else \
bitmask.turn_on(measurements['MASK'][:,dummy], 'UNDEFINED_BANDS')
# No valid indices
if numpy.all(dummy):
return measurements
# warnings.simplefilter("error", RuntimeWarning)
# Perform the measurements on each spectrum
for i in range(nspec):
print('Measuring spectral indices in spectrum: {0}/{1}'.format(i+1,nspec), end='\r')
# -----------------------------------
# Measure the absorption-line indices
if nabs > 0:
# Shift the bands
_bluebands = absdb['blueside']*(1.0+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
_redbands = absdb['redside']*(1.0+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
_mainbands = absdb['primary']*(1.0+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
# Integrate over F_nu
if numpy.sum(good_abs_fnu) > 0:
# NOTE: This basically should never happen so I throw a warning.
warnings.warn('It is odd to construct an absorption-line index by '
'integrating F_nu over lambda; just sayin...')
# Make the measurements ...
_noise = None if noise_fnu is None else noise_fnu[i,:]
results = AbsorptionLineIndices(wave, flux_fnu[i,:], _bluebands[abs_fnu],
_redbands[abs_fnu], _mainbands[abs_fnu],
err=_noise, units=absdb['units'][abs_fnu])
# ... and save them
measurements[i] = SpectralIndices.save_results(results, measurements[i],
err=_noise is not None,
# Observed wavelength converted to rest wavelength
measurements['BCEN'][i,good_abs_fnu] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
measurements['RCEN'][i,good_abs_fnu] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
# Observed F_nu continuum should be divided by
# (1+z) to convert to the rest-frame values
measurements['BCONT'][i,good_abs_fnu] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
measurements['BCONT_ERR'][i,good_abs_fnu] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
measurements['RCONT'][i,good_abs_fnu] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
measurements['RCONT_ERR'][i,good_abs_fnu] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
measurements['MCONT'][i,good_abs_fnu] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
measurements['MCONT_ERR'][i,good_abs_fnu] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
# Integrate over F_lambda
if numpy.sum(good_abs_flambda) > 0:
# Make the measurements ...
_noise = None if noise is None else noise[i,:]
results = AbsorptionLineIndices(wave, _flux[i,:], _bluebands[abs_flambda],
_redbands[abs_flambda], _mainbands[abs_flambda],
err=_noise, units=absdb['units'][abs_flambda])
# ... and save them
measurements[i] = SpectralIndices.save_results(results, measurements[i],
err=_noise is not None,
# Observed wavelength converted to rest wavelength
measurements['BCEN'][i,good_abs_flambda] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
measurements['RCEN'][i,good_abs_flambda] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
# Observed F_lambda continuum should be multiplied
# by (1+z) to convert to the rest-frame values
measurements['BCONT'][i,good_abs_flambda] *= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
measurements['BCONT_ERR'][i,good_abs_flambda] *= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
measurements['RCONT'][i,good_abs_flambda] *= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
measurements['RCONT_ERR'][i,good_abs_flambda] *= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
measurements['MCONT'][i,good_abs_flambda] *= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
measurements['MCONT_ERR'][i,good_abs_flambda] *= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
# -----------------------------------
# Measure the bandhead indices
if nbhd > 0:
# Shift the bands
_bluebands = bhddb['blueside']*(1.0+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
_redbands = bhddb['redside']*(1.0+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
# Integrate over F_nu
if numpy.sum(good_bhd_fnu) > 0:
# Make the measurements ...
_noise = None if noise_fnu is None else noise_fnu[i,:]
results = BandheadIndices(wave, flux_fnu[i,:], _bluebands[bhd_fnu],
_redbands[bhd_fnu], err=_noise,
# ... and save them
measurements[i] = SpectralIndices.save_results(results, measurements[i],
err=_noise is not None,
# Observed wavelength converted to rest wavelength
measurements['BCEN'][i,good_bhd_fnu] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
measurements['RCEN'][i,good_bhd_fnu] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
# Observed F_nu continuum should be divided by
# (1+z) to convert to the rest-frame values
measurements['BCONT'][i,good_bhd_fnu] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
measurements['BCONT_ERR'][i,good_bhd_fnu] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
measurements['RCONT'][i,good_bhd_fnu] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
measurements['RCONT_ERR'][i,good_bhd_fnu] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
# Integrate over F_lambda
if numpy.sum(good_bhd_flambda) > 0:
# Make the measurements ...
_noise = None if noise is None else noise[i,:]
results = BandheadIndices(wave, _flux[i,:], _bluebands[bhd_flambda],
_redbands[bhd_flambda], err=_noise,
# ... and save them
measurements[i] = SpectralIndices.save_results(results, measurements[i],
err=_noise is not None,
# Observed wavelength converted to rest wavelength
measurements['BCEN'][i,good_bhd_flambda] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
measurements['RCEN'][i,good_bhd_flambda] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
# Observed F_lambda continuum should be multiplied
# by (1+z) to convert to the rest-frame values
measurements['BCONT'][i,good_bhd_flambda] *= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
measurements['BCONT_ERR'][i,good_bhd_flambda] *= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
measurements['RCONT'][i,good_bhd_flambda] *= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
measurements['RCONT_ERR'][i,good_bhd_flambda] *= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][i])
print('Measuring spectral indices in spectrum: {0}/{0}'.format(nspec))
# Correct the indices (and their errors) with angstrom units to
# rest-frame
_, angu, _ = SpectralIndices.unit_selection(absdb, bhddb)
measurements['INDX'][:,angu] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][:,None])
measurements['INDX_ERR'][:,angu] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][:,None])
measurements['INDX_BF'][:,angu] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][:,None])
measurements['INDX_BF_ERR'][:,angu] /= (1+measurements['REDSHIFT'][:,None])
# Collect the weights. The weight is the same for both
# definitions of absorption-line indices, but should really
# only be applied to the 2nd definition (INDX_BF).
is_abs = numpy.ones(nindx, dtype=bool)
is_abs[nabs:] = False
if nabs > 0:
measurements['AWGT'][:,is_abs] = measurements['MCONT'][:,is_abs]
measurements['AWGT_ERR'][:,is_abs] = measurements['MCONT_ERR'][:,is_abs]
if nbhd > 0:
use = numpy.logical_not(is_abs)
use[nabs:] &= (bhddb['order'] == 'r_b')
measurements['AWGT'][:,use] = measurements['BCONT'][:,use]
measurements['AWGT_ERR'][:,use] = measurements['BCONT_ERR'][:,use]
use = numpy.logical_not(is_abs)
use[nabs:] &= (bhddb['order'] == 'b_r')
measurements['AWGT'][:,use] = measurements['RCONT'][:,use]
measurements['AWGT_ERR'][:,use] = measurements['RCONT_ERR'][:,use]
# Return the data
return measurements
def file_name(self):
"""Return the name of the output file."""
return self.output_file
def file_path(self):
"""Return the full path to the output file."""
if self.directory_path is None or self.output_file is None:
return None
return self.directory_path / self.output_file
def measure(self, binned_spectra, redshift=None, stellar_continuum=None,
emission_line_model=None, output_path=None, output_file=None, hardcopy=True,
tpl_hardcopy=False, overwrite=None, loggers=None, quiet=False):
Measure the spectral indices using the binned spectra and the
internal spectral index database, and construct the internal
data structure.
If neither stellar-continuum nor emission-line models are
- Indices are measure on the binned spectra
- No velocity-dispersion corrections are calculated
If a stellar-continuum model is provided without an
emission-line model:
- Indices are measured on the binned spectra
- Velocity-dispersion corrections are computed for any
binned spectrum with a stellar-continuum fit based on the
optimal template
If an emission-line model is provided without a
stellar-continuum model:
- Indices are measured on the relevant (binned or unbinned)
spectra; spectra with emission-line fits have the model
emission lines subtracted from them before these
- If the emission-line model includes data regarding the
stellar-continuum fit (template spectra and template
weights), corrections are calculated for spectra with
emission-line models based on the continuum fits;
otherwise, no corrections are calculated.
If both stellar-continuum and emission-line models are provided,
and if the stellar-continuum and emission-line fits are
performed on the same spectra:
- Indices are measured on the relevant (binned or unbinned)
spectra; spectra with emission-line fits have the model
emission lines subtracted from them before these
- Velocity-dispersion corrections are based on the
stellar-continuum templates and weights
If both stellar-continuum and emission-line models are provided,
and if the stellar-continuum and emission-line fits are
performed on different spectra:
- The behavior is exactly as if the stellar-continuum model
was not provided.
The binned spectra for the measurements.
redshift (float, numpy.ndarray): (**Optional**) A single or
spectrum-dependent redshift, :math:`z`, to use for
shifting the index bands. Default is to measure the
indices at their provided wavelengths (i.e.,
:math:`z=0`). If providing spectrum-dependent values,
the number of values must be the same as the number of
stpectrum bins (i.e., binned_spectra.nbins) if either
the emission-line model is not provided or it was not
determined by deconstructing the bins; the number of
values must be the same as the number of DRP spectra if
the opposite is true (an emission-line model is provided
that deconstructed the bins for its fit).
(**Optional**) The stellar-continuum model as applied to
the binned spectra.
(**Optional**) The emission-line model as applied to
either the binned spectra or the unbinned spaxels.
dapver (str): (**Optional**) The DAP version to use for the
analysis, used to override the default defined by
analysis_path (str): (**Optional**) The top-level path for
the DAP output files, used to override the default
defined by
directory_path (str): The exact path to the directory with
DAP output that is common to number DAP "methods". See
output_file (str): (**Optional**) Exact name for the output
file. The default is to use
hardcopy (bool): (**Optional**) Flag to write the HDUList
attribute to disk. Default is True; if False, the
HDUList is only kept in memory and would have to be
tpl_symlink_dir (str): (**Optional**) Create a symbolic link
to the created template library file in the supplied
directory. Default is to produce no symbolic link.
overwrite (bool): (**Optional**) Overwrite any existing files.
Default is to use any existing file instead of redoing
the analysis and overwriting the existing output.
loggers (list): (**Optional**) List of `logging.Logger`_
objects to log progress; ignored if quiet=True. Logging
is done using :func:`mangadap.util.log.log_output`.
Default is no logging.
quiet (bool): (**Optional**) Suppress all terminal and
logging output. Default is False.
# Initialize the reporting
if loggers is not None:
self.loggers = loggers
self.quiet = quiet
# SpatiallyBinnedSpectra object always needed
if binned_spectra is None:
raise ValueError('Must provide spectra object for fitting.')
if not isinstance(binned_spectra, SpatiallyBinnedSpectra):
raise TypeError('Must provide a valid SpatiallyBinnedSpectra object!')
if binned_spectra.hdu is None:
raise ValueError('Provided SpatiallyBinnedSpectra object is undefined!')
self.binned_spectra = binned_spectra
# Check stellar-continuum model object, if provided
self.stellar_continuum = None
if stellar_continuum is not None:
if not isinstance(stellar_continuum, StellarContinuumModel):
raise TypeError('Provided stellar continuum must have StellarContinuumModel type!')
if stellar_continuum.hdu is None:
raise ValueError('Provided StellarContinuumModel is undefined!')
self.stellar_continuum = stellar_continuum
# Check emission-line model object, if provided
self.emission_line_model = None
if emission_line_model is not None:
if not isinstance(emission_line_model, EmissionLineModel):
raise TypeError('Provided emission line models must be of type EmissionLineModel.')
if emission_line_model.hdu is None:
raise ValueError('Provided EmissionLineModel is undefined!')
self.emission_line_model = emission_line_model
# What stellar continuum is available?
# - Assume the stellar continuum can always be extracted if a
# StellarContinuumModel object is provided
# - Check if the EmissionLineModel fitter has the appropriate
# function; True for Sasuke, not currently true for Elric
eml_stellar_continuum_available = self.emission_line_model is not None \
and callable(self.emission_line_model.method['fitclass'].construct_continuum_models)
# Determine if the velocity-dispersion corrections can be
# determined
self.compute_corrections = self.database['compute_corrections']
if self.compute_corrections and self.stellar_continuum is None \
and not eml_stellar_continuum_available:
warnings.warn('Cannot compute dispersion corrections; no continuum model available.')
self.compute_corrections = False
# Can only correct the indices if the corrections are provided
if not self.compute_corrections and self.correct_indices:
warnings.warn('Cannot apply corrections because they are not being computed.')
self.correct_indices = False
# What spectra to use?
# - Assume StellarContinuumModel always fits the binned spectra
# - The EmissionLineModel fits the binned spectra or unbinned
# spaxels as specified by its deconstruct_bins flag
measure_on_unbinned_spaxels = self.emission_line_model is not None \
and self.emission_line_model.method['fitpar']['deconstruct_bins'] != 'ignore'
self.spatial_shape =self.binned_spectra.spatial_shape
self.nspec = self.binned_spectra.cube.nspec if measure_on_unbinned_spaxels \
else self.binned_spectra.nbins
self.spatial_index = self.binned_spectra.spatial_index.copy()
# Get the good spectra
good_snr = self._flag_good_spectra(measure_on_unbinned_spaxels)
# Set the number of bins measured and missing bins
self.nbins = numpy.sum(good_snr)
self.missing_bins = [] if measure_on_unbinned_spaxels else self._get_missing_bins()
# Get the redshifts to apply
self._assign_redshifts(redshift, measure_on_unbinned_spaxels, good_snr)
# Report
if not self.quiet:
log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, '-'*50)
log_output(loggers, 1, logging.INFO, '{0:^50}'.format('SPECTRAL-INDEX MEASUREMENTS'))
log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, '-'*50)
log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Measurements for {0}'.format(
'unbinned spaxels' if measure_on_unbinned_spaxels else 'binned spectra'))
log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Number of spectra: {0}'.format(self.nspec))
if not measure_on_unbinned_spaxels and len(self.binned_spectra.missing_bins) > 0:
log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Missing bins: {0}'.format(
log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'With good S/N and to measure: {0}'.format(
# Make sure there are good spectra
if numpy.sum(good_snr) == 0:
raise ValueError('No good spectra for measurements!')
# (Re)Set the output paths
self.directory_path, self.output_file \
= SpectralIndices.default_paths(self.binned_spectra.cube, self.database['key'],
self.binned_spectra.rdxqa.method['key'], self.binned_spectra.method['key'],
stelcont_method=None if self.stellar_continuum is None
else self.stellar_continuum.method['key'],
elmodel_method=None if self.emission_line_model is None
else self.emission_line_model.method['key'],
output_path=output_path, output_file=output_file)
self.tpl_hardcopy = tpl_hardcopy
_overwrite = self.database['overwrite'] if overwrite is None else overwrite
# Check that the file path is defined
ofile = self.file_path()
if ofile is None:
raise ValueError('File path for output file is undefined!')
# Report
if not self.quiet:
log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, f'Output path: {self.directory_path}')
log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, f'Output file: {self.output_file}')
# If the file already exists, and not overwriting, just read the file
if ofile.exists() and not _overwrite:
self.hardcopy = True
if not self.quiet:
log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Using existing file')
if not self.quiet:
log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, '-'*50)
# Get the spectra to use for the measurements
wave, flux, ivar = SpectralIndices.spectra_for_index_measurements(self.binned_spectra,
pixelmask=self.database['pixelmask'], select=good_snr,
# Perform the measurements on the galaxy spectra
if not self.quiet:
log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO,
'Measuring spectral indices in observed spectra...')
measurements = self.measure_indices(self.database.absdb, self.database.bhddb, wave, flux, ivar=ivar,
redshift=self.redshift[good_snr], bitmask=self.bitmask)
# Determine the velocity dispersion corrections, if requested.
if self.compute_corrections:
# Get the template spectra to use
replacement_templates = None if self.database['fwhm'] < 0 \
else self._resolution_matched_templates()
# Have to use the corrected velocity dispersion if templates
# have been broadened to a new resolution; otherwise, the
# corrections are to a zero dispersion model **at the
# resolution of the templates**
corrected_dispersion = self.database['fwhm'] > 0
# Set the bin IDs to match the stellar continuum to:
binid = numpy.arange(binned_spectra.cube.nspec).reshape(binned_spectra.spatial_shape) \
if measure_on_unbinned_spaxels else binned_spectra['BINID'].data
# Get two versions of the best-fitting continuum:
# - exactly the best fitting, continuum-only model
# - the same without convolving with the velocity
# dispersion
# TODO: To also correct for difference in definition of
# velocity, may also want to deredshift the model and
# perform the measurements at rest wavelengths; not
# currently possible though
fill_to_match_f = self.emission_line_model.fill_continuum_to_match \
if eml_stellar_continuum_available \
else self.stellar_continuum.fill_to_match
if not self.quiet:
log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Constructing models with LOSVD')
continuum = fill_to_match_f(binid, replacement_templates=replacement_templates,
if not self.quiet:
log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Constructing models without LOSVD')
continuum_dcnvlv = fill_to_match_f(binid, replacement_templates=replacement_templates,
# Get the corrections by performing the measurements on the
# best-fitting continuum models, with and without the
# velocity dispersion broadening
if not self.quiet:
log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO,
'Calculating dispersion corrections using stellar continuum model...')
measurements['BCONT_MOD'], measurements['BCONT_CORR'], measurements['RCONT_MOD'], \
measurements['RCONT_CORR'], measurements['MCONT_MOD'], measurements['MCONT_CORR'], \
measurements['AWGT_MOD'], measurements['AWGT_CORR'], \
measurements['INDX_MOD'], measurements['INDX_CORR'], \
measurements['INDX_BF_MOD'], measurements['INDX_BF_CORR'], \
good_les, good_ang, good_mag, is_abs \
= SpectralIndices.calculate_dispersion_corrections(self.database.absdb, self.database.bhddb,
wave, flux, continuum[good_snr,:],
# Flag bad corrections
bad_correction = numpy.invert(good_les) & numpy.invert(good_ang) \
& numpy.invert(good_mag)
measurements['MASK'][bad_correction] = self.bitmask.turn_on(
# Apply the corrections
# TODO: Get rid of this? I.e., correct_indices is *always*
# False as currently coded...
if self.correct_indices:
# Continuum in the two sidebands and the weights
good = good_les | good_ang | good_mag
# Measured continuum
measurements['BCONT'][good], measurements['BCONT_ERR'][good], \
= SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(
measurements['RCONT'][good], measurements['RCONT_ERR'][good], \
= SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(
measurements['AWGT'][good], measurements['AWGT_ERR'][good], \
= SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(
# Model continuum
measurements['BCONT_MOD'][good], _ \
= SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(
measurements['RCONT_MOD'][good], _ \
= SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(
measurements['AWGT_MOD'][good], _ \
= SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(
# Worthey/Trager indices
# Model indices
measurements['INDX'][good_les], measurements['INDX_ERR'][good_les] \
= SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(
measurements['INDX'][good_ang], measurements['INDX_ERR'][good_ang] \
= SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(
measurements['INDX'][good_mag], measurements['INDX_ERR'][good_mag] \
= SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(
# Model indices
measurements['INDX_MOD'][good_les], _ \
= SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(
measurements['INDX_MOD'][good_ang], _ \
= SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(
measurements['INDX_MOD'][good_mag], _ \
= SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(
# Burstein/Faber indices
# Model indices
measurements['INDX_BF'][good_les], measurements['INDX_BF_ERR'][good_les] \
= SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(
measurements['INDX_BF'][good_ang], measurements['INDX_BF_ERR'][good_ang] \
= SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(
measurements['INDX_BF'][good_mag], measurements['INDX_BF_ERR'][good_mag] \
= SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(
# Model indices
measurements['INDX_BF_MOD'][good_les], _ \
= SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(
measurements['INDX_BF_MOD'][good_ang], _ \
= SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(
measurements['INDX_BF_MOD'][good_mag], _ \
= SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(
# Continuum in the main passband; specific to the
# absorption-line indices
_good_les = good_les & is_abs[None,:]
_good_ang = good_ang & is_abs[None,:]
_good_mag = good_mag & is_abs[None,:]
good = _good_les | _good_ang | _good_mag
# Measured continuum
measurements['MCONT'][good], measurements['MCONT_ERR'][good], \
= SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(
# Model continuum
measurements['MCONT_MOD'][good], _ \
= SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(
# Set the number of bins measured, missing bins, and bin IDs
measurements['BINID'] = numpy.arange(self.nbins) if measure_on_unbinned_spaxels \
else self.binned_spectra['BINS'].data['BINID'][good_snr]
measurements['BINID_INDEX'] = numpy.arange(self.nbins) if measure_on_unbinned_spaxels \
else numpy.arange(self.binned_spectra.nbins)[good_snr]
measurements_binid = None
if measure_on_unbinned_spaxels:
measurements_binid = numpy.full(self.binned_spectra.spatial_shape, -1, dtype=int)
measurements_binid.ravel()[good_snr] = numpy.arange(self.nbins)
# Initialize the header keywords
self.hardcopy = hardcopy
pri_hdr = self._initialize_primary_header(measurements_binid=measurements_binid)
map_hdr = DAPFitsUtil.build_map_header(self.binned_spectra.cube.fluxhdr,
'K Westfall <westfall@ucolick.org>')
# Get the spatial map mask
map_mask = numpy.zeros(self.spatial_shape, dtype=self.bitmask.minimum_dtype())
# Account for measurements on individual spaxels
if measurements_binid is None:
# Add any spaxel not used because it was flagged by the
# binning step
indx = self.binned_spectra['MAPMASK'].data > 0
map_mask[indx] = self.bitmask.turn_on(map_mask[indx], 'DIDNOTUSE')
# Isolate any spaxels with foreground stars
indx = self.binned_spectra.bitmask.flagged(self.binned_spectra['MAPMASK'].data,
map_mask[indx] = self.bitmask.turn_on(map_mask[indx], 'FORESTAR')
# Get the bins that were below the S/N limit
indx = numpy.invert(DAPFitsUtil.reconstruct_map(self.spatial_shape,
good_snr, dtype='bool')) & (map_mask == 0)
map_mask[indx] = self.bitmask.turn_on(map_mask[indx], 'LOW_SNR')
# Get the bin ids with measured indices
bin_indx = DAPFitsUtil.downselect_bins(self.binned_spectra['BINID'].data.ravel(),
# Assume any model with a binid less than zero is from a
# spaxel that was not used
indx = measurements_binid < 0
map_mask[indx] = self.bitmask.turn_on(map_mask[indx], 'DIDNOTUSE')
# The number of valid bins MUST match the number of
# measurements
nvalid = numpy.sum(numpy.invert(indx))
if nvalid != len(measurements):
raise ValueError('Provided id does not match the number of measurements.')
# Get the bin ids with fitted models
bin_indx = measurements_binid
# Compile the information on the suite of measured indices
passband_database = self._compile_database()
# Save the data to the hdu attribute
self.hdu = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU(header=pri_hdr),
fits.ImageHDU(data=bin_indx, header=map_hdr, name='BINID'),
fits.ImageHDU(data=map_mask, header=map_hdr, name='MAPMASK'),
array=passband_database[n]) for n in passband_database.dtype.names ],
# Write the data, if requested
if self.hardcopy:
if not self.directory_path.exists():
if not self.quiet:
log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, '-'*50)
def write(self, overwrite=False):
Write the hdu object to the file.
DAPFitsUtil.write(self.hdu, str(self.file_path()), overwrite=overwrite, checksum=True,
loggers=self.loggers, quiet=self.quiet)
def read(self, ifile=None, strict=True, checksum=False):
Read an existing file with a previously binned set of spectra.
if ifile is None:
ifile = self.file_path()
if not ifile.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError('File does not exist!: {0}'.format(ifile))
if self.hdu is not None:
self.hdu = DAPFitsUtil.read(str(ifile), checksum=checksum)
# Confirm that the internal method is the same as the method
# that was used in writing the file
if self.hdu['PRIMARY'].header['SIKEY'] != self.database['key']:
if strict:
raise ValueError('Keywords in header does not match specified method keyword!')
warnings.warn('Keywords in header does not match specified method keyword!')
# TODO: "strict" should also check other aspects of the file to
# make sure that the details of the method are also the same,
# not just the keyword
self.nbins = self.hdu['PRIMARY'].header['NBINS']
unique_bins = numpy.unique(self.hdu['BINID'].data.ravel()) \
if self.hdu['PRIMARY'].header['SIREBIN'] else None
self.missing_bins = self._get_missing_bins(unique_bins=unique_bins)