Source code for mangadap.survey.dapall

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Defines the class that constructs the DAPall summary table.

This is a post processing script that **must** be run after the DRPall
file is created.

.. todo::

    - Include columns with just the absolute luminosity of the
      H-alpha line as the intermediate step between the apparent
      luminosity and the star-formation rate.
    - Provide a rough Balmer decrement measurement?


.. include license and copyright
.. include:: ../include/copy.rst


.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst

from pathlib import Path
import logging
import time
import os
import warnings

from IPython import embed

import numpy

from scipy import interpolate

from import fits
import astropy.constants
from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
import astropy.units
from astropy.stats import sigma_clip

from .drpcomplete import DRPComplete
from ..dapfits import DAPMapsBitMask
from ..config import manga
from ..util.fileio import init_record_array, rec_to_fits_type, channel_dictionary
from ..util.fitsutil import DAPFitsUtil
from ..util.log import log_output
from ..config.analysisplan import AnalysisPlan
from ..proc.util import sample_growth

[docs] class DAPall: """ Construct the summary table information for the DAP. Any observation in the :class:`mangadap.survey.drpcomplete.DRPComplete` file that satisfies the criteria set by :func:`mangadap.survey.drpcomplete.DRPComplete.can_analyze` is considered. If the expected output files exist, they are analyzed and included in the DAPall database. If the expected files do not exist, the construction of the DAPall (and the relevant flag) assumes that the DAP analysis of this cube failed. Args: plan (:class:`mangadap.config.analysisplan.AnalysisPlan`): The plan object used by the DAP. methods (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`, optional): Specify a set of methods in the DAP plan file to include in the DAPall file. If not provided, all methods in the plan file are included. Each method produces an extension in the DAPall file, where the order of the extensions is alphanumeric. drpver (:obj:`str`, optional): DRP version. Default determined by :func:`mangadap.config.manga.drp_version`. redux_path (:obj:`str`, optional): Top-level directory with the DRP products; default is defined by :func:`mangadap.config.manga.drp_redux_path`. dapver (:obj:`str`, optional): DAP version. Default determined by :func:`mangadap.config.manga.dap_version`. analysis_path (:obj:`str`, optional): Top-level directory for the DAP output data; default is defined by :func:`mangadap.config.manga.dap_analysis_path`. readonly (:obj:`bool`, optional): If it exists, open any existing file and disallow any modifications of the database. Default is to automatically build the entire database if it doesn't exist. loggers (:obj:`list`, optional): List of `logging.Logger`_ objects used to log progress. quiet (:obj:`bool`, optional): Suppress all terminal and logging output. Raises: TypeError: Raised if the input plan is not a :class:`mangadap.config.analysisplan.AnalysisPlan` object. FileNotFoundError: Raise if the DRPall or the DRPComplete file are not available. Attributes: drpver (:obj:`str`): DRP version redux_path (:obj:`str`): Path to top-level redux directory dapver (:obj:`str`): DAP version analysis_path (:obj:`str`): Path to top-level analysis directory drpall_file (:obj:`str`): Path to the DRPall file h (:obj:`float`): The Hubble parameter (currently always set to unity) H0 (:obj:`float`): Hubbles constant (km/s/Mpc) cosmo (`astropy.cosmology.FlatLambdaCDM`_): Object used for distance calculations. maps_bm (:class:`mangadap.dapfits.DAPMapsBitMask`): Bitmask used to mask map pixels. neml (:obj:`int`): Number of emission lines included in each method. nindx (:obj:`int`): Number of spectral indices included in each method. str_len (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary with the number of characters used for each string entry in the database. hdu (``_): Object with the table data. ndap (:obj:`int`): Number of rows in the data table; equivalent to the number of processed MAPS files. plate (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array of the plate numbers ifudesign (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array of the ifudesigns methods (`numpy.ndarray`_): Array of the methods included in the DAPall file. readonly (:obj:`bool`): Object is prohibited from updating the database. loggers (:obj:`list`): List of `logging.Logger`_ objects to log progress; ignored if quiet=True. quiet (:obj:`bool`): Suppress all terminal and logging output. float_dtype (:obj:`str`): Sets precision for floating-point numbers. """ def __init__(self, plan, methods=None, drpver=None, redux_path=None, dapver=None, analysis_path=None, readonly=False, loggers=None, quiet=False, single_precision=False): # Initialize the reporting self.loggers = loggers self.quiet = quiet self.float_dtype = 'float32' if single_precision else 'float' # Path definitions self.drpver = manga.drp_version() if drpver is None else str(drpver) self.redux_path = manga.drp_redux_path(self.drpver) \ if redux_path is None else Path(redux_path).resolve() self.dapver = manga.dap_version() if dapver is None else str(dapver) self.analysis_path = manga.dap_analysis_path(self.drpver, self.dapver) \ if analysis_path is None else Path(analysis_path).resolve() # Set the name of the DRPall file self.drpall_file = manga.drpall_file(drpver=self.drpver, redux_path=self.redux_path) if not self.drpall_file.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f'{self.drpall_file} does not exist!') # Initialize the bitmask self.maps_bm = DAPMapsBitMask() # Set the length for the string elements of the table self.str_len = self._init_string_lengths() # Initialize the cosmology object self.h = 1.0 self.H0 = 100 * self.h * / astropy.units.s / astropy.units.Mpc self.cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=self.H0, Om0=0.3) # Declare the other attributes for use later on self.nmom = None self.elmom_channels = None self.neml = None self.elfit_channels = None self.nindx = None self.spindx_channels = None self.spindx_units = None self.hdu = None self.ndap = None self.plate = None self.ifudesign = None self.methods = None # Give an initial report self.readonly = readonly if not self.quiet: log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, '-'*50) log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, f'{"DAPALL DATABASE":^50}') log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, '-'*50) log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, f'DRPall file: {self.drpall_file}') log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, f'Output path: {self.analysis_path}') log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, f'Output file: {self.file_name}') if self.readonly: log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'READ-ONLY MODE') # If the output file already exists, read it if self.file_path.exists(): self._read() # Check the combination of read-only and the read data makes # sense if self.readonly and self.hdu is None: raise ValueError('Selected read-only, but no database can be read.') if not self.readonly and self.hdu is not None: warnings.warn('DAPall file already exists! Update will overwrite existing data.') # Automatically attempt to update the database if no database # exists or if the database is not meant to be read-only if self.hdu is None or not self.readonly: self.update(plan, methods=methods)
[docs] @staticmethod def _emission_line_moment_db_info(plan_elmom): if plan_elmom is None: return 'None', None return plan_elmom['passbands'], plan_elmom.momdb.channel_names()
[docs] @staticmethod def _emission_line_db_info(plan_elfit): if plan_elfit is None: return 'None', None return plan_elfit['fitpar']['emission_lines'], plan_elfit['fitpar'].emldb.channel_names()
[docs] @staticmethod def _spectral_index_db_info(plan_sindx): if plan_sindx is None: return 0, 'None', 'None', None nindx = plan_sindx.absdb.size + plan_sindx.bhddb.size units = numpy.array(plan_sindx.absdb['units'].tolist() + ['']*plan_sindx.bhddb.size) channels = plan_sindx.absdb.channel_names() channels.update(plan_sindx.bhddb.channel_names(offset=plan_sindx.absdb.size)) if len(channels) != nindx: raise ValueError('Spectral index channel names not unique!') return plan_sindx['absindex'], plan_sindx['bandhead'], channels, units
# TODO: Fix this!
[docs] def _read(self): """ Read the data in the existing file at :func:`file_path`. """ # Close the HDUList if it's already open if self.hdu is not None: self.hdu.close() self.hdu = None # Read the file if not self.quiet: log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, 'Reading exiting file') self.hdu = # Methods are the extension names self.methods = [ for h in self.hdu][1:] # Number of cubes analyzed by the DAP self.ndap = self.hdu[self.methods[0]].header['NAXIS2'] # Find the plate-IFU combinations in the file pltifu = numpy.unique(self.hdu[self.methods[0]].data['PLATEIFU']) self.plate, self.ifudesign = map(lambda x: numpy.array(x), numpy.array([ [int(p),int(f)] for p,f in pltifu.split('-')]).T.tolist()) # Set the number of emission lines and spectral indices # TODO: Get this from the number of header keywords? self.nmom = self.hdu[self.methods[0]].data['EMLINE_SFLUX_1RE'].shape[1] self.neml = self.hdu[self.methods[0]].data['EMLINE_GFLUX_1RE'].shape[1] self.nindx = self.hdu[self.methods[0]].data['SPECINDEX_1RE'].shape[1] # Report if not self.quiet: log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, f'Rows per method: {self.ndap}') log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, f'Methods: {self.methods}') log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, f'Number of observations: {len(self.plate)}') log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, f'Number of emission-line moments: {self.nmom}') log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, f'Number of emission lines: {self.neml}') log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, f'Number of spectral indices: {self.nindx}')
[docs] def _init_string_lengths(self): return { 'PLATEIFU':12, 'MANGAID':10, 'MODE':4, 'DAPTYPE':30, 'VERSDRP2':8, 'VERSDRP3':8, 'VERSCORE':8, 'VERSUTIL':8, 'VERSDAP':8, 'RDXQAKEY':14, 'BINKEY':14, 'SCKEY':14, 'ELMKEY':14, 'ELFKEY':14, 'SIKEY':14, 'BINTYPE':10, 'TPLKEY':15, 'DATEDAP':10, 'EMLMOM_NAME':20, 'EMLINE_NAME':20, 'SPECINDEX_NAME':20, 'SPECINDEX_UNIT':5 }
[docs] def _table_dtype(self, nmom, neml, nindx): return [ ('PLATE', int), ('IFUDESIGN', int), ('PLATEIFU', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['PLATEIFU'])), ('MANGAID', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['MANGAID'])), ('DRPALLINDX', int), ('MODE', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['MODE'])), ('DAPTYPE', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['DAPTYPE'])), ('DAPDONE', bool), ('OBJRA', self.float_dtype), ('OBJDEC', self.float_dtype), ('IFURA', self.float_dtype), ('IFUDEC', self.float_dtype), ('MNGTARG1', int), ('MNGTARG2', int), ('MNGTARG3', int), ('Z', self.float_dtype), ('LDIST_Z', self.float_dtype), ('ADIST_Z', self.float_dtype), ('NSA_Z', self.float_dtype), ('NSA_ZDIST', self.float_dtype), ('LDIST_NSA_Z', self.float_dtype), ('ADIST_NSA_Z', self.float_dtype), ('NSA_ELPETRO_BA', self.float_dtype), ('NSA_ELPETRO_PHI', self.float_dtype), ('NSA_ELPETRO_TH50_R', self.float_dtype), ('NSA_SERSIC_BA', self.float_dtype), ('NSA_SERSIC_PHI', self.float_dtype), ('NSA_SERSIC_TH50', self.float_dtype), ('NSA_SERSIC_N', self.float_dtype), ('VERSDRP2', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['VERSDRP2'])), ('VERSDRP3', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['VERSDRP3'])), ('VERSCORE', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['VERSCORE'])), ('VERSUTIL', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['VERSUTIL'])), ('VERSDAP', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['VERSDAP'])), ('DRP3QUAL', int), ('DAPQUAL', int), ('RDXQAKEY', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['RDXQAKEY'])), ('BINKEY', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['BINKEY'])), ('SCKEY', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['SCKEY'])), ('ELMKEY', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['ELMKEY'])), ('ELFKEY', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['ELFKEY'])), ('SIKEY', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['SIKEY'])), ('BINTYPE', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['BINTYPE'])), ('BINSNR', self.float_dtype), ('TPLKEY', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['TPLKEY'])), ('DATEDAP', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['DATEDAP'])), ('DAPBINS', int), ('RCOV90', self.float_dtype), ('SNR_MED', self.float_dtype, (4,)), ('SNR_RING', self.float_dtype, (4,)), ('SB_1RE', self.float_dtype), ('BIN_RMAX', self.float_dtype), ('BIN_R_N', self.float_dtype, (3,)), ('BIN_R_SNR', self.float_dtype, (3,)), ('STELLAR_Z', self.float_dtype), ('STELLAR_VEL_LO', self.float_dtype), ('STELLAR_VEL_HI', self.float_dtype), ('STELLAR_VEL_LO_CLIP', self.float_dtype), ('STELLAR_VEL_HI_CLIP', self.float_dtype), ('STELLAR_SIGMA_1RE', self.float_dtype), ('STELLAR_RCHI2_1RE', self.float_dtype), ('HA_Z', self.float_dtype), ('HA_GVEL_LO', self.float_dtype), ('HA_GVEL_HI', self.float_dtype), ('HA_GVEL_LO_CLIP', self.float_dtype), ('HA_GVEL_HI_CLIP', self.float_dtype), ('HA_GSIGMA_1RE', self.float_dtype), ('HA_GSIGMA_HI', self.float_dtype), ('HA_GSIGMA_HI_CLIP', self.float_dtype), ('EMLINE_RCHI2_1RE', self.float_dtype), # ('EMLMOM_NAME', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['EMLMOM_NAME']*nmom)), ('EMLINE_SFLUX_CEN', self.float_dtype, (nmom,)), ('EMLINE_SFLUX_1RE', self.float_dtype, (nmom,)), ('EMLINE_SFLUX_TOT', self.float_dtype, (nmom,)), ('EMLINE_SSB_1RE', self.float_dtype, (nmom,)), ('EMLINE_SSB_PEAK', self.float_dtype, (nmom,)), ('EMLINE_SEW_1RE', self.float_dtype, (nmom,)), ('EMLINE_SEW_PEAK', self.float_dtype, (nmom,)), # ('EMLINE_NAME', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['EMLINE_NAME']*neml)), ('EMLINE_GFLUX_CEN', self.float_dtype, (neml,)), ('EMLINE_GFLUX_1RE', self.float_dtype, (neml,)), ('EMLINE_GFLUX_TOT', self.float_dtype, (neml,)), ('EMLINE_GSB_1RE', self.float_dtype, (neml,)), ('EMLINE_GSB_PEAK', self.float_dtype, (neml,)), ('EMLINE_GEW_1RE', self.float_dtype, (neml,)), ('EMLINE_GEW_PEAK', self.float_dtype, (neml,)), # ('SPECINDEX_NAME', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['SPECINDEX_NAME']*nindx)), # ('SPECINDEX_UNIT', '<U{0:d}'.format(self.str_len['SPECINDEX_UNIT']*nindx)), ('SPECINDEX_LO', self.float_dtype, (nindx,)), ('SPECINDEX_HI', self.float_dtype, (nindx,)), ('SPECINDEX_LO_CLIP', self.float_dtype, (nindx,)), ('SPECINDEX_HI_CLIP', self.float_dtype, (nindx,)), ('SPECINDEX_1RE', self.float_dtype, (nindx,)), ('SFR_1RE', self.float_dtype), ('SFR_TOT', self.float_dtype) ]
[docs] def _get_completed_observations(self): """ Get the list of DRP completed (and prospectively DAP analyzed) observations. .. todo: Save drpc as an attribute of the class? Returns: numpy.ndarray: Two arrays listing the plate and ifudesign numbers of the available observations that the DAP should have analyzed. Raises: FileNotFoundError: Raised if the DRPComplete file is not available. """ # Initialize the DRP complete file (read-only) drpc = DRPComplete(readonly=True, drpver=self.drpver, redux_path=self.redux_path, dapver=self.dapver, analysis_path=self.analysis_path) if not drpc.file_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Could not access DRP complete file: {drpc.file_path}') # Find the list of files that should have been analyzed indx = drpc.can_analyze() return drpc['PLATE'][indx], drpc['IFUDESIGN'][indx]
# def _combine_plateifu_methods(self, plt, ifu): # """ # Run the combinatorics to create the full list of plates, # ifudesigns, and methods. # """ # nmethods = len(self.methods) # ncomplete = len(plt) # methods = numpy.array([ numpy.array(self.methods) ]*ncomplete).T.ravel() # plates = numpy.array([ numpy.array(plt) ]*nmethods).ravel() #.astype(str) # ifudesigns = numpy.array([ numpy.array(ifu) ]*nmethods).ravel() #.astype(str) # return methods, plates, ifudesigns
[docs] def _construct_maps_file_list(self, method): """ Construct the list of MAPS files that should be in/added to the DAPall file for a given method. """ # TODO: HARDCODED !! # Construct the file names return numpy.array([self.analysis_path / method / str(p) / str(i) / f'manga-{p}-{i}-MAPS-{method}.fits.gz' for p,i in zip(self.plate, self.ifudesign)])
[docs] def _add_channels_to_header(self, hdr, channels, prefix, comment, units=None): """ units is supposed to be a list or numpy array """ ch = numpy.array(list(channels.values())).astype(int) srt = numpy.argsort(ch) ch = ch[srt] keys = numpy.array(list(channels.keys()))[srt] ndig = int(numpy.log10(ch[-1]))+1 for c,k in zip(ch,keys): hdr[prefix+f'{c+1}'.zfill(ndig)] = (k, comment) if units is not None: hdr[prefix+'U'+f'{c+1}'.zfill(ndig)] = (units[c], comment+' unit') return hdr
[docs] def _srd_snr_metric(self, dapmaps): """Grab the SNR metrics from the MAPS headers.""" filters = [ 'G', 'R', 'I', 'Z' ] return numpy.array([dapmaps['PRIMARY'].header[f'SNR{f}MED'] for f in filters]), \ numpy.array([dapmaps['PRIMARY'].header[f'SNR{f}RING'] for f in filters])
[docs] @staticmethod def _radial_coverage_metric(r, ell): step = 1.0 width = 2.5 pixelscale = 0.5 coverage_limit = 0.9 maxr = binr = numpy.arange(width/2, maxr+width/4, width/4) coverage = numpy.zeros(len(binr), dtype=float) coverage[0] = numpy.sum(r < binr[0])/(numpy.pi*(1-ell)*numpy.square(binr[0])) for i in range(1,len(binr)): binrl = binr[i] - width/2 binru = binrl + width ellipse_area = numpy.pi*(1-ell)*(numpy.square(binru) - numpy.square(binrl)) coverage[i] = numpy.sum((r > binrl) & (r < binru))*numpy.square(pixelscale) \ / ellipse_area indx = numpy.arange(len(binr))[coverage > coverage_limit] if len(indx) == 0: warnings.warn('No ring had larger than 90% coverage!') return 0. interp = interpolate.interp1d(coverage[indx[-1]:], binr[indx[-1]:]) return interp(coverage_limit)
[docs] @staticmethod def _binning_metrics(dapmaps): """ Return binning metrics: - Maximum radius of any valid bin - Number and median S/N of bins between 0-1, 0.5-1.5, and 1.5-2.5 Re """ # Unique bins # TODO: Select the BINID channel using the channel dictionary unique, indx = numpy.unique(dapmaps['BINID'].data[0,:,:].ravel(), return_index=True) if unique[0] == -1: unique = unique[1:] unique_indx = indx[1:] # Get the radii (in units of Re) of the unmasked, unique # bins constructed during the spatial binning r_re = dapmaps['BIN_LWELLCOO'].data.copy()[1,:,:].ravel()[unique_indx] # Get the S/N metric resulting from the spatial binning snr = dapmaps['BIN_SNR'].data.copy().ravel()[unique_indx] # Get the number of bins and median S/N between 0-1, # 0.5-1.5, and 1.5-2.5 Re rlim = numpy.array([ [0,1], [0.5,1.5], [1.5,2.5]]) bin_r_n = numpy.empty(len(rlim), dtype=float) bin_r_snr = numpy.empty(len(rlim), dtype=float) for i in range(len(rlim)): indx = (r_re > rlim[i,0]) & (r_re < rlim[i,1]) if numpy.sum(indx) == 0: bin_r_n[i] = 0 bin_r_snr[i] = 0 continue bin_r_n[i] = numpy.sum(indx) bin_r_snr[i] = numpy.median(snr[indx]) return numpy.amax(r_re), bin_r_n, bin_r_snr
[docs] def _stellar_kinematics_metrics(self, dapmaps, redshift): # Unique bins # TODO: Select the BINID channel using the channel dictionary unique, indx = numpy.unique(dapmaps['BINID'].data[1,:,:].ravel(), return_index=True) if unique[0] == -1: unique = unique[1:] unique_indx = indx[1:] # Pull the data from the maps file r_re = dapmaps['BIN_LWELLCOO'].data.copy()[1,:,:].ravel()[unique_indx] bin_flux =['BIN_MFLUX'].data.copy(), mask=self.maps_bm.flagged(dapmaps['BIN_MFLUX_MASK'].data, 'DONOTUSE')).ravel()[unique_indx] svel =['STELLAR_VEL'].data.copy(), mask=self.maps_bm.flagged(dapmaps['STELLAR_VEL_MASK'].data, 'DONOTUSE')).ravel()[unique_indx] ssig =['STELLAR_SIGMA'].data.copy(), mask=self.maps_bm.flagged(dapmaps['STELLAR_SIGMA_MASK'].data, 'DONOTUSE')).ravel()[unique_indx] ssig2corr = numpy.square(ssig) - numpy.square( # dapmaps['STELLAR_SIGMACORR'].data.ravel()[unique_indx]) dapmaps['STELLAR_SIGMACORR'].data[0,:,:].ravel()[unique_indx]) scchi = dapmaps['STELLAR_FOM'].data[2,:,:].copy().ravel()[unique_indx] # Convert velocities to redshift z = (svel*(1+redshift) +'km/s').value*redshift) \ /'km/s').value # Get the bins within an on-sky circular aperture of 2.5 arcsec d2 = numpy.sum(numpy.square(dapmaps['BIN_LWSKYCOO'].data), axis=0).ravel()[unique_indx] center = d2 < 1.25*1.25 # Get the flux-weighted mean velocity at the center wsum =[center]) stellar_z = -999. if numpy.all(bin_flux.mask[center] | z.mask[center]) \ or numpy.isclose(wsum, 0.) \ else[center]*z[center])/wsum if not numpy.isfinite(stellar_z): raise ValueError(f'Stellar_z is not finite: {stellar_z}') # Get the growth ranges of the stellar velocity stellar_vel_lo, stellar_vel_hi = sample_growth(svel.compressed(), [0.025,0.975]) stellar_vel_lo_clip, stellar_vel_hi_clip = sample_growth(sigma_clip(svel).compressed(), [0.025,0.975]) # Get the flux-weighted, corrected sigma within 1 Re within_1re = r_re < 1. wsum =[within_1re]) stellar_sigma2_1re = -999. if numpy.all(bin_flux.mask[within_1re]) \ or numpy.isclose(wsum, 0.) \ else[within_1re]*ssig2corr[within_1re])/wsum stellar_sigma_1re = numpy.sqrt(stellar_sigma2_1re) if stellar_sigma2_1re > 0 else -999. # Get the median reduced chi-square stellar_rchi2_1re = -999. if numpy.sum(within_1re) == 0 \ else numpy.median(scchi[within_1re]) return stellar_z, stellar_vel_lo, stellar_vel_hi, \ stellar_vel_lo_clip, stellar_vel_hi_clip, stellar_sigma_1re, \ stellar_rchi2_1re
[docs] def _halpha_kinematics_metrics(self, dapmaps, deconstruct, redshift): # Unique bins # TODO: Select the BINID channel using the channel dictionary unique, indx = numpy.unique(dapmaps['BINID'].data[3,:,:].ravel(), return_index=True) if unique[0] == -1: unique = unique[1:] unique_indx = indx[1:] # Channel dictionary emline = channel_dictionary(dapmaps, 'EMLINE_GFLUX') # Pull the data from the maps file cooext = 'SPX_ELLCOO' if deconstruct else 'BIN_LWELLCOO' r_re = dapmaps[cooext].data.copy()[1,:,:].ravel()[unique_indx] try: flux =['EMLINE_GFLUX'].data.copy()[emline['Ha-6564'],:,:], mask=self.maps_bm.flagged( dapmaps['EMLINE_GFLUX_MASK'].data[emline['Ha-6564'],:,:], 'DONOTUSE')).ravel()[unique_indx] except KeyError as e: print(e) warnings.warn('No halpha-data will be available.') return (-999.,)*8 vel =['EMLINE_GVEL'].data.copy()[emline['Ha-6564'],:,:], mask=self.maps_bm.flagged( dapmaps['EMLINE_GVEL_MASK'].data[emline['Ha-6564'],:,:], 'DONOTUSE')).ravel()[unique_indx] sig =['EMLINE_GSIGMA'].data.copy()[emline['Ha-6564'],:,:], mask=self.maps_bm.flagged( dapmaps['EMLINE_GSIGMA_MASK'].data[emline['Ha-6564'],:,:], 'DONOTUSE')).ravel()[unique_indx] sig2corr = numpy.square(sig) - numpy.square( dapmaps['EMLINE_INSTSIGMA'].data[emline['Ha-6564'],:,:].ravel()[unique_indx]) chi = dapmaps['EMLINE_FOM'].data[2,:,:].copy().ravel()[unique_indx] # Convert velocities to redshift z = (vel*(1+redshift) +'km/s').value*redshift) \ /'km/s').value # Get the bins within an on-sky circular aperture of 2.5 arcsec cooext = 'SPX_SKYCOO' if deconstruct else 'BIN_LWSKYCOO' d2 = numpy.sum(numpy.square(dapmaps[cooext].data), axis=0).ravel()[unique_indx] center = d2 < 1.25*1.25 # Get the flux-weighted mean velocity at the center wsum =[center]) halpha_z = -999. if numpy.all(flux.mask[center] | z.mask[center]) \ or numpy.isclose(wsum, 0.) \ else[center]*z[center])/wsum if not numpy.isfinite(halpha_z): raise ValueError(f'H-alpha z is not finite: {halpha_z}') # halpha_z = -999. if numpy.all(flux.mask[center]) or numpy.isclose(wsum, 0.) \ # else[center]*z[center])/wsum # Get the growth ranges of the H-alpha velocity if numpy.all(vel.mask): halpha_gvel_lo = -999. halpha_gvel_hi = -999. halpha_gvel_lo_clip = -999. halpha_gvel_hi_clip = -999. else: halpha_gvel_lo, halpha_gvel_hi = sample_growth(vel.compressed(), [0.025,0.975]) halpha_gvel_lo_clip, halpha_gvel_hi_clip = sample_growth(sigma_clip(vel).compressed(), [0.025,0.975]) # Get the flux-weighted, corrected sigma within 1 Re within_1re = r_re < 1. wsum =[within_1re]) halpha_gsigma2_1re = -999. if numpy.all(flux.mask[within_1re] | sig2corr.mask[within_1re]) \ or numpy.isclose(wsum, 0.) \ else[within_1re]*sig2corr[within_1re])/wsum if not numpy.isfinite(halpha_gsigma2_1re): raise ValueError(f'H-alpha gsigma^2 is not finite: {halpha_gsigma2_1re}') halpha_gsigma_1re = numpy.sqrt(halpha_gsigma2_1re) if halpha_gsigma2_1re > 0 else -999. # Get the high-growth of the H-alpha velocity dispersion if numpy.all(sig2corr.mask): halpha_gsigma2_hi = -999. halpha_gsigma2_hi_clip = -999. else: halpha_gsigma2_hi = sample_growth(sig2corr.compressed(), 0.975) halpha_gsigma2_hi_clip = sample_growth(sigma_clip(sig2corr).compressed(), 0.975) halpha_gsigma_hi = numpy.sqrt(halpha_gsigma2_hi) if halpha_gsigma2_hi > 0 else -999. halpha_gsigma_hi_clip = numpy.sqrt(halpha_gsigma2_hi_clip) \ if halpha_gsigma2_hi_clip > 0 else -999. # Get the median reduced chi-square for the emission-line module emline_rchi2_1re = -999. if numpy.sum(within_1re) == 0 \ else numpy.median(chi[within_1re]) return halpha_z, halpha_gvel_lo, halpha_gvel_hi, halpha_gvel_lo_clip, halpha_gvel_hi_clip, \ halpha_gsigma_1re, halpha_gsigma_hi, halpha_gsigma_hi_clip, \ emline_rchi2_1re
[docs] def _emission_line_metrics(self, dapmaps, deconstruct, moment0=False): # Unique bins # TODO: Select the BINID channel using the channel dictionary unique, indx = numpy.unique(dapmaps['BINID'].data[3,:,:].ravel(), return_index=True) if unique[0] == -1: unique = unique[1:] unique_indx = indx[1:] flux_ext = 'EMLINE_SFLUX' if moment0 else 'EMLINE_GFLUX' neml = dapmaps[flux_ext].shape[0] # Pull the data from the maps file cooext = 'SPX_ELLCOO' if deconstruct else 'BIN_LWELLCOO' r_re = dapmaps[cooext].data.copy()[1,:,:].ravel()[unique_indx] flux =[flux_ext].data.copy(), mask=self.maps_bm.flagged(dapmaps[flux_ext+'_MASK'].data, 'DONOTUSE')).reshape(neml,-1)[:,unique_indx] ew_ext = 'EMLINE_SEW' if moment0 else 'EMLINE_GEW' ew =[ew_ext].data.copy(), mask=self.maps_bm.flagged(dapmaps[ew_ext+'_MASK'].data, 'DONOTUSE')).reshape(neml,-1)[:,unique_indx] # Get the total flux at the center cooext = 'SPX_SKYCOO' if deconstruct else 'BIN_LWSKYCOO' d2 = numpy.sum(numpy.square(dapmaps[cooext].data), axis=0).ravel()[unique_indx] center = d2 < 1.25*1.25 if numpy.sum(center) == 0: warnings.warn('No data near center!') emline_flux_cen = numpy.full(neml, -999., dtype=float) else: emline_flux_cen =[:,center], axis=1).filled(-999.) # Get the total flux, mean surface-brightness, and mean # equivalent width within 1 Re within_1re = r_re < 1. if numpy.sum(within_1re) == 0: warnings.warn('No data within 1 Re!') emline_flux_1re = numpy.full(neml, -999., dtype=float) emline_sb_1re = numpy.full(neml, -999., dtype=float) emline_ew_1re = numpy.full(neml, -999., dtype=float) else: emline_flux_1re =[:,within_1re], axis=1).filled(-999.) emline_sb_1re =[:,within_1re], axis=1).filled(-999.) emline_ew_1re =[:,within_1re], axis=1).filled(-999.) # Get the total flux within the full field-of-fiew emline_flux_tot =, axis=1).filled(-999.) # Get the peak surface-brightness and equivalent width within # the full field-of-fiew emline_sb_peak =, axis=1).filled(-999.) emline_ew_peak =, axis=1).filled(-999.) return emline_flux_cen, emline_flux_1re, emline_flux_tot, emline_sb_1re, \ emline_sb_peak, emline_ew_1re, emline_ew_peak
[docs] def _spectral_index_metrics(self, dapmaps, deconstruct, specindex_units): # Unique bins # TODO: Select the BINID channel using the channel dictionary unique, indx = numpy.unique(dapmaps['BINID'].data[4,:,:].ravel(), return_index=True) if unique[0] == -1: unique = unique[1:] unique_indx = indx[1:] nindx = dapmaps['SPECINDEX'].shape[0] # Pull the data from the maps file cooext = 'SPX_ELLCOO' if deconstruct else 'BIN_LWELLCOO' r_re = dapmaps[cooext].data.copy()[1,:,:].ravel()[unique_indx] specindex =['SPECINDEX'].data.copy(), mask=self.maps_bm.flagged(dapmaps['SPECINDEX_MASK'].data, 'DONOTUSE')).reshape(nindx,-1)[:,unique_indx] specindex_corr = dapmaps['SPECINDEX_CORR'].data.copy().reshape(nindx,-1)[:,unique_indx], mask=specindex.mask.copy()) # Get the corrected indices; Unitless and ang units are treated # the same. mag = specindex_units == 'mag' ang = numpy.invert(mag) specindex_corr[ang] = specindex[ang]*specindex_corr[ang] specindex_corr[mag] = specindex[mag]+specindex_corr[mag] # Get the growth limits specindex_lo = numpy.empty(nindx, dtype=float) specindex_hi = numpy.empty(nindx, dtype=float) specindex_lo_clip = numpy.empty(nindx, dtype=float) specindex_hi_clip = numpy.empty(nindx, dtype=float) for i in range(nindx): if numpy.all(specindex_corr.mask[i,:]): specindex_lo[i] = -999. specindex_hi[i] = -999. specindex_lo_clip[i] = -999. specindex_hi_clip[i] = -999. continue specindex_lo[i], specindex_hi[i] = sample_growth(specindex_corr[i,:].compressed(), [0.025,0.975]) specindex_lo_clip[i], specindex_hi_clip[i] \ = sample_growth(sigma_clip(specindex_corr[i,:]).compressed(), [0.025,0.975]) # Get the median within 1 Re specindex_1re =[:,r_re < 1.], axis=1).filled(-999.) return specindex_lo, specindex_hi, specindex_lo_clip, specindex_hi_clip, specindex_1re
@property def file_name(self): """Return the name of the DRP complete database.""" return @property def file_path(self): """Return the full pat to the DRP complete database.""" return manga.dapall_file(drpver=self.drpver, dapver=self.dapver, analysis_path=self.analysis_path)
[docs] def method_database(self, method, deconstruct, drpall): """ Construct the DAPall database for the provided DAP method. Args: method (:obj:`str`): Name of the DAP method deconstruct (:obj:`bool`): Flag that the method deconstructs the bins during the emission-line fitting module. drpall (`numpy.recarray`_): Primary DRPall data table Returns: `numpy.recarray`_: DAPall database. """ # Construct the list of files to look for dapfiles = self._construct_maps_file_list(method) # Initialize the output database db = init_record_array(self.ndap, self._table_dtype(self.nmom, self.neml, self.nindx)) # Add the basic information db['PLATE'] = self.plate db['IFUDESIGN'] = self.ifudesign db['PLATEIFU'] = numpy.array([f'{p}-{i}' for p,i in zip(self.plate, self.ifudesign)]) # For now only analyzing cubes! db['MODE'][:] = 'CUBE' db['DAPTYPE'][:] = method # Copy from DRPall columns_from_drpall = ['MANGAID', 'OBJRA', 'OBJDEC', 'IFURA', 'IFUDEC', 'MNGTARG1', 'MNGTARG2', 'MNGTARG3', 'NSA_Z', 'NSA_ZDIST', 'NSA_ELPETRO_BA', 'NSA_ELPETRO_PHI', 'NSA_ELPETRO_TH50_R', 'NSA_SERSIC_BA', 'NSA_SERSIC_PHI', 'NSA_SERSIC_TH50', 'NSA_SERSIC_N', 'VERSDRP2', 'VERSDRP3', 'VERSCORE', 'VERSUTIL', 'DRP3QUAL'] columns_from_maps_hdr = ['VERSDAP', 'DAPQUAL', 'RDXQAKEY', 'BINKEY', 'SCKEY', 'ELMKEY', 'ELFKEY', 'SIKEY', 'BINTYPE'] # Itereate through each maps file for i in range(self.ndap): print(f'Processing {method}; observation {i+1}/{self.ndap}') # Find the index in the drpall file indx = numpy.where(drpall['PLATEIFU'] == db['PLATEIFU'][i])[0] if len(indx) > 1: warnings.warn(f'More than one entry in DRPall file: {db["PLATEIFU"][i]}.') if len(indx) != 1: indx = [-1] warnings.warn(f'Could not find {db["PLATEIFU"][i]} in DRPall file!') db['DRPALLINDX'][i] = indx[0] # Add data from the DRPall file if db['DRPALLINDX'][i] != -1: for c in columns_from_drpall: db[c][i] = drpall[c][db['DRPALLINDX'][i]] # Set the cosmological distances based on the NSA redshift db['LDIST_NSA_Z'][i] = self.cosmo.luminosity_distance(db['NSA_Z'][i]).value \ if db['NSA_Z'][i] > 0 else -999. db['ADIST_NSA_Z'][i] = self.cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(db['NSA_Z'][i]).value \ if db['NSA_Z'][i] > 0 else -999. # Open the maps file if not dapfiles[i].exists(): db['DAPDONE'][i] = 0 # A fault occurred such that the MAPS file was not produced continue db['DAPDONE'][i] = 1 # DAP successfully produced the file dapmaps =[i])) # Add information from the DAP MAPS file header for c in columns_from_maps_hdr: db[c][i] = dapmaps['PRIMARY'].header[c] # Additional elements from the header that need to be handled # or have different names # TODO: REMOVE all of the latter to make sure keywords match try: db['BINSNR'][i] = dapmaps['PRIMARY'].header['BINSNR'] except: db['BINSNR'][i] = -999.0 db['TPLKEY'][i] = dapmaps['PRIMARY'].header['PPXFTPLK'] db['DAPBINS'][i] = dapmaps['PRIMARY'].header['NBINS'] try: db['DATEDAP'][i] = dapmaps['PRIMARY'].header['DATEDAP'] except: db['DATEDAP'][i] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(os.path.getmtime(dapfiles[i]))) # TODO: Add any checks that the DRPall data matches the # header data in the MAPS files? # Basic mask for all maps: mask any spaxel not included # in any bin basic_map_mask = dapmaps['BINID'].data[0,:,:] < 0 # Set input redshift and cosmological distances based on # this redshift db['Z'][i] = dapmaps['PRIMARY'].header['SCINPVEL']/'km/s').value db['LDIST_Z'][i] = self.cosmo.luminosity_distance(db['Z'][i]).value db['ADIST_Z'][i] = self.cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(db['Z'][i]).value # Determine the coverage of the datacube (independent of the # DAP method) r =['SPX_ELLCOO'].data.copy()[0,:,:], mask=basic_map_mask) db['RCOV90'][i] = self._radial_coverage_metric(r.compressed(), 1-db['NSA_ELPETRO_BA'][i]) # Get the SRD-based S/N metric (independent of the DAP # method) r_re =['SPX_ELLCOO'].data.copy()[1,:,:], mask=numpy.invert(dapmaps['SPX_SNR'].data > 0)) db['SNR_MED'][i], db['SNR_RING'][i] = self._srd_snr_metric(dapmaps) # Get the mean surface brightness within 1 Re used by the # stellar-continuum fitting (independent of the DAP method) mflux =['SPX_MFLUX'].data.copy(), mask=numpy.invert(dapmaps['SPX_SNR'].data > 0)) within_1re = r_re < 1 if numpy.sum(within_1re) == 0: warnings.warn('No data within 1 Re!') db['SB_1RE'][i] = -999. else: db['SB_1RE'][i] =[within_1re]) # Get the spatial binning metrics db['BIN_RMAX'][i], db['BIN_R_N'][i], db['BIN_R_SNR'][i] \ = self._binning_metrics(dapmaps) # Get the metrics for the stellar kinematics db['STELLAR_Z'][i], db['STELLAR_VEL_LO'][i], db['STELLAR_VEL_HI'][i], \ db['STELLAR_VEL_LO_CLIP'][i], db['STELLAR_VEL_HI_CLIP'][i], \ db['STELLAR_SIGMA_1RE'][i], db['STELLAR_RCHI2_1RE'][i] \ = self._stellar_kinematics_metrics(dapmaps, db['Z'][i]) # Get the metrics for the emission-line kinematics db['HA_Z'][i], db['HA_GVEL_LO'][i], db['HA_GVEL_HI'][i], db['HA_GVEL_LO_CLIP'][i], \ db['HA_GVEL_HI_CLIP'][i], db['HA_GSIGMA_1RE'][i], db['HA_GSIGMA_HI'][i], \ db['HA_GSIGMA_HI_CLIP'][i], db['EMLINE_RCHI2_1RE'][i] \ = self._halpha_kinematics_metrics(dapmaps, deconstruct, db['Z'][i]) # Get the moment-based emission-line metrics db['EMLINE_SFLUX_CEN'][i], db['EMLINE_SFLUX_1RE'][i], db['EMLINE_SFLUX_TOT'][i], \ db['EMLINE_SSB_1RE'][i], db['EMLINE_SSB_PEAK'][i], db['EMLINE_SEW_1RE'][i], \ db['EMLINE_SEW_PEAK'][i] \ = self._emission_line_metrics(dapmaps, deconstruct, moment0=True) # Get the Gaussian-based emission-line metrics db['EMLINE_GFLUX_CEN'][i], db['EMLINE_GFLUX_1RE'][i], db['EMLINE_GFLUX_TOT'][i], \ db['EMLINE_GSB_1RE'][i], db['EMLINE_GSB_PEAK'][i], db['EMLINE_GEW_1RE'][i], \ db['EMLINE_GEW_PEAK'][i] = self._emission_line_metrics(dapmaps, deconstruct) # Get the spectral-index metrics db['SPECINDEX_LO'][i], db['SPECINDEX_HI'][i], db['SPECINDEX_LO_CLIP'][i], \ db['SPECINDEX_HI_CLIP'][i], db['SPECINDEX_1RE'][i] \ = self._spectral_index_metrics(dapmaps, deconstruct, self.spindx_units) # Estimate the star-formation rate log_Mpc_in_cm = numpy.log10('cm').value) + 6 log_halpha_luminosity_1re = numpy.log10(4*numpy.pi) \ +['EMLINE_GFLUX_1RE'][i,self.elfit_channels['Ha-6564']]) \ - 17 + 2*['LDIST_Z'][i]) + 2*log_Mpc_in_cm db['SFR_1RE'][i] =, log_halpha_luminosity_1re - 41.27).filled(-999.) log_halpha_luminosity_tot = numpy.log10(4*numpy.pi) \ +['EMLINE_GFLUX_TOT'][i,self.elfit_channels['Ha-6564']]) \ - 17 + 2*['LDIST_Z'][i]) + 2*log_Mpc_in_cm db['SFR_TOT'][i] =, log_halpha_luminosity_tot - 41.27).filled(-999.) print(f'Processing {method}; observation {self.ndap}/{self.ndap}') # Check that all the data is finite. found = False for name in db.dtype.names: if not (numpy.issubdtype(db[name].dtype, numpy.integer) \ or numpy.issubdtype(db[name].dtype, numpy.floating)): continue if not numpy.all(numpy.isfinite(db[name])): print(f'All values not finite in column {name} for method {method}') found = True if found: raise ValueError('All values not finite in DAPall table.') return db
[docs] def update(self, plan, methods=None): """ Update the DAPall file. Currently, this constructs the entire DAPall file from scratch, regardless of whether or not some fraction of the output files have already been analyzed. Args: plan (:class:`mangadap.config.analysisplan.AnalysisPlan`): The plan object used by the DAP. methods (:obj:`str`, :obj:`list`, optional): Specify a set of methods in the DAP plan file to include in the DAPall file. If not provided, all methods in the plan file are included. Raises: ValueError: Raised if a provided method is not in the provided set of analysis plans, or if the methods do not all have the same number of emission-line bandpasses, emission-lines to fit, and number of spectral indices. """ if self.readonly: raise ValueError('Object is read-only.') # Check the input type # TODO: Plan isn't really needed. Could just troll the # analysis_path for the directory names... if not isinstance(plan, AnalysisPlan): raise TypeError('Input plan must have type AnalysisPlan.') # Get the full list of available plan methods plan_methods = [] deconstruct = [] for i, key in enumerate(plan.keys()): plan_methods += [plan[key]['key']] deconstruct += [plan[key]['eline_fits']['fit']['deconstruct_bins'] != 'ignore'] # Check that the plan methods are unique. This should never be # raised, unless it also causes problems in the DAP itself. if len(numpy.unique(plan_methods)) != len(plan_methods): raise ValueError('All of the plan methods must be unique!') # Get the list of methods to look for if methods is None: self.methods = numpy.array(plan_methods) self.deconstruct = numpy.array(deconstruct) plan_indx = numpy.arange(plan.nplans) # use_plans = numpy.ones(len(plan_methods), dtype=bool) else: # Make sure the provided list is unique if len(numpy.unique(methods)) != len(methods): raise ValueError('Must provide unique list of methods.') # All the methods to use must be in the provided plan if not numpy.all( [m in plan_methods for m in methods ]): raise ValueError('All provided methods must be in provided plan file.') # Find the index of the plans to use # TODO: Re-write this as a list compression self.methods = [] self.deconstruct = [] plan_indx = [] # use_plans = numpy.zeros(len(plan_methods), dtype=bool) for i, key in enumerate(plan.keys()): if plan_method[i] in methods: plan_indx += [i] self.methods += [plan_method[i]] self.deconstruct += [deconstruct[i]] self.methods = numpy.array(self.methods) self.deconstruct = numpy.array(self.deconstruct) plan_indx = numpy.array(plan_indx) # Check that all the plans to use have the same emission-line # bandpass channels, ... elmom_keys, elmom_channels \ = numpy.array([DAPall._emission_line_moment_db_info(plan.elmom[key]) for key in plan.keys()], dtype=object).T if numpy.any([ len(k) != len(elmom_channels[0]) or len(set(k)-set(elmom_channels[0])) > 0 for k in elmom_channels]): raise ValueError('All plans must provide the same emission-line bandpass channels.') self.elmom_channels = elmom_channels[0].copy() del elmom_channels self.nmom = len(self.elmom_channels) # ..., emission-line fit channels, and... elfit_keys, elfit_channels \ = numpy.array([DAPall._emission_line_db_info(plan.elfit[key]) for key in plan.keys()], dtype=object).T if numpy.any([ len(k) != len(elfit_channels[0]) or len(set(k)-set(elfit_channels[0])) > 0 for k in elfit_channels]): raise ValueError('All plans must provide the same emission-line fit channels.') self.elfit_channels = elfit_channels[0].copy() del elfit_channels self.neml = len(self.elfit_channels) # ..., and spectral-index channels abs_keys, bhd_keys, spindx_channels, spindx_units \ = numpy.array([DAPall._spectral_index_db_info(plan.sindx[key]) for key in plan.keys()], dtype=object).T if numpy.any([ len(k) != len(spindx_channels[0]) or len(set(k)-set(spindx_channels[0])) > 0 for k in spindx_channels]): raise ValueError('All plans must provide the same emission-line fit channels.') self.spindx_channels = spindx_channels[0].copy() self.spindx_units = spindx_units[0].copy() del spindx_channels, spindx_units self.nindx = len(self.spindx_channels) # PlateIFUs that should be analyzed per DAP method # TODO: Somehow sort these? self.plate, self.ifudesign = self._get_completed_observations() # Number of completed observations per analysis method self.ndap = len(self.plate) # Report if not self.quiet: log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, '-'*50) log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, f'{"RUNNING DAPALL UPDATE":^50}') log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, '-'*50) log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, f'Completed observations: {self.ndap}') log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, f'Available methods: {plan_methods}') log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, f'Methods for output: {self.methods}') log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, f'Emission line moments: {self.nmom}') log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, f'Emission lines fit: {self.neml}') log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, f'Spectral indices: {self.nindx}') # If the HDUList is already initialized, close and reinitialize # it if self.hdu is not None: self.hdu.close() self.hdu = None # Open the DRPall file if not self.quiet: log_output(self.loggers, 1, logging.INFO, f'Reading DRPall: {self.drpall_file}') hdu_drpall = drpall = hdu_drpall[1].data # Create the primary header hdr = fits.Header() hdr['DATE'] = (time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.gmtime()), 'UTC date created') hdr['VERSDRP3'] = (self.drpver, 'DRP version') hdr['VERSDAP'] = (self.dapver, 'DAP version') # Add the emission-line moment channel header hdr = self._add_channels_to_header(hdr, self.elmom_channels, 'ELS', 'Summed emission-line element') hdr = self._add_channels_to_header(hdr, self.elfit_channels, 'ELG', 'Gaussian fit emission-line element') hdr = self._add_channels_to_header(hdr, self.spindx_channels, 'SPI', 'Spectral-indx element', units=self.spindx_units) # Construct a DAPall database for each analysis method and add # it as a binary table to the list of HDUs. self.hdu = [fits.PrimaryHDU(header=hdr)] for method, deconstruct in zip(self.methods, self.deconstruct): method_db = self.method_database(method, deconstruct, drpall) self.hdu += [fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns( [fits.Column(name=n, format=rec_to_fits_type(method_db[n]), array=method_db[n]) for n in method_db.dtype.names], name=method)] self.hdu = fits.HDUList(self.hdu) # Write the file (use of this function is probably overkill) DAPFitsUtil.write(self.hdu, str(self.file_path), overwrite=True, checksum=True, loggers=self.loggers)