Source code for mangadap.util.lineprofiles

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Implements a set of line profile parameterizations.


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import numpy
from scipy import special, fftpack
from astropy.modeling import FittableModel, Parameter

[docs] class GaussianLineProfile(FittableModel): r""" Define a Gaussian line profile as parameterized by its zeroth moment, mean, and standard deviation: .. math:: \mathcal{N}(x|f,\mu,\sigma) = \frac{f}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma} \exp\left(\frac{-(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}\right) The base class is `astropy.modeling.FittableModel`_, which facilitates its use in combining multiple components and other models in the `astropy.modeling`_ suite. """ # Inputs the x positions inputs = ('x',) # Returns the renormalized Gaussian PDF at each x position outputs = ('y',) # Parameters are the peak value of the profile, the profile mean, # and the profile standard deviation (sigma) zmom=Parameter(default=1.0) mean=Parameter(default=0.0) sigma=Parameter(default=1.0)
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate(x, zmom, mean, sigma): # Discrete samples return zmom * numpy.exp(-0.5*numpy.square((x - mean)/sigma)) / numpy.sqrt(2*numpy.pi)/sigma
# # Integrated over a pixel # diff = (x-mean)/pixelscale # denom = numpy.sqrt(2.0)*sigma/pixelscale # return zmom * (erf((diff+0.5)/denom) - erf((diff-0.5)/denom))/2.
[docs] @staticmethod def fit_deriv(x, zmom, mean, sigma): y = GaussianLineProfile.evaluate(x,zmom,mean,sigma) d_zmom = y/zmom d_mean = y*(x-mean)/numpy.square(sigma) d_sigma = y*(numpy.square(x-mean)/numpy.power(sigma,3) - 1.0/sigma) return [d_zmom, d_mean, d_sigma]
[docs] @staticmethod def flux(zmom, mean, sigma): return zmom
[docs] @staticmethod def flux_err(zmom, mean, sigma, zmome, meane, sigmae): return zmome
[docs] @staticmethod def moment(order, zmom, mean, sigma): if order == 0: return zmom if order == 1: return mean if order == 2: return sigma
[docs] @staticmethod def moment_err(order, zmom, mean, sigma, zmome, meane, sigmae): if order == 0: return zmome if order == 1: return meane if order == 2: return sigmae
[docs] @staticmethod def integral(zmom, mean, sigma): return integrate.quad( GaussianLineProfile.evaluate, -sigma, sigma, args=(zmom,mean,sigma))
[docs] @staticmethod def scale_flux(zmom, mean, sigma, fac): return [zmom*fac, mean, sigma]
[docs] @staticmethod def fix_flux(): return [ True, False, False ]
[docs] @staticmethod def mean_indx(): return 1
[docs] @staticmethod def shift_mean(zmom, mean, sigma, shift): return [zmom, mean+shift, sigma ]
[docs] @staticmethod def fix_mean(): return [ False, True, False ]
[docs] @staticmethod def scale_stddev(zmom, mean, sigma, fac): return [zmom, mean, sigma*fac ]
[docs] @staticmethod def fix_stddev(): return [ False, False, True ]
[docs] class GaussianLSF: r""" Define a Gaussian line profile, *sampled* over the width of the sampling step, parameterized by its integral (:math:`F`), center (:math:`\mu`), and standard deviation (:math:`\sigma`). I.e: .. math:: \mathcal{N}(x|f,\mu,\sigma) = \frac{f}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma} \exp\left(\frac{-\Delta^2}{2\sigma^2}\right) where :math:`\Delta = x-\mu`. The coordinate vector :math:`x` does not need to be uniformly sampled. Args: p (array-like): (**Optional**) Input parameters ordered as the total integral of the profile, the profile center, and the profile standard deviation. Assumed to be (1.0, 0.0, 1.0) by default. Attributes: p (numpy.ndarray): Most recently used parameters Raises: ValueError: Raised if the provided parameter vector is not 3 elements long. """ def __init__(self, p=None): self.set_par(p) def __call__(self, x, p): """Calculate the profile. Args: x (array-like): Independent variable. p (array-like): LSF parameters. """ self.set_par(p) return self.sample(x)
[docs] @staticmethod def npar(): return 3
[docs] def set_par(self, p): """ Set the internal parameters to the provided set. Args: p (array-like): LSF parameters. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the provided parameter vector is not 3 elements long. """ if p is None: self.p = numpy.array([1.0, 0.0, 1.0]) return if len(p) != GaussianLSF.npar(): raise ValueError('Must provide {0} parameters.'.format(GaussianLSF.npar())) self.p = numpy.asarray(p)
[docs] def sample(self, x): """ Sample the profile. Args: x (array-like): Independent variable. """ return self.p[0] * numpy.exp(-numpy.square((x-self.p[1])/self.p[2])/2.) \ / numpy.sqrt(2.0*numpy.pi) / self.p[2]
[docs] def parameters_from_moments(self, mom0, mom1, mom2): """ Provided the 0th, 1st, and 2nd moments, produce a set of parameters for the profile. """ return numpy.array([mom0, mom1, mom2])
[docs] class IntegratedGaussianLSF(GaussianLSF): r""" Define a Gaussian line profile, *integrated* over the width of the sampling step, parameterized by its integral (:math:`F`), center (:math:`\mu`), and standard deviation (:math:`\sigma`). I.e: .. math:: \mathcal{N}(x|F,\mu,\sigma) = \frac{F}{2} \left[ {\rm erf}\left(\frac{\Delta+\delta_x/2}{\sqrt{2}\sigma}\right) - {\rm erf}\left(\frac{\Delta-\delta_x/2}{\sqrt{2}\sigma}\right)\right] where :math:`{\rm erf}(x)` is the error function, :math:`\Delta = x-\mu`, and :math:`\delta_x` is the sampling step. The sampling *must* be uniform in :math:`x`. Args: p (array-like): (**Optional**) Input parameters ordered as the total integral of the profile, the profile center, and the profile standard deviation. Assumed to be (1.0, 0.0, 1.0) by default. dx (float): (**Optional**) Sampling width. Default is 1. Attributes: p (numpy.ndarray): Most recently used parameters dx (float): Assumed sampling. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the provided parameter vector is not 3 elements long. """ def __init__(self, p=None, dx=None): self.set_par(p) self.dx = 1.0 if dx is None else dx
[docs] def sample(self, x): """ Sample the profile. .. warning:: Does **not** check if the provided :math:`x` values are sampled at :attr:`dx`. Args: x (array-like): Independent variable. """ n = numpy.sqrt(2.)*self.p[2] d = numpy.asarray(x)-self.p[1] return self.p[0] * (special.erf((d+self.dx/2.)/n) - special.erf((d-self.dx/2.)/n))/2.
[docs] class FFTGaussianLSF(GaussianLSF): r""" Define a Gaussian line profile by first constructing the analytic FFT of the profile and then returning the inverse real FFT. See ppxf_util.emline by M. Cappellari. The sampling *must* be uniform in :math:`x`. Args: p (array-like): (**Optional**) Input parameters ordered as the total integral of the profile, the profile center, and the profile standard deviation. Assumed to be (1.0, 0.0, 1.0) by default. dx (float): (**Optional**) Sampling width. Default is 1. pixel (bool): (**Optional**) Flag to produce profile integrated over the sampling width. Attributes: p (numpy.ndarray): Most recently used parameters dx (float): Assumed sampling. pixel (bool): Flag to produce profile integrated over the sampling width. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the provided parameter vector is not 3 elements long. """ def __init__(self, p=None, dx=None, pixel=True): self.set_par(p) self.dx = 1.0 if dx is None else dx self.pixel = pixel
[docs] def sample(self, x): """ Sample the profile. .. warning:: Does **not** check if the provided :math:`x` values are sampled at :attr:`dx`. Args: x (array-like): Independent variable. """ # Require that the center of the line be within the range of x if self.p[1] < x[0] or self.p[1] > x[-1]: return numpy.zeros_like(x) xsig = self.p[2]/self.dx x0 = (self.p[1]-x[0])/self.dx npad = 2**int(numpy.ceil(numpy.log2(x.size))) # npad = fftpack.next_fast_len(x.size) w = numpy.linspace(0,numpy.pi,npad//2+1) rfft = self.p[0]*numpy.exp(-0.5*numpy.square(w*xsig) - 1j*w*x0) if self.pixel: rfft *= numpy.sinc(w/(2*numpy.pi)) lsf = numpy.fft.irfft(rfft, n=npad)[:x.size] return lsf if self.pixel else lsf/self.dx
[docs] class NCompLineProfile: """ Construct a single line profile from many components with the same profile parameterization. """ def __init__(self, ncomp, par=None, err=None, profile=GaussianLineProfile): # Check the type of the profile to use if not issubclass(profile, FittableModel): raise TypeError('Profile must be a subclass of FittableModel.') self.profile_class = profile # Ensure that the profile can be defined if not ncomp > 0: raise ValueError('Number of input components must be 1 or higher!') # Calculate and save the number of parameters self.ncomp = ncomp self.npar_per_component = len(self.profile_class.param_names) self.npar = self.ncomp*self.npar_per_component # Check the parameter vector, if provided if par is not None and len(par.shape) > 2: raise ValueError('Input parameter array should only be one or two dimensional.') _par = None if par is None else par.ravel() if _par is not None and len(_par) != self.npar: raise ValueError('Incorrect number of parameters provided') self.par = None if _par is None else _par.reshape(self.ncomp,-1).astype(float) # Check the parameter vector, if provided if err is not None and len(err.shape) > 2: raise ValueError('Input parameter error array should only be one or two dimensional.') _err = None if err is None else err.ravel() if _err is not None and len(_err) != self.npar: raise ValueError('Incorrect number of parameter errors provided') self.err = None if _err is None else _err.reshape(self.ncomp,-1).astype(float) # Build the profile function self.profile = self.profile_class() \ if self.par is None else self.profile_class(*self.par[0]) for i in range(1,ncomp): self.profile += self.profile_class() \ if self.par is None else self.profile_class(*self.par[i]) def __call__(self, x, par=None): return self.sample(x,par)
[docs] def _quick_sample(self, x): """ Sample without providing/checking new input parameters. """ return self.profile.evaluate(x, *self.par.ravel())
[docs] def _mom1_integrand(self, x): return x*self._quick_sample(x)
[docs] def _mom2_integrand(self, x): return x*x*self._quick_sample(x)
[docs] def assign_par(self, par): _par = par.ravel() if len(par.shape) == 2 else par if len(_par) != self.npar: raise ValueError('Incorrect number of parameters provided') self.par = _par.copy().reshape(self.ncomp,-1)
[docs] def assign_err(self, err): _err = err.ravel() if len(err.shape) == 2 else err if len(_err) != self.npar: raise ValueError('Incorrect number of parameters provided') self.err = _err.copy().reshape(self.ncomp,-1)
[docs] def sample(self, x, par=None): if par is not None: self.assign_par(par) return self._quick_sample(x)
[docs] def flux(self, par=None): if par is not None: self.assign_par(par) return numpy.sum( [ self.profile_class.flux(*p) \ for p in numpy.take(self.par,numpy.arange(self.ncomp),axis=0) ] )
[docs] def flux_err(self, par=None, err=None): if par is not None: self.assign_par(par) if err is not None: self.assign_err(err) return numpy.sum([ self.profile_class.flux_err(*p, *e) \ for p,e in zip(numpy.take(self.par,numpy.arange(self.ncomp),axis=0), numpy.take(self.err,numpy.arange(self.ncomp),axis=0)) ] )
[docs] def moment(self, order=0, par=None): """ .. todo:: impose some reasonable limits for the integrals """ if par is not None: self.assign_par(par) if self.ncomp == 1: return self.profile_class.moment(order, *self.par[0,:]) flux = self.flux(par=par) if order == 0: return flux mom1, _ = integrate.quad(self._mom1_integrand, -numpy.inf, numpy.inf) if order == 1: return mom1/flux mom2, _ = integrate.quad(self._mom2_integrand, -numpy.inf, numpy.inf) return numpy.sqrt(mom2/flux-numpy.square(mom1/flux))
[docs] def moment_err(self, order=0, par=None, err=None): """ .. todo:: impose some reasonable limits for the integrals """ if self.err is None and err is None: return 0.0 if par is not None: self.assign_par(par) if err is not None: self.assign_err(err) if self.ncomp == 1: return self.profile_class.moment_err(order, *self.par[0,:], *self.err[0,:]) raise NotImplementedError('Unable to calculate error for multiple components.')
[docs] def scale_flux(self, fac): for i in range(self.ncomp): self.par[i,:] = self.profile_class.scale_flux(*self.par[i,:], fac)
[docs] def set_flux(self, flx): self.scale_flux( flx/self.flux() )
[docs] def fix_flux(self): return numpy.array(self.profile_class.fix_flux()*self.ncomp)
[docs] def mean_indx(self): return [ self.profile_class.mean_indx()+i*self.ncomp for i in range(self.ncomp) ]
[docs] def shift_mean(self, shift): for i in range(self.ncomp): self.par[i,:] = self.profile_class.shift_mean(*self.par[i,:], shift)
[docs] def set_mean(self, mean): self.shift_mean( mean-self.moment(order=1) )
[docs] def fix_mean(self): return numpy.array(self.profile_class.fix_mean()*self.ncomp)
[docs] def scale_stddev(self, fac): if self.ncomp != 1: raise NotImplementedError('Cannot scale the standard deviation of multi-component profiles.') self.par[0,:] = self.profile_class.scale_stddev(*self.par[0,:], fac)
[docs] def set_stddev(self, stddev): self.scale_stddev( stddev/self.moment(order=2) )
[docs] def fix_stddev(self): if self.ncomp != 1: raise NotImplementedError('Cannot fix the standard deviation of multi-component profiles.') return numpy.array(self.profile_class.fix_stddev()*self.ncomp)