Source code for mangadap.util.resolution

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Provides a set of functions to handle and alter the instrumental


.. include license and copyright
.. include:: ../include/copy.rst


.. include common links, assuming primary doc root is up one directory
.. include:: ../include/links.rst
import warnings

from IPython import embed

import numpy

from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.special import erf

import astropy.constants
from .constants import DAPConstants

from .sampling import spectrum_velocity_scale

#from matplotlib import pyplot

[docs] class VariableGaussianKernel: r""" Support class for variable sigma convolution. See :func:`convolution_variable_sigma`. Modest modification of M. Cappellari's :func:`ppxf.ppxf_util.gaussian_filter1d` function. Args: sigma (numpy.ndarray): Coordinate-dependent standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel in pixels. minsig (:obj:`float`, optional): The minimum sigma value allowed. nsig (:obj:`float`, optional): The extent of the calculation of the kernel for the convolution. By default, the kernel is not calculated beyond 3*sigma. integral (:obj:`bool`, optional): Construct the kernel based on the integral of the Gaussian over the pixel width using the error function, instead of just sampling the Gaussian function directly. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the input sigma has no length. Attributes: sigma (numpy.ndarray): Coordinate-dependent standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel. p (int): The maximum number of pixels on either side of the kernel center needed for the convolution. m (int): Number of pixels in the kernel (:math:`m = 2p + 1`). kernel (numpy.ndarray): The calculated kernel to use for the convolution. """ def __init__(self, sigma, minsig=0.01, nsig=3.0, integral=False): self.n = sigma.size # Vector length if self.n == 0: raise ValueError('Input sigma has zero length!') self.sigma = sigma.clip(min=minsig) # Force sigmas to minimum self.p = int(numpy.ceil(numpy.amax(nsig*self.sigma))) # Kernel covers up to nsig*sigma self.m = 2*self.p + 1 # Kernel length x = numpy.linspace(-self.p, self.p, self.m) # X^2 for kernel x2 = numpy.square(x) # Kernel will have size m x n self.kernel = (erf((x[:,None]+0.5)/numpy.sqrt(2)/self.sigma) - erf((x[:,None]-0.5)/numpy.sqrt(2)/self.sigma))/2. if integral else \ numpy.exp(-x2[:, None]/(2*numpy.square(self.sigma))) \ / numpy.sqrt(2*numpy.pi) / self.sigma self.kernel /= numpy.sum(self.kernel, axis=0)[None, :] # Normalize kernel
[docs] def _check_shape(self, y, ye=None): """ Make sure that the shapes are appropriate for the defined kernel. """ if len(y.shape) != 1: raise ValueError('y must be a 1D array!') if y.size != self.n: raise ValueError('y and sigma must have the same shape!') if ye is not None and (len(ye.shape) != 1 or ye.size != self.n): raise ValueError('ye length does not must have the correct shape!')
[docs] def _create_a(self, y): a = numpy.zeros(self.kernel.shape) for i in range(self.m): a[i,self.p:-self.p] = y[i:self.n-self.m+i+1] return a
[docs] def convolve(self, y, ye=None): """ Convolve the input vector with the variable-width Gaussian. The input `y` must be a 1D vector with the same length as :attr:`sigma`. If errors are provided, they must also adhere to these shape limitations and are propagated to the convolved vector. Args: y (numpy.ndarray): Vector to convolve ye (numpy.ndarray, optional): Error in the vector to convolve Raises: ValueError: Raised if *y* is not a 1D vector, or if the shape of *y* and *sigma* (and *ye* if provided) are different. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: The convolved vector. If the errors are provided, the function returns two vectors, the convolved vector and its error. """ self._check_shape(y, ye=ye) # Create m copies of the shifted input function a = self._create_a(y) if ye is None: return numpy.sum(a*self.kernel, axis=0) # Construct the error ae = self._create_a(ye) return numpy.sum(a*self.kernel, axis=0), \ numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(numpy.square(ae*self.kernel), axis=0))
[docs] def convolution_variable_sigma(y, sigma, ye=None, integral=False, large_sigma=10.): r""" Convolve a discretely sampled function :math:`y(x)` with a Gaussian kernel, :math:`g`, where the standard deviation of the kernel is a function of :math:`x`, :math:`\sigma(x)`. Nominal calculations can be performed to propagate the error in the result; these calculations **do not** include the covariance between the pixels, which will mean that the calculations likely have significant error! The convolution is defined as: .. math:: (y\ast g)(x) &= \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} y(X)\ g(\sigma,x-X)\ dX \\ &= \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{y(X)}{\sqrt{2\pi}\ \sigma(X)}\ \exp\left(-\frac{(x-X)^2}{2\ \sigma(X)^2}\right) dX . To minimize edge effects and account for the censoring of the data (finite range in :math:`x`), the convolution is actually calculated as a definite integral and normalized as follows: .. math:: (y\ast g)(x) \sim\frac{ \int_{x-n_\sigma*\sigma(x)}^{x+n_\sigma*\sigma(x)} y(X)\ g(\sigma,x-X)\ dX}{ \int_{x-n_\sigma*\sigma(x)}^{x+n_\sigma*\sigma(x)} g(\sigma,x-X)\ dX} . The above is identical to getting the weighted mean of :math:`y` at each position :math:`x`, where the weights are defined by a Gaussian kernel centered at :math:`x` with a variable dispersion. Use of this function requires: - *y* and *sigma* must be 1D vectors - *y* and *sigma* must be uniformly sampled on the same grid - *sigma* must be in pixel units. .. todo:: This should be deprecated and/or merged with :class:`VariableGaussianKernel`. Args: y (`numpy.ndarray`_): A uniformly sampled function to convolve. sigma (`numpy.ndarray`_): The standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel sampled at the same positions as ``y``. The units of ``sigma`` *must* be in pixels. ye (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional): Errors in the function :math:`y(x)`. Must be the same shape as ``y``. integral (:obj:`bool`, optional): Construct the kernel based on the integral of the Gaussian over the pixel width using the error function, instead of just sampling the Gaussian function directly. See :class:`VariableGaussianKernel`. large_sigma (:obj:`float`, optional): A convenience parameter that causes a warning to be issued if any of the values in ``sigma`` are larger than this threshold. Returns: `numpy.ndarray`_: Arrays with the convolved function :math:`(y\ast g)(x)` sampled at the same positions as the input :math:`x` vector and its error. The second array will be returned as None if the error vector is not provided. """ if numpy.any(sigma > large_sigma): warnings.warn('Gaussian kernel dispersion larger than {0:.1f} pixels!'.format(large_sigma)) return VariableGaussianKernel(sigma, integral=integral).convolve(y, ye=ye)
[docs] class SpectralResolution: r""" Container class for the resolution, :math:`R = \lambda/\Delta\lambda`, of a spectrum. The primary functionality is to determine the parameters necessary to match the resolution of one spectrum to another. It can also be used as a function to interpolate the spectral resolution at a given wavelenth. Args: wave (numpy.ndarray): A 1D vector with the wavelength in angstroms. The sampling may be either in linear steps of wavelength or :math:`\log_{10}` steps. sres (numpy.ndarray): A 1D vector with the spectral resolution, :math:`R`, sampled at the positions of the provided wavelength vector. log10 (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag that the spectrum has been binned logarithmically (base 10) in wavelength interp_ext (:obj:`int`, :obj:`tuple`, :obj:`str`, optional): The value to pass as ``fill_value`` to the interpolator, which defines its behavior when attempting to sample the spectral resolution beyond where it is defined. See `scipy.interpolate.interp1d`_. bounds_error (:obj:`bool`, optional): Force `scipy.interpolate.interp1d`_ to raise an exception if the interpolation is outside the bounds of the defined spectral resolution function. Raises: ValueError: Raised if *wave* is not a 1D vector or if *wave* and *sres* do not have the same shape. Attributes: interpolator (`scipy.interpolate.interp1d`_): An object used to interpolate the spectral resolution at any given wavelength. The interpolation is hard-wired to be *linear* and its extrapolation behavior is defined by ``interp_ext``. The wavelength and resolution vectors are held by this object for later reference if needed. log10 (:obj:`bool`): Flag that the spectrum has been binned logarithmically (base 10) in wavelength c (:obj:`float`): The speed of light; provided by `astropy.constants`_. dv (:obj:`float`): The velocity step per pixel in km/s. Defined using :func:`spectrum_velocity_scale` if :attr:`log10` is True; otherwise set to None. dw (:obj:`float`): The wavelength step per pixel in angstroms. Defined as the wavelength step between the first two pixels if :attr:`log10` is False; otherwise set to None. min_sig (:obj:`float`): Minimum standard deviation allowed for the kernel used to match two spectral resolutions. See :func:`GaussianKernelDifference`. sig_pd (`numpy.ndarray`): The standard deviation in pixels required to match the spectral resolution of this object to the resolution defined by a different :class:`SpectralResolution` object. See :func:`GaussianKernelDifference`. sig_mask (`numpy.ndarray`): A *uint* vector used to identify measurements of :attr:`sig_pd` that should **not** be used to match the spectral resolution of this object to the resolution defined by a different :class:`SpectralResolution` object. See :func:`GaussianKernelDifference`. sig_vo (:obj:`float`): A constant offset of the kernel standard deviation **in km/s** that has been applied to :attr:`sig_pd`. See :func:`GaussianKernelDifference`. .. todo:: - Allow it to determine if the binning is linear or geometric, then use the *log10* keyword to distinguish between natural log and :math:`log_{10}` binning. - Allow for more than one type of line-spread function? .. warning:: The default behavior of the interpolator is to extrapolate the input spectral resolution vector when trying to sample from regions beyond where it is sampled. Use ``interp_ext`` change this; see `scipy.interpolate.interp1d`_. """ def __init__(self, wave, sres, log10=False, interp_ext='extrapolate', bounds_error=False): # Check the sizes if len(wave.shape) != 1: raise ValueError('wave must be a 1D array!') if wave.shape != sres.shape: raise ValueError('wave and sres must have the same shape!') # Use linear interpolation when sampling the spectral resolution self.interpolator = interpolate.interp1d(wave, sres, fill_value=interp_ext, bounds_error=bounds_error) self.log10 = log10 self.c ='km/s').value self.dv = spectrum_velocity_scale(wave) if log10 else None self.dw = None if log10 else wave[1] - wave[0] # No resolution matching calculated yet self.min_sig = None self.sig_pd = None self.sig_mask = None self.sig_vo = None def __call__(self, w): """Interpolate the spectral resolution at wavelength *w*.""" return self.interpolator(w)
[docs] def _finalize_GaussianKernelDifference(self, sig2_pd): r""" Given the calculated :math:`\sigma^2_{p,d}`, calculate and save the attributes :attr:`sig_pd` and :attr:`sig_mask`. See :func:`GaussianKernelDifference`. """ # print('finalize b') indx = numpy.isclose(sig2_pd, 0.0) nindx = numpy.invert(indx) self.sig_pd = sig2_pd.copy() self.sig_pd[nindx] = sig2_pd[nindx]/numpy.sqrt(numpy.absolute(sig2_pd[nindx])) self.sig_pd[indx] = 0.0 # self.sig_mask = numpy.array(self.sig_pd < -self.min_sig).astype(numpy.uint) self.sig_mask = numpy.array(self.sig_pd < self.min_sig).astype(numpy.uint)
# print('finalize e')
[docs] def _convert_vd2pd(self, sig2_vd): r""" Convert from :math:`\sigma^2_{v,d}` to :math:`\sigma^2_{p,d}`. See :func:`GaussianKernelDifference`. """ # print('vd2pd') return sig2_vd / numpy.square(self.dv) if self.log10 else \ sig2_vd / numpy.square(self.c*self.dw/self.wave())
[docs] def _convert_pd2vd(self, sig2_pd): r""" Convert from :math:`\sigma^2_{p,d}` to :math:`\sigma^2_{v,d}`. See :func:`GaussianKernelDifference`. """ # print('pd2vd') return sig2_pd * numpy.square(self.dv) if self.log10 else \ sig2_pd * numpy.square(self.c*self.dw/self.wave())
[docs] def wave(self, copy=False): """ Return the wavelength vector; held by :attr:`interpolator`. """ # return self.interpolator._data[0] return self.interpolator.x.copy() if copy else self.interpolator.x
[docs] def sres(self, copy=False): """ Return the resolution vector; held by :attr:`interpolator`. """ # return self.interpolator._data[1] return self.interpolator.y.copy() if copy else self.interpolator.y
[docs] def instrumental_dispersion(self, w=None): r""" Return the instrumental dispersion by converting from :math:`R` to :math:`\sigma_{v,inst}` according to: .. math:: \sigma_{v,inst} = \frac{c}{\sqrt{8\ln 2}\ R}. If w is None, just convert the internal interpolator values. Otherwise, return the values sampled at w. """ if w is None: return, DAPConstants.sig2fwhm*self.interpolator.y).filled(0.0) return, DAPConstants.sig2fwhm*self.interpolator(w)).filled(0.0)
[docs] def match(self, new_sres, no_offset=True, min_sig_pix=0.0): """ Currently only an alias for :func:`GaussianKernelDifference`. """ self.GaussianKernelDifference(new_sres, no_offset=no_offset, min_sig_pix=min_sig_pix)
[docs] def GaussianKernelDifference(self, new_sres, no_offset=True, min_sig_pix=0.0): r""" Determine the parameters of a Gaussian kernel required to convert the resolution of this object to the resolution of a different the :class:`SpectralResolution` object, *new_sres*. The spectral resolution is defined as :math:`R = \lambda/\Delta\lambda`, where :math:`\Delta\lambda` is the FWHM of the spectral resolution element. The standard deviation of the resolution element in angstroms is then .. math:: \sigma_\lambda = \frac{\lambda}{f R}, \ \ {\rm where} \ \ f = \frac{{\rm FWHM_\lambda}}{\sigma_\lambda} = \sqrt{8\ln 2}. Assuming a Gaussian (in angstroms) line-spread function: .. math:: \sigma^2_{\lambda,2} = \sigma^2_{\lambda,1} + \sigma^2_{\lambda,d} such that .. math:: \sigma^2_{\lambda,d} = \left(\frac{\lambda}{f}\right)^2 (R^{-2}_2 - R^{-2}_1) is the defining parameter of the Gaussian kernel needed to take a spectrum of resolution :math:`R_1` to one with a resolution of :math:`R_2`. For input to :func:`convolution_variable_sigma`, the *wavelength-dependent* parameter of the Gaussian kernel is converted to pixels. This function allows for the input spectra to be linearly sampled in angstroms or log10(angstroms). For the former (*log10=False*), .. math:: \sigma^2_{p,d} = \left(\frac{\lambda}{f\ \delta\lambda}\right)^2 (R^{-2}_2 - R^{-2}_1) where :math:`\delta\lambda` is the size of the pixel in angstroms. If the units are log10(angstrom) (*log10=True*), we approximate the velocity width of each pixel to be :math:`\delta v = c \ln(10.0) (\log\lambda[1]-\log\lambda[0])`, such that .. math:: \sigma^2_{p,d} &= \left(\frac{c}{ \delta v \lambda}\right)^2 \sigma^2_{\lambda,d} \\ &= \left(\frac{c}{ f\ \delta v}\right)^2 (R^{-2}_2 - R^{-2}_1)\ ; :math:`c` is the speed of light in km/s. The nominal use of this algorithm assumes :math:`R_1 \geq R_2`. However, in practice, :func:`convolution_variable_sigma` only uses a Gaussian kernel up to some minimum value of :math:`\epsilon_\sigma`; below this, the kernel is assumed to be a Delta function. Therefore, as long as .. math:: \sigma_{p,d} \equiv \sigma^2_{p,d}/\sqrt{|\sigma^2_{p,d}|} \geq -\epsilon_\sigma\ , the behavior of :func:`convolution_variable_sigma` should not be affected. However, in regions with .. math:: \sigma_{p,d} \equiv \sigma^2_{p,d}/\sqrt{|\sigma^2_{p,d}|} \leq \epsilon_\sigma\ , the behavior of :func:`convolution_variable_sigma` does *not* produce an accurate convolution! To deal with spectral regions that do not have :math:`\sigma_{p,d} \geq \epsilon_\sigma`, there are three choices: (**Option 1**) trim the spectral range to only those spectral regions where the existing resolution is better than the target resolution up to this limit, (**Option 2**) match the existing resolution to the target resolution up to some constant offset that must be accounted for in subsequent analyses, or (**Option 3**) allow for a wavelength dependent difference in the spectral resolution that must be accounted for in subsequent analyses. The choice of either Option 1 or 2 is selected by setting *no_offset* to, respectively, True or False; Option 1 is the default behavior. Currently, Option 3 is not allowed. For Option 1, pixels with :math:`\sigma_{p,d} < \epsilon_\sigma` are masked (*sigma_mask = 1*); however, the returned values of :math:`\sigma_{p,d}` are left unchanged. For Option 2, we define .. math:: \sigma^2_{v,o} = | {\rm min}(0.0, {\rm min}(\sigma^2_{v,d}) - {\rm max}(\epsilon_\sigma \delta v)^2) | where :math:`\delta v` is constant for the logarithmically binned spectrum and is wavelength dependent for the linearly binned spectra; in the latter case, the velocity step is determined for each pixel:: _wave = self.wave() dv = self.c * (2.0*(_wave[1:] - _wave[0:-1]) / (_wave[1:] + _wave[0:-1])) If :math:`\sigma^2_{v,o} > 0.0`, it must be that :math:`{\rm min}(\sigma^2_{v,d}) < {\rm max}(\epsilon_\sigma \delta v)^2`, such that an offset should be applied. In that case, the returned kernel parameters are .. math:: \sigma^\prime_{v,d} = \sqrt{\sigma^2_{v,d} + \sigma^2_{v,o}}\ . with the units converted to pixels using the equations above, no pixels are masked, and :math:`\sqrt{\sigma^2_{v,o}}` is returned for the offset. Otherwise, the offset is set to 0. Args: new_sres (:class:`SpectralResolution`): Spectral resolution to match to. no_offset (:obj:`bool`, optional): Force :math:`\sigma^2_{v,o} = 0` by masking regions with :math:`\sigma_{p,d} < \epsilon_\sigma`; i.e., the value of this arguments selects Option 1 (True) or Option 2 (False). min_sig_pix (:obj:`float`, optional): Minimum value of the standard deviation allowed before assuming the kernel is a Delta function. """ # print('kernel difference') # Save the minimum pixel sigma to allow self.min_sig = min_sig_pix # Interpolate the new spectral resolution vector at the wavelengths # of the input spectral resolution _wave = self.wave() _sres = self.sres() interp_sres = new_sres(_wave) # Determine the variance (in angstroms) of Gaussian needed to match # input resolution to the new values # print('sig2_wd') sig2_wd = numpy.square(_wave/DAPConstants.sig2fwhm) \ * (1.0/numpy.square(interp_sres) - 1.0/numpy.square(_sres)) # pyplot.plot(_wave, _sres) # pyplot.plot(_wave, interp_sres) # # print('sig2_vd') # Convert to km/s sig2_vd = numpy.square(self.c/_wave) * sig2_wd # Option 1: if no_offset: # Convert the variance to pixel coordinates sig2_pd = sig2_vd / numpy.square(self.dv) if self.log10 else \ sig2_wd / numpy.square(self.dw) # No offset applied self.sig_vo = 0.0 # Option 2: else: # 1% fudge so pixel at min_sig is not masked! fudge = 1.01 # Calculate the velocity step of each pixel dv = self.c * (2.0*(_wave[1:] - _wave[0:-1]) / (_wave[1:] + _wave[0:-1])) # Get the needed *velocity* offset (this is the square) self.sig_vo = fudge*numpy.absolute(min(0.0, numpy.amin(sig2_vd) - numpy.square(self.min_sig * numpy.amax(dv)))) # Apply it if it's larger than 0 if self.sig_vo > 0: sig2_vd += self.sig_vo self.sig_vo = numpy.sqrt(self.sig_vo) # Convert the variance to pixel coordinates sig2_pd = self._convert_vd2pd(sig2_vd) self._finalize_GaussianKernelDifference(sig2_pd)
# print('kernel difference done') # def ZeroGaussianKernelDifference(self, min_sig_pix=0.0): # self.min_sig = min_sig_pix # sig2_pd = numpy.zeros(self.wave().shape, dtype=numpy.float64) # self._finalize_GaussianKernelDifference(sig2_pd)
[docs] def offset_GaussianKernelDifference(self, offset): r""" If the properties required to match the resolution of one spectrum to another has already been calculated (see :func:`GaussianKernelDifference`), this allows for one to apply an additional offset. The additional offset **must** be in km/s (not pixels). The offset is applied in quadrature; however, the offset can be negative such that one can reduce :attr:`sig_pd`. Once converted to km/s, the offset is applied by calculating: .. math:: \sigma^{\prime\ 2}_{v,d} = \sigma^{2}_{v,d} + \sigma_{off}|\sigma_{off}|\ . :attr:`sig_vo` is adjusted in the same way, and the change in :math:`\sigma^{\prime\ 2}_{v,d}` is then propagated to :attr:`sig_pd` and :attr:`sig_mask`. Args: offset (float): Value of the standard deviation in km/s to add in quadrature to a previously calculated :attr:`sig_pd`. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the kernel properties have not yet been defined. """ if self.min_sig is None or self.sig_pd is None or self.sig_mask is None \ or self.sig_vo is None: # print('WARNING: No kernel difference yet defined. Assuming 0.') # self.ZeroGaussianKernelDifference() raise ValueError('No kernel defined yet. Run GaussianKernelDifference first.') if numpy.isclose(offset,0.0): return off2 = offset*numpy.absolute(offset) sig2_vo = self.sig_vo*numpy.absolute(self.sig_vo) + off2 self.sig_vo = 0.0 if numpy.isclose(sig2_vo, 0.0) \ else sig2_vo/numpy.sqrt(numpy.absolute(sig2_vo)) sig2_vd = self._convert_pd2vd(self.sig_pd*numpy.absolute(sig_pd)) + off2 self._finalize_GaussianKernelDifference(self._convert_vd2pd(sig2_vd))
[docs] def adjusted_resolution(self, indx=None): r""" Return the resolution that should result from applying :func:`convolution_variable_sigma` to the spectrum associated with this spectral resolution object using :attr:`sigma_pd`. I.e., calculate: .. math:: R_2 = \left[ \left(\frac{f}{c}\right)^2 \sigma^2_{v,d} + R^{-2}_1\right]^{-1/2}\ . Args: indx (tuple): (**Optional**) Selection tuple used to return a subset of the full resolution vector. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The (full or selected) vector with the adjusted resolution. .. todo:: Allow to reset the resolution of this object to the adjusted resolution and reset the kernel variables to None. """ if indx is None: return 1.0/numpy.sqrt( numpy.square(DAPConstants.sig2fwhm/self.c) \ * self._convert_pd2vd(self.sig_pd*numpy.absolute(self.sig_pd)) \ + 1.0/numpy.square(self.sres()) ) return 1.0/numpy.sqrt( numpy.square(DAPConstants.sig2fwhm/self.c) \ * (self._convert_pd2vd(self.sig_pd*numpy.absolute(self.sig_pd)))[indx] \ + 1.0/numpy.square(self.sres()[indx]) )
[docs] def match_spectral_resolution(wave, flux, sres, new_sres_wave, new_sres, ivar=None, mask=None, min_sig_pix=0.0, no_offset=True, variable_offset=False, log10=False, new_log10=False, integral=True, quiet=False): r""" Adjust the existing spectral resolution of a spectrum to a **lower** resolution as best as possible. The primary functionality is in :class:`SpectralResolution`, which determines the Gaussian kernel parameters needed to match the resolution, and :func:`convolve_variable_sigma`, which actually performs the convolution to match the resolution. In particular, see :func:`SpectralResolution.GaussianKernelDifference` for a description of how the kernel parameters are determined and how regions where the target resolution is **higher** than the existing resolution. In this case, one of the options is to adopt an offset of the resolution (in km/s) that could be corrected for in subsequent analysis. In this case, setting *variable_offset* to True allows the offset to be different for all input spectra. If one expects to combine the spectra, the default behavior should be used, forcing all the spectra to have a constant offset. Args: wave (numpy.ndarray): A 1D or 2D (:math:`N_{\rm spec}\times N_{\rm pix}`) array with the wavelength in angstroms for a set of spectra. The sampling may be either in linear steps of wavelength or :math:`\log_{10}` steps, as set using *log10*. flux (numpy.ndarray): A 1D or 2D (:math:`N_{\rm spec}\times N_{\rm pix}`) array with the flux sampled at the provided wavelengths. sres (numpy.ndarray): A 1D or 2D (:math:`N_{\rm spec}\times N_{\rm pix}`) array with the spectral resolution, :math:`R`, at the provided wavelengths. new_sres_wave (numpy.ndarray): A 1D vector with the wavelength in angstroms at which the new resolution of the input spectra has been sampled. The sampling may be either in linear steps of wavelength or :math:`\log_{10}` steps, as set using *new_log10*. new_sres (numpy.ndarray): A 1D vector with the new resolution for the input spectra. ivar (numpy.ndarray): (**Optional**) A 1D or 2D (:math:`N_{\rm spec}\times N_{\rm pix}`) array with the inverse variance of the flux sampled at the provided wavelengths. This vector is used to estimate the noise in the resolution-matched spectra. .. warning:: The accuracy of the errors still remain untested! mask (numpy.ndarray): (**Optional**) A 1D or 2D (:math:`N_{\rm spec}\times N_{\rm pix}`) array with a *uint* mask for the flux sampled at the provided wavelengths. no_offset (bool): (**Optional**) Force :math:`\sigma^2_{v,o} = 0` by masking regions with :math:`\sigma_{p,d} < -\epsilon_\sigma`; i.e., the value of this arguments selects Option 1 (True) or Option 2 (False). See :func:`SpectralResolution.GaussianKernelDifference`. min_sig_pix (float): (**Optional**) Minimum value of the standard deviation in pixels allowed before assuming the kernel is a Delta function. variable_offset (bool): (**Optional**) Flag to allow the offset applied to each spectrum (when the input contains more than one spectraum) to be tailored to each spectrum. Otherwise (*variable_offset=False*) the offset is forced to be the same for all spectra. log10 (bool): (**Optional**) Flag that the spectrum has been binned logarithmically (base 10) in wavelength new_log10 (bool): (**Optional**) Flag that the coordinates of the new spectral resolution are spectrum as been binned logarithmically (base 10) in wavelength. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Five objects are returned: - A 1D or 2D (:math:`N_{\rm spec}\times N_{\rm pix}`) array with the resolution-matched flux sampled at the input wavelengths. - A 1D or 2D (:math:`N_{\rm spec}\times N_{\rm pix}`) array with the spectral resolution, :math:`R`, of the resolution-matched spectra at the provided wavelengths. - A 1D vector with any constant offset in resolution **in km/s** between the targetted value and the result. See :func:`SpectralResolution.GaussianKernelDifference`. - A 1D or 2D (:math:`N_{\rm spec}\times N_{\rm pix}`) array with a *uint* mask for the resolution-matched flux sampled at the input wavelengths. This is returned regardless of whether an input mask was provided. Any pixel that had a resolution that was lower than the target resolution (up to some tolerance defined by *min_sig_pix*) is returned as masked. - A 1D or 2D (:math:`N_{\rm spec}\times N_{\rm pix}`) array with the inverse variance of the resolution-matched flux sampled at the input wavelengths. If *ivar* is not provided, a 'None' returned as the last element Raises: ValueError: Raised if: - the input *wave* array is 2D and the *sres* array is not; a 1D wavelength array is allowed for a 2D *sres* array but not vice versa - the number of spectral pixels in *wave*, *flux*, and *sres* is not the same - the shape of the *flux*, *mask* (if provided), and *ivar* (if provided) are not the same - the shape of the *new_sres_wave* and *new_sres* arrays are not the same and/or not 1D .. todo:: - Add interp_ext != 'extrapolate' option? - Better way to use warnings? """ # Check the dimensionality of wave and sres wave_matrix = len(wave.shape) == 2 sres_matrix = len(sres.shape) == 2 if wave_matrix and not sres_matrix: raise ValueError('If input wavelength array is 2D, the spectral resolution array must' \ ' also be 2D') # Check the shapes if (wave_matrix == sres_matrix and wave.shape != sres.shape) or \ (not wave_matrix and sres_matrix and wave.shape[0] != sres.shape[1]): raise ValueError('Input spectral resolution and coordinate arrays must have the same' \ ' number of spectral channels!') if (wave_matrix and wave.shape != flux.shape) or \ (not wave_matrix and len(flux.shape) == 2 and wave.shape[0] != flux.shape[1]) or \ (not wave_matrix and len(flux.shape) == 1 and wave.shape != flux.shape): raise ValueError('Input flux and coordinate arrays must have the same number of' \ ' spectral channels!') if (mask is not None and mask.shape != flux.shape): raise ValueError('Input flux and mask arrays must have the same shape!') if (ivar is not None and ivar.shape != flux.shape): raise ValueError('Input flux and ivar arrays must have the same shape!') if len(sres.shape) > len(flux.shape): raise ValueError('Shape of the spectral resolution array must be <= to the flux array.') if len(new_sres_wave.shape) != 1 or len(new_sres.shape) != 1: raise ValueError('New spectral resolution and coordinate arrays must be 1D!') if new_sres_wave.shape != new_sres.shape: raise ValueError('New spectral resolution and coordinate arrays must have the same shape!') # Raise a warning if the new_sres vector will have to be # extrapolated for the input wavelengths if not quiet and (numpy.amin(wave) < new_sres_wave[0] or numpy.amax(wave) > new_sres_wave[-1]): warnings.warn('Mapping to the new spectral resolution will require extrapolating the' \ ' provided input vectors!') # Initialize some variables nspec = 1 if len(flux.shape) == 1 else flux.shape[0] nsres = 1 if len(sres.shape) == 1 else sres.shape[0] if sres_matrix and nspec != nsres: raise ValueError('For 2D matrices, number of spectral resolution vectors must match the ' \ 'number of spectra.') spec_dim = len(flux.shape) sres_dim = len(sres.shape) sigma_offset = numpy.zeros(nspec, dtype=numpy.float64) new_res = SpectralResolution(new_sres_wave, new_sres, log10=new_log10, interp_ext=(new_sres[0],new_sres[-1])) # pyplot.plot(new_sres_wave, new_sres) # # exit() res = numpy.empty(nspec, dtype=object) # Get the kernel parameters necessary to match all spectra to the # new resolution if nsres == 1 and sres_dim == 1: res[0] = SpectralResolution(wave, sres, log10=log10, interp_ext=(sres[0], sres[-1])) res[0].match(new_res, no_offset=no_offset, min_sig_pix=min_sig_pix) sigma_offset[0] = res[0].sig_vo for i in range(1,nspec): res[i] = res[0] # pyplot.plot(wave, res[0].sig_pd) # else: for i in range(0,nsres): _wave = wave[i,:].ravel() if wave_matrix else wave _sres = sres[i,:].ravel() if sres_matrix else sres res[i] = SpectralResolution(_wave, _sres, log10=log10, interp_ext=(sres[i,0],sres[i,-1])) res[i].match(new_res, no_offset=no_offset, min_sig_pix=min_sig_pix) sigma_offset[i] = res[i].sig_vo # pyplot.plot(_wave, res[i].sig_pd) # pyplot.plot(_wave, numpy.sqrt(res[i]._convert_pd2vd(numpy.square(res[i].sig_pd)))) # # Force all the offsets to be the same, if requested if not no_offset and not variable_offset: common_offset = numpy.max(sigma_offset) offset_diff = numpy.sqrt( numpy.square(common_offset) - numpy.square(sigma_offset)) for r, o in zip(res,offset_diff): r.offset_GaussianKernelDifference(o) # Perform the convolutions out_flux = flux.copy() out_ivar = None if ivar is None else noise = None if ivar is None else out_sres = sres.copy() _mask = numpy.zeros(flux.shape, dtype=numpy.uint) if mask is None else mask out_mask = _mask.copy() # print('test div by zero') if nspec == 1 and spec_dim == 1: sig_kernel = res[0].sig_pd.copy() sig_kernel[sig_kernel < min_sig_pix] = 0.0 indx = res[0].sig_pd > min_sig_pix try: if ivar is None: out_flux[indx] = convolution_variable_sigma(flux, sig_kernel, integral=integral)[indx] else: oflux, oivar = convolution_variable_sigma(flux, sig_kernel, ye=None if ivar is None else noise[indx], integral=integral) out_flux[indx] = oflux[indx] out_ivar[indx] = oivar[indx] del oflux, oivar out_sres[indx] = res[0].adjusted_resolution(indx=indx) out_mask = numpy.array((res[0].sig_mask == 1) | (_mask == 1)).astype(numpy.uint) except ValueError as e: warnings.warn('Encountered ValueError: {0} ; continuing but resolution is NOT ' 'changed and mask is set.'.format(e)) out_mask = numpy.ones(flux.shape, dtype=numpy.uint) else: for i in range(0,nspec): if not quiet: print('Matching resolution: {0}/{1}'.format(i+1,nspec), end='\r') try: # indx = numpy.where(res[i].sig_pd > min_sig_pix) sig_kernel = res[i].sig_pd.copy() sig_kernel[sig_kernel < min_sig_pix] = 0.0 indx = res[i].sig_pd > min_sig_pix if ivar is None: out_flux[i,indx] = convolution_variable_sigma(flux[i,:], sig_kernel, integral=integral)[indx] else: oflux, oivar = convolution_variable_sigma(flux[i,:], sig_kernel, ye=None if ivar is None else noise[i,:].ravel(), integral=integral) out_flux[i,indx] = oflux[indx] out_ivar[i,indx] = oivar[indx] del oflux, oivar out_mask[i,:] = numpy.array((res[i].sig_mask == 1) \ | (_mask[i,:] == 1)).astype(numpy.uint) if len(out_sres.shape) == 1 and i == 0: out_sres[indx] = res[i].adjusted_resolution(indx=indx) else: out_sres[i,indx] = res[i].adjusted_resolution(indx=indx) except ValueError as e: warnings.warn('Encountered ValueError: {0} ; continuing but resolution is NOT ' 'changed and mask is set.'.format(e)) out_mask[i,:] = numpy.ones(flux.shape[1], dtype=numpy.uint) if not quiet: print('Matching resolution: {0}/{0}'.format(nspec)) # TODO: Add this functionality from the IDL version? # # Finally, the code masks a number of pixels at the beginning and # end of the spectra to remove regions affected by errors in the # convolution due to the censoring of the data. The number of # pixels is the FWHM of the largest Gaussian applied in the # convolution: ceil(sig2fwhm*max(diff_sig_w)/dw). This is currently # hard-wired and should be tested. if ivar is not None: out_ivar = numpy.square(1.0/out_ivar) # When returning out_ivar, convert it to a normal array return out_flux, out_sres, sigma_offset, out_mask, numpy.asarray(out_ivar) return out_flux, out_sres, sigma_offset, out_mask, None